

Study on Latin American Communist Parties’ Theory, Policy and Organization

【作者】 靳呈伟

【导师】 王韶兴;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中共党史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自世界上第一个共产党诞生至今已有160多年。在此逾一个半世纪的历史时期里,各国共产党为实现社会主义进行了不懈的追求与探索,并积累了丰富的经验教训。对之进行总结和反思,具有重大理论与现实意义。作为继西欧后,较早出现共产主义运动地区共产主义组织的拉丁美洲共产党,其可资总结与借鉴的经验教训尤为丰富——可能是各大洲中最为丰富多彩的。另外,贯穿各国共产党社会主义探索过程的两个基本问题——如何把马克思主义普遍原理与自身实际相结合及如何协调国际联合与独立自主的关系——在拉美共产党身上也都体现得酣畅淋漓。鉴于此,本文拟依托政党生态环境理论,对拉丁美洲共产党的历史发展、思想理论、政策主张与组织要素等问题进行研究。论文定位为政党生态理论指导下的关于拉美共产党生存、发展与功能发挥的案例分析,拉美共产党与其生态环境的互动是贯穿本文的主要线索。在政党生态系统原则、生态环境理论、整体观方法论和矛盾法则的基础上,论文将采用“分述归结”、“分类对比”和“纵横交织”等具体方法,从有关历史事实和材料出发,通过对拉美共产党历史发展、思想理论、政策主张及组织等问题的研究,试图达到以下目的:第一,结合拉美地区独特的生态环境(社会历史条件),从历史发展、思想理论、政策主张及组织状况等方面对拉美共产党作全方位展示,对拉美共产党生存、发展与功能发挥的总体情况进行系统梳理、概括和总结,也为今后的深入研究做一些基础性工作。第二,通过对拉丁美洲共产党历史发展、思想理论、政策主张及组织要素等问题的比较研究,把握作为共产党大家庭重要成员的拉美共产党的个性及共性问题,探讨在不同社会历史条件下共产党如何把马克思主义普遍原理与自身实际和时代新形势相结合、如何协调国际联合与独立自主的关系,力图发现共产党在不同生态环境中存续、发展与实现自身价值所应遵循的特殊与一般规律。总结历史,把握现在,展望未来,以期为共产党在不同社会历史条件下的发展提供借鉴。第三,通过对拉美共产党与其生态环境互动的案例分析,探讨政党与生态环境的关系,揭示支配政党生存、发展与功能发挥的规律,加深对不同生态环境下政党政治运作的认识。论文的基本思路和内容结构是,论文导言部分主要回答选题的缘由、研究意义、研究现状、研究方法、基本内容结构以及创新与不足等问题。除导言外,论文的主要内容包括五大部分:第一部分在给出生态环境条件的基础上,系统梳理不同历史发展阶段拉美共产党生存、发展与作用发挥的总体情况,探讨每一时段拉美共产党面临的共同问题及每一发展阶段所表现出的特点;第二部分就拉美共产党对一些基本问题的认识与解答,即拉美共产党的思想理论问题进行梳理,对拉美共产党继承、运用与发展马列主义的理论成果加以介绍,并明确其特点及存在的问题;第三部分关注拉美共产党细化了的、操作性的“思想理论”——政策问题,主要是对执政的古巴共产党及部分非执政拉美共产党的现行政策和拉美共产党为增加革命力量而采取的群众组织政策、统战政策及国际主义政策等长期政策的梳理与分析;第四部分从党的构成要素、结构设置、运行制度与原则等方面把握拉美共产党的组织问题:最后一部分通过分析拉美共产党发展过程中面临的困难、总结古巴共产党长期执政的经验的形式,总结探讨拉美共产党抉择的经验教训,揭示其所反映的规律,并明确各国共产党及拉美共产党自觉遵循规律应该注意的原则或问题。论文论证的主要观点和认识有:第一,政党存续、发展与价值功能实现的过程实质上就是政党与生态环境互动的过程,政党能否形成与生态环境的良性互动是事关其存续、发展与价值功能实现状况的决定性因素。政党与生态环境的互动一方面表现为生态环境通过提供资源、提出要求、施加压力等方式影响政党——生态环境对政党的影响主要体现在其思想理论、政策主张和组织方面;另一方面表现为政党主要通过其政策反作用于生态环境——政党的政策既是其对生态环境的反馈,也是其反作用于生态环境的武器,是政党功能发挥的渠道。政党能否与生态环境形成良性互动,关键在于二者之间的渠道是否畅通。从一定意义上讲,政党的政策可以视为政党与生态环境互动渠道的一个重要环节。因此,政策对政党具有极为重要的价值意义。而政党政策的制定又以政党的思想理论为前提与基础,以政党组织为载体或实施者,政党的思想理论、政策与组织因素共同决定了政党与生态环境互动的效果。横向上比,不同国家或地区的生态环境是有差异的,因而其影响着的政党各自具有不同特点,政党与生态环境的互动也具有不同特点,政党的思想理论、政策主张、组织设置要体现、适应这些个性因素。纵向上看,政党的生态环境是不断变化的,不同时期的生态环境具有不同特点,其为政党提供的资源、提出的要求、施加的压力也在不断变化,即生态环境对政党的影响的内容、特点等在不断变化。因而,政党要根据变化的环境作出相应调整——思想理论要及时反映新情况并对之作出解释、说明,政策制定、组织运行要有效应对新要求。第二,民心向背是决定政党前途命运的关键因素。作为一种政治组织,无论何种类型的政党,只有掌握了国家政权,才能真正更好地实现自身的价值功能,才能更好地实现自身的发展。对于致力于获取政权的党来说,无论其准备通过何种途径争取上台,武力革命的道路也好,和平合法的形式也罢,没有人民群众的支持,是很难成功的,因为人民群众是有硝烟与没有硝烟的战场上的决定性力量;而对于执政党而言,民心向背是决定其能否继续执掌政权的关键因素,因为任何政党的执政基础都要立于人民群众认同的根基之上。对共产党而言,要获取政权或者长期持有政权,必须时刻牢记自己的阶级属性与历史使命,使自己始终站在最广大人民的一边,始终代表最广大人民的根本利益,始终关注、解决事关人民群众切身利益的各种问题。第三,共产党的发展过程,实质上也可以视为一个党内外各种政治关系相互依存、相互促进、共同发展的过程。其中,作为与共产党相伴相随政党现象的党内关系,标示共产党文明的发展水平,反映党的基本价值取向,蕴含党的底气与实力,预示党的前途;是党得以建立、发展必不可少的条件,是党一切活动的基础。共产党只有确立和协调好党内关系,才能生成并不断发展壮大,不断调整和处理好党内关系是党加强自身建设的重要任务。党内关系是共产党组织内部各主体在治理党的内务的过程中,围绕各自相应的权利和义务,所形成的相互关系及互动的行为模式。党内关系以党内民主为基本运行方式,以民主集中制为基本原则,以法规性、制度性的“硬约束”——党内法制和“软规范”——党内文化为运行规范。党内关系的理想状态是实现党内各主体既保持各自特点又相互合作、协调一致,即实现党内关系的和谐。党内关系的运行态势是共产党不断化解党内矛盾以追寻党内关系和谐的过程。政党生态环境和党的自身建设状况是影响党内关系的两个基本要素,党所处的社会生态环境不同,党的成长经历不同,其内部关系的模式也不同。第四,社会主义的探索和实现是一致性和多样性的有机统一,是一个长期的历史过程。作为人类社会发展的一个高级阶段,社会主义迟早会实现这一前景是确定的;为了保持社会主义的方向,各民族国家共产党在探索实现社会主义的过程中要遵循一些基本原则也是确定的,这些都是一致性的体现。但是,由于各个国家环境或具体实际的不同,社会主义的实现过程也遵循特殊规律,具有不同特点,因而具有多样性,不存在实现社会主义的“一条道路、一种模式”。同时,社会主义的最终实现还是一个长期的历史过程。就已经或曾经由共产党执政的国家而言,其在社会主义建设过程中超越阶段、急于求成的错误,给社会主义事业造成了巨大损失,惨痛的教训向共产党人表明了社会主义建设的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性,表明了社会主义的巩固、建设和发展需要经历一个长期历史过程。就尚未获取政权的共产党来讲,尽管其对社会主义的探索已经历了一个较长过程,也取得了一些初步成果,但事实证明他们的努力或自身条件还不够,他们对社会主义的探索还将长期进行下去;而且,在目前世界社会主义总体处于低潮、共产党发展环境依然严峻的形势下,社会主义力量全面复兴的条件还不具备,这也要求尚未获取政权的共产党做好为实现社会主义而长期努力的准备。第五,共产党发展的多样性。共产党的发展具有源于其生态环境的多样性,共产党的存续、发展与功能发挥受其所处生态环境的深刻影响,因而在不同社会历史条件下共产党的发展具有多样性。论文的创新点主要有:第一,目前国内理论界还没有对于拉美共产党的全面的、系统的研究,本文对拉美共产党生存、发展与功能发挥的总体情况进行系统梳理、概括和总结,可以看作一种为今后的深入研究打基础的尝试性工作。第二,本文对政党和生态环境系统之间的互动关系提出了自己的理解,并且以拉美共产党为案例,运用生态学的观点与方法研究不同社会历史条件下共产党产生、发展和功能发挥的多样性问题,也可以视为一种辟新的尝试。

