

Research on Transformation of British Modern Legal Education

【作者】 韩慧

【导师】 钱乘旦; 顾銮斋;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 世界史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 法律教育是一个国家法治建设的基本要素,法律教育发展的水平直接影响甚至决定法治发展的方向、规模和速度。改革开放三十多年来,我国法律教育可谓突飞猛进,法律教育向何处去也成为目前社会各界关注的话题。对于发展历史早、成就显著的英国法治的研究自然也离不开英国法律教育这一主题,对于英国法律教育的考察无论是从理论研究和实践层面上来分析都具有重要意义。然而,对于英国法律教育的研究特别是对英国近代法律教育研究的不足使我们无法认清英国法律教育的来龙去脉,无法把握英国当前的法律教育,从而也无法揭示法律教育与法治之间的有机联系。正是在这个意义上,研究英国近代法律教育的演进历程,探讨其运行机制和实施效果成为本文写作的主旨。本文在对于大量资料进行分析的基础上,运用历史学、社会学、法学、教育学等研究方法对于英国近代法律教育的转型做了比较深入的探讨。全文共分为五章。一个国家的教育制度是与社会的发展要求密切联系的,社会发展变化必然对已经存在的教育制度提出新的要求,法律教育制度也不例外。因此,要研究英国近代法律教育,就应从分析其社会背景入手。本文第一章着重分析了社会发展变化与当时法律教育之间的矛盾,特别是通过对18世纪中叶之前律师会馆和大学法律教育的分析,明确提出律师会馆所进行的学徒制—经验型法律教育和牛津、剑桥大学的罗马法—民法教育不仅处于相对分离状态,而且社会发展所要求的科学、系统的普通法法律教育在律师会馆和大学里都没有开展起来。随着英国社会从中世纪走向近代,法律教育的分离状态必定要改变,法律教育的转型势在必行。在转型过程中,势必要对各种力量和资源进行重新调整和配置,使之实现优化组合,发挥最大效益。在对18世纪中叶之前英国法律教育的分析中,对于传统的法律教育并不是一味否定,而是进行历史的评析。律师会馆法律教育不仅促进了英国法律共同体的形成,而且这种法律职业组织的教育活动在新的时代将会得到复兴。在进入近代社会之后,大学和法律职业组织在各自传统文化基础上适时根据社会需要不断进行调整,两者的关系也开始发生微妙的变化,从而带来英国法律教育的向前推进。从第二章到第四章,以律师会馆和大学之间关系的动态分析为线索,分阶段叙述英国法律教育的演进过程:以18世纪中叶布莱克斯通在牛津大学进行法律教育实践活动为标志,英国开始了大学进行普通法教育的探索和尝试。尽管布莱克斯通之后大学里的法律教育没有得到轰轰烈烈的开展,但是这一尝试预示了大学必定会成为近现代法律教育的主体,宣告了英国法律教育的新纪元的到来。布莱克斯通通过他的教育实践活动和著述,提出了大学进行系统的法律教育的构想。布莱克斯通进行的法律教育的大胆探索和实践深刻地影响着英国近代法律教育。布莱克斯通运用其知识和智慧为英国普通法制作了一件比较得体的衣衫,使普通法走到了普通大众的面前,为近代法律教育的开展创造了条件,而且预示着英国法律教育体制的根本转向。布莱克斯通的法律教育理论和实践初步定下了英国法律教育的基调,即在重视法律教育的职业化和应用性的同时,强调法律教育的理论性和科学性。从这个意义上可以说布莱克斯通的法律教育活动成为英国法律教育历史发展的一个分水岭,意味着英国法律教育在进入新的世纪之后需要继续做出调整和变革,意味着大学不再完全置身于英国法律教育之外,而是要成为英国法律教育的重要场所,并将和法律职业组织一起担负起培养法律人才的重任。(第二章)。以19世纪三十年代伦敦大学和法律职业组织的创立为契机,英国近代法律教育在人才培养体制、教育内容和方法等方面有了初步发展。伦敦大学的创立是英国法律教育史上的一个重要的里程碑,比1753年布莱克斯通在牛津大学的大胆的教学改革来说,意义更大。伦敦成功地把学法律的学生引入大学学院来,把自由教育的好处带给高等学校的学生,这是一项伟大的成就。尽管伦敦大学的法律教育还处于发展的初期阶段,还存在教育体制、内容等方面的许多问题,但是大学毕竟加入到法律教育的主流中来,从这个意义上说,伦敦大学的创立具有划时代意义。在此之后,英国大学纷纷建立,到19世纪中期,牛津和剑桥不再是英格兰唯有的两所大学了。大学正式参与到英国法律教育中来。法律职业组织在进入新世纪以后根据社会的发展变化适时作出调整。事务律师于1831年成立法律协会(law society)。新的协会对于渴望成为事务律师的学生提供充分的教育。律师会馆也积极探索有效的教育方案。但是总的来说,19世纪上半叶,无论是大学还是法律职业组织的法律教育都不尽人意,大学和法律职业组织基本上还是各自为政,没有什么合作。1846年众议院法律教育专门委员会通过一份报告,分析了传统法律教育的弊端,提出了法律改革的纲要,建议法律基础教育和实践技能培训分阶段进行,大学进行法律基础教育,法律协会负责从事律师资格考试等方面的实践技能培训,将基础教育和职业教育有机结合起来。报告建议学生应首先进入大学完成基础教育,尔后再接受职业教育。法律教育专门委员会的报告成为英国19世纪法律教育发展的指导纲领,指明了英国法律教育的未来发展方向,特别是主张大学和法律职业组织分工与合作,携手推进法律教育事业。因此,可以说,1846年报告是英国法律教育发展史上的一个重要里程碑和风向标,引导着大学和法律职业组织等主要教育资源在法律教育领域进行分工与合作,通过优化配置实现法律教育体制的基本转型。在1846年委员会报告之后,无论是大学还是法律职业组织都采取有力措施推进法律教育。(第三章)。从19世纪中叶特别是从八十年代开始,英国新旧大学和法律职业组织都投入到法律教育中来,积极推行法律教育,并初步实现分工与合作,资源通过优化配置收到了较好效果。从法律教育体制到教育内容,英国法律教育进入了实质性的改革与扩张时期,大学法律教育进入了最具活力的时期,形成了许多具有现代意义的特征。在大学法律教育轰轰烈烈展开的同时,法律职业组织的法律教育的步伐和力度也在加快,并且加强了与大学的联姻,共同推进法律教育。到二十世纪初,一种新型法律教育基本确立。(第四章)在对英国近代法律教育历史进程进行动态分析的基础上,第五章对英国近代法律教育模式和社会效果进行深入分析,以期形成一个关于英国近代法律教育的整体认识和把握。对照传统律师会馆的法律教育,第五章通过对于英国近代法律教育的人才培养体制、教育内容、教学方法和教育管理等方面的分析,指出英国近代法律教育总体上已经实现了法律教育的近代化。英国法律教育由大学和法律职业组织承担,实行分工与合作,课程设置、教学方法、教育管理等环节基本都按照培养目标和大学与法律职业组织本身的特点进行设置和安排,在充分发挥各个机构作用的基础上强调各种资源之间的优化配置,法律教育制度日趋完善。在教育体制上,形成了大学学院和法律职业组织并驾齐驱,互相促进,互为补充的良好格局。英国法律教育以各大学学院、公共法律教育者协会和事务律师协会、四大律师会馆及其下属的法律教育理事会为主体,大学学院侧重于基本知识和基础理论方面的素质教育,职业组织侧重于实务性的职业技能训练,前后衔接、优势互补、相辅相成,从而提高了法律教育的质量,基本满足了社会对高素质法律人才的需求。新型法律教育对于英国社会发展发挥了重要的作用,这突出表现在接受法律教育的人数的增加和法律职业人员素质的提高。近代法律教育通过培养优秀的人才在推进英国法治水平的同时不断推进整个社会稳步发展。

【Abstract】 Legal education is an essential element of a country’s legal construction. Legal education even gives a direct impact on direction, scale, and speed of the law development. In the 30 years of Reform and Opening up, China’s legal education can be described by leaps and bounds. Today, China’s legal education becomes the community’s concerns. The study of legal history is also inseparable from the history of legal education. Thus examination of legal education in the U.K., either for theoretical research or for practice, has an important significance. However, lack of research on British modern legal education makes us unable to identify the origin and the future of British legal education, unable to recognize its current state, and thus we can not reveal the organic link between the rule of law and legal education. To research the evolution history of legal education in modern British and to discuss its evolution mechanisms and implementation effect become the main parts of this paper.In this paper, the analysis of the transformation of legal education in modern Britain is based on large amounts of data and research methods of history, sociology, law, education and others.A country’s education system is closely related