

【作者】 戴光莹

【导师】 曹意强; 陈向迅; 吴宪生; 闵学林;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当代中国已经全面进入了城市化的进程,以市场经济丰富的商品为支持的,由城市居民所创造的一种现代文明的生活方式,已经成为生活在以消费为主要功能的现代城市中的山水画家的基本生活方式。在这样的情境下,城市中山水画家渐渐意识到“观照”自身生活和城市景观的必要性。改革开放至今,城市题材山水画作为一个新课题越来越受人关注,有大量作品从各个角度反映当下的都市景观和都市生活场景,但是相关的系统性研究还很少。本文通过分阶段研究的方法进行作品分析,并从大量的作品分析中,发现了这一题材创作具有地域、年龄和女性化等特性。同时也认为对传统笔墨和传统山水画在精神内质上的追求的继承在其发展中至关重要,对于西方绘画在色彩和观念上的借鉴也有助其发展。故当代城市题材山水画作为“笔墨当随时代”的现实主义美学观的体现,已成为当代中国山水画发展中不可缺少的一部分。

【Abstract】 China is entering into its era of urbanization. City life with abundant commodities has become the major background of cityscape painters. Such circumstances lead to the necessity of depicting the cityscape and the life of themselves. Since late 1970s, people have paid more attention to cityscape as a new theme. Many works reflected current metropolitan prospects and lifestyles, though few related studies have been found. This article discovers many relevant factors of the theme of cityscape painting; further, it emphasizes the importance of inheriting the spiritual pursuit that classical ink and wash landscape paintings usually carry. It is also helpful to learn from western paintings about colors and mindset. Today’s cityscape paintings represent realistic aesthetic view that“expression must update with times.”It has become an indispensable part of current Chinese cityscape paintings.

  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】470

