

The Integration of Civilizations and the World Order

【作者】 于光胜

【导师】 刘玉安;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际政治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 两极格局结束后,国际关系进入一个近半世纪未遇的大变革时期。值此风云变幻之际,美国著名学者塞缪尔·亨廷顿先生提出了著名的“文明冲突论”。亨廷顿认为,冷战后的全球政治将出现以下变化:世界是多极和多文明的,世界主要由西方文明、儒教文明、伊斯兰文明、印度文明等七个或八个主要文明构成。然而,冷战后的世界并不太平,文明取代意识形态因素或经济因素成为分隔人类和引起冲突的主要根源。冷战后的世界将分为西方和非西方两个范畴。由于文明间的差异,西方文明与非西方文明之间的冲突将是不可避免的,二者间的对抗可能是未来世界政治的轴心。从文明发展的态势看,西方文明正在衰落,而儒家文明和伊斯兰文明的影响却在不断扩大。鉴于非西方文明对西方文明的挑战,亨廷顿先生呼吁加强西方国家的团结,并努力取得处于“夹缝”国家的支持,限制潜在的敌对文明——主要是儒家文明和伊斯兰文明——的军事实力的扩张。文明冲突论在冷战后的国际关系界引起了重大反响,截至1998年底,《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》已被翻译成39种不同的文字。尽管如此,该理论仍有一些值得商榷的地方。在理论预设方面,亨廷顿认为文明的特征是先天固有的,这必将忽略文明内部的冲突。实际上,任何文明都不是原生的和同质的,无论是西方文明、伊斯兰文明,还是儒教文明,其内部无不充满了冲突和纷争;不止如此,作为西方文明核心基础的基督教文化以及西方文明的主要代表——美国文化都是在继承其他文明的基础上发展起来的。客观地讲,文明冲突论反映了冷战后国际关系的部分现实,具有一定的合理性。尽管该理论世界范围内掀起了一场激烈的争论,尤其是非西方文明国家强烈批驳这一理论,但是文明冲突论也绝非空穴来风。区域文明的多样性、文明发展与交往的不平衡以及西方文化霸权主义的推行,在一定程度上为文明冲突的发生创设了条件。在国际交往中,当文明群体因为经济或政治利益而与其他文明群体发生矛盾或冲突时,文明冲突就会成为可能。冷战结束后,随着文明或文化因素对世界秩序影响的日渐扩大,如何避免或减少因为文明或文化差异而造成的国际冲突,成为所有国家面临的一项重要课题。冷战后爆发的一些世界政治热点,确实在一定程度上证明着亨廷顿的预见。从海湾战争到巴尔干冲突,从伊拉克战争到车臣冲突,无不夹杂着文明冲突的诱因。所以,有些学者尽管不赞同文明冲突论,但是还是给予它较高的评价,它“以文明的演进为主线,从当代国际政治中最令人焦灼的冲突现象入手,仔细辨别暴力对抗行为(以及非对抗行为)背后的民族情绪、大众心理、文化特质、血缘标识、宗教基础、认同层次、角色意识、地缘因素和历史渊源,力陈国际政治将受文明冲突左右的观点,开创了国际政治的‘大文化’研究之先河”。同时,我们还应看到,作为民族主义者的亨廷顿更多表达了对美国利益的高度关切。一方面,移民数量的增加和文化多元主义的发展,使美国的主流政治文化受到挑战,从而面临“碎片化”的危险;另一方面,鉴于冷战结束和美国力量对比的相对下降,一些传统盟友要求脱离美国的呼声日益高涨。为防止继续衰落,亨廷顿认为,应该有一种理论来增进美国不同种族和群体对主流政治文化的认同,并努力加强西方国家的团结,从而确保美国对西方乃至世界的领导地位。然而,亨廷顿在研究文明与世界秩序的关系时犯了严重的形而上学主义错误,这特别体现在他割裂了文明冲突与文明融合的辩证关系。客观上讲,文明冲突是存在的,并贯穿于文明交往的始终,但是它毕竟只是文明交往中矛盾和对立的一面。亨廷顿只看到了文明对立的一面,而忽略了文明融合的存在,所以只会得出不切实际的结论。因为从历史发展的总体上看,在不同国家、民族和地域之间的文化发展都是以相互吸收与融合为主导的。不同文明群体对和平与安全的谋求、商贸交流与人员往来、科学技术的推动以及文明间的相互吸引和学习,使文明融合成为可能并经常发生。文明融合进程自发端持续至今,在世界任何国家或地区都可以发现文明融合的“痕迹”,其中,比较明显的体现有:宗教信仰的国际性和多元化。世界主要宗教的发展过程也是民族宗教向世界宗教的转化过程,今天世界上的主要宗教基本都是跨国性的,这一过程本身就是文明的融合的体现。同时,宗教的多元化特征也日益为越来越多的人们所认同;英语成为当今世界的通用语言。语言是文明传播与融合的工具与媒介。随着不同文明的人们的普遍交往,特别是随着经济全球化的广泛开展,有些语言越来越具有世界性特征,英语就是其中最典型的一种。英语的世界性不只表现在它的构成上,而且表现在它的广泛应用上;现代民主观念成为人类社会的基本价值观念。世界秩序的变迁往往是首先从观念开始的。随着市场经济的发展,越来越多的国家认识到市场经济模式和现代民主观念的合理性,平等、民主、自由等已经成为人类社会的基本价值观念;不同文明群体共同关切和解决全球性问题。经济全球化的发展,增强了国家间相互依赖的程度,越来越多的国家认识到,有些全球性问题仅靠某个或某些国家是难以解决的。只有所有国家共同行动起来,积极应对,才有解决的希望。文明融合对世界秩序有着深刻影响,它可以影响决策者的认知和行为,有助于培育世界秩序的价值取向,能够使国际社会更加有序。冷战结束后,世界政治经济发生了深刻变化,这些变化给文明融合带来了机遇,经济全球化的加速、文明间对话的呼声日益高涨等,在客观上推动文明间的沟通与对话,有助于文明的融合。然而,文明融合是一项长期而艰巨的任务,在融合过程中,各文明群体要本着和为贵、和而不同以及互利发展的精神,积极推动文明间的交往与对话,求同存异,扩大认同。在文明融合过程中,国家在融合过程中发挥着非常重要的作用,为此要大力加强国家间在经济、政治、文化领域的合作,积极培育共享价值。近年来,非国家行为体在文明融合中的作用日渐扩大。我们应积极发挥政府间国际组织在跨国问题的磋商与合作、倡议和制定成员国共同遵守的规则和法律促进共同善的目标和制度等方面的功能。同时,我们还应该国内非政府组织和国际非政府组织在文明融合中的独特作用。前者对促进国内民主与法制、促进政治稳定与和谐及加强环境保护方面功不可没;后者对于制定超国家的法律或规范、促进文明间的和谐以及推动国际经济和文化交流方面发挥着积极作用。促进文明融合还应该重视跨国公司的作用。跨国公司在扩大文明认同、调解文明间的矛盾和分歧等方面发挥着重要作用。然而,目前跨国公司的发展很不平衡,发展中国家在公司数量和规模方面处于严重劣势,这不仅不利于缩小南北差距,而且也不利于发展中国家文明的向外传播,不利于文明的融合。冷战结束后,世界秩序较以前发生了较大变化:尽管国家仍然是世界秩序的最重要的行为主体,但是非国家行为体的作用更为突出;随着经济全球化的加速,国家行为体间的相互依赖程度日益加深;尽管军事和政治因素对世界秩序的影响仍然非常明显,但是文明或文化因素对世界秩序的影响将更加显著。世界秩序的变化还体现在其结构模式的变迁上。自人类进入文明社会以来,世界秩序的结构主要体现为世界帝国秩序和均势秩序。冷战结束后,雅尔塔体制虽然已经崩溃,但是新的世界秩序还没有确立。对于未来世界秩序的结构类型,学者们提出了不同的构想,主要体现在:权威秩序模式、“地球村”模式、世界政府模式和多边主义秩序模式等。相对而言,多边主义秩序因为更强调主体的平等性与合作性,因而更为现实。

