

Bureaucracy, Game of Interests and Governmental Action

【作者】 张丙宣

【导师】 陈剩勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文以杭州市城乡结合部的J镇政府为研究对象,将之置于组织理论和中国政治史的脉络中,从科层制的理论视角考察自分税制改革以来乡镇政府为应对来自市场、国家与社会的压力而采取的招商引资、征地拆迁和综治维稳等行为,揭示地方政府行为的逻辑,研究地方政府在地方治理的中的角色,旨在提高地方治理的绩效。研究表明,乡镇政府不仅仅服从科层制的规范、遵守市场竞争的规则,而且在行使自主权过程中,从组织的视角回应上级政府、市场与社会的压力,并与上级政府、企业和农民进行各种形式的利益博弈,进而改变科层制的规范和国家的乡村社会经济发展战略。在乡村社会经济发展战略转型过程中,科层制并不曾从乡村社会中退出,而是以新的方式重新主导着乡村社会经济的发展,从直接经营为数众多的规模小的乡镇企业转变到以控制土地将整个辖域作为一个经营单位进行经营,从主要由村社干部与农民直接互动转变到乡镇政府及其官员直接与农民沟通,从主要依赖传统乡村微观维稳的关系网络转变到主要依赖现代科层化的稳控组织进行维稳。这些变化推动了地方政府应对和重塑国家、市场与社会关系,并从变动的外部环境中学习治理之道,从而优化地方治理。与此同时,在市场、国家与社会的压力下,地方政府及其官员行为的失当导致了政策的扭曲、腐败和官民关系的紧张。为此,国家在推进工业化、市场化和城市化的同时,应该建立责任政府、服务型政府,完善科层组织,规范政府行为,使之更能回应社会和民众的需求,进而推进地方治理的永续发展、实现善治。

【Abstract】 In the veins of organization theory and China’s political history, this dissertation, as a case study of an urban-rural town government in Hangzhou, is the study of this type of governments’investment, land acquisition, and stability maintenance from the perspective of the theory of bureaucracy, to reveal the logic of local governments’ behaviors and their roles in local governance since the middle and late 1990s.This study finds that township governments not only obey the rules of bureaucracy and abide by the laws of market competition, but respond to higher pressures from state, market and society, and have interest game with higher levels of government, enterprises and farmers in the exercise of autonomy, from the perspectives of bureaucracy and organization. As a result, they change the rules of bureaucracy and the state’s strategy of rural economic development. In the transformation of rural economic development strategies, the bureaucracy has not withdrawn from the village governance, but re-dominate rural socio-economic development in a new way, mainly from the direct management of small-scale rural enterprises to taking control of entire jurisdiction as a business unit, from the direct interaction between main village cadres and farmers to direct communication between town government officials and farmers, from depending mainly on the traditional rural micro-network to relying mainly on modern bureaucratic organizations to maintain social stability. This shift promotes the local government to rebuild the state, market and society, and to govern society from changes in the external environment, and to optimize local governance.At the same time, in response to pressures from the market, state and society, the misconduct of local governments and their officials leads to policy distortions, corruption, and strained relations between the Government and the public. To solve these problems and improve local governance, the state’s promotion of industrialization, marketization and urbanization should be accompanied by the establishment of responsible government, service-oriented government, and by the improvement of the bureaucratic organization and standardization of government behaviors, to make it more responsive to the needs of society and the people, and to promote the sustainable development of local governance to achieve good governance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

