

Research on the Yi-ology Data Contained in the Notes of Song Dynasty

【作者】 王长红

【导师】 王承略;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “笔记”作为一种随笔记录的杂散材料,由来已久,至两宋时期蔚为大观。据江苏广陵古籍刻印社1983年刻印的《历代笔记小说大观》、上海古籍出版社1992年出版的《四库笔记小说丛书》等笔记丛书,可知宋人笔记的数量至少约四、五百种,多为宋代士人随笔记录的所见所闻或读书心得,涉及政治、历史、文化、自然科学、社会生活等诸多领域,内容丰富,其中不乏真知灼见,但因内容繁杂、体例多样、长短不一等因素,这类典籍的学术价值尚未得到深入挖掘。进入二十世纪后,学者开始对浩如烟海的宋人笔记进行初步整理,陆续出版了一系列笔记丛书,在此基础上,从多角度、多层面对其进行了审视和研究,在小学、文学、医学、民俗、政治、历史、典章制度等方面,取得了可喜成就,但迄今为止,还没有专门的论文或著作详细探讨其中的易学资料。宋人笔记中的易学资料数量众多,按其主要内容,可大体分为以下几类:1.宋人已亡佚的易著和易说方面的资料;2.非主流学者治易之法和易学思想的资料;3.《周易》训诂、校勘等方面的资料;4.宋代易学传承等方面的资料。这些易学资料多为贯通经、史的学者撰写或记录,其中的一些人还曾供职于内阁秘府,有机会接触到皇家藏书,因此他们所撰写的易学资料大多富有创见,由此我们可以窥探著作已亡佚的易家的治易思想和方法,亦可管窥一些当时尚存但后来亡佚的《周易》专著的情况。这些材料为我们了解《周易》经、传的早期面貌提供了宝贵的文献资料,为古籍整理、版本校勘提供了参考依据,为我们厘清“援史证易”的缘起、发展及兴盛提供了很多有价值的线索。还有一部分学者不但精于易学,而且对当时盛行的理学亦有独特体认,所以通过梳理和研究这部分学者所撰写的易学资料,可以全面把握汉唐易学在宋代的传播与接受,亦可了解此类学者在治易方法或哲理体系的架构上对理学的质疑、否认和颠覆。因此,我们有必要对宋人笔记所载易学资料的学术价值进行挖掘、分析和研究。现在有关宋代易学史的研究著作主要关注李觏、欧阳修、周敦颐、邵雍、二程、张载、朱熹、杨简等所谓的主流易家,而忽视了对一些没有易学专著存世的非主流学者的治易方法和易学思想的研究和定位,因此不能全面反映宋代易学真实情况。而且这些所谓的主流易家主要从道学、气学、心学等角度,对易学进行解说,着重于义理阐释而轻文字训诂,因此造成其易学研究的空疏之弊,而现有的易学史专著多将他们研究的特点作为宋代易学的整体特色,误将他们研究中存在的不足作为宋代易学的整体缺陷,因此有以偏概全之嫌。此外,一部分学者或某些宋代易学史的著作受四库馆臣的影响,视李光、杨万里为参证史事派的开创者,而忽视了对欧阳修、司马光、苏轼、程颐、洪迈、叶适、王应麟、赵彦卫等易家援史证易的探讨,所以得出的结论是不准确的。宋易的研究现状及其不足,决定了我们有必要对宋人笔记中的易学资料进行归纳、整理和研究。本文在对宋人笔记所载易学资料进行分类、整理的基础上,厘清非主流学者的治易方法和易学思想,并采用比较研究的方法,将他们与周敦颐、邵雍、二程、张载、朱熹等主流易学派进行比对,辨析主流与非主流之间的差异,并对宋代易学进行全面把握和研究。文章从以下三个方面作了详细阐述:首先,以易家为纲,对重要易学家如沈括、洪迈、叶适、王应麟等人的治易之法和易学思想进行考论。通过分析研究,我们发现沈括在继承汉唐易家治易之法的基础上,对象数理论作出一定发展,如其首提“胎育纳甲说”,从天地胎育的角度对纳甲说作出阐释,别有新意,其说影响了朱震、赵彦卫等人对纳甲说的认识和理解。另外,沈括将易学研究拓展到天文、历法、音律等领域,纠正了古人的一些错误认识,如其以十二消息说阐解十二辰之名,证明了古人的错误认识。此外,他提出了一些新观点,如其根据阴阳消长的规律提出一种全新的“十二气定岁法”,避免了当时历法以朔望定十二月所出现四时和节气不一致的情况。诸如此类的见解和观点,反映了沈括传统的理论思维和超前的科学观双重组合的治学思想。通过比较、分析,还发现洪迈、王应麟二者皆将援史阐易作为重要的治易之法,二者尤其是后者在援史的内容、方式等方面,都较李光、杨万里有过之而无不及,因此二者也是参证史事派的代表人物。其次,由宋人笔记看象数易与义理易的新发展,即以“问题”为纲,通过梳理象数理论在宋代的延续,管窥宋代象数易的新发展,通过分析和探讨宋人的治易方法,对非主流派易家在义理易的发展上所作的贡献进行认识和把握,对他们在宋代易学史上应有的地位作客观准确的定位。通过对笔记所载易学资料的分析和归纳,本文发现非主流易家阐易的方法非常丰富,有的不仅从象数着眼治易,而且还根据字的音形辨义,如周密的《齐东野语》、王观国的《学林》等;有的从青铜礼器的款式入手解说易理,如黄伯思的《东观余论》等。此外,通过对援史证易之法的梳理和比较,本文发现《系辞传》的作者以人类数万年的社会发展史解说圣人观象制器的发展历程,尽管这种援史证易之法还比较模糊,但毕竟属于援史证易的范畴。此外,就宋代而言,欧阳修、沈括、程颐等人的引史阐易皆早于李光、杨万里,因此四库馆臣称李、杨二人为参证史事派的开创者是不恰当的。总之,宋人笔记多样化的治易方法说明了非主流易家并未像主流易家那样空谈义理,而是从训诂的角度,并结合“史证”等方法阐易,避免了主流易家阐易中存在的空疏晦涩的弊端。最后,以易学和史学为例,从“疑古辨伪思潮对易学的冲击”、“宋易的嬗变对史学家思维范式的影响”两个角度谈宋代易学的嬗变对宋代学术的影响。疑古思潮的兴起使有关《周易》经、传的传统认识受到极大冲击,在颠覆传统的效应中,一些学者对易学史上几成定论的有关《周易》经、传成书过程及作者的观点进行了再认识和再思考,并以此为基础进而毁《周礼》,疑《孟子》,讥《书》之《胤征》、《顾命》,黜《诗》之《序》,将滥觞于唐朝中后期的疑古思潮推向纵深。他们在对传世儒家经典进行全面清算的同时,并对理学家们以此为基础所建构和苦心经营的理学形上学体系提出了质疑和否定,并尝试架构新的哲学体系予以反驳,或以科学的实证方法去揭露理学空疏和荒谬的一面。因此,从某种程度上,我们可以说疑古思潮的兴盛加速了宋代易学的嬗变进程,而宋代易学的嬗变效应在波及到宋代经学研究的同时,亦使部分史学家逐渐从对“神”或“圣人”的关照转向对人事的重视,从而引起史观的转变。要之,宋代易学的嬗变在为宋代学术注入反传统因素的同时,也带动了宋代学术的整体发展。

【Abstract】 As a causal record of spurious materials, Notes has a long history. But til Song Dynasty, it became prevalent. According to Biji Daguang of Successive Dynaties, imprinted by The Jiangsu Guangling Ancient Book Imprinting Agency in 1983,and Biji Series of Si Ku, published by Shanghai Ancient Book Publishing House in 1992, we know that the species of the Song Notes come to 400 to 500 at least, most of which are causally recorded by the Song Dynasty Scholars of what they saw and heard and what they learned from their studies, covering political, historical, cultural, natural sciences, social life and many other fields. There are no less insights