【Abstract】 After the Bipolar Structure collapsed, the international relation is entering into an abrupt change period that has never happened for decades, and just then, Samuel P.Huntiton put forward his famous "Theory on Clash of Civilizations".Acording to Huntiton’s opinion, the Post-Cold War global politics will give birth to the following changes:the world will be multi-polar and multi-civilization, and the world consists of seven or eight civilizations, such as West civilization, Confucian Civilization, Islamic Civilization, Indian Civilization and so on. However, the Post-Cold War world is not peaceful, civilization is becoming the main resource that separates from each other and results in clash instead of ideology or economy. The Post-Cold War world will be divided into Western and Non-western areas. The clash between Western Civilization and non-Western Civilizations will be inevitable because of the cultural differences and the confrontation between Western Civilization and Non-Western Civilizations will probably be the axis of world politics in the future. Seen from the development of civilization, Western Civilization is in the decline and impacts of Confucian Civilization and Islamic Civilization are constantly expanding. In view of Non-Western Civilizations’challenge to Western Civilization, Mr. Huntington called on the Western countries bound together and tried to gain the support of countries between them in order to curb the expansion of military strength of potential hostile civilizations,mainly of Confucian Civilization and Islamic Civilization.Theory on Clash of Civilizations has caused a significant response in the world after the Cold War and "The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order" has been translated into 39 kind of different languages by the end of 1998. However,the theory still has some places to be discussed when we analyze his potentional assumption. For instance, Huntington regarded the civilization as inherent in birth, and this will ignore the internal clash of civilization. In fact, any civilization is not monolithic and full of clash in it, whether Western Civilization, Islamic Civilization or Confucian Civilization. Besides, Christian Culture as the core of Western Civilization and American culture as the main representative of Western Civilization absorbed a lot from other civilizations. Objectively speaking, Theory of Clash of Civilizations reflects some of the realities of international relations in the Post-Cold War and it is reasonable. Although Theory on Clash of Civilizations has caused a heated debate, especially non-Western Civilizations strongly oppose to this theory, the theory is not groundless. Some actors including the diversity of regional civilizations, the unbalanced development of vilizations, the implementation of the Western cultural hegemony and so on created the foundation for the clash of civilizations. When different civilizations cause clash with each other because of economic or political benefit in the process of international exchange, the clash of civilizations may take place. As civilization or culture actor influences the world order heavily after the Cold War, how to avoid or reduce international clash because of civilization or culture difference becomes an important issue of all states in the world. To some extent, the world political hot spots broke out after the Cold War seemed to prove Huntington’s prediction and many events included the factors of civilization, whether the Gulf War, the Balkans conflict, the Iraq war or the 9·11 event. In view of this, although some scholars didn’t advocate Theory of Clash of Civilizations, they thought highly of it. As Huntington began to study the most anxious behaviors from the contemporary international politics around the evolution of civilization and distinguish carefully the national sentiment behind violent actions(or not violent actions), the mass psychology, and cultural characteristics, blood identification, religious basis, level of comiment, awareness of actor and geopolitical factors and history of international politics will be strongly affected by the views about the clash of civilizations, it is he that began the first kind study from