

Study on Water Inrush Risk and Early Warning Mechanism of Karst Tunnel

【作者】 葛颜慧

【导师】 李术才;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 工程力学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国西部大开发战略的快速推进,西部地区交通、能源等基础建设大幅度展开,长大岩溶隧道建设越来越多。岩溶地区长大隧道修建过程中,经常遇到突水突泥、岩爆、瓦斯等地质灾害,其中突水突泥尤为严重。突水突泥灾害轻则冲毁机具、贻误工期,重则造成人员伤亡和重大财产损失,岩溶隧道突水风险评价与预警机制已成为亟待解决的问题。湖北沪蓉西高速公路乌池坝隧道隧址区存在多条地下暗河系统,地下水位150m左右,与已发生突水的宜万铁路马鹿箐隧道平面相距2-4kmm,同处一个大的水文地质单元;齐岳山隧道穿越齐岳山背斜、两条断层和2条地下暗河系统,最高地下水位超过100m,与发生多次突(涌)水的齐岳山铁路隧道同处一个水文地质单元,地表岩溶洼地等岩溶形态极为发育;龙潭隧道穿越3条断层和覃春泉暗河地下水系统,水位最高可达100m左右,均存在严重突水突泥风险。为保证施工和运营安全,本文以这些突水高风险岩溶隧道为研究对象,运用岩溶学、地质学、模糊数学、物探技术等手段,研究了岩溶隧道突水风险评价及预警机制,取得了一系列有价值的研究成果。在系统分析文献与现场调研的基础上,分析了岩溶发育的基本规律,研究了岩溶发育的主控因素,即岩溶发育主要受地层岩性、地下水动力分带、地质构造和地形地貌等因素控制。通过在沪蓉西高速公路沿线几座高风险岩溶隧道开展突水地质灾害控制实践研究和宜万铁路高风险岩溶隧道突水地质灾害调研,研究了湖北沪蓉西高速公路沿线岩溶发育的基本规律,提出了沿线发生突水灾害的主要蓄水构造类型。岩溶隧道突水受多种因素的综合影响,突水风险评价还处于起步阶段。在研究岩溶隧道突水主要影响因素的基础上,提出了岩溶隧道突水风险的主要依据,建立了突水风险评价指标体系。利用层次分析法对影响突水的各因素进行权重分析,得出各指标的权重;采用调查统计方法确定各指标的隶属度,利用模糊综合评判方法建立了突水风险评价模型,提出了4级突水风险分级标准,实现了隧道突水风险定量化。利用风险评价方法得出的突水高风险地段范围较大,不能得山具体哪一个位置会发生突水,为缩小范围,建立了岩溶隧道突水风险源辨识-隧道综合超前地质预报技术体系。通过大量岩溶隧道综合超前预报实践,分析了各种预报方法的优缺点和对不同地质体的响应机理,针对突水风险源的特点和各种预报仪器对突水风险源的敏感度,针对不同风险等级的区段,制定不同的适合突水风险源辨识的综合超前地质预报方案,以找出突水的重点预警地段。岩溶隧道突水预警机制是隧道突水防灾减灾的重要手段。根据隧道突水能造成的危害、紧急程度和发展态势,将预警等级分为四级,依次用红、橙、黄、蓝四种颜色表示,即四色预警。根据隧道施工特点,制订了预警机制流程和预警发布流程;建立了隧道突水预警指标体系,分析了预警体系各预警指标的分级标准,提出了隧道突水的预警警度和警限;针对不同的预警等级,提出了突水灾害预控对策。为减轻突水造成的灾害程度,制订了隧道突水应急预案。重点分析了隧道突水时,水在隧道中的流动规律,优化了逃生路线。根据隧道施工实际情况,制定了应急演练方案,并实施了应急演练,为防灾减灾提供了依据。在湖北沪蓉西高速公路乌池坝隧道、齐岳山隧道、龙潭隧道等高风险岩溶隧道施工过程中,进行了突水风险评价、突水风险源辨识、四色预警和基于应急预案的应急演练,多次避免和降低了突水突泥灾害造成的损失,保证了施工安全和施工进度。

【Abstract】 Accompanying the enforcement of strategy to develop western regions, transport, energy and other infrastructures of western China expand substantially and the long tunnel construction in karst zone increases dramatically. In the process of long tunnel construction, geological hazards such as water inrush and mud outburst, rock burst, gas, and etc. often occur. Water inrush and mud outburst are particularly serious which often lead to destroyed equipments and delayed construction, even cause casualties and economic losses. Water inrush risk evaluation and early warning have been the issues that require to be solved urgently.There are several underground rivers in the area of Wuchiba Tunnel and the groundwater level is about 150m. It is about 2-4km near to Maluqing Tunnel in the same hydrology geology unit. Qiyueshan Tunnel crosses Qiyueshan anticline, two faults and two underground rivers. The groundwater level is about 100m. It is at the same hydrology geology unit with the Qiyueshan Railway Tunnel which had occurred water inrush many times. The karst is very developed in the area. Longtan Tunnel crosses three faults and Qinchunhe Underground River. The groundwater level is about 100m. All the tunnels mentioned above have seriously water inrush risk. To ensure the safety of tunneling and operation, according to the high risk karst tunnels of Hubei Hurongxi highway, the water inrush risk and early warning mechanism were studied and some meaningful results were obtained by applying the method of karstology, geology, geophysical exploration technique.The basic karst development rule was analyzed based on studying the literatures and doing research. The main controlling factors of karst development, which are affected by stratum lithology, underground water hydrodynamic zoning, geological structure, landform and etc., were mentioned. Through implementing water inrush geological disasters controlling research on the high water inrush risk tunnels of Hurongxi highway and researching karst water inrush into tunnel disasters of Yichang-Wanzhou Railway, the basic law of karst development of the highway was studied and the main types of water storage structures along the highway were proposed.Water inrush into karst tunnel is comprehensively influenced by various factors and karst tunnel water inrush risk evaluation is still at the starting stage. The main basis of water inrush is proposed and the evaluation index system is established based on the research on main influence factors of water inrush into karst tunnel. The weight of index is obtained by AHP (The Analysis Hierarchy Process) and the membership degree is gained by statistical methods. The water inrush risk is evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The risk is quantized by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.The high risk water inrush scope given by the risk evaluation means is large. To reduce the scope, it is necessary to establish the identification of risk sources system which is comprehensive advanced geological forecast. At different risk grading part along the tunnel, different programs on identifying the water inrush risk sources are made. The key locality of water inrush can be found for the early warning indexes monitoring.Early warning mechanism of water inrush into karst tunnels is one of the most important means for disaster prevention and reduction. The early warning grading was devided into four classes, which was represented by red, orange, yellow and blue according to the damage, emergency degree and development situation. The early warning mechanism flow and early warning publishing procedure is made according to the characteristics of tunneling. The early warning indexes system is established. The standard of each index is put forward and the warning degree and warning limit of water inrush are proposed. Different pre-control measures are mentioned for different warning grade.The emergency plan is formulated to reduce the damage of water inrush. The law of water flow in tunnel when water inrush into tunnel was analyzed and the escape route was optimized. According to the actual construction situations, the emergency training scheme was made and emergency training was implemented with basis of disaster prevention and reduction.In the construction of Wuchiba Tunnel, Qiyueshan Tunnel, Longtan Tunnel and etc., water inrush risk evaluating, identification of waterinrush risk sources and four color early warning were implemented. Losses caused by water inrush and mud burst were avoided and decreased many times by implementing the results.The construction safety and construction period were guaranteed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

