

The Foreign Land of Imagination

【作者】 于京一

【导师】 黄万华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 所谓边地,无论从政治、经济还是文化的意义上看,都远离大众的视野而充满了神秘的色彩。因此,相对于全球化所带来的千篇一律的生活模式,边地无疑是一片令人陌生的“异域”;而边地小说完成的恰恰是关于“异域”的想象、描述和呈现,边地在文明世界面前以一种“想象的‘异域’”的方式敞开。新时期以来的边地小说已经成长为一支颇具实力的文学流脉;关于边地小说的研究已然成为一个紧迫的课题而呈现在我们面前。本论文试图探寻和回答的就是新时期尤其是二十世纪九十年代以来,边地小说蔚为大观的缘由及其价值和意义。围绕这个核心问题,论文在研究方法上融合了生态美学、宗教文化学、文化人类学、存在主义美学、文化研究以及新批评等多种批评范式,力求在内容、形式和精神价值维度等各个方面恰如其分地把握新时期边地小说的独特面貌,梳理出其别具一格的美学特征、意义取向和价值追求,从而为当下中国的文化复苏和精神文明建设提供有意义、有价值的参考。论文首先在导论部分分析了选题的依据、价值和意义,目前国内的研究现状和论文的研究方法、研究思路及创新点。初步揭示出新时期边地小说创作的兴盛既是时代发展和意识形态内在要求合力作用的结果,也是文学自身逻辑发展和历史延续的必然要求。论文的第一章,完成的是对边地小说概念内涵的明确界定,为新时期边地小说研究的对象划定一个大致的范围。我们知道,新时期是中国当代文学的繁荣期,更是小说这种文体真正在当代文坛逐步走向成熟与辉煌的时期。明确地界定出边地小说的概念和内涵既有利于廓清边地小说的文本范围,使论文的阐述有的放矢,不至于陷入无物之阵的泥淖中无法自拔,也有利于总括新时期边地小说的艺术特色,让我们领略其独具一格的艺术魅力和思想意义。正是在这个意义上,本文通过历史回顾和对当下演变的细密梳理得出,边地概括来说指的是一种以地理意义为基础、以文化意义为旨归的独特的生活方式和思维方式的载体;而边地小说便是扎根生长在这片独特的土地上,并经由这里的文化、历史、宗教、审美情趣和民族艺术思维方式等培育和熏陶而成的艺术奇葩。第一,就客体而言,边地小说所叙述描写的必须是发生在这片土地上的人情世故、成长在这片土地上的神话传说、渗透在这片土地上的气质魅力,抒发的是关于这片土地的情感思绪和爱恨情仇;第二,就创作主体来说,他们必须曾经脚踏这片广袤的土地,与边地的地气息息相通、血脉相连,他们在这里成长、生活、奋斗过,边地已经成为他们生命中不可分割的一部分,无论身在何处,其心灵的深处总是潜藏着有关这片土地的气息、声音、品质和情思,这里是他们血脉的发源地和梦幻的回归处,无论天涯何处、无论贫贱富贵,他们都将永远处于这片土地的包围和抚慰中。论文的第二章至第四章,分别从生态、存在和宗教文化的视角展开了对新时期边地小说主题内容的范式化研究,以探求其不同于其他小说的艺术特色,与此同时,适当融入形式和语言方面的剖析,探究边地小说形式与内容完美融合的具体情况。第二章,新时期边地小说中的生态之美,主要从“‘天人合一’的和谐之美”、“郁郁葱葱的生命之美”和“亘古如斯的大地崇拜”三个方面阐述了边地小说中蕴含的生态和谐观念,以及在这种和合之美的包蕴下人及万物生灵蓬勃自由的生命状态。然后重点发掘这种生态整体观对人类复归自然和文学回归本真的重大启示与意义:在经历了工业文明的疯狂肆虐之后,人类终于认识到其与自然之间相依相亲、唇亡齿寒的密切关系,“人向自然生成”成为当下有识之士的主动选择,在社会文化的意义上,生态书写以文学的方式开启了中国“后启蒙”时代的到来;而在文学本体的意义上,生态书写则促成了文学向其本真状态的回归,从文学版图的完整和文学感受的丰富两个层面完成了文学整体观的实现。第三章,新时期边地小说中的存在之真,则从“存在之真”与“存在之痛”两个方面展示出边地人生真诚单纯的人物群像、真挚严肃的叙事情感、原汁原味的生活之流以及在这种真实生存底片上凸显的天灾人祸之痛、日常生活之痛和本体存在之痛。然后在存在书写的启悟下,发掘出其对日常生活经验解蔽和真实生命关怀的重要意义:一方面,存在书写打破了本质主义的重重阻碍,为现实生活敞开了多层面的真实世界,无论是日常生活现实,还是隐秘的心理潜意识世界,亦或深邃奇奥的精神象牙塔,都在存在之真的书写中显露出来,并且日益丰富而充盈;另一方面,存在书写冲出物质的围剿,打破人为物役的尴尬,在很大程度上完成了对生命关怀的重提和对物质侵蚀的拒绝,赋予当下的文坛一种难得的生命真气和生命厚度。第四章,新时期边地小说中的宗教之善,首先从时间和意义两个维度梳理了宗教文化在中国新时期文学中的兴起与流变,展现出新时期边地小说中宗教文化由形式渲染到注重精神的整体特色。然后,从表现形态和精神诉求两个方面具体论述了边地小说因宗教文化而呈现出的神性光辉和信仰伟力,为当下整个民族新价值观的构建提供了异常珍贵的精神元素,如仁慈、宽容、坚韧、谦逊、敬畏等。最后,结合当下物欲横流、精神苍白的时代困境,论证了宗教书写对当下文坛完成从经验写作到心灵写作飞跃的重要价值,边地作家以一种精纯的理想和坚执的信念抵抗虚无主义的侵蚀和物质主义的吞噬,直面人的精神追求和信仰有无,以文学的方式追问存在的价值和意义,为探寻和挖掘民族文化中的精神血脉做出了难能可贵的努力,为民族精神的重建和腾飞提供了可能;并进一步探讨了回归心灵的写作对小说这种有些固化的文体在思维方式、思维空间及表现手法等领域的有效开拓。完成了对边地小说主题精神和艺术特征的总体论述之后,我们需要进一步跳出具体的文本分析,站到时代和历史的高度来估量新时期边地小说的地位和价值。因此,论文第五章从现代性的角度展开对新时期边地小说的总体评判,确定其应有的文学史价值和地位。主要从文化研究的角度剖析边地小说与现代性之间交融杂糅的关系,首先论述的是在追求现代化的过程中,民族主义和国家主义的急剧膨胀在边地小说中的隐秘呈现,分别从“边缘化的焦虑与大国的想象”、“民族文化交融与民族性格重塑”和“意识形态的隐秘整合”三个视角展开,以边地小说的创作再次证明了文学与意识形态之间无法割裂、藕断丝连的密切关系,并且透视出全球化时代中,文化殖民的锐不可挡与大国价值观构建的重大意义,有利于我们站在历史的高度重新梳理民族与世界之间的辩证关系。其次,置身在后工业时代的生活镜像中,如何以清醒的头脑反思并超越现代性将变得异常重要。论文通过对边地小说文本的解析,从政治理想国的破灭和技术全能主义的失败两个层次揭示出启蒙理性失败的宿命,并倡导一种以批判为旨归的浪漫主义文学思潮的兴起。当然,边地小说并非完美无瑕,尤其在当下市场经济时代里,物欲与金钱引领着消费一切的世俗化浪潮不可避免地造成泥沙俱下的情形,边地小说也不例外。因此,余论部分以辩证的、发展的眼光,展开对新时期边地小说的批判,揭示出它在主题形式方面的模式化倾向和内容书写中的玄秘性渲染,希望引起边地小说创作者的警醒和反思,期待着他们能够以真诚而沉潜的心智面对写作,为当下的文坛和读者大众带来更好的作品。总之,边地小说家们各自以其独特的生活体验和审美风尚,塑造出一个迥异于文明世界的遥远的文学王国,形成了一种充满野性与神秘魅力的“异域”风情,引得我们心旌神摇。本论文的创新在于,首次以“边地”为研究视角对新时期小说进行地域性研究,既剖析呈现出新时期边地小说的主题思想和艺术特征,又从多个层面和角度阐释了它在当下中国社会的价值和意义;并且在具体论述之后,明确了新时期边地小说不可或缺的文学史价值和地位。特别应该指出的是本论文阐述的边地在某些层面上恰似新时期之初的中国大地,甚至可以说是广袤中国的一个微型缩影,是微观地缘上的中国镜像;象征着经济、政治与文化原初状态的边地也许恰恰能够很好地为我们提供观察、研究和反思中国现代化之路的宝贵资源和经验,正是在这个维度上,我们认为中国新时期边地小说与现代性问题显示出了极其重要的当下意义和前瞻价值。