to social development. Social development and social changes put forward new demands for legal education. Therefore, to study modern English legal education, we should start with analysis of its social background. Chapter One focuses on analysis of the contradiction between social development and legal education system, especially on analysis of legal education in Inns of Courts and universities before the middle of the 18th century. The separation of legal education is bound to change with the British society from the Middle Ages into modern times. The transformation of legal education is imperative. In the transition process, a variety of forces and resources are bound to be readjusted and allocated for optimal combination and maximum effectiveness. In research on the transition process, we should not deny the traditional legal education. We must give a historical assessment of it. The legal education of Inns of Court promotes the form of the United Kingdom’s legal community. Moreover, this educational activity of legal professional association will be revived in the new era. After entering the modern society, the universities and the legal professional organizations have continuously made progress in their traditional cultural basis. The relationship between the two sides begins to change in a subtle way, which promotes the development of the legal education in the U.K.From Chapter Two to Four,we can take the relationship between Inns of Court and the universities as the clue, and narrate the evolution process of the legal education in the U.K. in stages. Since William Blackstone started the legal education in Oxford in the middle of the 18th century, the U.K. began to put common legal education in the universities. Although the legal education didn’t develop greatly after Blackstone, this attempt indicated that the universities would be the main body of modern legal education and declared that the new era of legal education of the U.K. was coming. Blackstone put forward the concept of adding the systemic legal education in the universities by his educational practical activities and his writings, which deeply influenced the modern legal education of the U.K. Blackstone used his knowledge and wisdom to make a decent suit for the common law of the U.K. He let the common law get close to the ordinary people and created the conditions for the development of the modern legal education. It indicated the change direction of the U.K.’s legal education system. Blackstone’s theory and practice set the tone of the U.K.’s legal education. That was, paying more attention to the professionalism and application of legal education, while stressing the theory and scientific knowledge of legal education. In this sense, the legal education activities of Blackstone became the watershed of the U.K.’s legal education history, which meant the legal education of the U.K. needed to be adjusted and improved after entering a new era, and the universities would be the important places for developing legal education and cultivating legal talents jointly with the professional legal organizations. (Chapter Two) By taking the opportunity of the establishment of University of London and the professional legal organizations in the 1830s, the modern legal education of the U.K. initially developed in the aspects of talents training system, educational content and methods. The establishment of the University of London was a milestone in the history of the U.K.’s legal education. It was more significant than Blackstone’s teaching reform in Oxford. London successfully led the students who studied law to the universities and brought the advantages of free education to the university students. Although the development of the legal education of the University of London was still in an initial stage and some problems was still existed in the aspects of educational system and educational content, the universities after all entered into the main stream of legal education. So, the establishment of the University of London had epoch-making significance. After that period, the more and more universities were established in the U.K. In the middle of the 19th century, Oxford and Cambridge were no longer the only universities in England. Universities formally took part in the legal education. The professional legal organizations made adjustment according to the development and changes of the society after entering the new era. The