

Looking at the Chinese Literary Theory Structure from the Evolution of Its Relationship with Culture and Arts

【作者】 黄崇超

【导师】 马龙潜;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 一、总体考虑当前,文学理论建构的参照域是多谱系的。有的侧重从认识论角度开展,有的侧重反映论,有的侧重实践论;有的侧重史学视野,有的侧重人学视野,有的侧重美学视野;有的站在本土的立场,有的借鉴西方理论话语体系;有的则主张多角度、多视域的调和创新,等等。其中提出从文化角度、艺术审美角度进行理论建构的亦大有人在。但,统观之,对文学理论与文化、艺术关系的阐释多是概念化、浅层化的,或文化与艺术是其理论的常态内容之一,没有或很少触及到文化的价值系统,亦很少从文化价值系统变化的角度考虑其与文学理论的内生关系,盛行的文化研究基本上是西方话语体系内的方案。而文学理论对艺术因素、艺术标准的研究、坚持亦在不同时期呈现出不同的状态。本论文从系统的视野出发,回归文学及其理论发展的本真,从对文学理论与文化、艺术关系的演进考察出发,揭示分析文学理论在不同时期与文化、艺术关系的特征、变化及其内在决定因素,在此基础上展开以文化、艺术为主要维度的文学理论建构思考,提出了以文化、艺术为主要参照坐标的文学理论建构的初步设想。二、论文结构及主要内容本论文共有导论及第一至第五章。导论亦是正文的重要补充,主要是对正文涉及的文化、艺术两个重要概念进行界定及,进一步明确其内涵。文化方面:从价值体系出发,更看重文化的系统性、民族性、整体性,以及其对群体的恒久的软体影响。艺术方面:更注重从艺术品的精神独创性、审美独立性出发来理解艺术的本质,并延伸至文学。在对两个概念进行界定的基础上,对文学理论的发展进行快速扫描,论证了文化、艺术两个因素在文学理论发展历史过程中的重要关联性。之后,对文学理论与文化、艺术的基本关系,以及与文学补充性关系进行了解读,提出了本论文纲领性的主旨思路。第一章主要通过对文化传统与古代文论演进关系的分析,勾画出文学理论与文化、艺术关系的古典形态及其总体特征,以及对现代文学理论发展的重要启示。文学理论与文化、艺术的关系在中国古代具体表现为文化传统与古代文论、艺术传统的关系,其主要特征是:以文化传统的强势规约为主要表征,中国“载道”的文化传统使与史、哲等学科区分不清晰的古典文学,以诗话为主要形态的古代文论,传统艺术认识三者均成为传达文化核心价值的教化载体,文论的发展总体上在这一大的背景下进行。文化的强势地位虽然限制了文学与文论相对自由的发展,但是却衍生出与文化内质相符合的具有独特审美气质与美学境界的中国文学与艺术,以及与此相关联的古代文论。古代文论与主导文化传统的内生关联是其保持本土化、常态化发展的重要保证,并以自己独具特色的诗话语言体系发挥着对古典文学的阐释、引导等文学理论的恒常作用,这是文学理论与文化、艺术关系古典形态分析的现代启示。第二到第四章大致为一个整体,主要是对晚清至二十世纪以来现代文学理论与文化、艺术关系的发生、建立、发展过程进行文化与艺术特定视域的考察,描述其主要演进状态及特征。第二章主要考察1840至1919年中国社会发生现代性转型的关键时期内,文学理论与文化、艺术关系所发生的现代转型。文化方面:主要是西方文化的大规模引进,导致传统文化硬体解体,并由于西学的强盛使来自西方的现代意识一度成为中国社会的主流文化价值;艺术(文学)方面:主要是现代西方艺术认识的引入、确立,以及以白话文学为主体的新文学在传统杂文学体系中的分离、萌生及发展;文学理论方面:主要是伴随西方文化价值引入,参照西方理论范式初步建立起中国现代文学理论形态。文学理论与文化、艺术关系亦随三个要素各自的转型而完成现代性调整。但是由于处在发生期,文学理论与文化、艺术三要素并没有迅速建立起有机的联系。这一时期,在西学东渐笼罩下,由西方文化价值输入、确立而引起的文学理论、文学、艺术的现代转型是文学理论与文化、艺术关系演进的主要特征。第三章把1919至2000年作为一个整体考察。其中,1919至1949年,是文学理论发展的奠基时期。其主要特征是西方文学理论资源持续引进,并与对中国新文学实践的阐释、批评相结合,不断深入。其间,文学理论与文化、艺术关系的现代形态渐次建立,对现代文学理论的发展产生了较大的正面影响。1949至1978年,属于当代三十年,尽管“一元”语境特征突出,但是文学理论在学科建设、系统化、规范化等方面,尤其是马克思主义文学理论的建设方面,取得了较大成绩。文学理论与文化、艺术关系的演进在此期间呈现相对“失语”状态,但是文学创作、评价的艺术标准始终没有放弃。1978至2000年,是新时期前二十年,是二十世纪中国文学理论发展过程中辉煌的二十年。文化上:因经济发展带来对物质生活的极大向往,新一轮西学东渐由是发生,西方新的价值观输入,引起人们精神世界的巨大改变;艺术上:理论研究不断拓展、深入,生发出美学、文艺美学等学科的发展壮大;文学上:以个体解放为表征的新时期文学蓬勃发展,主要以“寻根文学”、“伤痕文学”、“朦胧诗”等为代表;文学理论方面:与文化上的崇外相一致,参照西方理论的学术方式、逻辑体系等,推进了中国文学理论的发展、创新,在理论认识上、学理深度上均达到了很高的水平。但是对西方文论的过度依赖亦使建立本土化的文学理论面临极难摆脱的学术习惯。总的看,由于社会经济文化均处于高速发展之中,文学理论与文化、艺术的关系极不稳定,仍然没有建立起类似于古代的由文化传统规约的稳定形态,而是以文化的冲突融合和艺术的自觉独立为主线,始终处在一个关系生成的探索之中。既有成绩,也有教训。第四章以文学在新时期尤其是新世纪以来的境遇为对象,尝试通过对其多角度的分析,描述出文学理论、文化、艺术内涵的变化及其关系的新动向。主要考察进入新世纪后,以文学“泛文化”、审美泛化为突出代表的新趋势给文学理论的发展带来的新危机、新挑战。作为重要文化载体的文学,在新时期中国大众文化兴起后,自身存在状态逐渐发生比较大的改变,并在新世纪随着大众文化的转型,科技、传媒的发展而逐渐产生不同于传统范畴演变轨迹的剧烈变化,除一小部分大致仍然保持着传统文学的状态,另一部分则呈现出“泛文化”的倾向,扩大了传统意义上文学的边界,对文学的传统生存模式带来挑战。作为文学理论主要研究对象的文学遭遇“泛文化”的巨大冲击,引起文学理论与文化、艺术关系的连锁不适反应,文学理论的“失语”、审美的“泛化”等问题接踵而至,并在存在合法性、理论话语权等方面造成文学理论新的危机。文学理论重新建构的命题及其使命感、紧迫感由此更加突出。第五章是论文的核心,在前面四章所分析、揭示问题的基础上,以文化、艺术为主要参照维度,提出了文学理论建设的提纲性意见,试图在建立本土化、民族化,并具有现实性、时代性、实践性品格的文学理论话语体系方面作出一些努力。从文化维度看,中国当前的文化状态是复杂多元的,文学理论只有在价值层建立了与主流文化形态相对应的联系,与其他辅助文化形态建立不同方式的联系,才能有效解决理论的现实性、时代性、民族化问题。论文对重建文学理论与文化关系必要性,以及如何建立、解决何样的问题等进行了较详细的解析。同时,文学理论与文化关系的重新建立,亦是其对文化重建的反作用,是文学理论“载道”功能的现代性体现,尽管内涵已经发生重大改变。从艺术维度看,倡导文学理论对文学的艺术本质进行具有回归特征的重新确认,并给出符合时代发展特征的现代阐释。同时,既要对文学泛文化转向、审美泛化等现象作出合理的解释、科学的指引,维护艺术的主体性、学科的合法性,又要增强主动性、敏感性,及时发现新的文化、技术语境下艺术因素、审美特征的新变化,对其发生的相对于传统的种种变异、创新进行解释,并把对这一系列新事物的理性认识内化在理论中,使之知识化、逻辑化、体系化,形成新的理论创新。

【Abstract】 1、General ConsiderationAt present, the literary theory is formed based on different References. Some put more emphasis on epistemology, some on reflectionism and some on Practice; Some stress on historical view, or human view, or aesthetic view; Some draw on the discourse of western theory; some, nonetheless, insist on convergence and innovation of multi-angle and multi-horizon, and so on so forth. There are also many a people who suggest the theory be constructed from cultural and Arts appreciation prospect. Looking at all of them, however, the interpretation of the relationship