

Optimization Theory of Power Grid Enterprises’Power Purchasing and Sales and Development of Its Decision Support System

【作者】 周健

【导师】 曾鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 电力市场化改革作为世界电力工业发展的潮流,促使各国的电力企业在考虑电网安全运行的前提下更多地关注电力行业所能够产生的经济效益和社会效益。随着社会主义市场经济制度的不断完善,中国电力工业市场化改革基本实现了“厂网分开”,发电厂与电网公司以及电网公司与用户之间以电价为纽带,形成了电力商品的买卖关系。这其中电网公司具有买方和卖方的双重身份。电网公司都在积极承担国家赋予的政治责任和社会责任的同时,还必须努力追求企业发展和实现企业价值最大化。电网公司如何在买方和卖方这两种身份上,实现经济利益和社会责任最大化,或者说电网公司如何结合自身的条件和所处的环境进行购售电系统协调优化与优化,以制定和实施正确的购售电策略是电网企业面临的重要问题。本文基于上述观点,通过对国内外电力购售电交易市场进入深入分析,对符合我国电网公司的购电和售电问题进行了全面的分析和研究。首先,对电网公司购电优化理论和模型进行研究。在了解我国当前电力市场的规则以及未来电力市场发展走向的基础上,结合电力市场建设方案,根据电力市场的发展阶段,分当前和未来两个阶段建立电网公司购电优化的理论模型。然后对电网公司售电优化理论和模型进行研究,建立供不应求和供大于求两种情况下影响售电收益的两套指标体系,采用层次分析法对指标赋权,建立两种情况下售电优化模型。其次,对电网公司购售电分析模型进行研究,利用因素导数替代法原理,分别建立购电和售电环节的因素分析模型,以便对未来的购售电决策提供指导;选取同时购买水电和火电的电网公司为实证研究的对象,对电网公司购售电优化和分析进行了实证分析,收集该公司购电和售电环节的数据,对前面建立的优化和分析模型进行计算,验证模型的合理性与可行性,根据计算的结果,给出该电网公司购售电决策的建议。最后根据上述建立的理论模型和求解方法,结合电网公司购售电工作的实际情况,利用计算机信息技术,分析电网公司购售电协调优化辅助决策支持系统的目标,设计系统的功能模块。并完成电网公司购售电优化和分析辅助决策支持整套系统的开发,为电网公司的购售电决策工作提供理论支持及其应用平台。

【Abstract】 As the world’s electric power industry development trend, the reform of the electricity market led the electricity enterprises to pay more attention to the economic and social benefits generated by electrical trade, considering the premise of safe operation of power grid. As the socialist market economy continued to be refined, China’s power market-oriented reform basically realized "Power Network and Plants Separation", the price is a link between power plants and grid companies, grid companies and the users, which becomes the relationship between the seller and the buyer. Each grid companies has the dual identity of the buyer and the seller. They also are actively taking on the state’s political empowerment and social responsibility; at the same time they must strive for enterprise development and implementation to maximize enterprise value. As the power grid company, on both buyers and sellers identity, how to maximize the economic benefits and social duty, and study power purchasing and sales system considering their own conditions and environment overall analysis and optimization, in order to develop and implement the right purchasing and sales strategy, has an important theoretical significance and application prospects. Based on the above viewpoints, through an in-depth analysis on power purchase and sale market at home and abroad, this paper gives a comprehensive analysis and research on the problems of purchasing and sale of electricity in china.Firstly, electricity purchasing optimization theory and model of power Grid Company is studied. Basing on the current electricity market rules and the future development trend, combined with the power market construction program, according to the electricity market stage of development, electricity purchasing optimization theoretical model of power grid companies are set up at two stages of current and future electricity market. Then, electricity sales optimization theoretical model of power grid companies is studied and two sets of impact of the income at the two conditions of a shortage supply and exceeding demand are set up, and electricity sales optimization model of the two conditions are established using analytic hierarchy process to empower the index. Secondly, the purchasing and sales electricity analysis model of power grid companies is studied in the next.The common analysis theory and method are compared and used in the electricity purchasing and sales analysis of power grid companies. The factor analysis model of electricity purchasing and sales is separately set up using derivative factor substitution principle, in order to provide guidance in the future electricity purchasing and sales decision-making. Then empirical analysis which selects a grid company having Hydropower and Thermal power of power grid companies’electricity purchasing and sales optimization and analysis is conducted in the paper. The data of electricity purchasing and sales of the company are collected, and the front optimization and analysis model are calculated, the rationality and feasibility of the model is verified, and in accordance with the results of the calculation, the electricity purchasing and sales decision-making suggestion of the company is given.Finally, in accordance with the previous theoretical model and method, combined with actual situation of the electricity purchasing and sales work, using computer information technology, the support decision-making support system goal of electricity purchasing and sales optimization and analysis is analyzed, the function of the system modules are designed. What’s more, the entire system development of support decision-making of electricity purchasing and sales optimization and analysis are completed.


