

Study on "Book of Songs" Literature in Sui and Early Tang Dynasty

【作者】 孙雪萍

【导师】 王绍曾; 王承略;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从汉到宋,中国学术的发展经历了一次大的转变,其显著特点就是汉学的衰微和宋学的兴起。隋唐时期正处于从汉学向宋学转变的关捩点,在中国古代文化学术发展史上具有重要的地位。这一时期的《诗经》学上承两汉经学研究的特征,下启宋代义理之学,自汉至宋学术研究上的重大转向正产生在这一阶段。厘清和发掘这一过渡时期的《诗经》研究特点与文献内容,不仅是中国《诗经》学史研究中不可或缺的一环,而且将有助于我们更好地把握《诗经》学发展的脉络,理解其承上启下的意义,并为今后的研究奠定基础。本文《隋与唐前期诗经文献研究》除却绪论、结语,主要内容分为八章,第一章概述,首先分析研究隋唐时期的政治、文化环境对学术的繁荣和发展所产生的推进作用。这一时期中央集权的加强和统一局面的形成,对隋唐告别是唐前期的学术发展、文献整理和传播等产生了直接影响;其次概述隋与唐前期《诗经》文献的主要内容和呈现出的时代特色;再次是探讨揭示本时期《诗经》文献的主要价值和贡献。第二章是关于隋唐《诗经》书目方面的研究介绍。《隋书·经籍志》是继《汉书·艺文志》后又一部中古时期的目录学文献,从中可以了解隋和盛唐前的《诗经》研究和流传的相关情况;唐开元时期毋煚的《古今书录》,客观真实地记录了盛唐前的图书情况,而《旧唐书·经籍志》所著录的书籍则以《古今书录》为蓝本,主要反映的是唐玄宗开元间国家藏书情况。唐代这些目录文献价值颇高,其中关于《诗经》文献的记载,所反映的多是盛唐前的信息,是我们开展研究的基础和起点。第三到第六章,分别梳理和探讨了陆德明、颜师古、孔颖达和李善这四位隋唐大家,在《诗经》文献的保存、研究和阐释等方面的努力和贡献。陆德明关于《诗经》学的成就主要体现在《经典释文》中,其中的《序录》有关《诗经》的记录,应该看作一部较为完整的目录学著作,也是一篇简要的《诗经》学术发展史。其《毛诗音义》对《诗经》文献的训释、校理,对后世均产生了重大影响;颜师古对《诗经》的贡献,主要体现在其五经定本、《匡谬正俗》和《汉书注》中。这些著述较全面地反映了他的《诗》学观念,而在《诗经》文献的保存、训诂、校勘等方面的价值更是不可忽视。在《诗经》学史上,颜师古对唐代《诗经》学研究是有着筚路蓝缕的开启之功的;孔颖达在这一领域的代表作《毛诗正义》,被后人誉为《诗经》汉学的集大成著作,本文重点讨论了《毛诗正义》之集汉学大成特点,及与之相联系的文献整理方面的贡献;李善是唐代“文选学”的集大成者,以征引旧籍来解读阐释《文选》是李善注的显著特征。作为我国第一部诗歌总集的《诗经》,在李善《文选注》中曾被多次引用,以解决《文选》的部分训释问题。本文在辑录梳理李善注所征引的《诗经》文献原始材料基础上,展开综合分析和考察。第七章讨论唐前期史注与《诗经》文献的情况,其中包括司马贞的《史记索隐》、张守节的《史记正义》和李贤的《后汉书注》。他们对史书的研究、注释,促进了史学的发展。同时,也保存了大量的古代文献资料,这其中就有不少唐前《诗经》文献。本文对三书征引《诗经》文献的内容、方式等进行了梳理、概括和总结,对它们在运用、阐释和保存《诗经》文献方面的特色展开分析,对其价值和不足做了辨析。第八章讨论隋与唐前期类书与《诗经》文献的情况,其中包括《北堂书钞》、《艺文类聚》、《初学记》三部类书。三部类书不仅保存了大量的唐前文献,同时还客观地反映了《诗经》在当时的传播情状,透露了时人对《诗经》学习和接受的信息。本文在所辑录的《诗经》原始文献的基础上,对其内容进行分类总结,分析其表现方式,归纳其特点,最后揭示其对《诗经》学的价值和贡献。隋与唐前期《诗经》文献是历代《诗经》文献的一个重要组成部分。对其展开全面的研究探讨,具有重要的学术意义和价值。为能全面、系统地展示隋与唐前期《诗经》学和《诗经》文献的基本轨迹,从文献考据入手,在辑录原始材料、解读历史文献的基础上,力图对其进行深入细致的分析和较系统的研究梳理,以期能比较全面地反映出隋与唐前期《诗经》学,特别是《诗经》文献的基本状况和价值所在。在研究方法上,适应选题本身的需要,努力做到宏观与微观结合,理论与事实结合,历史与逻辑结合,并运用音韵学、文字学、训诂学、目录学、校勘学、文学、经学、文化学、西方阐释学等多方面的专门知识,展开分析讨论。

