

On the Research of Biblical Literature by David Lyle Jeffrey

【作者】 王倩

【导师】 余光中; 马龙潜;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 圣经是人类文明史上最伟大的宗教典籍之一,两千多年来引发的阐释、研究和批评渊源不断。20世纪以来,一些学者开始将圣经视为文学文本来探讨其文学性。大卫·杰弗里是当代西方著名的圣经文学研究者,在此研究领域贡献卓著,成就得到西方学术界的广泛肯定。杰弗里关注基督教视野下的文本理论和文学研究,致力于探讨圣经本身的文学性,以及圣经在西方文学和文化发展中所起到的主导作用和持续的影响力。他认为圣经的文学研究不能简单等同于其它文学作品研究,呼吁要坚守文学研究的道德责任,正确对待圣经的权威地位。杰弗里的思想从上世纪九十年代起逐渐传入我国,已有部分学者对其著作和论文进行翻译、评介,但相关研究还是比较薄弱。以杰弗里的圣经文学思想研究为论题,系统研究其理论背景、思想观点、学术意义,不仅有助于把握杰弗里本人的思想和学术成果,了解西方圣经研究的近况,而且有助于探讨圣经在西方文学和文化发展过程中起到影响和作用,进一步加深对圣经与西方文学关系的探问,从跨学科的角度探讨宗教与文学的关系,为中国学者研究西方文学提供启发。论文第一章介绍了杰弗里圣经文学思想形成,包括他个人生平经历、学术背景,以及圣经文学研究的时代困境。杰弗里曾就读于普林斯顿大学,有深厚的语言学、中世纪文学和现代文艺理论的学源背景。西方圣经研究从古代以斯拉对圣经摩西五经的讲解开始,经由中世纪,直到宗教改革时期,主要从宗教视角进行阐释,意在揭示经文的神学内涵。18世纪后,受近代理性主义思潮和科学实证精神的影响,圣经的史学批评兴盛,产生“高级评断”和“低级评断”的研究方法。到20世纪以后,圣经的文学研究才逐渐繁盛起来,并且研究范围从“作为文学的圣经”延伸到“圣经与文学”。随着符号学、叙事学、结构主义、形式主义,解构主义、后殖民主义等现代和后现代理论的层出不穷,圣经作为西方思想和文化的核心作用被忽视,日渐等同于世俗文学作品,成为各种新兴理论的试验场。尤其以哈罗德·布鲁姆为代表的解构主义思想流派,消解了圣经的“逻格斯中心”地位。杰弗里认为,当今理论话语下研究圣经,仍然不能脱离圣经的文本特质及其所承载的基督教文化内涵,应当尊重圣经文本权威。论文第二章阐述了杰弗里圣经文学思想的理论渊源。杰弗里的研究主要建立在神学理论和文学理论两方面的基础之上。圣经首先是一部宗教典籍,研究其文学性,需要建立在对其神学地位和意义深入了解的基础上。杰弗里赞赏哲罗姆的贡献,并将其成就吸收到自己的研究当中。哲罗姆准确、忠实的拉丁文翻译,形成了圣经在当时的权威文本,促进了圣经研究和文化融合,为如何正确对待圣经和世俗文学的关系问题提供了可借鉴的思路;他对圣经和真理的严谨追求也使他成为后世“虔诚读者的象征”。奥古斯丁的手法与目的理论,为杰弗里的释经方法和立场提供了启示。尤其是《论基督教教义》和《忏悔录》这两部著作,杰弗里认为前者的释经方法论影响深远,后者是对“伤心的读者”以及阅读观有所启发。圣经研究,不可避免地会涉及宗教教义和派别,杰弗里借鉴C.S.路易斯的“纯粹基督教”观念,主张淡化基督教中不同派别的教义纷争,将各个教派共同认可的教义作为宗教发展史上的既定事实,探究其文化意义。文学思想方面,杰弗里比较赞同阿诺德提出的圣经研究的时代困境,不囿于中世纪仅仅把圣经作为宗教文本的观点,提出“作为文学的圣经”的概念,但同时他也对阿诺德以文化取代宗教的观点表示了质疑。叙事学研究的代表罗伯特·艾尔特以圣经文本为中心,通过细读文本,分析结构布局、人物描述、叙事视角、叙事时间、语言技巧等艺术表现手法对杰弗里的圣经学术研究也有一定的启发。论文第三章和第四章论述了杰弗里圣经文学思想的核心内容。由于杰弗里的圣经文学思想丰富,不仅包涵圣经文本文学性,而且广泛涉及其他与之相关的文化内容,论文将其主要内容划分为两个部分。第三章分析了杰弗里圣经文学的文本研究,包括圣经文本观、圣经语言观和圣经叙事观。不同于哈罗德·布鲁姆等解构主义理论家对圣经权威的消解,杰弗里认为圣经文本具有符号性和权威性,圣经对后世文学的影响力是由它所承载的意义而产生,不仅仅是文本本身。他倡导圣经研究方法和立场要重新重视圣经的地位,同时更尊重圣经文本所隐含的信仰权威。从某种意义上说,哲罗姆和威克利夫是在尊重圣经文本权威的基础上阅读的虔诚读者的范例,中世纪有很多绘画艺术作品表现了哲罗姆研读圣经的虔诚。中古时期的西欧,文字与文学的诞生和基督教传教士的来临近乎同步,圣经的传播为日耳曼人提供了语言和书写形式,带动了各民族语言不断成熟、完善、独立,大大推动了欧洲文明的进程,对欧洲文字的诞生,人们读写能力的提高,以及文学的发展起了至关重要的作用。不容忽视的是英王詹姆斯钦定版圣经(KJV)对英语作家语言风格、修辞方式等有重要影响。通过考察圣经文本的叙事特色,杰弗里提出圣经的两种叙事模式,游历叙事和忏悔叙事。游历叙事主题在圣经文本中多次出现,其叙事框架是,主人公处在接连不断的旅行或迁徙过程中,通过人物的旅程经历和所见所闻来安排场景和事件。圣经中的游历本质上是一种精神的朝圣,为了信仰而坚持不懈的追求,在西方后世文学中得到传承和嬗变,成为西方文学中独具特色的一个母题。忏悔叙事是圣经文本中的另一个典型叙述模式,杰弗里认为圣经中忏悔叙述的目的是区别“心刚硬的读者”和“伤心的读者”。后世文学中的忏悔叙述作品多是对圣经的阐释和模仿,从而形成一个文学主题或类型,奥古斯丁的《忏悔录》就是此类型作品的代表。论文第四章论述了杰弗里的文学批评道德观和教育观,该方面的研究与圣经密切相关,同时又超出了圣经文本的研究范畴。二十世纪的文学批评理论和文本解读方法呈现出空前繁荣的局面,这从不同角度、不同方面对传统理性主义进行了挑战。杰弗里指出后现代语境下对文学批评道德观的忽视,不利于文学学科本身的发展,把圣经文本当作新理论的试刀对象,亦对圣经研究无益。西方文学史上,“父亲”经常是权威化身份的象征,在某种程度上也是上帝的象征,随着二十世纪反传统潮流的兴起,父亲形象的神圣性和权威性被瓦解甚至被颠覆。杰弗里分析了美国文学中逐渐出现的一批颂扬上帝之爱和父爱的作品,这显示了回归传统的倾向,尊重现世的父亲,才更能认识人们天国的“父亲”。探讨圣经与美国文学的关系时,杰弗里认为初到北美的清教徒用预表法释经,将美国视为上帝应许之地,产生一种高于世界其他民族和宗教的优越感,这实际上是对圣经的误读。美国文学中有不少作家作品对美国神话作出质疑,从赫尔曼·梅尔维尔和霍桑的作品可以窥见一斑。在基督教发展史上,以德尔图良为代表的不少学者划清神圣文学和世俗文学之间的界限,对艺术和文艺持怀疑态度。对此杰弗里提出了“美丽的俘虏”的概念,赞成吸收异教智慧和世俗文学,相互融合以促进文学的繁荣,充分肯定了世俗文学的作用,并在此基础上探讨希伯来文化和古典文化的融合。对于圣经与人文学科的关系,杰弗里认为与圣经研究相关的各学科对教育机构的建立及各种课程的发展起了至关重要的推动作用。圣经在语言的继承,本体论地位,以及释经学方法几个方面推动了人文学科的进步。对于“两希文化”的融合过程,杰弗里大胆的提出“希腊文化的基督教化”,认为西方人文学术的深厚传统在更本质的层面上受到圣经的影响要多于古典文学的影响。论文第五章总结了杰弗里圣经文学思想的当代意义。