【Abstract】 It has been more than 160 years since the born of the first Communist Party of the world. During this more than one and a half century period, Communist Parties of the world have been persisting working for the realization of Socialism, and there has been lots of gains and loses. It makes great theoretical and practical sense to summarize and think about these gains and loses. Those of Latin American Communist Parties may be the richest of the world. What’s more, the two basic problems which are how to combine Marxism with Practice and how to deal with the relationship between Internationalism and Nationalism, during the process of realizing Socialism have been particularly obvious within that of Latin American Communist Parties. So with the help of the Theory of Political Party Ecological Environment, the thesis is going to study on Latin American Communist Parties’ecological environment, historical development, theories, policies and organization, etc.The thesis is a case study about Latin American Communist Parties’survival, development and function. The interacting relationship between Latin American Communist Parties and their ecological environment is the main clue that runs through this thesis. On the basis of Political Party Ecological Environmental Systematic Principle, Ecological Environmental Theory, Unitary Methodology and Contradiction Rule, the thesis will use those methods of "division relating and concluding", "comparison-of-pair sorting" and "crisscrossing", etc. From the historical facts and data, the thesis tries to gain such objective as:The first, on the basis of the special social and historical conditions of Latin America, to card, describe and summarize the overall situation of Latin American Communist Parties’survival, development and function, so that one can draw lessons from this. And hope the study may do some basic job for the coming study on the same subject.The second, trying to get the overall and individual character of Latin American Communist Parties, trying to prove the diversity of Communist Parties’survival, development and function under different social and historical conditions, trying to discuss about how the Communist Parties combine Marxism with Practice under different social and historical conditions, how do they deal with the relationship between Internationalism and Nationalism, trying to find the law beneath the phenomenon, through the study of Latin American Communist Parties’ecological environment, historical development, theories, policies and organization.The third, through the case study of interaction between Latin American Communist Parties and their ecological environment, dwelling on the relationship between political party and its ecological environment, to reveal the law that decides political party’s survival, development and function, to form more deep knowledge on the operation of political parties politics under different ecological environment.The structure or the main parts of the thesis are:introduction, this part deals with such problems as why select the subject, the importance of the study, present research condition, the methodology, the original ideas and the shortcomings. Besides the introduction, there are 6 parts. The first part describes the constituent elements, the contents and the characters of Latin American ecological environment, and analyzes the interacting relationship between Latin American Communist Parties and their ecological environment. The second part cards the overall conditions of Latin American Communist Parties in different phases systematically, points out the same problems the Communist Parties confronted with and the same characters they have in each phase particularly. The third part dwells on Latin American Communist Parties’answers to some basic questions, that’s to say, the theoretical problems of Latin American Communist Parties. The fourth part is on the