

Reseach on the Contemporary Chinese Tansport Architecture (from 1997)

【作者】 李学

【导师】 王国梁;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着中国经济的快速发展,城乡人民生活水平的提高,中国的交通运输业进入了跨越式发展阶段,大规模的交通项目在建设中。中国的交通运输事业正面临一个前所未有的大发展时期,并且,由于社会进步和交通技术的发展,客运现状发生了根本的改变,比如,交通建筑由过去容纳单一的运输工具的模式逐渐转向为融合多种交通方式的新型交通枢纽综合体。在这种情况下,我国交通建筑的设计呈现出了新的变化和趋势。首先,文章对我国当下的交通建筑的发展历程进行回顾,通过对1997年以来的交通建筑实例进行大量的调研和资料整理工作,分门别类的对各种类型的交通建筑进行分析总结,撷取最为典型的工程实例对其进行逐一的展开分析,并针对此十余年间的较为重要的关于交通建筑的学术研究进行梳理。在对当下交通建筑的发展进行系统分析、研究的基础上,文章对我国交通建筑的发展进行了展望,指出我国交通建筑的发展要和城市可持续发展的需要紧密结合,交通建筑的设计模式相应也要进行转变,指出了新形势下的交通建筑出现了新的特点。比如交通建筑和城市形态之间存在密切的联系,其中牵涉到交通和土地开发的一体化;交通建筑日益朝向枢纽化、综合化的方向转变;交通建筑和商业开发的关系愈加亲密;交通建筑由等候空间模式向通过空间模式转变是其未来发展的必然等等。

【Abstract】 In recent years,with the rapid development of the Chinese economy and the improvement of urban and rural people’s living standards, Chinese transportation has entered the stage of development by leaps and bounds. Large一scale transportation architectures are in building and the transport industry of china are developing rapidly and the passengers transport is changing gradually from the simplex mode to the complex and cooperative mode which consists of multiform traffic manner. In addition,the situation of passengers transport has been changed completely because the developing of transport technology and social culture. On this condition,there are new change and trend in the transportation architecture design.Pass the retrospect of the development course to the contemporary Chinese transportation architecture at first. Analyse the existing transportation architecture current situation. Then survey and study the materials collected through a large amount of works. The cases that put into different categories are studied one by one,including typical architectures and theoretical reseaches, in order to have better understanding of the development of the contemporary Chinese transportaion architecture .At last, the article make a systematic summary basing on the analysis made from the sections, and then, talk about the future development of the Chinese transportation architecture, pointing out that the Chinese transportation architecture design mode will be transformed because of the emergence of new characteristic of the chinese transportation architecture ,such as: planning and management for integration of traffic and land utilization、Construction of transportation hub、transportation complex,etc.

  • 【分类号】TU248
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】927

