Comparisive Study on Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s Literature Theories in the View of "Modernity"
【作者】 许俊莹;
【导师】 仪平策;
【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 审美文化学, 2010, 博士
【摘要】 梁启超、王国维在中国近代文学史上都有十分重要的地位,二人都拥有深厚的国学修养与广博的外来文化。处于19世纪末20世纪初这样的时代背景下,梁启超、王国维的文学思想充分反映了古今中西文学思想、文化思想的碰撞。“现代性”是19世纪末20世纪初的时代主题,梁启超、王国维文学思想的碰撞,从某种意义上说,也是中国近代文学思想逐步走向现代的表现。由于梁启超、王国维在文学的性质、作用,文学与政治的关系等问题上的观点具有互补性,所以,在现代性维度下比较梁启超、王国维的文学思想,有利于我们进一步了解古今中西思想,了解我国的国民性,了解文学的性质、作用、文学与政治的关系等根本性问题。前人对于梁启超、王国维的文学思想虽然不乏大量研究,但是,由于各种原因,前人的研究并不是非常彻底——或者缺少比较的角度,或者缺少“现代性”的维度,或者即使在“现代性”维度下进行了比较研究,但却不够系统、深入。因此,本论文拟在“现代性”维度下对梁启超、王国维文学思想进行比较研究。“现代性可以被定义为那种其主要特征与传统文化特征相对立的文化状态。”①无论是中国文化还是西方文化,其现代性都突出表现在对人的主体性的尊重上。只不过,在西方长期以来压抑人的主体性的是宗教文化,而在中国长期以来压抑人的主体性的是封建的伦理道德与宗法观念。梁启超、王国维文学思想现代性的共同点是人的主体意识的觉醒。梁启超、王国维文学思想现代性的不同点在于,梁启超利用文学启蒙民众,教育国民要有独立精神、公德思想以及国家意识。王国维则表现出对于人的情感、欲望的充分尊重。本论文从梁启超、王国维对人的本质的不同认识入手,以个体与群体、情感与理性为切入点,对梁启超、王国维文学思想的现代性进行了比较。梁启超、王国维文学思想的共同点在于他们都认为文学是为人生的。由于国民意识的觉醒,他们都提高了小说的地位。他们的文学思想都兼具有启蒙现代性与审美现代性②。梁启超、王国维文学思想的不同点主要表现在以下几个方面。梁启超认为人的本质在于其群体性,由此出发,在文学的本质问题上梁启超认为文学是维护群体生存、发展的工具,在小说的功能问题上梁启超要借“新小说”以“新民”。王国维认为人的本质在于人有“纯粹之知识”与“微妙之感情”。由此出发,王国维认为文学有其独立的存在价值,小说的功能在于“探索天下万世之真理”。梁启超、王国维文学思想之所以不同的根本原因在于梁启超、王国维对人的本质的不同认识。本论文拟用导言、十一章正文、以及简短的结语三个部分,在现代性维度下对梁启超、王国维的文学思想进行较为系统的比较研究。导言部分,回顾前人对于梁启超、王国维文学思想的研究,分析前人研究的成就、不足,说明自己为什么要研究梁启超、王国维的文学思想,为什么要对梁启超、王国维文学思想进行比较研究,另外,为什么要在“现代性”维度下进行比较。明确现代性的涵义。说明本论文的立意、目标、思路及方法。第一章,梁启超、王国维生平经历、文化积累等方面的比较。梁启超、王国维二人成长的时代背景大致相同,二人青少年时代接受的传统文化教育大致相同,梁启超、王国维二人都有在国外工作或学习的经历,梁启超、王国维二人的身份都是著名学者。但是,梁启超、王国维也有很大不同。首先,梁启超兼具政治家和学者双重身份,而王国维终其一生都是一名学者。其次,梁启超、王国维二人对传统文化和外来文化的吸收各有不同。第三,梁启超、王国维的人生态度很不相同。第二章,梁启超、王国维文学思想的现代性比较。梁启超、王国维的文学思想都具有现代性特质,然而,他们的文学思想又有很大不同,这一章旨在探索梁启超、王国维二人文学思想差异背后的深层原因。第三章,梁启超的群体性意识与王国维的个体性关切。“群体本位”是中国文化的本质特征。这种文化在带来它积极作用的同时,也带来了它的局限性。梁启超的群体性承担与王国维的个体性承担在维护个体的独立、自由、权利等方面都具有不同于传统的现代性特质,但是,二者同时又都具有各自的局限性。第四章,梁启超、王国维关于小说本质特征的认识。虽然表面上梁启超、王国维都给予了小说很高的地位,但是实际上梁启超、王国维二人对于小说本质的认识有一定差异,而对于小说本质认识的不同,又源于梁启超、王国维对人的本质的认识很不相同。第五章,梁启超、王国维关于文学功能的认识。过去学界往往认为在文学功能问题上王国维是无功利主义的,梁启超是现实功利主义的。其实,梁启超的文学思想前后期是有所不同的,前期的功利色彩远比后期要直接一些,浓烈一些。至于王国维,由于深受儒家思想的熏陶,所以,在文学功能问题上王国维不可能彻底的“无功利”,他所主张的不过是“审美功利主义”罢了。第六章,梁启超的“守望家园”与王国维的“俯瞰苍生”——梁启超、王国维小说视角比较。角度不同,则观点各异。梁启超与王国维在小说评论中的观点分歧颇多,原因之一就在于梁启超、王国维二人审视小说的角度不同。简单地说,梁启超是站在本民族生存、发展的立场来看待小说的,他用的是“守望家园”的视角;而王国维则超越了民族、国家——甚至超越了一般意义上的“人”,他用“俯瞰苍生”的视角来看待小说。毋庸置疑,“守望家园”的视角在特定的时代发挥了它的历史作用,然而,就小说的内在规律而言,或许,只有“俯瞰苍生”才能揭示真实而复杂的生活。第七章,梁启超的“趣味说”与王国维的“嗜好说”。“‘趣味’是梁启超美学思想的哲学基础与核心理论范畴。……‘趣味’是梁启超美学思想的根本标识。”“嗜好,是王国维审美思想中一个十分重要的概念。”鉴于此,论文从不同的角度对“趣味说”与“嗜好说”进行了多方面的对比。第八章,梁启超的社会发展与王国维的自我拯救。现代科技的高速发展一方面为人们提供了日益丰富的物质产品,但是,另一方面,随之而来的工具理性也越来越为人们铸造了一个无处不在的“牢笼”;另外,为了维持经济高速发展,人们常常被广告、舆论等外力左右而不得不消费。表面上,人们花天酒地、挥金如土,可是,人们内心却未必得到真正的休憩。梁启超的“趣味说”、王国维的“嗜好说”对于克服劳动生产以及休闲娱乐过程中人的异化现象都有很好的作用。第九章,梁启超的乐观精神与王国维的悲观情怀。梁启超与王国维对待人生的态度迥然不同,梁启超乐观而王国维悲观。造成这种情况的原因既有他们的家庭因素、个人经历,更有在文化选择上二人的不同偏好。而梁启超、王国维对人生的不同态度又决定了他们对文学功能的不同看法:梁启超以文学为新民的武器,而王国维则以文学为情感慰藉的良药。第十章,梁启超、王国维的文学进化论思想。19世纪末进化论传入中国,对中国的知识分子产生了极大的震撼。在进化论的应用问题上,梁启超、王国维有所不同。梁启超奉行经世致用的思想,他用进化论宣传生存竞争的道理,希望借此达到救亡图存的目的。王国维借鉴进化论研究中国文学发展史。在进化论问题上,梁启超、王国维二人虽有分歧,但是他们的观点均具有现代性。第十一章,梁启超、王国维文学思想接受比较。本章从艾布拉姆斯文学活动四要素的角度,分析了梁启超、王国维文学思想在不同时期面临不同际遇的原因。结语:梁启超、王国维文学思想都具有现代性,但是,他们文学思想中的现代性的表现又有所不同。梁启超偏重于人的群体性(当然,梁启超也很重视群体社会中个体人的独立),侧重从现实层面启蒙民众;王国维偏重于人的个体性,侧重文学艺术对于人精神的拯救。梁启超、王国维文学思想之所以差异颇大,原因之一就在于二人接受的中外文学思想、中外文化思想不同。