in such a rich content. But the academic value of these species has not yet been thoroughly excavated because of their complex contents, diverse styles, different lengths and other factors. When it came to 21 century, scholars began to collate the tremendous amount of the Song Notes initially and a series notes in succession books were published. Also in this basis, the scholars made a multi-angle, multi-level observation and investigation of these notes, and has made gratifying achievements in Xiaoxue, literature, medicine, folklore, politics, history, laws and institutions and so on. So far, however, there are no specific papers or books which detailed the Yi-ology, which take a large number in Song Notes. Based on the main contents of these Yi-ology notes, they can be roughly divided into the following categories:(1) Data about Yi-ology ideas and works that have been scattered and disappear; (2) Data about the Yi-ology learning methods and Yi-ology thoughts that belong to the Non-mainstream scholars; (3) Data of collation and explanatory notes of Yi-ology, (4) Data of Yi-ology inheritance in Song Dynasty. Mostly written or recorded by those scholars who had a thorough knowledge of Jing and Shi and some of whom had worked at the Cabinet Secretariat Government and had the chance to access the royal collection, these data were full of original ideas. From these data we can snoop on the thoughts and research on the zhouyi of the scholars whose specific works on Zhouyi had been scattered and disappear, but also we can have a glimpse of the situation of the only then existed works on Zhouyi. These provide us with valuable information for us to understand the early appearance of Jing and Zhuan of Zhouyi, with reference for arrangement and collation of the ancient books, and with many valuable clues for us to clarify the origin, development and prosperity of the theory of Yi-ology of historical-event sect. There were some other scholars who were not skilled in Yi studies, but also had their unique cognition of the then prevalent Science through their own experience. So through carding and researching the data of this part of scholars, we can then full understand the spread and acceptance of Han and Tan Dynasty Yi-ology in Song Dynasty. Also we can understand their doubt, denial and subversion toward Science on the basis of the methods of Yi studies or the structure of the philosophical system. Therefore, we need to excavate, analyze, card and research the academic value contained in the data in the Song Notes.Now the research books of Yi studies which focuses only on the so-called mainstream Yi-studies scholars such as Li Gou, Ou Yangxiu, Zhou Dunyi, ShaoYong, the two Chengs, ZhangZai, ZhuXi, YangJian and so on, can therefore not fully reflect the real situation of the Yi studies in Song Dynasty since they ignore the study and position of the thoughts and research on the Yi-ology of those so-called Non—mainstream Yi-studies scholars who had left no academic works of Yi studies in the world. And these so—called mainstream scholars mainly tended to understand and explain the Yi-ology from the aspects of Daoism, Qi, heartology, etc. They paid more attention to moral principles rather than textual explanation. These caused disadvantage of the empty of the Yi studies. Furthermore, in the now existing monograph, the characteristics of their studies are taken as the