

Making Images

【作者】 顾迎庆

【导师】 刘健; 曹意強;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 国画人物, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 中国人物画造型研究是一个具体而又实在的问题,传统画论特别是宋以前的画论,常常是把“以形写神”、“形神兼备”、“气韵生动”等作为最重要的标准,以此评判人物画作的品位高低。从古代到现代,对中国人物画造型“形”与“神”的关系阐述一脉相承,是中国绘画的优秀传统,成为中国人物画造型的重要准则,也得到了不断的延续发展,到今天仍然具有现实的指导意义。在本论文前期的准备阶段,花费了很多时间,用于摘录和整理历代画论中涉及人物画造型问题的描述性言论和主要观点,这些传统精髓是值得反复体悟的,特意作为附录,成为全文的观照。文稿总体上按照历史的脉络,选择了古代人物绘画资料中的一些经典作品进行人物造型分析,以对应当时的社会风尚、绘画理念、技法运用方面的特征。中国二十世纪初,以徐悲鸿为代表的融合中西法来改造中国画的主张,成为当时的主流,以至于涌现出不少杰出的人物画家,他们对人物造型的探索意义重大。而对现当代中国工笔人物画造型风格的归类,主要选择既秉承传统,又创造性借鉴各种现代绘画技法的一些代表画家和作品。全文以文献整理、理论著录、作品分析、风格研究,并结合本人的创作实践、感想和认识,来铺展中国人物画造型问题的理性思考,试图对中国人物画造型观念的演变作一些梳理。

【Abstract】 The research of plastics of Chinese figure painting is a concrete problem. Especially Previous to the Song dynasty. The "to shape outline of character for spiritual of Chinese figure painting "、"Equip with form", "spiritual resonance which means vitality " as the most important criteria of the plastics of Chinese figure painting. Today still have realistic significance.In this paper the preparation stage, spent much time to collect and excerpts from the problems involved in the painting plastics of descriptive viewpoints. The traditional essence is worth repeatedly, especially the experience as an appendix, be full of reflection. According to the historical texts in general, choose the ancient characters of some classical painting material character modeling analysis, and works with corresponding social fashion, painting idea, used techniques. China at the beginning of the 20th century, XU BEIHONH represented by the fusion of Chinese claims of transform state, became the mainstream that emerged in many outstanding characters of characters, their painter of exploring significance. Instead of contemporary Chinese painting style manners, choose the classified as reference, and creative take traditional painting techniques of some representative modern painters and works. With the documents, full description and analysis theory, the research work style, and I feel the creation practice, and to spread Chinese painting, rational thinking and problem of plastics of Chinese painting to do some of the evolution of the concept model.

  • 【分类号】J212
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2235