【Abstract】 Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei both had important position in Chinese literature history.They both had profound Chinese culture and plentiful external culture. In the background of the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, the collision between Liang Qi-chao and the literature of Wang Guo-wei’s literature literature theories,in a sense,is the expression of Chinese literature modernity process.On the one hand,"Modernity"is the topic of the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century.On the other hand, Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei had complementary opinions on many aspects,for example,on the character of literature,on literature function,and on the relationship between literature and politics, etc. The study comparing Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature theories under the angle of modernity will help us understand the two great men’s literature ideologies, Chinese ideology, western ideology, the Chinese character,the character and function of literature, the relationship between literature and politics,etc. more deeply.Though the study on Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature theories was abundant,the study was not thoroughgoing.Some study lacked the angle of comparing,some study lacked the angle of modernity.Though some study compared the two people’s literature theories with the angle of modernity,the study was not systematic and thoroughgoing.Therefore,this thesis will compare Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature theories in the view of "modernity"."modernity should be defined as the culture state which has the contrary character compared with the traditional culture."Both Chinese culture and western culture’s modernity shows respect for the people.However,the oppression was from the religion culture in the west,and the oppression was from the feudal culture in China.The modernity of Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature was the initiative.Though Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature theories both showed modernity,their modernity had some differences.Liang Qi-chao used literature to enlighten the people,while Wang Guo-wei gave more attention to emotion and appetite.Using the individual and colony,sensibility and logos as the breakthrough points,the thesis compared the two persons’literature theories from their different ideas of "the essence of human".Their common characters are as follows.First,both of them insisted that literature should work for the life.Second,both of them upgraded fictions’status.Third,both of them had enlighten modernity and aesthetic modernity.The differences are as follows.Liang Qi-chao insisted that the essence of human should be a colony.Therefore,Liang Qi-chao believed that literature should be a tool to maintain the colony.On the literature function,Liang Qi-chao hoped that"new fiction"can "enlighten the people".Wang Guo-wei insisted that "pure knowledge"and"subtle sentiment" should be the essence of human.Therefore,Wang Guo-wei believed that literature should have its independent evalue,and the function of fiction should be "probing the truth of thousands and thousands of generations all over the world".To accomplish the task,this thesis will compare Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature theories in the view of modernity.There are three parts in the thesis: the introduction,11 chapters,and the concluding remarks.The introduction reviews the former study on Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature ideology,analyses the accomplishment and the deficiency, explains the reason about why studying Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature theories,and why use the comparison means and the modernity view.Then define the meaning of modernity,explain the intention,the clue,and the means of this thesis.The first chapter,the differences and the similarities between Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei in experience and culture accumulation.Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei had the same growing backgroud.They both received traditional culture.In their youth,both of them had the experience of going abroad. Both of them were famous scholars.But Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei also had many different aspects.First,Liang was a scholar and politician,yet Wang was only a scholar.Second,Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei absorbed different thoughts from traditional culture and foreign culture.Third,Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei had different attitudes towards the life.The second chapter,comparison between Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature ideologies in modernity. Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature theories both presented modernity factors,however,there are many differences between Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature ideologies.This chapter’s goal is to explore the deeply reasons that resulted in their differences.The third chapter, Liang Qi-chao’s colony consciousness and Wang Guo-wei’s individuality concern, "colony standard"is the essential character. "Colony standard"brings its positive influence, however, at the same time,it brings its limitations.There are some modernity factors both in Liang Qi-chao’s colony-undertaking and in Wang Guo-wei’s individuality-undertaking, which are different from the traditional culture. Both Liang Qi-chao’s colony-undertaking and Wang Guo-wei’s individuality-undertaking affirmed the independence,freedom and right,which belonged to the modernity concepts.however, Both Liang Qi-chao’s colony-undertaking and Wang Guo-wei’s individuality-undertaking had limitations.The fourth chapter, Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s understanding about the function of fiction. In the past,many scholars held the idea that Wang Guo-wei’s literature ideology was non-utilitarianism and Liang Qi-chao was realistic utilitarianism.In fact,Liang Qi-chao’s literature ideologies are different during his former and later period. Though,we can said that Liang Qi-chao’s literature ideologies are utilitarianism generally,however, the former utilitarianism is more directness and more intensity than the latter.Because of being exerted a gradual influence by the Confucian school, Wang Guo-wei’s literature ideology has no possible to be non-utilitarian thoroughly.What Wang Guo-wei’s insisting is nothing but aesthetic utilitarianism.The fifth chapter, Liang Qi-chao’s overlooking the World & Wang Guo-wei’s keeping-and-watching the homestead——comparing Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s fiction angle. There are different opinions because of their different angles. There are many different opinions not only in Liang Qi-chao’s literature but also in Wang Guo-wei’s literature.One of the reasons is that Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei surveyed novels from different angles.Simply speaking,Liang looked fictions from an angle of view in favor of the nation and the people,while Wang Guo-wei surveyed novels from an angle exceeding the nation and the people. Even exceeding "human",Wang Guo-wei used the "overlooking"angle of view to survey novels.Without the slightest doubts, the angle of keeping-and-watching the homestead played its historical role,however,only the overlooking angle can reveal the realistic and the complicated life. The sixth chapter, the interest of Liang Qi-chao & the hobby of Wang Guo-wei. "’interest’is the philosophy foundation and the core of Liang Qi-chao’s