【Abstract】 From Han to Song dynasty, development of the Chinese academic has changed greatly. Its distinctive feature is the decline of Han academic and the rise of Song academic. Academic in Sui and Tang dynasty is important in historical culture because it is just in transition from Han to Song dynasty. Research about "Book of Songs" in this period also experienced a transition. It succeeds the characteristics of the Han’s classical studies and arouses the research of Song. Clarifying and exploring features and literature of "The Book of Songs" in the period, not only is necessary to the "Book of Songs" History, but also help us better grasp the development of context of "The Book of Songs", understand the significance of their connecting link, and lay the foundation for future research.Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into eight chapters. In chapter One, I firstly analyze how the political and cultural environment in Sui and Tang dynasty promotes the prosperity and development of academic. in that period, strengthened centralization and unification directly impacts the academic development, document collation and dissemination; The Second part is an overview of the main contents of documents and the feature of the Times on "The Book of Songs"; Thirdly, the main value and contribution of literature is revealed.The second chapter is about the research bibliography of "Book of Songs" in Sui and Tang dynasty. "Sui Shu·Jing Ji Zhi" is another literature bibliography following the "Han Shu·Yi Wen Zhi", from which we can understand the "The Book of Songs" research and its’ spreading in that period. In tang Kaiyuan period, Wu’s "Gu Jin Shu Lu" objectively records the books before the Tang Dynasty, whereas mainly imitating "Gu Jin Shu Lu", "Jiu Tang Shu·Jing Ji Zhi" reflects the books Collection case in the tang Kaiyuan period. High value of the Tang Dynasty literature, including the "Book of Songs" recorded in the literature, mostly reflected the information before the Tang Dynasty, and is the basis and beginning point for research.The third to the sixth chapters, discussed efforts and contributions in the "Book of songs" document preservation, research and interpretation by Lu Deming, Yan Shigu, Kong Yingda and Li Shan. Lu Deming on the "Book of Songs" mainly reflected the achievements of the "Jing Dian Shi Wen", in which the "Preface" may be seen as a more complete bibliography works and is also a brief "Book of Songs" academic history. In "Mao Shi Yin Yi" explanation and proofreading to the "Book of Songs" literature, had a significant impact on the later ages; contribution on the "Book of Songs" by Yan Shigu, is mainly exhibited in his final version of the Five Classics, "Kuang Miu Zheng Su "and" Han Shu Zhu ". These works reflect Yan’s Concepts on the "Book of Songs" in a more comprehensive way, and the contribution showed in which to the preservation of "Book of Songs" literature, Exegesis, collation even can not be ignored. In the history, Yan Shi Gu’s research of "Book of Songs" is with the successful opening arduous; Kong Ying Da is a representative in this area, his "Mao Shi Zheng Yi", was later hailed as "Book of Songs" a master of Sinology works. This paper focuses on the features and contribution in the literature collation of "Mao Shi Zheng Yi"; Li Shan is a master of "Wen Xuan", he is famous in quoting the past literatures to interpretation of "Wen Xuan". As China’s first poetry collection, "Book of Songs" has been repeatedly cited many times to address Annotation in "Wen Xuan". In this paper, comprehensive analysis and inspection will be done based on combing the literature source materials quoted from the "Book of Songs" by Li Shan.In chapter VII, history Notes, "Book of Songs" literature in Early Tang will be discussed, including the Sima Zhen’s "Shi Ji Suo Yin" and Zhang Shou Jie’s "Shi Ji Zheng Yi" and Li Xian’s "Hou Han Shu Zhu." Their study to history books and notes promotes historiography development, also saves a lot of ancient literatures, of which there are many pre-Tang "Book of Songs" literatures. The contents of "Book of Songs" literature and the methods cited by the three books are summarized; meanwhile, the characteristics of the interpretation and preservation of "The Book of Songs" literature in the three books are also analyzed.In chapterⅧ, I discuss the Books and the "Book of Songs" literature in Sui and the early of Tang Dynasty, including the "Bei Tang Shu Chao", "Yi Wen Lei Ju" and "Chu Xue Ji". The three books not only recorded a lot of books before the Tang Dynasty literature, but also objectively reflected the "Book of Songs" dissemination situation and revealed learning and acceptance on "Book of Songs" at that time. In this paper, on the basis of "Book of Songs" original documents, theirs’ content is summarized, theirs’ expression fashion is studied and theirs’ features are extracted; finally, the value and contribution to "Book of Songs" is revealed.Sui and Tang Dynasty, "Book of Songs" Literature is an important part of the literature in history. Launching a comprehensive study is of important academic significance and value. In order to show the basic clue of "Book of Songs" and "Book of Songs" Literature comprehensively and systematically in Sui and Tang Dynasty, I try to make a deeply analysis depending on compiling the original material and the interpretation of historical documents, and I expect to reflect the value and the basic situation of the "Book of Songs" Philology in Sui and Tang Dynasties. In research method, to adapt topics to their own needs, I strive to integrate macro and micro, combine theory with the facts, make history and logic integrate, and make use of phonology, etymology, philology, bibliography, textual criticism, textual criticism, literature, aesthetics, history, classical studies, cultural studies, hermeneutics, and many other Western expertise to analyze the discussion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