overall characteristics of the Yi-ology in Song Dynasty, and the shortcomings in their studies are considered as the general defect of the Yi-ology in Song Dynasty. These cause the mistake of taking the part as whole. In addition, influenced by the editors of Si Ku Quan Shu, some scholars, as well as some Yi-studies works of Song Dynasty, regard Li Guang and Yang Wanli as the founder of the school of Yi-ology of historical-event sect, while they ignore the discussion of the group of Yi-ology of historical-event sect, such as Ou Yang-xiu, Su Shi, Si Maguang, Cheng Yi, HongMai, YeShi, Wang Yinglin, ZhaoYanwei, etc. So the conclusion is not accurate. The existing situation of Yi-studies research of Song Dynasty and its inadequacy determine that we need to conclude, sort and study the Yi-studies data in the Notes of Song Dynasty.Based on the classification and arrangement of the Yi-studies data contained in the Song notes, The article clarifies the Yi-studies research methods and thoughts of those non-mainstream scholars and adopts a comparative study method. Through comparing those with the mainstream scholars such as Zhou Dun-yi, ShaoYong, the two Chengs, Zhang Zai, Zhu Xi etc, the article analyse the difference between the mainstream and the non-mainstream. Thus comes to a more comprehensive grasp and study of Yi-studies of Song Dynasty. For this, the article elaborates the following three aspects:First of all, taking Zhouyi researchers recorded in Song notes as guiding links, this thesis studies methods of research on Yi-ology proposed by some important Yi-ologists, such as Shen Kuo, Hong Mai, Ye Shi and Wang Ying-lin.Through analysis, we found that, on the basis of the research models established by the Yi-ologists of Han and Tang Dynasty, Shen Kuo developed the approach of iconic numbers to a certain extent. For instance, he first put forward.the theory of Fetal Birth and Shell Taking, which explains Shell Taking from the perspective of the birth of heaven and earth. This original theory influenced Zhu Zhen, Zhao Yanwei and some other Yi-ologists.In addition, Shen Kuo extended his research of Yi-ology to other fields such as astronomy, calendar, and rhythm. In these fields, he corrected some wrong ideas held by the ancient and formed some new ones. For example, he explained the twelve Chen with the theory of the twelve Xiaoxi, proving that the ancients were wrong; on the basis of the rise and fall of Yin and Yang, he proposed a new calendar based on the twelve Qi, which is similar to the Gregorian calendar, avoiding the divergence between the four seasons and Qi in the then-popular calendar of which the twelve months were set according to syzygy.Shen’s research reflects his scholarly thought, which is a combination of Chinese traditional theory and advanced scientific thinking. Through comparison and analysis, we also found that both Hong Mai and Wang Ying-lin took reference to historical events as an important research method. These two scholars, especially the latter did better than Li Guang and Yang Wan-li in resorting to history in terms of content and mode. As a result, they shoud be considered representatives of Yi-ology of historical-event sect.Secondly, there is new development of the research of Xiangshu and Yili in Yi-ology that can be seen from the Song notes. Namely, with "questions" as the key links, this can be done by reviewing Xiangshu in Yi-ology