杰弗里考察圣经对文学作品,乃至整个西方文学起到的持续影响力,与很多纯文学研究方法相比,杰弗里强调圣经文学研究不能忽视意识形态的作用,他所说的“意识形态”与民族的思维习惯相联系,是一种信仰结构,一种文化得以凝聚并延续的特殊观念。杰弗里力图使信仰危机环境下的人们重新重视文化传统以及圣经作为文化渊源的意义,防止文化断裂。我国的圣经文学研究起步较晚,20世纪八十年代以后才逐渐兴起,并不断发展繁荣,在30年的研究历程中,国内学者在圣经文学理论、圣经文本的文学研究、圣经与世界文学的关系研究等相关领域取得了丰硕的成果,但是大量探讨圣经与文学关系的论文还停留在发掘作品中的圣经元素这样的表层上。杰弗里所提出的释经方法、语言文化、叙事理论、人文学科教育等方面的论题对我国的圣经文学研究,乃至西方文学研究也是有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 The Holy Bible is one of the greatest religious cannons in human history. It has been continuously interpreted, criticized and commented on, since it was created. After 20th century, some scholars study the Bible as literature. David Lyle Jeffrey is a famous scholar on biblical literature in western, who makes great contributions in this field. Jeffrey pays close attention to text theory and literature study in the Christian view, devoted to the Bible’s literariness, especially the Bible’s influence and leading role. In his opining, the Bible can not be simply equated as other literary works. He appeals for moral responsibility when study, and treating the Bible’s authoritative position cautiously. The thoughts by Jeffrey are introduced to China in 1990s. The translation and review appeared in succession, but the related research still weak. Study on Jeffrey’s biblical literature thoughts, research his theory background, theoretical views, academic significance, we can understand his thoughts and academic achievements, and investigate the Bible’s effluence on western literature and culture, survey the relationship between religion and literature in the view of cross-discipline, and also enlighten to Chinese scholars when study western literature.Chapter one generally introduces Jeffrey’s life and academic career, as well as the contemporary predicament in biblical literature study. Jeffrey have studied in Princeton University, thus is proficient in linguistics, medieval literature, modern literary theory. The study on the Bible in western began when ancient Ezra interpreted the Moses Law, via middle ages, until the Reformation, religious interpretation is the main method. In the 18th century, influenced by positivism and rationalism, someone use history criticism, including higher criticism and lower criticism. After the 20th century, literature criticism becomes prosperous, and the range of study extends from "the Bible as literature" to "the Bible and literature". With the modern and postmodern theory emerge in endless stream, just as semiotics, narratology, structuralism, formalism, deconstruction, post-colonialism, etc. the Bible’s authority in people’s mind becomes collapse, and the Bible increasingly equated with secular works, which is proving ground of various theories. Its core role in culture is neglect. Especially the deconstruction, represented by Harold broom, digested the "logos" center position. In Jeffrey’s option, studying the Bible in contemporary context, people can not break away the Bible’s text identity and the Christian connotation it carries, and people should respect the authority of the Bible.Chapter two, the dissertation analyses the theoretical origins of Jeffrey’s biblical literature thoughts. Jeffrey’s