

Study on Aeolian Anti-Vibration of Bundled Conductor of Large Crossing Overhead Transmission Lines

【作者】 王洪

【导师】 徐鸿; 柳亦兵;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 热能工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 架空输电导线是电力传输的重要载体,是输电线路中最主要的组成部分。因微风振动造成线路疲劳断股的事故时有发生,使得微风振动是威胁架空输电线路安全的一个重要问题。开展输电线路分裂导线微风振动的疲劳特性、振动特性、防振方案设计及防振试验研究,为线路大跨越提供防振效果良好的防振措施,对于保障线路的安全运行具有重要的意义。本文开展分裂导线微风振动防振研究,主要研究工作和结论如下:1)防振元件计算模型是分裂导线微风振动防振研究的基础,本文通过分裂导线微风振动的分析模型,分别推导出不同电流、不同设计气象条件下,为了防止分裂导线吸附振荡故障,间隔棒允许布置的最大距离的计算方法,以及为防止次档距振荡的最大次档距计算方法。通过导线上微风振动的振动波传递规律,建立了微风振动间隔棒耗能的计算模型,理论分析了分裂导线间隔棒线夹在线路振动时的耗量,并以工程参数实例对间隔棒的耗能进行了定量分析。通过计算不同间隔棒安装方式下分裂导线的微风振动水平,得出了间隔棒不同安装方式下的风能折减系数,为分裂导线线路防振设计提供指导。2)根据疲劳试验导线振动的运动方程和疲劳试验的边界条件,推导出疲劳试验波腹振幅与线夹线股应力的关系式。并利用Miner累计损伤理论的Wohler安全边界曲线,提出一种导线疲劳试验振动量级的计算方法。该计算方法优于国内目前采用的振动角法。通过多组导线疲劳实验数据,检验了计算公式的准确性,解决了工程应用中多年存在的疑问。讨论了微风现场振动测量数据与导线疲劳寿命之间的关系,给出了如何利用短期振动测量数据,计算不同气象条件下现场实际导线疲劳损伤的方法,并以一个工程实例进行说明。3)以BP神经网络为基础,综合国内已运行的大跨越防振设计方案和试验数据,设计了BP神经网络的拓扑结构,建立了获取历史防振工程实例防振经验的方法,开发出大跨越防振设计辅助系统。通过工程应用实例试验验证,表明该防振设计辅助系统能充分利用以往工程实际知识,有效指导防振方案的设计,提高防振设计效率。4)结合特高压大跨越分裂导线防振,研究提出了特高压分裂导线防振数据处理方法,开发编制了基于虚拟仪器的微风振动防振试验与数据处理系统软件,并在多个工程中得到应用。5)开展了防振措施运行多年后的防振效果试验研究,全面评估了防振措施各组成元件随时间的劣化情况,证明了防振方案的可靠,也为防振设计中安全裕度的选择提供依据。最后本文介绍了大跨越分裂导线防振研究的一个实例。

【Abstract】 Conductor is the important carrier of power transmission, and major constituent part of overhead transmission lines. Aeolian vibration is a risky problem of overhead transmission lines due to the conductor wire broken off sometimes for it. Research on fatigue property, aeolian vibration performance, anti-vibration method and anti-vibration test, then giving an effective measure of anti-vibration for large crossing line will be significant to assure transmission lines safety. Aeolian vibration and its protection of bundled conductors was studied in this thesis. The main research works and conclusions are listed as follows.1) Mathematical modeling of anti-vibration damper components is the base of aeolian vibration study on bundled conductors. The maximal sub-span length of spacers distribution analysis model with different current, different designed meteorological conditions was deduced. The sub-span length was used to prevent the sub-conductors adsorption and sub-span oscillation fault in sub-span. The mathematical mechanical modeling of spacer dampers on aeolian vibration energy dissipation was established by studying the transmission of vibration wave. The Aeolian vibration energy absorbed by spacer damper was calculated and analyzed with the project parameters. The Aeolian vibration level of single conductor and bundled conductors with different spacer dampers location was analysed. The wind power deduction coefficient of bundled conductor was obtained. The study results provided guidance to the design of aeolian anti-vibration method.2) Based on mathematical model and kinematics equation of conductor vibration and the boundary condition of the fatigue test, an analytical relation between fatigue load amplitude and stress distribution at outer of clamp has been established. An calculational method of fatigue test amplitude was presented by means of the Miner’s cumulative damage law and the Wohler curve.This method had an advantage over the vibration angle method. Experimental results showed that the fatigue test amplitude calculational method can predict the fatigue test very well, and finishs the question of conductor fatigue test. The relationship between the vibration measurement data and the fatigue life on-site was analyzed. The calculational method was given, which shows how to use the short-term vibration measurement data to calculate the actual conductor fatigue damage in the different weather conditions, and a description example of a project is presented. 3) Used of BP neural network, historical anti-vibration methods of domestic large crossing of transmission lines already running in the field, and the methods test data in the lab, a BP neural network topology was designed. The method of how to acquire the anti-vibration engineering experience was established also. Then the aeolian vibration damper design aids system was developed. A experimental verification by engineering application indicated that the anti-vibration support system can take full advantage of the past, practical engineering knowledge, and effectively guide the design of anti-vibration damper and improve the efficiency of anti-vibration design.4) With special anti-vibration on UHV bundled conductors, an UHV bundled conductors anti-vibration test data processing method was studied and proposed. Based on virtual instrument technology, an aeolian vibration testing and data processing software system was developed and has been applied in a number of projects.5) A damper measure of anti-vibration which was carried out for years was experimentally researched in the lab. A comprehensive assessment of the constituent elements of the anti-vibration measure was given to know the deterioration over time.The test results proved a reliable anti-vibration program, and also given a basis for choice of safety margin of anti-vibration damper design. Finally, this thesis described an study example of a large crossing bundled conductors anti-vibration damper measure design and test.

  • 【分类号】TM726.3;TM75
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】892
  • 攻读期成果