【Abstract】 The so-called borderland, in terms of political, economic or cultural sense, is far away from public views and then full of mysteries. Instead of the stereotyped pattern of life caused by globalization, it undoubtedly remains the unacquainted "foreign lands". The borderland novels exactly undertake its imagination, description and presentation. So the borderland, as the pattern of foreign lands in imagination, opens its door towards the civilized world. Borderland novels of New Age have matured into one influential school of literature, and its research has already become one urgent project presented before us. Since New Age, especially the Nineties of twentieth century, these novels has become a magnificent sight, so this thesis attempts to explore and define its cause, value and meaning. Around this core issue, this thesis combines different paradigms of Criticism, such as Ecological Aesthetics, Religion Culturology, Cultural anthropology, existential aesthetics, cultural studies New Criticism, etc., so as to perceive, in terms of content, form and spiritual values, the unique aspect of borderland novels in New Age, and comb out its special aesthetic features, pursuit of meaning and value orientation, and finally provides some meaningful and valuable reference for Chinese cultural recovery and spiritual civilization.The part of introduction analyzes its basis, value and meaning, the current situation, methods and innovations of research, and reveals that the thriving of borderland novels in New Age of China results from the development of society and requirements of ideology, together with the descending and growth of literature and civilization.Chapter one explores the conception of borderland novels and defines the research scope of New Age. As is known to all, New Age is not only the boom period of Chinese contemporary era, but also the times of progressive mature and prosperity. Therefore, the definition of its intension and extension not just benefits the clearness of the scope of text and setting up the research object of this thesis, and also account for the art features of borderland novels in New Age to display the unique artistic charm and significance. In this sense, this paper, through the historic review and combing of its present evolution, finds that borderland, in conclusion, is the carrier of special patterns of life and mode of thinking, which is based on the geographic meaning and guided by cultural significance. And then the borderland novels take root and grow in this special region, which is affected and nurtured by the culture, history, religion, aesthetic sentiment and artistic mode of thinking of nation, into unique Art Gallery. Firstly, referring to the objects of this genre, borderland novels should narrate the local customs and practices, rooted tales and legends, disposition and charm, feelings and affections, which has happened here. Secondly, speaking of its subjects of creation, they must take root in this vast land, interrelate and interconnect each other, and have ever lived, grown, and struggled in here. Therefore, borderland has become the indivisible part of their life, no matter where they are, the local breath, voice, quality and affection are deeply hidden in the heart. So this land is their cradle of life, and recurrence of dreams, wherever they are, however poor or wealthy they become, they will forever be surrounded and nurtured by this