of the literary theory with culture and Arts is conceptual and not in-depth, or culture and Arts are just the normal content of the theory, never or seldom mentioning the value system of culture, and also seldom considering its inherent relationship with literary theory from the point of view of transformation of culture value system. The popular culture study is basically schemes within western discourse. The Theory of Literature in itself shows a different state at different time regarding its study and persistence on elements and standard of Arts.This paper, from a systematic viewpoint, adhering to the reality of literature and its theory development, and starting from the evolution of the relationship of the literary theory with culture and Arts, is trying to analyze and reveal the features, changes, and determinants of the relationship of the literary theory with culture and Arts, based on which, the theory of literature to be formed with culture and Arts as major dimensions is pondered on, and the tentative assumption of the literary theory structure referenced on culture and Arts is proposed.2、The structure and major contents of the paperThis paper has Introduction and five chapters.The Introduction is also an important supplement of the main body as it defines the culture and Arts, two key concepts in the main body, and articulates on their connotation. In terms of culture, starting from its value system, its systematicity, nationality, and totality, as well as its long-lasted potential influences on the population are paid more attention. And in case of Arts, the essence of it is understood from its spirit of original and Aesthetic independence, and this can also apply to the literature. On the basis of the definition of these two concepts, the development of the literary theory is explored, and the significant correlation of culture and Arts, two elements in the literary theory development history, is demonstrated. Then, the fundamental relationship of the literary theory with culture and Arts, together with the complementary relationship with literature, is interpreted; the subject idea of the paper is proposed.Chapter one, by analyzing the evolved relationship between the culture tradition and ancient literary theory, illustrates the classical status and general features of the relationship of the literary theory with culture and Arts, and revelation for the modern literature theory. The relationship of the literary theory with culture and Arts, in ancient China, was manifested as the relationship between the culture tradition and ancient literary theory and Arts tradition, the key feature of which is that, mainly represented by the powerful protocol of the culture tradition, the culture tradition, which carried the "Doctrines", enabled three parts--the classical literature that was not well defined from the history and philosophy, and ancient literary theory with notes on poets and poetry as major status, and the knowledge on traditional Arts, all became carriers that communicated core value of culture. The literary theory was developed under this background. Though the powerful position of the culture restricted the free development of the literature and the literary theory, the Chinese literature and Arts corresponding to the culture essence and with unique Aesthetic temperament and Aesthetic Horizon, was hence able to be derived, together with the ancient literary theory related to it. The ancient literary theory was inherently correlated with the main stream cultural tradition, and that guaranteed its localized and normalized development, as well, by means of its special poetic language system, it served as the constant function of the literary theory such as explanation and guiding role for classical literature. This is the modern revelation of the classical status analysis of the relationship between the literary theory and culture and Arts.Chapter