policy problems, which is focused not only on their nowadays policies no matter whether the party is being on power or not, but also on their longtime policies such as "periphery policy", "united-front policy" and "internationalism policy" which are to strengthen the revolutionary forces. The fifth part studies on the organizational problems such as the Communist Parties’constituent elements, the structure, the operating institutions and principles, etc. The last part analyzes why the Latin American Communist Parties have not gained power, summarizes their experiences and lessons, shows the law beneath the phenomenon, and points out the principles that the Communist Parties of the world including the Latin American Communist Parties should obey consciously. The main viewpoints of the thesis are:the first, the process of the political party’s survival, development and function is in fact the process of the interacting between the political party and its ecological environment. Whether the political party can form virtuous interaction with its ecological environment or not, is the main factor that decides the party’s condition. The interaction between the political party and its ecological environment not only includes the side that the ecological environment affects the political party through providing resources, demands and pressure on the party’s theory, policy and organization, but also includes the side that the political party counter-affects the ecological environment through its policies. The key points that decides whether the political party can form virtuous interaction with the ecological environment is whether the channels that linking them together are smooth or not. The political party’s policies can be seen as part of the linking channel in some points. So policies are very important to the party. While the political party’s policies are made on the basis of theory, and the policies are implemented by the organization, the truth is that political party’s theory, policy and organization elements decide the interaction effects jointly.Through lateral comparison, there is difference among different nation or area. As a result, political parties affected by them have different character of their own, interaction between political party and ecological environment has different character too. The theory, policy and organization of the political party must reflect and adapt to these individual elements. Through longitudinal comparison, political party’s ecological environment varies as the time goes. During different periods ecological environment has different characters, and the resources, demands and pressure it provides varies too. The political party should make modification according to the varying ecological environment. The modification should include the theory can interpret new problems, policies and organization operation can deal with new situation at least.The second, whether a political party can gain the people’s support is the key factor that decides the party’s future. As one kind of political organization, a political party can not make its value come true unless it holds power no matter what kind of political party it belongs to. As to a political party that wants to gain power, it’s hard to realize the goal without the people’s support, because the people are the deciding strength on the battlefield with or without smoke. As to the political party that being in power, whether the popular inclines or not is the key factor that decides it’s being or losing power, because the base of being in power is under the acceptance of the people.As to the Communist Party, the party must keep its class nature and historic mission in mind deeply, must be on the side of the people from the beginning to the end, must stand for the people all along, must pay close attention to the well-being of the people, must focus