

The Study of Legend and Faith of the "Dragon without Tail Called LaoLi" in Shandong

【作者】 李然

【导师】 刘铁梁;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国民间文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “秃尾巴老李”是山东地区对当地流传的“秃尾龙”传说主人公的一种通称。秃尾龙传说广泛流传于山东、黑龙江、河北、江苏、广东、广西等地,以“神奇的诞生、断尾离家、回乡上坟、孝亲佑乡”为主要情节。作为“秃尾龙”型传说的一种,山东“秃尾巴老李”受到地域历史与文化传统的深刻影响,其发展轨迹明显区别于其他地方。传说作为民众建构的地方历史,蕴藏着他们对自己生活经历的集体记忆。“闯关东”的历史与记忆是将秃尾巴老李从众多秃尾龙故事中去区别开来的关键因素,也是秃尾巴老李信仰在山东兴起与泛滥的根本原因。一方面,移民数量大小和时间先后使得山东各地秃尾巴老李传说与信仰发展具有不同步性,并在整个山东区域内呈多点分布的状态;另一方面,移民历史还直接导致山东秃尾巴老李传说及信仰在流传过程中表现出鲜明的层累特性。这种特性既体现在传说情节的叠加与故事形象的融合上,也体现在信仰功能的积累与神格力量的交汇上,最终形成具有鲜明地域色彩的秃尾巴老李。传说与信仰相辅相成,成为一种地方性文化传统,左右着民众的日常生活与精神世界。这种在闯关东历史下形成的传说与信仰的不均衡多点分布状态中,由于某些传说情节与信仰对象具有较强一致性而形成特定范围的传说信仰圈。山东目前所发现的几种典型传说信仰圈其形成归根结底是由地域区分性造就的,其中既包括地理与自然环境的天然界标,也蕴涵着历史文化的深刻印记。甚至连行政区划的变动也有可能对某些分支形成具有相应的影响。综观整体山东秃尾巴老李传说与信仰,个性化的地方分支并没有掩盖其发展中的共性特点。无论山东哪个地区的秃尾巴老李,传说讲述与信仰行为这两种互为语境的文化文本,都在生活中相辅相成,以地方知识的形式影响着民众现实生活与精神世界,呈现出一种共生且纠结的关系。同时,融合传说与信仰的秃尾巴老李虽然是地方性知识,但各地民众在强调其个性的同时,又极为重视其作为山东文化的象征而应该享有的地位。一方面他们不断突出传说、信仰的地方化特征,强调地方的唯一性。另一方面,又在不断超越地方传统,使其向整个山东的主流文化传统靠拢。这种不断的地方化过程与超越地方的努力并行不悖地存在于秃尾巴老李传说与信仰的发展历程之中,充分体现了各地民众对自己文化的主体意识和能动的塑造。

【Abstract】 The "Dragon without tail called LaoLi" is the hero of a legend in Shandong province. The legend and faith of the "dragon without tail" widespread in the Shandong, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, with several important episodes such as "Magical birth "; " Be cut off tail and away from home"; "Back home and visiting his mother’s grave" and "Blessing home".etc. The presented dissertation is the study concerning "What characteristic does LaoLi has?" and "What makes him to be so unique?"Legend was the history which constructed by the people, among which the collective memory was hidden in. From beginning of Qing Dynasty, many poor people from Shandong who tried to make a living in Northaest of China,which was called Venture into east of Shanhaiguan. The piece of history was the key factor which led the legend and faith of "LaoLi" spread all over Shandong Province. As to the amount of the migration and time they went to Northeast of China, there were huge difference between the cities and countries in Shandong Province. So the legend and faith of "LaoLi" in different place in Shandong showed a process of non-synchronized. To be specific, the emergence of the legend and faith of "LaoLi" in coastal areas was much earlier than the other places which represented certain features of primitivity; while in the inland areas, the legend and faith of "LaoLi" had some additional episodes which indicated that they were more resent.The episode of "Fighting in Heilongjiang" led to a cumulative characteristics of "LaoLi".With the process of the adding episode and the fusion of the characters, the legend and faith of "LaoLi" had showed a strong localized features, and become a local traditional knowledge. In Shandong, the ledgend and faith of "LaoLi" spread all over the province and present a distribution of multi-points. Actually the legend of "LaoLi" and the faith of "LaoLi" were two important components of the local traditional knowledge which impacted on people’s reality and the spiritual world; they had such different between each other and at the same time they were interwoven so tightly and complement each other. Although the legend and faith of "LaoLi" presented a distribution of multi-points, there still had a few circles of legend and faith, in which the episode and the character were similar. There were several typical circles of the legend and faith of "LaoLi" in Shandong. They were distinguished by geographical boundaries as well as the local history and culture.When we provided an overview of the legend and faith of "LaoLi", we find, according to abundant individuality, the development in different places hold common regularity to be complied. First, no matter where "LaoLi" had been in, the legend and faith of him were heavily intertwined. Legend and faith were mutual context that made up a series local knowledge which affected the way people lived. Second, although "LaoLi" was a local knowledge that emphasized individuality by the local person, but they still appreciated the value "LaoLi" had in the whole Shandong Culture. On the one hand, local population highlighted the regional characteristics and emphasized the uniqueness of "LaoLi" in their culture; on the other hand, the legend and faith of "LaoLi" had the tendency of beyond-locoalizition to gain a higher position in Shandong Culture. The two tendencies coexisted in the development of "LaoLi", in which general public were gave a full expression of their creativeness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