two to four are basically an integral part, which studies,from specific viewpoint of cultural and Arts, how the relationship between the modern literary theory and culture and Arts incepted, established, and developed from late QING dynasty to 20th century, and describes its major evolution status and features. Chapter two studies the modern transformation of the relations of literary theory with cultural and Arts,at the key era when Chinese society was experiencing modern transformation from 1840 to 1919,. From the culture perspective, mainly as a result of the mass introduction of western culture, the traditional culture was dismantled. Because of the strength of the western culture, at one time, the western ideology became the dominant culture value; in terms of Arts, it was the introduction and establishment of modern western Arts, and separation, inception and development of new literature with writings in colloquial language as mainstay from traditional essay systerm. In terms of the literary theory, accompanied with the introduction of western value, the Chinese modern literary theory pattern was initially set up which was referred to western theory paradigm. The relations of literary theory with cultural and Arts realized its modern transformation along with the transformation of all three elements. However, at the emergence period, three elements--literary theory, culture and Arts, did not quickly set up organic relationship. At this period, while the western culture penetrated gradually, the modern transformation of the literary theory, literature, Arts led by the introduction and strengthening of western culture value represented the main feature of the relationship evolution of literary theory with cultural and Arts.Chapter three observes the period from 1919 to 2000.1919 to 1949 is a period laying foundation for the development of literal theory. The main feature of this era is that the western literary theory was continuously introduced, and combined with the explanation and criticism toward Chinese new literature practice. During this period, the modern status of the relationship of literary theory with culture and Arts were gradually established, which had relatively big influences on the development of the modern literary theory.1949 to 1978 belongs to contemporary era. Even though the "Unary" feature was quite obvious, the literary theory, on its subject formation, systematic and standard development, especially on the Marxist literary theory construction, had made great progress. The evolution of the relationship of literary theory with culture and Arts was in a "aphasia" situation, but the criteria for the literature creation and appreciation was never abandoned.1978 to 2000 is the former twenty years of the new era, and the prosperous twenty years in the history of Chinese literary theory development. Culturally, due to the economic development which led to the thirst for material life, another turn of western culture erosion occurred again. The introduction of western value resulted in great changes of people’s inner world. Artistically, the theory study was being continually expanded and deepened, generating the growing Aesthetics and Aesthetics of Literature; Literarily, the new era literature represented by individual liberation, among them particularly "Rooting for Roots" "Scar literature" and "Mistry poetry", were prospering.Regarding the literary theory, in line with the cultural xenophilia, learning of the Academic approach and logic system of the western theory pushed forward the development and innovation of Chinese literary theory, bringing the theory knowledge and Theoretical depth to a high level. On the other hand, the over dependence on the western literary theory also led to the situation that it was difficult to get rid of the dependent learning habit, In general, since the society, economy and culture were all under rapid