

Studies of the Management Philosophy Conceived in the Book of Changes

【作者】 黄新根

【导师】 刘大钧;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 作为以组织形式生存和活动并对人力和资源进行协调和分配的管理实践活动贯串整个人类历史的始终。可以说这是人类与其他动物相区别的重要标志之一。于此而言,人类历史也就是一部人类的管理史。然而,真正将管理作为一门学科进行系统研究,则是迎合了西方工业革命和近现代工业文明而出现的。这就是以人为本的人本管理科学,这也是当今管理科学的一个重要原理。但在对人本管理追根溯源之后,我们就会很自然的求诸作为中华文化源头的《周易》。在《周易》当中蕴藏有丰富的人本管理哲学思想。其中,《系辞传》中的天、地、人“三才之道”就确立了以人为“天地之心”的人本思想,以“君子以裒多益寡,称物平施”、“观民设教”、“君子以厚德载物”、“君子以容民畜众”等而强调要爱民、顺民、惠民、让民,认为作为一个成功的管理者,在成就德性之后,当以德性和品性进一步感化民众,并以“养贤”和“尚贤”的人才管理模式来力图化解管理者和被管理者之间的矛盾,使之达到和谐统一的人文化成管理境界。这里,《周易》强调天道、地道、人道的和谐平衡,要法天则地进而实现人道的“和谐”。而且,《周易》卦爻及其动变就是对世界和人文活动的记录,六十四卦的卦爻变化与每卦的卦爻辞充分说明人本管理思想在不同时空具有不同的深刻内涵。随着上世纪八十年代《周易》热的兴起,越来越多的人开始从管理学的角度来理解、阐释和发展周易,学者们纷纷认定《周易》是一部管理之书。海内外出版了数十部关于《周易》管理学的著作以及发表了数百篇关于周易管理学的论文。近些年来《周易》管理学的发展呈现出以下三个特点,一是以《周易》思想为基础,兼容儒、释、道、法、兵、墨等中国传统的各家思想。许多学者着力于融合中国传统文化思想精华,弘扬东方管理文化,建立中国式管理模式;二是《周易》与西方管理学理论的联系更为密切,许多学者开始进行中西管理思想的比较研究;三是《周易》管理学的实用性、操作性大大增强。从海内外研究情况看,对于《易经》管理学探讨,就所涉及问题而言,应该说比较全面。《周易》中所包含思维管理和管理思想几乎毫无遗漏地论述到。但他们共同存在问题是宏观而不具体,从外部即儒家研究《周易》管理思想,或者说用一般儒家的管理思想看《周易》经传管理思想,未深入到经传内部,探讨其文辞管理思想,尤其未区分经传,分别探讨其管理思想,指出二者之间差别和联系,故使其研究流于表面。本文在吸收前贤已有的研究成果基础上力图从《周易》经传出发,通过解读《周易》卦象符号和文辞,全面地系统地探讨《周易》经传的管理思想。把经传管理思想分开研究,指明《周易》管理思想是其固有的,它与西方管理思想不同,有自己的特色。并客观地理性地分析了经传管理思想优与劣,提出真正建立《周易》管理学必须扬长避短,融合中西管理思想,这是本文独到之处。论文首先从《周易》性质入手,论证了《周易》是古代管理学。提出:从历史发展看,《周易》具有卜筮和哲学二重性。然从应用言之,《周易》又是一门管理学。也就是说,《周易》二重性在管理学这个层面上达到了高度一致。然后分析了周易古经中管理思想。如在管理方法上,《周易》提出“神道设教”与“发蒙御寇”的教育方法;“有孚惠我德”的道德感化方法;“利用狱”的法治方法;临观亲比的以人为本方法萌芽;节俭的财务管理方法等。《易传》是一部解释《周易》古经的著作,其管理思想是在诠释《周易》古经基础上形成的,故它与古经有着千丝万缕的联系。《易传》的诠释无论在深度和广度远远超过古经的管理思想,论文重点论述了《易传》管理学哲学根据和分析了其中的管理思想。指出:以“天人合一”的整体性原则,强调阴阳平衡与和谐学说,并立足于人性善的理念,建构起以人为本的管理哲学根据。继而探讨了管理者素质,认为,《易传》所理解的管理者应当要具有完善的德性和感召力,拥有刚健有为精神和厚德载物胸怀,要怀有“吉凶与民同患”的忧患意识以及革故鼎新改革意识。同时,对于管理的对象、原则和目标《易传》分别予以界定,明示以“天地人三才”为管理对象,以“义者利之和”为管理原则,以“盛德大业”作为管理目标。在以人为本的管理理念方面,《易传》指出,首先要“安土敦乎仁故能爱”;其次要“井养而不穷”;再次要“尚贤”、“养贤”;最后强调要“以和为贵”。而且,《易传》还反复申明人本管理是一“化而裁之谓之变”、“观天之道、察民之故”、“变而通之以尽利”、“易者不易”和动静不失其时的生生不息动态管理模式。最后,依据日本的现代管理模式和理念,进一步透显《周易》管理学的现代