a "great culture" perspective.In addition, we should know that Huntington being a nationalist expressed clearly his concern about America’s benefit. One hand, the increase of immigrants and the development of cultural pluralism are challenging the mainstream of American political culture and make it fragment; on the other hand, given the end of the Cold War and America’s relative decline in the balance of forces, its some traditional allies are asking for breaking away from America. So Huntington thought it was necessary to put forward a theory to strengthen different groups’ identity to the mainstream political culture in America and strenthen the unity of whole western countries in order to keep its leadership of the west even the whole world.At the same time, Huntington made a serious mistake of metaphysics when he studied the relation between the civilization and the world, namely, he cut off the dialectical relationship between the clash and integration of civilazations. Objectively, the clash of civilizations indeed exists in the world and it runs through the whole process of civilization exchanges. After all, it is only the opposite side in the process of civilizations exchanges. Huntington only saw the opposite side of civilization, ignoring the existence of the integration of civilizations, it would only come to unrealistic conclusion. Absorption and integration is predominant in the cultural development between countries, nations and regions from the historical development as the whole. Integration of civilizations becomes possible for different civilizations’seeking for peace and secrity, business exchanges and personnel exchanges, mutual attraction and learning from another civilization, the promotion of science and technology.Since the process of integration of civilizations started, We could find many"traces" in any country or region which are embodied mainly in such aspects:internationalism and diversity of religious beliefs. The process of the world major religions is the process of the transformation from national religion to world religion. Nowdays, nearly world basic religions are transnational religions,and the process itself is the embodiment of integration of civilizations. Furthermore, the religious diversity is increasingly accepted by more people; English has become a world language. With the frequent contacts of people of different civilizations,especially with the development of economic globalization, some languages has more world characters as a tool and a media of transmission and integration of civilizations and English is one of the most typical kind among them. English cosmopolitism is not only reflected in its composition but also on its wide use; Some modern democratic concepts have become the basic human values. The change of the world order begins with people’s concept. With the development of the market economy, more and more countries have recognized the rationality of market economy and modern democracy concepts, such as equality, democracy, freedom and so on; All civilization groups concern and resolve global problems. The development of economic globalization enhanced the extent of independence among all states. More and more states has recognized that some global problems couldn’t be resolved by one or some states and they might be resolved only if all states act together and take measures actively. The integration of civilizations has a profound impact on the world order, it may influence the decision-makers’ackowledge and action, contributes to cultivate the values of world order and can make the world order more orderly.The world has undergone profound changes in politics and economy since the Cold War ended, which have