growth, the relationship of the three elements were quite unstable-the stable status constrained by cultural tradition like ancient time could not be formed, instead, the conflict and convergence of culture and Conscious independence of Arts were used as principle line, forming the relationship was constantly explored. There were achievement, and lessons.Chapter 4, regarding the situation of the literature in new era, particularly new century as object, tries to analyze it from different angles, and shows the new trend of the connotation changes of literary theory, culture and Arts, as well as their relationships. This chapter studies the new crisis and new challenges brought by the new trend, with "pan culture" and Aestheticization as representatives after entering the new era. The literature as important carrier of the culture, since the mass culture were popularized, had undergone great changes in its state of being, and, with the transformation of mass culture, and development of technology and science and media, it gradually started to vary dramatically in a way that was quite difference from the traditional transformation path-one part remained the traditional literature status, the rest showed the Pan culture tendency, extending the boundary of literature in its classical definition and challenging the traditional mode of existence of the literature. The literature, as the major study object of the literary theory, encountered the huge impact from Pan culture, resulting in the concatenated reaction of the relationship of the literary, culture and Arts; issues such as aphasia of the literary theory and Aesthetic "Generalization" followed suit. In addition, the new crisis of the literary theory in terms of its legal existence and theoretical right to say incurred. The proposition of reconstructing the theory stood more out.Chapter five is the core of the whole paper. Based on the analysis of and issues revealed from the previous four chapters, this chapter proposes the outlined opinions of the literary theory construction, making its efforts toward a literary theory with the feature of localization and nationalization, as well as actuality, relevance and practicalness. From the culture standpoint, the cultural status at present in China is multi-dimension and complex, the literary theory, only by establishing relevant relationship with main stream culture, and relationship in difference style with other supplementary cultural status, can solve effectively the theoretical problem of actuality, relevance and nationalization. This paper analyzes in detail the necessity of reconstructing the relationship between the literary theory and culture, as well as how to establish and what issues can be solved. Meanwhile, the relationship reconstruction between the literary theory and the culture, reacting on the culture reconstruction, is the modern reflection of the "culture carrying" function of the literary theory, though the connotation of it has been changed significantly. From the Arts dimension, the paper proposes that the literary theory reconfirms with regression feature the Artsistic essence of the literature and gives out modern explanation conforming with modern feature. And, not only the proper explanation, scientific guidance for changing from the literature to pan culture and Aestheticization are needed, in order to protect the subjectivity and legitimacy of the Arts, the proactiveness, sensitivity were also to be reinforced to find the new changes of Arts elements, aesthetic features under new culture and technical situation, explaining the variation and innovation relative to tradition and internalizing into theory the conceptual knowledge of the new matters, which form new theoretical innovation with defined knowledge, logic and system.

【关键词】 文学理论建构文化艺术
【Key words】 Literary Theory StructureCulturalArts
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

