

The Study of Chinese Language Teaching in Thailand Overseas Chinese Schools


【导师】 徐辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 泰国是东南亚华侨华裔较集中的国家,汉语是泰国华侨以及华裔工作和生活中经常使用的一种语言。泰国的汉语教育源远流长,虽然历经坎坷却始终未能中断且不断发展壮大。可见,近来泰国汉语教育界流传着这样一句话。只有掌握汉-英-泰三种语言的人才,才是未来在市场竞争中合格的人才。可以说,今天泰国越来越流行“汉语热”。华侨学校是传播中华传统文化思想、灌输传统文化精神的主要阵地。泰国的华侨学校随着泰国政府在不同的历史时期对华人政策各异而起伏不定,兴盛的时候达到600多所,而衰微的时候则骤减至不足100所。汉语教师也经历多舛的命运,很多往往被迫中途放弃教学而另谋出路。当代,随着国际形式的变化以及中泰关系的改善,华侨学校出现转机。本调查研究是为了了解泰国华侨学校的汉语教学。内容包含政策、学校、教师、教材和学生。论文运用文献法、田野考察方法以及比较研究方法,针对2008年泰国华侨学校开发研究。本次问卷调查邮寄给全泰国的117所泰国华侨学校,回收问卷调查94所,访谈对象是随机挑选每个地区3所华侨学校为代表,采访该华侨学校汉语教师2位,共30位,和进采访学汉语的学生3位,共45位。笔者总结自身亲历对其历史、现状进行调查分析,试图获得第一手资料。论文由以下部分构成,各部分内容如下:导论部分主要包括论文的选题缘由、文献综述、研究范围、研究方法、研究的理论基础、研究目的和概念界定等方面。第一章,泰国华侨学校的发展历史与汉语教育的政策。主要指第一,泰国华侨学校历史与演变。泰国华侨学校最早是萌芽时期(18世纪—19世纪末)、迅速发展时期(20世纪初—1937年)、衰退凋零时期(1937年—1945年)、战后复苏时期(1945年—1978年)和蓬勃发展时期(1978年—至今)。第二,泰国华侨学校的现状。分析华侨学校学校地址分类、泰国华侨学校开设教学班级和学校开设汉语教学班级。第三,泰国华侨学校汉语教育的政策,包括“关于1918年的泰国民校条例”、“关于1921年的泰国强迫教育实施条例”、“关于1927年的泰国补充民校条例”、“关于1936年的泰国华文学管理新章程”、“关于1946年的中暹友好条约”等部分。第二章,泰国华侨学校汉语教学的教材与方法。因此教材和教学方法有关系,所以在教材方面,笔者分成教材研究的来历和内容。目前泰国华侨学校使用的教材是从中国大陆、泰国教育部、华侨会和自编。可见汉语教材多种多样,因此教师应该选择合适的教学方法。在教学的方法分成教学研究方法的变迁和教学常用的方法。华侨学校汉语教师经常用的教学法是说话法、讲读法、阅读指导法和讨论法等。第三章,泰国华侨学校汉语教学的教师。除了教材之外,教师对教育也很重要。教师的职责是传播知识给学生,所以这章主要指教师的基本情况、教师的来源与条件、教师的培训、教师的专业发展和教师的评价。第四章,泰国华侨学校汉语教学的学生。教师的教学的结果如何必须考察他的对象,就是学生。学生是教师的镜子。这章主要内容指学生的基本情况、学生的汉语学习目的以及难点和学生学习汉语的成效。第五章,泰国华侨学校汉语教学的国际交流主要指教师的交流、学生的交流、教材的交流和孔子课堂。每种交流引导中泰汉语教育紧密合作。第六章,泰国华侨学校汉语教学存在的问题和发展趋势。根据上述研究结果,这部分主要提出了以下几点的问题和发展趋势,包括政策、汉语教师、汉语教学教材、学生方面和学校等方面。国家政策问题影响到学校、教师和学生。因此笔者提出解决问题并给教育部提供发展趋势的参考。尽管目前泰国大学开设了汉语专业或者语言培训中心并开设很多汉语课程,但是华侨学校也有自己的特色。因为华侨学校是华侨华人投资的学校。它的办学目的、教育管理和教学方式跟其他学校不一样。此外,华侨学校还是仍然保存中国文化和风俗并传播给泰国华侨华裔的子女。因此华侨学校是值得研究的学校,对其教学和管理进行深部探究。

