

The Study of Chinese Expression Adverbs in the Middle Ancient Times

【作者】 李素英

【导师】 冯春田;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着语法化理论的引进,有关汉语副词的研究已经取得了不少成绩,但是中古汉语语气副词,到目前为止,还没有人进行过全面、系统的研究。我们以中古时期的笔记小说(《拾遗记》、《搜神记》、《搜神后记》、《西京杂记》、《世说新语》、《周氏冥通记》、《古小说钩沉》)、历史著作(《后汉书》、《三国志》、《宋书》、《南齐书》、《魏书》、《晋书》)、汉译佛经(《修行本起经》、《中本起经》、《杂譬喻经》、《撰集百缘经》、《菩萨本缘经》、《六度集经》、《生经》、《百喻经》、《贤愚经》、《杂宝藏经》、《长阿含经》)以及《论衡》、《太平经》、《齐民要术》、《洛阳伽蓝记》、《水经注》、《颜氏家训》等诸多语料为研究对象,对其中的语气副词进行穷尽性的描写分析,重点探讨了中古汉语中新兴或特殊语气副词的形成过程及其发展演变历史,并通过共时的描写和历时的比较,勾勒出了中古汉语语气副词的基本面貌和时代特色。中古汉语语气副词是中古汉语语法的重要组成部分,对其进行全面、系统的调查和研究,必将为确定中古汉语副词发展演变在语法史上的地位、深入了解这一历史时期的语法和词汇全貌以及进一步研究整个汉语语气副词的发展演变规律奠定必要的基础。本文首先对中古时期的语气副词进行全面的描写。根据表示语气的不同,将中古汉语语气副词分为五类,即表确认强调、表评价、表委婉估测、表疑问反诘、表否定劝止。根据语义特征或语法功能的不同,我们又将其中的评价副词、疑问反诘副词和否定劝止副词作了进一步的次类划分,如评价副词细分为表恰幸和表意外两类;疑问反诘副词细分为突显疑问意义和具有疑问功能两类;否定劝止副词细分为否定叙述、否定已然、否定判断和禁止、劝阻等四类。我们对调查到的语气副词进行一一描写,力图清晰地勾勒出这一段历史时期内语气副词的概貌。由于中古汉语中新兴或特殊语气副词大量涌现,旧词古义依然活跃,因此在每类语气副词的小结中,我们都以表格的形式将上古时期产生的副词和中古时期新兴或特殊副词分别列出,以便于读者对每个语气副词的产生时代一目了然。对于中古汉语中的新兴或特殊语气副词,我们会尽量溯其来源、判断其出现的时间,梳理其语法化过程,展示其清晰的演变脉络。其次,在共时平面描写的基础上,对一些重要的、能够反映中古汉语副词特点、富有时代特色的语气副词及相关句式进行了专题性的研究,以期在语气副词的形成、演变以及与其他语义范畴的关系方面探索出一些规律性的东西。文中分别对中古时期的语气副词“都”、“势必”、“其实”、“‘将’与‘将无’”、“‘那’与‘那忽’”以及“莫”类测度副词等进行了探讨。对于这些中古汉语中新兴或特殊语气副词,我们既考证其出现的时间,也考察其演变的过程,并在此基础上分析其来源及演变原因。此外,我们还从否定判断句的发展和与“是X耶(邪)”式的对比中辨析了“是X不”式中“不(否)”的词性,认为该式中的“不(否)”应该和“耶(邪)”一样,被视为语气词而非否定词;从表达语气的强弱入手,分析了用重复否定词的二重否定来表示强调的说法在中古汉语中变得经常使用的社会背景。在文章的“结论”部分,我们主要探讨了两个方面的问题,即中古汉语语气副词的特点和语气副词的形成。通过对中古时期语气副词进行描写,总结出中古时期语气副词有如下特点:(一)新兴或特殊语气副词大量涌现,旧词古义依然活跃;(二)中古汉语语气副词出现了大量的同义聚合;(三)双音节和单音节语气副词并用,双音节词开始占据优势。东汉魏晋南北朝是汉语发展史上重要的历史时期,语音、词汇、语法都发生了重要变化,语气副词也不例外。许多新兴或特殊语气副词纷纷出现,约占这一时期语气副词的三分之二,同时先秦时期产生的许多语气副词也在此期同现,并且仍是很常用的副词;语气副词发展到中古时期,作为复音语气副词的构件——单音语气副词已经足够丰富,在构件丰富的基础上形成同义复音语气副词的机会就会更多;由于受社会发展和时代文化背景等诸多因素的影响,魏晋南北朝时期,汉语复音化取得了突破性进展,双音节词开始占据优势。我们在语法化学说的指导下讨论了中古汉语语气副词的形成,认为其形成方式主要有如下五种:1、他类词语法化为语气副词;2、同义复合形成新词;3、句法结构固化为语气副词;4、跨层结构凝定为语气副词;5、附加后缀形成新词。就语气副词的形成来看,有以下几个特点:1、汉语自然音步规律对双音节语气副词的形成产生影响;2、语气副词的平行虚化现象普遍;3、重新分析和类推成为语气副词形成的重要机制。