on and help to resolve all kinds of problems that concerning vital interests of the people.The third, the development process of the Communist Party can be seen as the interdependence, co-promoting and co-developing process of all kinds of political relationship inside and outside the party. Among which, as a political phenomenon associated with the Communist Party, the inner-party relations marking the development level of Communist Party civilization, reflecting the basic values of the Party, containing the confidence and strength of the Party, indicating the future of the Party. Inner-party relations are indispensable conditions for the establishment and the development of the Communist Party, and the basis of all the party’s activity. The Communist Party can not develop before it deals with the inner-party correctly.Inner-party relations means that the relations and interaction patterns focusing on corresponding rights and obligations between each subject within the organization of the Communist Party which are formed in the process of managing inner-party general affairs. The construction condition of the Communist Party and its ecological environment are the two basic elements that affect inner-party relations. As the ecological environment is different, as the experience of the Party varies, it is normal that inner-party relations are different of different Communist Party.Inner-party relations make inner-party democracy as basic operating manner, make democratic centralism as basic principle, make inner-party legal system and inner-party as operating specification. The ideal status of inner-party relations is inner-party relations harmony.The fourth, the realization of Socialism is an organ entia of consistency and diversity, it is a longtime process too. It’s definite that Socialism is sure to come true one day sooner or later. And the Communist Parties of the world should follow some basic principles in the process of making Socialism come true. But, since each country’s individual character, the process of realizing Socialism also follows individual law, and there is no such thing as "one way, one mode".The realization of Socialism is a longtime process. As to the countries led by Communist Party now or before, their faults of being anxious for success have brought great loss to socialism career. Painful lessons teach the Communist Parties that the construction and development of Socialism is a longtime process, which is arduous and complicated. As to those Communist Parties that haven’t seized power, though they have seek for socialism for quite a long time and have made some progress, but it’s evident that their efforts or condition are not enough yet. What’s more, under the situation that the environment is harsh to the Communist Parties, there is no plentiful condition for the revival of Socialism. Both the internal and external elements require the Communist Parties to make longtime efforts to work for socialism.The fifth, the diversity of Communist Parties. If we consider the diversity of their efforts to make Socialism to come true as the diversity of their practice, it is also true that the Communist Parties themselves are diverse too.The main original ideas of the thesis are:The first, there is no systematic study on Latin American Communist Parties in the research field yet. So the systematic work of carding and summarizing the process of Latin American Communist Parties’survival, development and function is initiative, and it may be considered as a kind of basic work for the latter research.The second, the thesis has put some original ideas on the interacting relationship between political party and its ecological environment. And the use of ecological theory to study on Latin American Communist Parties can be considered as an attempt on methodology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

