

The Study of Shu Party and the Political Struggle in North Song Dynasty

【作者】 李真真

【导师】 王育济;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “蜀党”是北宋元祐初年正式出现的政治派别。因苏轼、苏辙为四川眉山人之故,故曰“蜀党”。它萌芽于仁宗嘉祐年间(1056-1063),发展壮大于神宗熙丰变法时期,于元祐初年政治气势最盛,但局面也最复杂。宋代是文人参政议政的黄金时代。这个时期,士大夫阶层主体意识增强,参政议政热情高度膨胀,“以天下为己任”成为了他们普遍的行为准则。他们对现实政治的关注,超越了以往任何一个时代。宋代士大夫集官僚、学者、文人三种身份交相呼应并集于一身的特殊性,使北宋中后期无论是政治斗争、学术之争,抑或是文学之争都呈现出一种更为复杂的局面。蜀党作为宋代文人参政的典型代表,不仅有着突出的文化建树,政治上更发挥了不容忽视的影响。它尽管在元祐时期才作为一个政治派别登上历史舞台,但它的成立与苏氏蜀学以及熙丰年间(1068-1085)逐渐发展壮大的文人群体“苏门”都密切相关。苏学作为蜀党的代表思想,“苏门”作为蜀党的主要成员组成,三者都存在着时间与逻辑上的连贯性。本文在认真解读史料基础之上,吸收学术界已有的相关成果,对宋代党争背景下的蜀党进行系统研究。论文主要由绪论、正文以及结语展开。绪论主要介绍选题意义,研究所涉及的古代文献,国内外在该方向的研究现状与分析以及研究创新与框架。第一章首先剖析宋人的党观念,并将北宋党争与历代党争对比,总结出其独有的政治特色。尽管北宋党争频发,却有着其他朝代诸多不同之处,这与宋人党观念的变化存在密切的联系。自王禹偁提出“君子亦有党”的观点,经欧阳修、苏轼等人进一步阐释与发扬,逐渐成为宋代士大夫的共识。“君子有党“,”小人无朋”作为一种定势思维,进而对整个政局与国运产生了毁灭性的影响。第二章分析蜀党立党的过程。基于宋代士大夫集“文人、学者、官僚”三种身份于一身的特殊性,本文将苏门、苏蜀学派、蜀党三个不同领域中的集团相结合。“苏学”作为蜀党的立党思想,“苏门”作为蜀党的主要成员组成,三者都存在时间与逻辑上的连贯性。第三章分析蜀党的成员。蜀党是北宋中后期出现的政治集团,它以苏轼、苏辙为领袖,以包括黄庭坚、秦观、张耒在内的苏门六君子等人为其成员。蜀党的政治活动,贯穿了从仁宗嘉祐到北宋后期,并亲身经历了期间大大小小的政治纷争。第四章主要论述蜀党在北宋中期以后的政治舞台上扮演的角色。在二苏的领导下,蜀党不仅文学上取得了突出的成就,政治上更发挥了不可忽视的作用。尽管蜀党没有如新党那样成为当政集团,以施展自己的政治理想,但是蜀党却在不同时期针对当时社会的实际状况,从政治、经济、军事、边防各方面提出许多系统的、切实可行、利国利民的主张,体现了蜀党独立的政治面貌。蜀党主要的政治态度及政治主张均以二苏思想为主导,而其他成员为补充。虽然他们在有些方面存在着不同的看法,但在反对王安石变法这一总的原则下,他们的政治主张则是一致的。二苏尽管在仕途上起起落落,但始终没有远离政治。其他成员随入仕的早晚,对蜀党的主张不断进行补充、完善。他们的思想与二苏一脉相传,从而表现出时间与空间上的连贯性。第五章以蜀党为中心,分析它与宋皇室、荆公新党、司马光、朔党、洛党等朝堂上各方政治势力之间错综复杂的矛盾与联系,从中看出蜀党在党争中所担当的政治角色,以及蜀党自身的政治立场。第六章论述蜀党朝堂之外的交游情况。既有二苏与欧阳修、张方平等元老重臣的忘年之交,又有与陈慥、李常、晁氏家族等同辈的莫逆之交,还有蜀党内部的师友之交,可以看出蜀党的交游原则与态度。有宋一代,士大夫朝堂之上与朝堂之下的交游都十分活跃。交游的方式有宴集、书信往来,诗词唱酬等。由于兼具官僚、学者、文人三重身份于一身的特质,使士大夫在交往中呈现出十分复杂的现象。在学而优则仕的总原则下,他们大都有着宋代官僚的身份,身处朝堂之上,参与国家政事的决策,体现着他们的政治职能。尤其是北宋仁宗朝以后,党争日益激烈,促使着士大夫阶层在朝堂上的分裂,彼此由于政见的不同,分裂为不同的党派,相互攻讦不己。而朝堂之下的交游格外精彩。有的尽管政见不一,并且身属不同的政治派别,但私交甚好,如苏轼与章惇,但大多数情况下,政见的离合决定着交往的对象。最后的结语部分,对蜀党的历史地位与历史作用作出评价。