land.The following three chapters, from the views of ecology, existentialism and cultural religion, respectively explore the research paradigm of the theme and content of the contemporary borderland novels in order to pursue the artistic features differing from other novels, properly blend the analysis of forms and linguistics, and probe into its perfect harmony between forms and content. In chapter two, the ecological beauty of contemporary borderland novels, which is narrated from the harmonious beauty of "the unity between human and nature", vital beauty of life, and original worship of mother earth, represents the conception of ecological harmony and unrestrained vital state of universe. Meanwhile, this holistic view of ecology contributes greatly to the enlightment and meaning of returning naturalism from human and regressing purity from literature:after the crazy persecution of industrial civilization, human beings finally come to realize the close relation between man and nature, "nature gives birth to man" becomes the initiative choice of minds of insight. In social sense, ecological writing, in its literal ways, determinates the coming of Chinese "post-enlightment" age. In the sense of literature, this writing presses the returning purity of literature, practice the completeness of literary scope and prosperity of literary experience. In chapter three, the truth of existence, from "truth of existence" and "pain of existence", presents their honest and pure images, sincere and serious narrating feelings, true currents of life, and their true sufferings of grief. Enlightened by the writing of existentialism, this chapter reveals the significance of daily experience and concern of true life:on the one side, it breaks the obstacles of essentialism and uncovers the multi-dimensional reality of life, which presents with the daily life, hidden subconscious world and the profound tower of ivory, to enrich and manifest itself. On the other side, it rushes out of the siege of matter, breaks down the embarrassment of enslaving matter, and accomplishes, to a great extent, protruding the concern of life and refusal of eroding matter, and endows the current literary arena one truth and sincerity of life. In Chapter four, the kind-heartedness of religion, reviewed from the dimensions of time and meaning, presents the rise and evolving of religion in Chinese literature of New Age, and displays the spiritual features evolving from rendering forms to emphasizing spirit. And then this paper, from these two points of view, discusses the sacred glory and firm beliefs, and provides precious spiritual factors for the whole national value systems, such as kindness, mercy, fortitude, humility, reverence, etc.Finally, the part of conclusion, combining the dilemma of material desire and lost spirit, demonstrates the significance of religion writing progressing from experience writing to spiritual writing. So the writers of borderland novels, stick to the pure ideality and firm faith to resist the eroding of nihility and engulfing of materialism, confront their spiritual pursuit and belief, seek for the value and meaning of existence, and strive to unearth or search its mental tradition of national culture, in order to reconstruct and develop the national spirit, and also investigates how the writing of internal spirit reclaim and improve the sluggish genre, especially