

Study on Reverse Technological Spillover Effect of China’s OFDI and Domestic Technological Progress

【作者】 刘伟全

【导师】 张宏;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 知识生产和人力资本积累是经济增长的源泉,一个国家经济发展的推动力在于不断的技术进步和创新。在经济全球化的今天,对于技术要素并不丰裕的发展中国家而言,除了依靠本国自主研发实现技术创新和升级之外,还可以通过对外直接投资积极获取国外的先进技术和管理经验。目前理论界对对外直接投资技术溢出效应的研究大多以流入的外资对发展中东道国企业技术溢出为研究对象,并且取得了许多代表性的成果;而以发展中国家企业对外直接投资为研究对象,分析投资行为对母国国内技术进步影响的研究相对较少。特别是当前国际分工日益深化,已经逐渐演变成为全球价值链之间的分工。发展中国家以劳动力资源优势嵌入全球价值链,虽然获得了一部分分工的利益,但由于缺少技术、品牌等价值链战略环节必需的要素而被锁定在价值链的低端环节。因此,在全球价值链分工机制下研究发展中国家通过对外直接投资获取东道国技术溢出的理论可行性和微观机理,检验我国对外直接投资对国内技术进步的影响,既有深刻的理论意义,也有利于我国加强和改善对外直接投资的宏观管理,进一步促进海外投资对国内企业价值链升级的推动作用。中国对外直接投资实践的不断发展为OFDI逆向技术溢出的理论分析和实证研究提供了良好的基础,本文基于国际分工正在演变为价值链环节之间的分工和中国企业正在从嵌入全球价值链的低端环节向上攀升这两方面的考虑,探讨我国通过对外直接投资获取东道国技术溢出,促进母国技术进步的问题,试图回答如下问题:其一,全球价值链分工机制下发展中国家的对外直接投资企业获取东道国技术溢出的微观机理是什么?影响溢出效应的因素有哪些?其二,我国对外直接投资是否促进了国内的技术进步?存在哪些因素影响国内对逆向技术溢出效应的吸收?根据本文的研究领域和研究特点,在研究方法上采用了理论分析与实证研究相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合以及理论研究与案例分析相结合。在对上述问题进行解析的基础上,本文得出了以下研究结论:第一,处于全球价值链低端环节的发展中国家企业可以通过向发达国家投资获取东道国的逆向技术溢出,实现工艺升级或者产品升级。投资企业的全球市场销售规模和企业所处行业的工资率是其投资成功的必要前提条件;足够大的市场销售规模和较高的行业工资率有助于逆向技术溢出的获得。第二,从获取东道国逆向技术溢出的微观机理看来,绿地投资和跨国并购获取东道国逆向技术溢出的机制和影响因素存在很大的差别。从全球价值链的驱动机制来看,生产者驱动类型价值链的企业既可以通过绿地投资也可以通过跨国并购获取发达国家的研发技术,而购买者驱动类型价值链的企业则更应当通过跨国并购获取品牌、渠道等资源,实现价值链的攀升。第三,我国对外直接投资通过刺激国内技术创新和逆向技术溢出效应的国内扩散影响国内技术进步,通过研发经费和专利授权数据的实证检验,发现目前我国对外直接投资对国内技术创新活动的研发投入和产出提高作用没有体现出来;而逆向技术溢出的国内扩散效应虽然较小,但已经通过研发要素的吸纳机制和研发成果的反馈机制促进了我国全要素生产率的不断提高;高素质技术人才的培养与积累是增强逆向技术溢出效应国内吸收能力的关键。本文共包括七章内容。其基本结构和主要内容如下:第1章是导论,介绍了研究的背景和目的、研究方法、研究的主要思路、内容结构和创新点,并对几个主要概念进行了界定。第2章是文献综述,梳理有关全球价值链的理论,分析国内外学术界有关对外直接投资母国技术进步效应的文献研究,指出当前的研究缺乏对溢出机制的详细分析,缺少对跨国公司获取东道国研发溢出的具体过程和发生机理的阐述。第3章是OFDI逆向技术溢出效应的理论模型和微观机理分析,在构建OFDI逆向技术溢出效应的可行性理论模型基础上,详细阐述绿地投资和跨国并购获取东道国逆向技术溢出的微观机理和影响因素,建立了OFDI逆向技术溢出的微观机理模型。第4章结合全球价值链驱动机制的划分和演变,分析了不同价值链类型企业通过对外直接投资实现价值链环节攀升的投资方式,修正和完善了第3章所建立的微观机理模型。第5章是OFDI促进母国技术进步的宏观实证分析,首先检验了OFDI对于我国技术创新活动的影响程度;然后通过对投资流向的东道国进行分组聚类分析测量了OFDI投资流向对我国技术进步的影响程度和发生机制,并分析了影响国内吸收能力的因素。第6章是基于不同价值链驱动类型的OFDI案例,在简要介绍我国对外直接投资获取发达国家技术的企业实践后,从全球价值链的驱动类型角度选取了通讯设备制造业的华为公司和家电制造业的TCL公司作为案例,分析验证前文所提出的溢出机理和传导机制。第7章是研究结论、政策建议和展望,对全文进行了总结并指出了下一步的研究方向。相比已有的研究文献而言,本文在以下几个方面进行了探索性的研究:第一,本文运用全球价值链的分析方法,在价值链理论框架下考察发展中国家企业对外直接投资的逆向技术溢出、母国传导机制等问题,基于我国对外直接投资的价值链模式,提出促进我国企业对外直接投资与母国技术进步的对策,为中国企业提高在价值链上的竞争优势提供了新的途径。第二,在全球价值链分工形势下,从绿地投资和跨国并购两个角度详细阐述发展中国家OFDI逆向技术溢出的微观机理和影响因素,以此构建了对外直接投资促进母国技术进步作用机理的分析框架,同时比较了在不同价值链类型企业下的适用性,弥补了理论研究的不足。第三,在实证研究方面,分别从技术创新和技术扩散两个方面考察我国对外直接投资的国内技术进步效应;并借鉴和改造L-P模型,利用目前二十五个主要投资国家和地区的数据进行总体和聚类分组分析,比较了我国OFDI的不同投资区位影响国内技术进步的机理和效果。

