

A Study on Metal Technology of Bronze Buddhist Sculptures in East Tibet

【作者】 袁凯铮

【导师】 李晓岑;

【作者基本信息】 北京科技大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 铜佛像作为藏传佛教的宗教信仰载体,是综合佛教艺术审美与高超金属加工技艺的优秀作品,是西藏文化遗产中的精华。本文采用文献法和实地调查法相结合,对西藏的拉萨、昌都以及云南德钦等地传统铜佛像作坊进行实地考察,发现以西藏东部昌都工匠为代表的西藏本土铜像制作群体。“昌都工匠群”的形成与藏传佛教噶玛噶举派在昌都的传承有关。20世纪30年代昌都铜匠迁徙拉萨填补了尼泊尔铜匠离开留下的空间。本文对当代“昌都工匠群”的组织结构、师承制度、历史记忆、身份认同和竞争关系进行了解读。在西藏传统铜佛像作坊调查的基础上,结合铜佛像实物的观察,探讨铜佛像的外在形式特征与制作工艺之间的相互限定关系。结合文献材料,对砂型铸造法与失蜡铸造法在西藏地区的存在状况进行分析,解释了西藏地区普遍采用砂型法而较少采用失蜡法制作铜像的原因,并将铜像铸造工艺与锻打工艺纳入到标准化和模件化制作的发展趋势中进行分析。清代宫廷造办处档案中有关铜佛像制作的记录,补充了西藏铜佛像制作工艺的技术特征信息,从侧面印证了尼泊尔工匠对藏传佛教铜佛像制作的广泛影响和昌都工匠崛起的合理性,也支持了西藏铜佛像模件化制作趋势存在的合理性。

【Abstract】 As a carrier of the religion, bronze Buddhist sculptures in Tibetan Buddhism are the great works combining the aesthetic of religious art and the technology of metal processing. They are the essence of Tibet’s cultural heritage.In this study, combined literature and field investigations method, found the represent groups of local artisans in Chamdo, Tibet. "Chamdo artisan group" formation is relevant with inheritance of the Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism in Chamdo. In the1930s, metal artisans migrated from Chamdo to Lhasa in large scale to occupy the position that Nepal artisans left. This study seeks on understand reveals the organizational structure, apprenticeship tradition, historical memory, identity and competition of the contemporary "Chamdo artisans group".Based on the investigation in the traditional workshop of Tibetan bronze Buddhist sculptures, combined with the observation of the physical bronze sculptures, it has been found that the external features of bronze sculptures and the manufacturing technology have limited each other. Combined with literature, the applying conditions of sand casting and lost wax casting method in Tibet have been analyzed. The reason for the use of sand casting method and the less use of lost wax casting for bronze Buddhist sculptures production in Tibet has been explained. In the standardization and modular-based production trends, the evolution and change of the casting and forging process could be interpreted.Records about bronze Buddhist sculptures production in Construction Section of the Qing court, added technical information of bronze production process in Tibet, from one side which confirm Nepalese craftsmen’s widespread influence and the rationality of Chamdo craftsmen’s rising, from other side which support the modular trend in the production of Tibetan bronze Buddhist sculptures.

【关键词】 昌都地区铜佛像技术史
【Key words】 Chamdobronze Buddhist sculptureshistory of technology
  • 【分类号】J314;K876.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】661
  • 攻读期成果

