

On Research of Reconstruction of Sport Training Professional Curriculum System

【作者】 胡雅欢

【导师】 朱德全;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 全球体育事业尤其是竞技体育事业的发展对体育人才的“量”和“质”都提出了新的要求与挑战,为此,以培养“体育高级专门人才”为目标的运动训练专业必须紧跟时代步伐,进行教育改革势在必行。而教育改革的核心问题之一就是课程问题,因为课程的目标、内容、结构和实施共同决定着人才培养的规格与质量。基于此,本研究以运动训练专业课程体系重构为出发点,在国内外已有研究成果的基础上,借助基础教育课程改革的相关理念,遵循“文献分析→理论假设→现状探讨→理论建构→原理归结”的研究思路,综合运用文献资料法、调查法、观察法和个案分析法,对运动训练专业课程体系重构的必要性、现实性、可操作性进行了系统研究。运动训练专业作为我国高等体育教育的主要专业之一,从1957年成立至今,现已有78所高校开设该专业,每年招收人数将近13000人。半个世纪以来,运动训练专业走过了从无到有、从小到大的艰难发展历程,并且随着时代的进步、社会的发展和教育不断改革,它经历了许多次课程理念的革新,培养目标的变迁、课程设置的调整和课程实施的改革,课程体系在不断地完善。但是,根据调查发现,目前运动训练专业的课程体系仍然存在诸多问题:课程目标定位相对狭窄,仅仅局限于训练和教育领域,无法满足现代社会对人才的多元要求,各大院校缺乏合理布局和功能互补;课程内容覆盖面较小,人文素养课程和体育前沿课程匮乏,没有突出运动训练专业的特色,尤其与体育教育专业课程设置差异甚微;课程结构比例失衡,选修课、综合课、实践课所占比例偏小,知识的重复交叉现象严重,缺乏对整体课程结构的有机整合;课程实施方式较单一,学生参与课程的程度不够,课堂教学仍然“重教轻学”,忽视学生主动参与和积极建构,偏离课程改革的核心理念:课程评价仍然以选拔为导向,以结果为核心,评价方式单一。课程体系的重构是一项巨大的系统工程,以现实性问题为逻辑起点,以解释学和系统理论为本体论依据,以马克思主义认识论作为认识论依据,以结构功能主义理论为方法论依据,以人本主义理论为价值论依据,将生命关怀、多元整合、动态生成和个性发展作为重构课程体系的核心理念。用人文关怀替代工具理性:课程目标应体现人文关怀,课程内容中应包括人文知识,课程实施要尊重学生的教育经验,课程评价尊重个性差异;用复杂性思维取代二元对立思维:不能仅仅以一种固有的课程模式来建构整个运动训练专业的课程体系,而应该整合多种课程模式,求其精华、去其糟粕,为我所有。从本质主义思维方式走向生成性思维方式:注重课程体系的非预设性、过程性、多元性、差异性、创造性和具体性等,承认课程体系演化和发展的丰富可能性。从单一性思维走向多元性思维:全面分析课程体系的各个要素,在课程目标、课程内容、课程实施和课程评价的各个方面体现多元性。本研究提出了重构课程体系的理论构想:‘课程目标确立要以社会和个人发展的需求为导向,旨在纠正我国体育人才的偏态分布;课程内容的选择要多元,并且突出专业特色,尤其需要添加人文素养类课程,培养“一专多能”的人才;课程结构的优化追求均衡与自由选择,适当增加选修课、综合课和实践课的比例;课程实施的改革要以对话和建构为目标,充分发挥学生的主体性:课程评价的设计要以促进发展为终极目标,从评价主体、评价方式等方面突出多元性。与此同时,通过树立可持续发展理念、储备可持续发展力量、提供可持续发展资源打造一支知识结构、能力结构、学历结构、学缘结构都合理的素质精良的教师队伍;通过民主化、科学化的课程政策,完善学校常规管理制度、校本教研制度、校本培训制度、教育评价制度,建立一套与课程改革相适应的管理体系;通过分析国外运动训练专业课程改革的历程和方向,为我国运动训练专业课程体系的完善提供宝贵经验,从这三个方面着手为课程体系对重构提供保障机制。总之,时代发展、社会进步和教育事业的改革催生了学校体育教育工作的改革,而作为学校教育活动的“心脏”,课程改革自然就成了改革的主体环节,成了提高人才质量的关键。运动训练专业的课程体系重构需要以转变课程理念为起点,从课程目标、课程内容、课程结构、课程实施和课程评价五个方面进行全面深入地改革,作为一个整体系统,这五个次系统的功能共同决定着课程体系的整体功能,因此不能顾此失彼,必须全盘考虑。同时,笔者认为,没有贴上新课程理念标签的已有课程体系,固然在一定历史时期有其存在的合理性和社会价值,但是我们相信,用新理念武装和指导的课程体系则是意蕴更丰富,结构更均衡,更能体现人文性、教育性、发展性、时代性和文化性的课程体系。

