

Study on the Development of Regional University Based on Knowledge Spillovers

【作者】 田华

【导师】 王沛民;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 新知识经济背景下,大学发展的主题正以一种理论期待与现实紧迫的姿态悄然进入研究者的视野。然而,就研究所及,国内关于大学发展和其在促进区域发展领域的研究有待丰富,而基于中国区域发展不平衡的现实,针对不同地区的,特别是欠发达地区的大学发展的相关研究则少之又少。正因为如此,如何充分理解区域性大学,尤其是欠发达地区的区域性大学在其所处区域中承担的功能及其对区域创新产生的影响,理应成为本研究的应有之义,其理论与现实的重要性更是不言而喻。本研究基于知识溢出的视角,通过理论演绎、案例研究、问卷调查和数据分析等研究方法,就区域性大学发展的相关主题进行较为深入的研究。具体而言,本文主要围绕三大问题开展研究:(1)区域性大学的内涵、特征及其在知识经济背景下所承担的新功能;(2)区域性大学发展的一个探索性理论框架,它将构建作为“知识中枢”的区域性大学发展的功能定位、价值取向和生存路径;(3)引导区域性大学合理定位及其推进区域持续创新的公共政策安排。通过研究,本文得出以下几个较有新意的结论:(1)大学发展经历了从“知识仓库”到“知识工厂”、再到“知识中枢”的模态演变。理性地把握当代大学发展的问题,就是要将大学发展放置于所处的动态变化的区域社会子系统中来考虑,亦即探讨大学发展与区域发展“契合”。从本质上讲,大学发展既是区域社会系统中包括大学自身在内的各类组织和个人对大学未来发展状况的一种愿望与期盼,更是大学如何在区域创新系统所提供的集聚优势与发展空间的舞台上,不断追求教学、研究、服务社会等职能的凝聚与升华,实现自我价值的一个现实过程。(2)区域性大学在我国院校生态系统中具备特定的“生态位”,在其所处区域中承担着“知识中枢”的功能。作为所在区域的知识创新、集成与扩散中心,通过“摇篮功能”、“磁石功能”、“创新、合作与协调功能”三大子功能的发挥,努力发展知识、弘扬学术(研究),增进知识推广和应用(服务),最终实现区域性大学的吸纳汇聚人才、培育创造人才、推进学科发展、强化科技供给能力和服务区域社会的发展目标。(3)区域性大学的发展以追求知识发展作为其核心价值取向,知识生产与传播仍是其发展的第一要务。基于区域性大学的功能定位,区域性大学的价值取向理应是把教学和科研作为大学发展的两个重要基点,教学与科研并举,成为所在区域的公共知识池,积极为所在区域发展提供持续的智力供给。(4)区域性大学的发展,应弱化其由教学研究型大学到研究型大学发展的路径依赖,强化其立足区域社会经济发展需要。作为所在区域的“知识中枢”,区域性大学的积极主动参与区域发展、在与区域产业互动过程中源源不断地为区域创造新的知识、强化和提升区域吸纳既有知识的能力,有助实现对传统产业的改造以及催生新的产业,最终推进所在区域的内生性发展。(5)国外区域性大学发展经验证据及国内典型大学实证分析表明,区域性大学“知识中枢”功能的发挥得益于通过大量跨界活动对所在区域产生的知识溢出效应。国家和区域的教育发展计划是促进大学开展跨界活动和知识溢出的催化剂,产学合作是突破知识屏障强化大学知识溢出的一条重要途径。因此,对区域性大学发展进行科学规划、树立引领区域性大学发展的核心理念,以及制定实施“面向创新的区域中枢构建”计划,将为区域性大学合理定位、深化发展提供重要的政策安排。

【Abstract】 In the context of new knowledge economy, university’s development has being a crucial subject quietly into the researcher’s vision and practice field. However, the research on university’s development and how to promotion it at the regional level is not yet more common, especially in catching-up region in China, the study isn’t assumption. In view of this, how to fully understand the regional university, particularly understanding the functions of regional university in their regions and the impact on regional innovation should be the proper meaning of this study, its theoretical and practical significance is not self-evident.Based on the perspective of knowledge spillovers, this study examines the regional university’s development through a series of methods such as theoretical deduction, case studies, surveys and data analysis. Specifically, this dissertation focus on three major issues:(1) The content, features and new functions undertaken in the context of knowledge-based economy of regional university;(2) The theoretical framework of regional university’s development. It will be a base of functional positioning, values and life path of regional university as a regional "knowledge hub";(3) The public policy arrangements for guiding the regional university positioning and promoting the region’s continuous innovation.The conclusions of the paper are as follows:(1) University has experienced the mode evolution from the "knowledge warehouse" to "knowledge factories" to "knowledge hub". More rational grasp of the university’s development, which need to put the issue in the dynamic changes of the regional social subsystem, that is explore the university’s development "fit" the regional development.(2) Regional University has a unique "niche" in higher education institutions ecosystems, and assumed a "knowledge hub" function in the region. As a center of knowledge innovation, integration and spreading, which through the "cradle function" "magnet function", "innovation, cooperation and coordination function" these three sub-functions to play the function of "knowledge hub"(3) The regional university’s development in pursuit of knowledge development as its core values, knowledge production and dissemination of its development remains a top priority. Based on the regional university’s positioning, the value orientation of regional university should put teaching as important as research. As the public knowledge pool in regions, regional university should to provide sustained mental supply for the region’s development.(4) The development of regional university should be weakened the path dependence from the teaching and research university to the research university, whereas strengthen its function of "knowledge hub" to meet the needs of regional socio-economic development. Regional University should more involvement in regional development, particularly in the positive interaction with the regional industry, continuously creating new knowledge for the region, and enhances the regional capacity to absorb the existing knowledge, will enable the transformation of traditional industries as well as the birth of new industries, the ultimate to promote endogenous development in its region.(5) The empirical evidence shows that, to be a good play the functions of "knowledge hub" due to the effect of knowledge spillovers through a large number of boundary-spanning activities. National and regional education development plans is the key catalyst to promote the regional university to carry out boundary-spanning activities and knowledge spillovers. Industry-university cooperation is one important means to breakthrough the knowledge filter and strength university knowledge spillovers. Therefore, we should establish a scientific plan and a set of core concept to leading regional university’s development. Furthermore, design and implement the "Building Regional University as Knowledge Hub for Innovation" grogram would be a good public policy arrangement for regional university’s development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