【Abstract】 Knowledge production and human capital accumulation are the source of economic growth. Continuous technological progress and innovation is the mainspring of a nation’s economic growth. With the progress of globalization, the developing countries which are not affluent in technology factor are able to get advanced technology and managerial expertise through outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) besides independent innovation. The existing researches in technological spillover of OFDI focus mainly on investment from developed countries to developing countries and have made great progress; whereas very few, if any, researches focus on OFDI from developing countries to developed countries and further analyze the influence of such investment over domestic technological progress of parent’s nations. International division of labor is deepening and gradually evolving into division in the global value chain. Developing countries join the global value chain with their advantage in labor resource and obtained interest fro division of labor, however, most of them are locked in the low end of value chain due to their lack in such strategic factors imperative to value chain as technology and brand. Therefore, these is significant theoretical implication to explore the theoretical feasibility and micro-mechanism for developing countries to take the advantage of knowledge spillover through OFDI and further test the influence of our OFDI over domestic technological progress. It also holds value for practitioners on strengthening and improving the macro-management of OFDI, as well as updating value chain of domestic countries.The practice of China’s OFDI provides perfect foundation for both theoretical analysis and empirical study of reverse technological spillover of OFDI. Based on the fact that international division of labor is evolving into the division of labor among various process of the value chain, and China’s enterprises are moving upward from the low end of global value chain, this paper explores how to realize technological progress of parent nation through technological spillover effect of investing outward. This paper attempts to answer the following questions:first, what’s the micro-mechanism of OFDI enterprises in developing countries obtaining technological spillover from hosting countries? What are the factors which impact on the spillover effect? Second, dose our OFDI promote domestic technological progress? What are the factors that impact on the absorption of reverse technological spillover? Is it possible for domestic companies to realize the upward movement in the value chain through OFDI?This research consists of theoretical analysis and empirical study. It employs both quantitative and qualitative (case analysis) methods. The following conclusions are drawn:Firstly, companies in developing countries are able to obtain reverse technological spillover from hosting countries through OFDI to developed countries. The precondition is that the global market size of the investing companies is large enough, and the wage rate of the industry is relatively high.Secondly, as to the micro-mechanism of obtaining reverse technological spillover and the corresponding influential factors, there are great differences between green field investment and cross-border merger and acquisition (M & A). Companies in the producers-driven value chain can employ both green field and M & A to obtain advanced R & D technology, whereas companies in the customers-driven value chain should employ M&A to access resources such as brand and channel to realize upgrading in value chain.Thirdly, our OFDI impacts on domestic technological progress through stimulating domestic technological innovation and domestic diffusion of reverse technological spillover. Empirical study employing R&D input and patent authorization shows that the influence of OFDI over domestic R&D input and output is not significant. However, although the effect of domestic diffusion effect of reverse technological spillover is still weak, it has promoted continuous improvement of total factor productivity through absorption mechanism of R&D factors and feedback mechanism of R&D outputs. The nurture and accumulation of high-quality talents is critical to improve absorption capability of reverse technological spillover.This research consists of seven chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which introduces the background and purpose of this research, research methods employed, theoretical framework, structure and contribution, as well as definition of some major concepts. Chapter 2 is literature review. It synthesizes and provides comments on existing literature on global value chain, OFDI and its technological spillover effect, points out that there is lack in micro-mechanism of spillover effect. Chapter 3 is theoretical framework and micro-mechanism analysis of reverse technological spillover of OFDI. It constructs theoretical framework and elaborates the micro-mechanism and influential factors of green field and M & A. Chapter 4 analyzes various investment methods of various types of companies in order to move upward in value chain through OFDI. It combines the division and evolvement of driving mechanism of global value chain, and indeed amends and perfects the micro-mechanism framework in Chapter 3. Chapter 5 is empirical analysis on impacts of OFDI on technological progress of hosting nation in the macro level. Data in OFDI flow, R&D input and patent authorization are employed to test the level of influence. Cluster analysis is employed to measure the level of influence and mechanism of OFDI over technological progress in China as well as factors which impact on absorption capability. Chapter 6 is case analysis of OFDI in value chains with various driving force. Huawei in telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry and TCL in home appliances industry are selected. Research conclusion, policy suggestion and prospect are given in Chapter 7.This paper has done exploratory research in the following aspects:Firstly, this research examines reverse technological spillover in OFDI, as well as diffusion mechanism in hosting nation from the perspective of global value chain. It puts forward policy suggestion to stimulate OFDI and technological progress and hence provides new channel for China’s companies to improve competitive advantage in the global value chain.Secondly, this research elaborates the micro-mechanism and influential factor of reverse technological spillover of OFDI in developing countries. Theoretical framework is constructed and its feasibility to companies in various value chains is compared, which fills up the theoretical gap in academia.Thirdly, empirical study employs R&D input, patent authorization and total factor productivity separately to examine the spillover effect of OFDI in domestic technological progress. Aggregate and cluster analysis are employed for 25 major destination countries and area of China OFDI to compare the influence of OFDI location over domestic technological progress.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F752.68;F204
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2444
  • 攻读期成果