brought opportunities to the integration of civilizations, such as the acceleration of economic globalization, the rise of idea calling for dialogues among the civilizations and so on, which can promote communication and dialogue among the civilizations objectively and contribute to the integration of civilizations. As integration of civilizations is a long-term and arduous task, every civilization group should actively promote the exchanges and dialogues among civilizations, seek for the sameness except differnce and expand the identity in the process of integration according to the spirit of "harmony is priceless ", "harmony but not sameness ", "beneficial to each other".As states play a crucial role in the process of integration of civilizations, we should .strengthen the international cooperation in economy, politics and culture fields, nurture actively shared values. non-state actors’role has been expanded in the integration of civilizations in recent years. We should carry forward the functions of international governmental organizations in consultating and cooperating on the cross-border issues, calling for and formulating all states to obey common international rules and laws, establishing the rules and institutions to achieve the aim of the common goods. We should carry forward the unique role of inter-state organizations and international non-governmental organizations on the integration of civilizations, because the former can promote the democracy and legal system, promote political stability and harmony and strengthen environmental protection, and the latter plays an active role in formulating supra-national laws and rules, promoting the harmony among civilizations and promoting international economic and cultural exchanges. Besides, we should attach importance to the role of the multinational corporations to promote the integration of civilizations in expanding the identy of civilizations, mediating the paradox and differences among civilizations. However, the development of multinational corporations is unbalanced, neither the number nor the scale of the multinational corporations in developing countries takes the lead, which is not only not conducive to narrowing the gap between the North and South, but also not conducive to the spread of civilizatons of developing countries and not conducive to integration of civilizations in the end.After the Cold War, the world order has changed a lot than before and some new characters appears. Athough states still act as the most important actor in the world order, the function of non-state actors becomes more prominent than before. With the acceleration of economic globalization, interdependence among state actors is increasing; Although the impact that military and political factors on the world order is still obvious, Changes in world order is also reflected in the model of structure. Since the human beings enter the civilized society, the structure of the world order is reflected in the Structure of Empire and the Structure of Balance. After the Cold War, although the Yalta System has collapsed, the new world order has not yet established and it is in the transitional period. Nevertheless, some new changes which are different from before have appeared in the structure of world order. At present, scholars have different views about the model of structure of world order in the future. For example, Model of Authority Order, Model of "Global Village", Model of World Government, Model of Multilateral Order and so on. Comparatively speaking, Model of Multilateral Oder is more realistic because it maintains the equality and cooperation of subjects in the world.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