【Abstract】 As an organizational form for man’s living and activities to distribute and harmonize labor power and resources, the practice of management thread through the entire human history. This is one the important marks which differentiate human and animals. For this reason, human history is a history of human management. Yet, the appearance of management as a branch of learning to be systematically studied was to accommodate Western industrial revolution and modern industrial civilization. This is the science of humanistic management. Today, it is still an important principle for today’s management science. But in tracing back to the origin of humanistic management, we will certainly resort to the Zhouyi (Book of Changes) which has always been regarded as the font and origin of Chinese culture. The Zhouyi conceives rich philosophical idea concerning humanistic management. In the Great Treatise, the idea of unity of heaven, earth and humanity established the humanistic idea with man as the heart of heaven and earth. In addition, what the Zhouyi emphasizes include loving the people, being devoted to the people, benefiting the people, and yielding to the people. By the Zhouyi, for a successful administrator, he should first of all move the people with his virtue, nourish and respect the talented to solve the contradiction between the manager and managed so as to reach to a realm of harmonious unity. The Zhouyi particularly emphasizes the harmony between heaven, man and earth. Only if man simulates and follows the Dao (Way) of heaven and earth, can a harmonious humanity be realized. In addition, the alternations between yin and yang lines as well as the hexagram and line statements manifest that humanistic management possesses different implications in different time and locations.Along with the thriving of the Zhouyi studies from 1980, more and more scholars began to understand and interpret the Zhouyi from perspectives of management science. Not a few scholars aver that the Zhouyi is book of management. Since then, dozens of management books and hundreds of articles for management concerning the Zhouyi had been published. The development of management science of the Zhouyi in recent years possesses the following three characteristics. One is basing on the ideas conceived in the Zhouyi and farther incorporating Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, legalism, art of war, Moism into one entity. Many scholars are focusing on incorporating the quintessence of traditional Chinese culture and promoting Oriental management culture to establish Chinese management mode. One is connecting the management science of the Zhouyi to Western management theories. A number of scholars are engaged in comparative studies of the Eastern and Western management ideas. One is that the feasibility of the management theory in the Zhouyi has been greatly enhanced. By the related studies both in China’s mainland and overseas, its can be seen that the issues concerning the management theory in the Zhouyi which had been discussed include almost all sides, and almost all management thinking mode and theories conceived in the Zhouyi had been discussed. Yet, the problem they all have is that their discussions are macroscopical but not specific. They tend to study the management idea of the Zhouyi from the external Confucianism. In other words, they view the management idea in the Zhouyi by common Confucian management idea, not penetrating into the inside of the Text and Commentaries. So, their studies are superficial. On the contrary, this dissertation attempts to study the management thought in the Text and Commentaries respectively, points out that management idea is intrinsically conceived in the Zhouyi which differs from Western management idea. In addition, the dissertation objectively and rationally analyzes differences between the management idea in the Text and that in the Commentaries, setting forth that, to formally establish management science of the Zhouyi, we must expand its superiority to avoid its drawbacks and merge both the Occidental and Oriental management principles into one.Starting from the character of the Zhouyi, this dissertation demonstrates that the Zhouyi is but ancient management science, point out that, according to the development of history, the Zhouyi possesses duality. This is to say that the Zhouyi is not only an oracular book, but also a philosophical book of wisdom. Yet, from the perspective of application, the Zhouyi is also a discipline of management. In other words, in the level of management science, the two qualities of the Zhouyi reach to a unity. Then, the dissertation analyzes the management idea in the Text of the Zhouyi, including approaches of education, moral influence, legalism, humanism, and finance system.The Commentaries is a part systematically interpreting the ancient Text of the Zhouyi. So, the management idea in the Commentaries unfolds in its interpretations of the Text and hence a close relationship between the Text and Commentaries. The management idea in the Commentaries exceeds that in the Text far both in width and depth. The dissertation focuses on the management philosophy in the Commentaries and analyzes management idea conceived in it, point out that the Commentaries stresses the balance and harmony of yin and yang, establishes its humanistic management basis by the idea that man is intrinsically good. The manager for the perspectives of the Commentaries should possess qualities of perfect morality, ability to influence others, being always energetic and broad-minded, consciousness of anxiety, and sense of innovation. Meanwhile, the Commentaries defines the managed object, management principle and goal respectively:the "Three Powers of heaven, earth, and human" form the object to be managed; righteousness or justice is the management principle; enhancing virtue and improving business is considered the goal of management. As far as humanistic management idea is concerned, the Commentaries point out that a manager or administrator should possesses the qualities of benevolence, perseverance, attaching importance to and nourishing the talented. At last the Commentaries emphasize the high value of harmony. Moreover, the Commentaries state time and again that humanistic management is a dynamic mode with ceaseless yin-yang alternations.Finally, according to modern Japanese management mode and idea, the dissertation further manifests the modern value of the management science of the Zhouyi, to let us recognize indispensability of the Zhouyi in solving the crisis of modern management science and expose the superiority and defects of the primitive management ides of the Zhouyi, and build Confucian modern humanistic management science based on the framework of the philosophy conceived in the Zhouyi. Therefore, philosophy and idea of humanistic management implicated in the Zhouyi also conceives rich resources for statecraft, and ancient literati could see the Dao of heaven and humanity through it, and thus we may say that the Zhouyi can be attributed to ancient Chinese management science. On this account, to some extent, philosophy of management and humanistic perspectives conceived in the Zhouyi is compatible with modern Western management science and humanistic thought.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