【Abstract】 New requirements have been put forward for sports talents at the development of the world sports, especially, when "quantity" and "quality" are both emphasized. To develop "senior sports talents" as the goal of sports training, it is imperative for professionals to keep up the pace of new education reform. The core issue of education reform is the reform of curriculum because the course objectives, content, structure and implementation have determined the size and quality of personnel training. Based on this, in this thesis, the author has made systematic research on necessity, reality, operability of professional sports training curriculum reconstruction by studying previous research results at home and abroad and related ideas based on the curriculum reform of basic education, following the clue of "literature review-hypothesis discussion of current situation-establishment of theory-Principles attribution", and comprehensively using the methods of literature, surveys, observations and case analysis.Sports Training major of Physical Education has been one of the professional majors in our country. Starting from 1957, more than 78 universities have set up this major, which recruits over 13000 students every year. For half a century, Sports Training has been through difficult developmental process, from small to large. And with times progressing, developing of society and continuous education reforming, it has gone through many times of curriculum innovations, changes in training objectives, curriculum setting adjustment and reform of curriculum implementation. Curriculum is constantly improving. However, the survey has found that there are still some problems of the current system of sports training courses. First, Courses targets are relatively narrow, and limited to training and education, which can not meet modern requirements which are asking for diverse talents. Second, being lack of rational distributions and functions, many major institutions are hard to complete each other. Third, the curriculum coverage is small, and is in need of cutting-edge humanities courses as well as sports programs. The particularity of physical education curriculum cannot be highlighted. Fourth, course structure is imbalance. The elective courses, integrated courses, practice courses own a small proportion. And knowledge overlap as well as the lack of an overall organic course structure is serious, too. At last, curriculum implementation is always in a single way, causing a low participation rate because of neglecting the students’activeness. Course evaluation is still based on selection-oriented, results-centric, single-evaluation mode.Reconstructing the curriculum is a huge systematic project.It employs the reality as a logical starting point, the science explanation and systems theory as the ontological basis, structure and function theory as the methodology and the humanity as the basis of value theory. It considers the multi-integration, dynamic formation and personality development as the core concept of reconstruction of curriculum system. Use humanistic care instead of tool rational:Course goal should embody humanistic care, curriculum should include humanities knowledge, curriculum implementation should respect students educational experience, and curriculum evaluation should respect individuality differences; Complex Thinking replace binary thought:not solely use an inherent curriculum mode to construct the entire system of training professional course, but integrate various curriculum models, seeking its essence to its dregs. From essentialism thinking to Generativism thinking:focus on the course system’s non-default, process, pluralism, difference, creativity and specificity etc, recognizing course system evolution and development’s rich possibility. From oneness thinking tendency to pluralism thinking:to comprehend analysis of the various elements of curriculum, reflect the diversity in course objectives, course content, curriculum implementation and evaluation of the curriculum.This study also proposes the concept of reconstruction of curricular system:the establishment of course objectives to the social and personal development is to correct the skewed distribution in China. The choices of a course should be in diversity and highlight the professional characteristics. In particular, humanities courses are in need to be added to train "multiple functions" talents. Promote course structure optimization and the pursuit of balance and freedom of choice, and increase elective courses, curriculum reform to be implemented to build dialogue and as the goal, give full play to the subjectivity of students; design curriculum evaluation in order to promote development as the ultimate goal. The evaluation should highlight the diversity. At the same time, to build up a talented teachers’team with excellent knowledge structure, capability structure, education structure, by establishing sustainable development, reserving sustainable development forces, and providing resources for sustainable development. what’s more, a set of reforms to adapt and curriculum management system should be established through democratization and scientific curriculum reform and improving the general management of the school system, school-based education and research system, school-based training system, and education and evaluation system. It is important to direct China’s sports training system in pursuing of the Improvement of valuable experience by studying the analysis of professional sports training abroad, curriculum reform process. Only when the three aspects are practiced, can the curriculum system reconstruction be fulfilled.In short, the era of development, social progress and the reform of education have given birth to the reform of school physical education. As the "heart" of school education, curriculum reform, which is the reform of the theme of natural areas, will contribute to improve the quality of the talents. Reconstruction of sports training programs needs to change curriculum ideas as a starting point, from the course objectives, course content, curriculum structure, curriculum implementation and curriculum in-depth, evaluation of the five aspects of the reform of the system as a whole. These five functions of this system have jointly decided that the course of overall function, is not a loss, but must be holistic project. At the same time, I believe, it is reasonable that the curriculum system without a new concept label to exist, for historical reasons and its own rationality and social values. But we also hold the belief that armed with and guided by new ideas, the curriculum rich in structure and meaning is more balanced and better to reflect its human, educational, developmental, timed and cultural features.

【关键词】 运动训练专业课程体系重构
【Key words】 Sports TrainingCurriculumReconstruction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1614