study establishes on two aspects, theology and literature. The Bible is religious cannon, when study it as literature, theological position and significance can not be neglect. Jeffrey admires Jerome’s contribution, and absorb to his academic study. Jerome translates the Bible into Latin accurately and faithfully, which became the authority edition. He promotes the Bible study and culture fusion, and provides ideas on how to treat the relationship between sacred and secular scripture. Jerome’s preciseness on the Bible and truth makes him the pious reader’s symbol. Augustine’s method and teleology, offer Jeffrey enlightenment, Especially on Christian doctrine and the Confessions. The former has profound influence on exegesis methodology, while the latter enlighten on "the broken-hearted reader" and reading thoughts. Studying on the Bible can not avoid referring to different religious doctrine and faction. Referring C.S.Lewis’thoughts of "mere Christian", Jeffrey stands for weakening the dispute between different factions, emphases their significance on culture. Jeffrey approves of Mathew Arnold’s analyzing on the modern position of the Bible study. He does not limited to theological text like medieval age, and present "the Bible as literature". But Jeffrey also queries Arnold’s idea that culture would displace religion. Narratology representative Robert alter focus on the Bible text, though cloze reading, analyses the Bible’s artistic expression, including structure, characters, narration, language etc. which is a reference for Jeffrey’s study.Chapter three and chapter four analyses Jeffrey’s core content about biblical literature. His thoughts are very rich, not only on the Bible text, but also refer culture widely. Chapter three discusses Jeffrey’s literature study on the Bible text, including his thoughts on Bible text, Bible language, and Bible narration. Different from deconstructionist like Harold broom, who digests the Bible’s authority in some degree, Jeffrey holds that the Bible text is symbolic sign and has authority. The power of influence originated from its significance, not only text itself. He proposes the method and principle should value the Bible’s position, and respect its authority in faith. In a sense, Jerome and Wycliffe is pious reader model who read the Bible base on respect the Bible’s authority, therefore many art woks show Jerome’s pious. In the middle ancient times, the production of and literature happened simultaneity with the coming of missionary. The propagation of the Bible provides language and written forms for Germanic, push forward national language mature, improve and independency. It is important significant on improving Europe civilization, people’s literacy, and western literature. King James Version of the Bible (KJV) influences English writers on language style, rhetoric manner. Though surveying the narrative feature of the Bible, Jeffrey suggests two narrative pattern, pilgrim narration and confession narration. The theme of Pilgrim narration in the Bible shows is obvious, which becomes a designated narrative structure. Character in text travel or