solicitors established the Law Society in 1831. This new association provided education for the students who wanted to be a solicitor. Inns of Court also explored the efficient educational schemes. However, the legal education in universities and in professional legal organizations was not good enough in the first half of the 19th century. The universities and the organizations went their own ways without any cooperation. In 1846, the Legal Education Special Committee of the House of Commons approved a report, which analyzed the disadvantages of the traditional legal education and put forward the program of legal reform. The report suggested that the basic legal education and the practical skill trainings should be carried out in stages. The basic legal education should be in universities and the organizations should be in charge of the practical trainings such as the examinations of qualification of lawyers. The report also suggested that the students firstly completed the basic education in the universities, and then received the professional education. This report became the guiding principle of the legal education development in the 19th century, which gave direction to the future development of the legal education especially suggesting the cooperation between the universities and the organizations. Therefore, this report was a milestone in the history of the U.K.’s legal education, which led the main educational resources such as universities and the professional legal organizations to divide the work and cooperate in the field of legal education, and realized the basic change of legal education system by optimizing resource allocation. After the report was approved in 1846, the universities and the professional legal organizations all took effective measures to promote legal education. (Chapter Three)Since the middle of the 19th century, the new and old universities of the U.K.and the professional legal organizations all actively promoted legal education and realized the work division and cooperation. The resource utilization received the good result by optimizing allocation. From the legal education system to the educational content, the legal education of the U.K. entered the stage of reform and expansion. The legal education in the universities entered the most energetic period and formed many characters with modern significance. Meanwhile, the legal education of the professional legal organizations was also developed rapidly. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new type of legal education was basically established. (Chapter Four)Chapter Five is about the model of modern legal education and its social effects. By in-depth analysis on the formation of the modern legal education, we expect to understand and grasp it wholly.Form the beginning of the 20th century, the British legal education is assumed by professional legal organizations and universities. They execute legal education through division of labor and cooperation. Curriculum, teaching methods, educational management are in accordance with the training goal and the characteristics of universities and professional legal organizations. Various agencies gave full play to the role on the basis of optimal allocation of resources, and the legal education system are being further improved. Universities and professional legal organizations kept pace with and promoted each other, and took on a harmony pattern. British legal education was assumed jointly by the University Law School, the Public Legal Education Association, the Law Society, the Inns of Courts and the Council of Legal Education. University Law School focused on the basic knowledge and basic theory, but profession organizations focused on vocational skills training.They supplemented and reinforced mutually, thus enhanced the quality of legal education. They met the social needs for high-quality legal profession. New type of legal education played an important role in the social development of the United Kingdom. This is conspicuously manifested by the increase of the number of person receiving legal education and quality of the legal profession. By fostering talents, modern legal education propelled the level of the British rule of law and promoted the steady development of society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】D956.1;D90-4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】904
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