【Abstract】 Following the introduction of grammaticalization theory, the related Chinese adverb research has already obtained many achievements, but nobody has conducted the comprehensive and systematic research on the expression adverb in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times.We take 30 literatures (including literary sketche,historical works,Chinese version of buddhist scripture and so on) from Eastern Han Dynasty to Sui Dynasty as the main investigation language materials,those are Shiyi Ji(《拾遗记》),Soushen Ji(《搜神记》),Soushen Houji(《搜神后记》),Xijing Zaji(《西京杂记》),Shishuo Xinyu(《世说新语》),Zhoushi Mingtong Ji(《周氏冥通记》),Guxiaoshuo Gouchen(《古小说钩沉》),Houhan Shu(《后汉书》),Sanguo Zhi(《三国志》),Song Shu(《宋书》),Nanqi Shu(《南齐书》),Wei Shu(《魏书》),Jin Shu(《晋书》),Xiuxing Benqi Jing(《修行本起经》),Zhong Benqi Jing(《中本起经》),Za Piyu Jing(《杂譬喻经》),Zhuanji Baiyuan Jing(《撰集百缘经》),Pusa Benyuan Jing(《菩萨本缘经》),Liudu Ji Jing(《六度集经》),Sheng Jing(《生经》),Baiyu Jing(《百喻经》),Xianyu Jing(《贤愚经》),Za Baozang Jing(《杂宝藏经》),Chang Ahan Jing(《长阿含经》),Lunheng(《论衡》),Taiping Jing(《太平经》),Qimin Yaoshu(《齐民要术》),Luoyang Qielan Ji(《洛阳伽蓝记》),Shuijing Zhu(《水经注》)and Yanshi Jiaxun(《颜氏家训》).Based on exhaustively description analysis to expression adverb,we discussed the formation and evolution of the emerging or special expression adverbs in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times with emphasis,and outlined its basic appearance and era characteristics by synchronic description and diachronic comparison. The expression adverb in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times is the important constituent of the Middle Ages Chinese grammar.We sure that it should lay the essential foundation to determine the status of Middle Chinese Adverb development in the grammar history,to acquaint the picture of the grammar and glossary of this historical period thoroughly and to further study the rule of entire Chinese expression adverb evolution by carring on comprehensive and systematical investigation and research to it.This paper first carries on the comprehensive description to the expression adverb in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times. According to the difference of expression,it is approximately divided into five kinds:the emphasis adverb,the euphemism and estimation adverb,the appraisal adverb,the doubt adverb and the denial adverb.Taking the semantic characteristic or the grammatical function as the main standard,some kinds of expression adverb have their own minor classification.For example,the appraisal adverb can be subdivided into two kinds:the just and good luck and the accident;The doubt adverb can be subdivided into the highlighting question significance and the possessing doubt function; The denial adverb is subdivided into the denial narration, the denial perfectiveness, the denial judge and the forbids. We carry on the comprehensive description to all investigated expression adverbs and try our best to outline general picture of expression adverb in this historical stage. Because the emerging or special expression adverb in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times had emerged massively and the old words were still active, we list them separately by the form in summary of each kind of expression adverb to be advantageous for the reader to be clear to the production time of each expression adverb. Regarding the emerging or special expression adverb, we can trace its originity, judge time of appearance, comb process of grammaticalization and demonstrate clear evolution vein as far as possible.Next, this paper lanches the case investigation of some expression adverbs and related sentences on the basis of plane description to explore some regularities.The paper analyses separately the expression adverbs in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times,such as "dou", "shibi", "qishi", "jiang and jiangwu", "na and nahu", "mo" and so on.As for these emerging or special expression adverbs,this paper carries on the concrete textual research and their appearence time,also inspects their evolution process,and analyzes their origin and the evolution reason in this foundation. In addition, the paper also analyzes that "bu" at the end of "Shi X Bu" interrogative sentence has been weak by the comparison of "Shi X ye" interrogative sentence and the negative judgment sentence,and that the double negative construction obtained the widespread utilization in the Middle Age has the profoundly social background.In the part of "conclusion", we have mainly investigate two problems:the characteristics of expression adverb in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times and the formation of expression adverb.By studying the expression adverb in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Time,we summarize the following features of expression adverb:first, the emerging or special expression adverb in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times had emerged massively and the old words were still active;second, the expression adverb appeared massive synonymy polymerization;third, the disyllable and monosyllable expression adverb were used at the same time, and the disyllabic expression adverb started to occupy the superiority. The Eastern Han Dynasty to Sui Dynasty were important historical periods of Chinese during which great changes had taken place in pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar,and the expression adverb was not exception.The emerging or special expression adverbs which was two-thirds of expression adverbs in the Middle Ancient Time appeared in abundance,at the same time many expression adverbs produced in the Pre-Qin Dynasty were still used commonly;During the Middle Ancient Times,the components of diplophonic expression adverbs—the monophonic expression adverbs—were enough and the corresponding chances of diplophonic expression adverbs with same meaning were more than before; As a result of influences of many factors such as social development and cultural background and so on, the Chinese double tone oscillator made disruptive progress and the disyllabic expression adverb started to occupy the superiority in the Wei Dynasty,Jin Dynasty and Southern and Northern Dynasty.Based on the grammaticalization,we discussed the formation of expression adverb in the Chinese Language in the Middle Ancient Times and summarized the following five kinds:first,the other kind of words became a new expression adverb;second,the expression adverbs with the same meaning were used together to form a expression adverb;third, the syntax structure solidified the expression adverb;fourth,the cross-layer structure formed the expression adverb;fifth, the expression adverb added suffix to form a new one.We summarized the following features of formation of expression adverb:first,the rule of Chinese natural sound foot has the influence to the formation of disyllabic expression adverb;second, the parallel grammaticalization of expression adverb is common;third, re-analysis and analogy become the important mechanism which the expression adverb forms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