【Abstract】 Shu party is a political organization formally appearing in the early period of YuanYou.The reason why it is named "Shu party "is that its main members Su Shi and Su Zhe were all from Meishan in Sichuan province. It budded in Jiayou of Renzong period(1056-1063), and got a development and expansion in the period of Shenzong reform, and peaked in the early period of Yuanyou in a complex situation.Song dynasty is a golden age that literati got involved in political affairs. In this period, the scholar-bureaucrats’ subjective consciousness was strengthened and they were so enthusiastic about the politics that "regarding the affairs of state as our own responsibility" became their principle of behavior.Their attentions on politics were more intense than those in any other era. The specialty that the literati were combinations of literators, scholars and bureaucrats made the struggles of politics, learning and literature more complicated. As a typical representative of literati’s participations in politics, Shu Party not only had done contributions to the culture,but also have exerted an great influence on politics. Though it ascended the stage of the history as late as the period of Yuanyou dynasty, its establishment was closely related with Su’s Shuxue and Sumen Suxue, a scholar’ group expanded in the age of Xifeng(1068-1085). There was a consistency in time and logic among Shu party, Suxue as the representative thoughts of Shu party and Sumen as the main make-up of Shu party.Based on reading historical materials seriously, absorbing relevant studying fruits, this paper makes a systemic research on Shu party under the background of Song’s factionalism. This paper is divided into three sections-introduction, body paragraph and epilogueIn the first section, it analyses the party concept of the people living in north Song period., compares the political struggle with those in other dynasties, and concludes its particular political features. With close connections with the variation party concept of the people living in north Song period, factionalisms in Song dynasty had many differences compared with those in other dynasties, though happening frequently in this era. From Wang Yucheng advanced the idea of "Gentlemen also had their parties", further illuminated and propagated, by Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi and other people, this idea gradually became the common view of scholar-bureaucrats in Song Dynasty. As a thinking set, the notions of "Gentlemen also had their parties" and "Base persons were lonely" exerted devastating effect on the whole political situation and the fate of the country.In the second section, it probes into the formative process of Shu party. Based on Song’s scholar-bureaucrats’specialty, this paper combines Sumen, Suxue and Shu party which belonged to different fields. There was a consistency in time and logic among Shu party, Suxue as the representative thoughts of Shu party and Sumen as the main make-up of Shu party.The third section analyses the members of Shu party. As a political group, appearing in the Song’s middle and late age, its leaders were Su Shi and Su zhe, its main members were Six Scholars of Su Men, such as Huang Tingjian, Chao Buzhi, Qin Guan and so on. Shu party’s political activities were existent from Jiayou period to the later period of North Song dynasty, and its members have experienced these struggles.In the forth section, it discusses the important role Shu party played on the political stage after the middle period of North Song dynasty. Under the leadership of Er Su, Shu party had not only made a great achievement not only in literature and learning, but also played an important role in political area. Although Shu party hadn’t became the ruling party to realize its own ideas, it had suggested many systematic and feasible opinions in politics, economy, military affairs and frontier defense. These suggestions embodied their independent politics status in the political struggle.Shu party’s main political attitude and assertion belonged to Su Shi and Su Zhe, and other members were supplement. Although they had different opinions in some aspects, they had the same political views in the general principle of fighting against Wang Anshi reform. Su Shi and Su Zhe’s vicissitude in their official careers did not make them remove from politics, and other people’s made continuous supplement to the assertion of Shu party. Their ideas derived from the same origin with Er su’s, presenting the consistency in time and logic.In The fifth section, focusing on the Shu party, the article studies the complex relationship between Shu party and other political parties, such as North Song royalty, new party of Anshi, Sima Guang, Shuo party, Luo party, from which we can see the political role Shu party assumed and its own position.The sixth section studies Shu party’s companionship outside the government. These good friends included senior important officials such as Ouyang Xiu, Zhang Fangping and Fan Zhen, and Chen Zao, Li Chang, Chao’s family in same generation, and friendship inside the Shu party, from which we can conclude the attitude and principle of making friends.In Song dynasty, the companionship of scholar officials was very active in or out the government. The ways of companionship included banquet, letters, poems and so on. Because of the specialty of Song’s scholar officials, the communication among them presented a complicated phenomenon. On the principle of a good scholar could become an official, most of them were officials. In the government, they took part in government affairs, which embodied their political function. Especially after Renzong period, the factionalisms were much fiercer, impelling the secession of officials in the government. They argued with one another because of the different political views. The companionship outside the government was especially wonderful. Some of them belonged to different parties, but their friendship is very fine, such as Su Shi and Zhang Dun. But for the most of part, the political opinion decided the communication objects.The last section makes an evaluation on the status of Shu party and its historical function.

【关键词】 蜀党党争王安石变法苏轼
【Key words】 Shu PartyPolitical StruggleWang Anshi ReformSu Shi
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