migrate constantly, and the works arranges different scene and events thought the character’s experience during pilgrim. The essence of the journal is pilgrim, and pursue for faith, which becomes a special motif in western literature, coming down and evaluating in the latter literature. Confession narration is another typically. David Jeffrey considers that it is for distinguishing the hard-hearted reader and the broken-hearted reader. The later confession literature imitates and interprets on the Bible, and forms a literary theme, while Confession by Augustine is its masterpiece. Jeffrey proposes that we shall respect the authority of text, in order to achieve the close contact of reader and text.Chapter four analysis Jeffrey’s opinion on morality of literary criticism and education. Literary criticism theory in 20th century and text interpretation is flourishing as never before, which challenge traditional logos on different views or aspects. Jeffrey points out that neglect the literary criticism morality in the post-modern context is not benefit for the literature subject itself. By the same, taking the Bible as testing field does not benefit for the Bible study. In western literature history, father usually emblematizes authoritative degree, while emblematizes god sometimes. With the anti-traditional thought trends, the sanctity of the father is collapsed, even overthrow, Jeffrey analysis some American works appearing progressively that advocate god’s love and father’s love. About the relationship between the Bible and American literature, Jeffrey points out that puritan who came to American early exegesis the Bible with typological interpretation. They consider America as the Promised Land, thus arise superiority feeling higher than other nations and religions, which is a kind of misread. There are some writers who doubt the American myth, just as Herman Melville and Horton’s works. In the history of Christian, many scholars divided secular literature and scare literature clearly as Tertullian, and doubt secular art and literature. With "beautiful caption", Jeffrey agrees paganism wisdom and secular literature, in order to prove literary flourish, and bases on which he discuss the blend between Hebrew and Greek culture. As for the relation between the Bible and humanities, the courses related to the Bible promoted the found of education institutions. The Bible promotes humanities on language, ontology and hermeneutics etc. Jeffrey promotes audaciously "make Greek culture Hebraic", western humanistic tradition influenced more by the Bible than that of classic literature essentially.Chapter five summarizes the contemporary significance of the thought of Jeffrey. Surveying the influence of the Bible to literary works, even to whole western literature, Jeffrey devote himself to make people appreciate culture tradition again, as well as the Bible as western culture origin, preventing culture crack. The subjects he provides, like exegesis method, language, narrative theory, humanities education, are benefit enlightenment to our study on the Bible.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