in the dimensions of approaches and space of thinking, and expressive methods. After the brief narration of its theme and artistic features, we need to escape the concrete analysis of text and evaluate, from the point of epoch and history, its status and significance. Therefore, chapter five describes, around the point of modernity, the general evaluation of borderland novels. This paper, from the point of cultural research, analyzes the complex relation between borderland novels and modernity. First of all, it narrates, during the course of pursuing modernity, how nationalism rapidly inflates in borderland novels and debates it the point of "marginal anxiety and fancy of a power", "blend of national culture and reconstruction of national personality" and "secrete integration of ideology". Therefore, the creation of borderland novels proves again the close relation between literature and ideology and reveals undeniable cultural colony and reconstruction of national value, which is beneficial to realize the dialectical relation between nation and world. Secondly, placed in the post-industrial images of life, how to remain sober and go beyond the modernity becomes especially important. This paper, through the analysis of borderland novels, shows the breaking up of political utopia and failure of omnipotent technique, which reveals the destiny of failure in the logos of enlightment, and then advocates the rise of romanticism guided by criticism.While the material desire and money, especially in the epoch of market economy, lead the consumption, which inevitably causes the stark juxtaposition of valuable and valueless content, borderland novels are not so perfect. Thus, the part of conclusion, from the views of dialectic and development, opens up the critique of borderland novels of New Age, reveals its tending of stereotype in theme and feature of mystery in content, hope to spark the awareness and introspection of these writers, and awaits them to treat writing with their honest and humble passion in order to provide better works for the literary arena and readers.In conclusion, the writers of borderland novels, with their unique experience of life and aesthetic appreciation, have shaped the far-away literary kingdom differing from the civilized world, and formed one "foreign land" feelings, which is filled with savagery and mystery. The innovation of this paper lies in the following:first of all, it researches the territoriality of these fictions with the view of borderland, reveals the unique theme and artistic features of borderland fiction. What’s more, after the concrete narration, it defines the indispensable literary value and position. As is pointed out, the narrated borderland, in some sense, seems like the land of China in New Age, and might even be regarded as the miniature of expansive land of China. So these borderlands, which signify the primary state of economy, politics and culture, precisely provide the valuable resources and experience when we observe, research and recollect the Chinese road of modernity. As a whole, we think that the Chinese borderland fiction of New Age and the problems of modernity reveal its important present and future meaning and value.

【关键词】 新时期边地小说生态存在宗教现代性批判
【Key words】 New AgeBorderland NovelsEcologyExistentialReligionModernityCriticism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