continued in the Song Dynasty. Through analyzing different methods of research, contributions to the development of Yili in Yi-ology made by non-mainstream Yi-ologists can be found, and thus their positions in the research history of Yi-ology can be accurately fixed.We analysed the Notes and made a summary of the research methods used by non-mainstream Yi-ologists. We found that they used a variety of methods. Some studied Zhouyi not only from the perspective of Xiangshu but also on the basis of sounds and forms of characters concerned, for instance, Zhou Mi’s Qi Dong Ye Yu and Wang Guanguo’s Xue Lin. Others explained reason Yi-ology according the shapes of bronze wares, for example, Huang Bo-si’s Dong Guan Yu Lun.In addition, through reviewing Yi-ology of historical-event sect, we found that the author of Xici exhibited the development of how the Sage made iconic wares from the tens of thousands of years history of human beings. Although the way of research by resorting to historical events is not clearly stated, yet there is no doubt that it belongs to the method of this sort. Moreover, as far as the Song Dynasty is concerned, Ou Yangxiu, Shen Kuo and Cheng Yi used this method in their studies earlier than Li Guang and Yang Wanli. So it is not right for Si Ku Guan Chen to take Li and Yang as pioneers of Yi-ology of historical-event sect.In short, the research methods reflected in the Notes indicates that, unlike those mainstream Yi-ologists, who liked to make groundless remarks on Yili, non-mainstream Yi-ologists did their researches from the exegetical point of view, combined with "history witnesses", hence avoiding the formers’weakness.Finally, impacts of the evolution of the Yi-ology on academy of Song Dynasty is discussed from two aspects:" the impact of the thought of Doubting the Ancients and Identifying the fake on Yi-ology " and "the impact of the evolution of the Song Yi-ology on the thinking patterns of Song ideologists".The rise of the thought of doubting the ancients attached the traditional views on Zhouyi. In subverting the traditional, some scholars began to reconsider the writing process of Jing and Zhuan of Zhouyi and its author, which were almost definite conclusions in the history of Yi-ology. On this basis, they started to defame Zhouli, doubt Mencius, ridiculed Yin Zheng and Gu Ming of Shu,eliminate Xu of Poetry, deepening the thought of doubting the ancients originating in late Tang Dynasty. As they criticized the Confucian classics that handed down from generation to generation, they questioned and denied the metaphysical system of Neo-Confucianism which was constructed with painstaking efforts. They also tried to establish a new philosophical system to refute, or use scientific methods to expose the emptiness and absurdity of Neo-Confucianism.Thus, to some degree, we can say that the rise of the thought of doubting the ancients accelerated the evolution of the Yi-ology. This, in turn, influenced research on jingxue as well as history, making historians shift their focus from "God "or" saints " to ordinary people and events, causing changes in the view of history. What’s more, the evolution of the Yi-ology in Song Dynasty not only injected anti-tradition elements into Song academy, but also pushed it forward.

【关键词】 宋人笔记易学资料述论
【Key words】 Song notesYi-ological datatextual research
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