aesthetic ideology......’interest’is the root character of Liang Qi-chao’s aesthetic ideology." "’hobby’is an important concept of Wang Guo-wei’s aesthetic ideology".For these reasons,this thesis compares the interest of Liang Qi-chao & the hobby of Wang Guo-wei from different angles.The seventh chapter,Liang Qi-chao’s social development and Wang Guo-wei’s self redemption.The fast development of modern science and technology supplies more and more material products,however,on the other hand,tool-logos goes after the development of modern science and technology. Tool-logos is gradually making a "prison"which exists everywhere. Moreover, to keep the fast economic development,people have to consume excessively,which are often controlled by the public opinion.Apparently,people had a rich life,however,people’s heart had never got a good rest.The interest of Liang Qi-chao & the hobby of Wang Guo-wei have a good effect to conquer the alienation in working and lying fallow.The eighth chapter, optimism of Liang Qi-chao and pessimism of Wang Guo-wei.Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei had different life attitudes:Liang Qi-chao was optimistic,while Wang Guo-wei was pessimistic. The factors which resulted in the difference are as follows:their family factors,their experiences, their different favor to the culture.The different life attitudes determined their different opinions about literature function.Liang Qi-chao looked literature as a weapon to enlighten the people,however, Wang Guo-wei looked literature as the good medicine to relieve life pain.The ninth chapter, the Evolution Theory of Liang Qi-chao & Wang Guo-wei. The Chinese intellectuals were shocked when the Evolution Theory was introduced at the end of 19th century.In using the Evolution Theory,there were some differences between Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei. Liang Qi-chao pursued Using ideology.He publicized the idea of survival competiton by using the Evolution Theory. Liang Qi-chao wanted to save the nation from extinction. Wang Guo-wei claimed that the learning should be independent,and there was no boundary between the western and the eastern in learning.Wang Guo-wei studied the literature history with the Evolution Theory.On the Evolution Theory,though there are some differences between Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei,their ideas both have modernity factors.The 10th chapter, Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s understanding about the essence of fiction.Though Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei both attached great importance to fiction,Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei had different understanding about the essence of fiction,which resulted from the different understanding about the essence of human.The 11th chapter,the comparison between Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature receiving. This chapter analyses the reasons why Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature ideology had different receiving during different ages from the angle of M.H.Abrams’ four-factor-in-literature.The conclusion:There are many differences between Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei’s literature theories.Liang Qi-chao attached more attention to colony and hoped to enlighten the people.Wang Guo-wei attached more attention to individual and hoped to comfort the people.There are many differences between the two people’s literature theories.One of the reasons is that they received different Chinese and foreign culture.
【Key words】 Liang Qichao; Wang Guo-wei; literature; modernity; compare;