【Abstract】 Thailand has a high concentration of ethnic Chinese and overseas Chinese people among the Southeast Asian countries, and Chinese languages, including Mandarin, are commonly used at work and in daily life. The study of Chinese language teaching in Thailand has a very long history and it will be enhanced and never be interrupted although it has experienced a lot of challenges. Consequently, recently there is a saying in Thailand regarding the teaching of Chinese language, which goes, "only those who master Chinese, English and Thai languages well will they be the qualified people in future market competition". As a result, a lot of people have the enthusiasm to learn the Chinese language. Obviously, Chinese language is becoming more and more popular, thus, there is "Mandarin fever" in Thailand.Thailand overseas Chinese schools are the main institutions for disseminating Chinese traditional culture and instill the spirit of this culture. The number of Thai Chinese language teaching schools has fluctuated due to various policies toward Chinese language during different periods in the history of the country. The country had more than 600 schools in the golden age and less than 100 schools during declining stages. Chinese teachers had experienced numerous misfortunes and often had to give up teaching in search of work elsewhere. In contemporary times, because of globalization and the improvement of Sino-Thai relations, there is a glimmer of hope of renewal for overseas Chinese schools in Thailand.This survey aimed at obtaining an understanding of overseas Chinese schools and Chinese language teaching in Thailand. Data for the survey were collected from different sources, including government and its polices, schools, teachers, teaching materials and students. Documentary analyses, field research and comparison methods were used in the thesis with research carried out in Thai overseas Chinese schools in 2008. A questionnaire was sent out to 117 Thai overseas Chinese schools, to which 94 schools responded. The respondents were chosen randomly as representatives from three overseas Chinese schools in each district. Two teachers from each school, representing a total of 30 teachers and three students from each school totaling 45 students were interviewed. The researcher summarized her teaching experiences and carried out the research using primary and secondary data to obtain first-hand information.The thesis consists of the following parts: preface compiling the reasons for choosing the topic, summary of documents, range, theoretical basis and aims of the study, keywords, explanations, etc.Chapter I presents the history of Chinese language education and the policy of Chinese education in Thai overseas Chinese schools. Firstly, the history and development of Thai overseas Chinese schools, which consists of the earlier stage (18th century to end of 19th century), the period of quick development (early 20th century to 1937), the period of recession (1937-1945), the period of post-war recovery (1945-1978) and the period of rapid development (1978-present). Secondly, the status of overseas Chinese schools in Thailand is discussed. An analysis and classification of school categories, the whole teaching classes and the Chinese teaching classes are outlined. Thirdly, Chinese education polices in Thai overseas Chinese schools, which comprise:"Thailand Public Schools Regulations in 1918", "Compulsory Education Regulations in 1921", "Supplementary Regulations of Thailand Public Schools in 1927", "New Thailand Chinese Culture Management Ground Rules in 1936", "Treaty of Friendship between China and Thailand in 1946", etc. are delineated.Chapter II presents Thailand overseas Chinese schools Chinese language teaching materials and methods. Since materials and teaching methods are related, the chapter is divided into sources and contents of the materials. Currently, the teaching materials come from the Chinese mainland, Thailand’s Ministry of Education, the Council of Overseas Chinese and own (the schools’) teaching materials. This shows that there is a variety of Chinese textbooks. Teachers should therefore select appropriate teaching methods. The teaching methods are divided into innovative methods and commonly used teaching methods. The teachers of Thai overseas Chinese schools often use such teaching methods as conversation, reading, guided reading and discussion.Chapter III discusses Chinese language teachers in Thai overseas Chinese schools. In addition to textbooks, the teacher is clearly also very important in education. A teacher’s role is to disseminate knowledge to students. As such, this chapter focuses on the general situation, the sources and conditions of teachers, teacher training, teachers’ development and teacher assessment.ChapterⅣdescribes the student in Thai overseas Chinese schools. The student is the teaching object of teacher, so teachers’who instruct must consider their students’needs. This chapter mainly discusses the general situation of the students, learning objectives, as well as students’difficulties in learning Chinese.Chapter V discusses the international exchange programs for Thai overseas Chinese schools and Chinese language teaching including teacher cooperation, student cooperation, co-teaching materials and Confucius classrooms. All these areas of cooperation promote Chinese language teaching development between China and Thailand.Chapter VI discusses problems and trends in Chinese language teaching in Thai overseas Chinese schools. Based on the research findings, main issues and trends are raised: policy, Chinese language teachers, Chinese teaching materials, students and schools. Amongst issues raised, national policy affecting schools, teachers and students. Therefore, the researcher proposes solutions to the problems and provides development trends for the Ministry of Education.At present, although Thailand’s universities offer Chinese profession or Chinese language training and sets up many of the Chinese language courses, the overseas Chinese schools have their own characteristics. Their aims, education management and teaching methods are different from those of other schools. In addition, Chinese culture and customs are still preserved in overseas Chinese schools and transmitted to the children of ethnic Chinese in Thailand. Therefore, the overseas Chinese schools merit studying in order to develop an in-depth understanding of their teaching approaches and management styles.

【关键词】 泰国华侨学校汉语教学
【Key words】 ThailandOverseasChinese SchoolsChinese LanguageTeaching
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】3018

