

【作者】 谢俊

【导师】 崔延强;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自大学诞生以来,学术自由就是保障学术创新成为可能的中心价值和条件,从观念到制度,学术自由已被确立为西方大学的价值观。为了保证知识的准确和正确,学者的活动必须只服从真理的标准,而不受任何外界压力,如宗教、政治、社会机构等的影响。中国大学源自于西方大学制度,国内对学术自由理念的研究起步较晚。随着现代大学制度建设的推进,学术自由作为现代大学制度的重要内容,已被学术界广泛接受,学术自由的研究越来越受关注。本研究的提出,既是基于学术自由之限度的理论的探究,也是出于现代大学制度建设的实践的思考。试图回答以下问题:学术自由产生的渊源是什么?在大学发展史中学术自由面临了哪些严峻的挑战?不断发生冲突的原因何在?如何理解学术自由的合理限度?最后回归到学术自由如何实现?本研究的思路是:从追溯学术自由的精神之源,并回顾自中世纪大学以来的学术自由发展史,确立学术自由的内涵变迁;从分析学术自由的意识形态的影响,确立社会观念形态的变迁对学术自由的控制;从现代大学制度下学术自由的困境的分析,确立法律、规范、自律精神是学术自由实现的保障;从分析学术自由中学术规范与学术自由的相互关系,确立学术规范是学术自由的条件。通过以上的分析,关于学术自由的限度是什么,以及怎样对学术自由进行控制或约束等问题已经清晰。历史的回顾和现实的批判可以明确学术自由的实现,统一于防止消极干预和保持合理限度的制度构建中。本研究共有六章。第一章,学术自由及其限度的界定。从学界关于学术自由的界定,分析学术自由的内涵,及其合理性。从何为学术自由的限度,说明学术自由限度的正当性,阐释影响学术自由的三个限度.第二章,学术自由及其限度的历史传统。学术自由是大学的基本原则,更是古老理念的现代表述。西方文化中的古希腊哲学、基督教和欧洲的政治自由思想都为学术自由提供了理论基础。学术自由根源于思想自由,他的源头可以追溯到希腊罗马时代的理性自由;学术自由根源于基督教自由史,基督教的迫害理论迫使理性为自由而奋斗;学术自由根源于近代欧洲政治自由,反对专制和集权,这是一个精神觉醒的时代。学术是一项以充分的智力交流为基础的活动,思想自由、表达自由、言论自由是学术活动的突出特征。学术自由思想的兴起是中世纪大学的遗产,作为教师和学生的自治行会,中世纪大学在权力争斗的裂缝中艰难地成长,并赢得了巨大的自治特权,成为学术自由产生的基础。十九世纪德国正式提出学术自由的概念,将西方大学学术自由的传统从简单的思想自由精神发展成为一种深刻而丰富的大学理念,其内容包括研究自由、教学自由和学习自由。德国近代大学的创建,特别是学术自由思想的产生,使德国大学成为近代历史上一颗璀璨的星星。二十世纪,美国大学教授协会成立,发布了关于学术自由的原则声明,标志着学术自由走向制度化的新征程,是学术自由发展史上重要的丰碑。从学术自由思想的萌芽,到大学理念的形成,再到制度化的进程,学术自由是大学学者矢志不渝的理想追求,从某种意义上说,世界大学史就是大学争取学术自由的历史。第三章,学术自由与意识形态。基于世界是意识形态的世界的认识,把意识形态作为考察知识社会学的关键,并不是一个陌生的选题。学术自由自产生以来,一直受到来自外界的宗教、政治等因素的干涉。在前资本主义统治时期,占统治地位的是以神话教义为核心的宗教意识,科学与神学的斗争是自由追求的主要内容;在资本主义统治时期,占统治地位的是民族国家的政治意识,学术与政治的斗争是自由实现的主要内容。在阶级社会中代表统治阶级的主流意识形态所维系的“社会秩序”为学术自由设置了界限。意识形态不仅是学术自由无法超越的边界,也为学术自由的生存提供可能的空间.第四章,学术自由与现代大学制度。现代大学制度构建其实质是厘清大学生存和发展的内外部关系,从宏观来看,外部环境对于大学自主办学的干预过多,大学与政府的新型关系的构建要求明确两者之间的权责界限,转变政府管理理念;大学与社会的新型关系的构建要求增强社会力量参与大学管理。从微观来看,内部治理结构的重新确立,需要正确处理学术与行政的关系,明确内部权力分配与制衡,充分尊重教授治学的理念。第五章,学术自由与学术规范。学术规范与学术自由是相互依存的关系,一方面,学术自由使学术规范的存在成为可能;另一方面,学术规范内化于学术自由之中,为自由设置了合理限度,成为学术自由实现的保障。学术规范是指学术研究人员在科学研究等学术活动中,应当师承本专业的学术之传统规范,遵守学术之技术规范,对其研究成果和应用方法承担社会之伦理要求。学术规范保障学术研究的顺利进行,承担本专业对社会的责任。第六章,学术自由的实现途径。学术自由的实现不仅取决于意识形态和现代大学制度对学术自由的干预和影响的程度,而且取决于意识形态、现代大学制度和学术共同体的规范为学术自由的实现提供保障。确立意识形态与学术自由的边界,完善现代大学制度,建立公正的大学学术规范体系,是保障学术自由实现的条件。

【Abstract】 Since the birth of university, academic freedom is the safeguard which makes value and conditions of academic innovation center possible. From ideation to institution, academic freedom has already been regarded as values of western university. In order to ensure accuracy and correction of knowledge, the behavior of scholars only obey the standard norm criterion of truth, not by any external pressures, such as religious, political, and social institutions, etc. Chinese university system originated in western university system, research on academic freedom in our country started lately. As the advance of modern university system construction, academic freedom as an important content of modern university system has been widely accepted. Research of academic freedom received more and more concern. This study is not only based on limitation theory of the academic freedom, but also the concern of construction of the modern university system. Try to answer the following questions:What is the origin of academic freedom? What challenges in the history of academic freedom in university? Why conflict constantly happen? How to understand the reasonable limit of academic freedom? And how to realize academic freedom in the end.The train of thought:date back to the spirit of academic freedom and review the history of academic freedom in medieval university, establishing the connotation change of academic freedom. Then analyze of the influence of ideology to academic freedom and establish control of social ideology to academic freedom. Under the system of modern university, analyzing the plight of academic freedom, establishing laws, regulations and self-discipline is the guarantee of the realization of academic freedom. In order to establish academic specification is the condition of academic freedom, analyzing the relationship of academic regulation and academic freedom. Through analysis above, what are the internal and external limitations of academic freedom? How to control or constraint academic freedom has become clear. The review to the history and the criticism to academic freedom can make the realization of academic freedom, unified to prevent negative intervention and keep the system construction of reasonable limitation.This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter analyzes the definition of academic freedom and the limitation of it from the view of academic circles in which to explain the justification of its limitation and three limitations that effects academic freedom.The second chapter is about the tradition of academic freedom and the limitation. The academic freedom is not only the basic principle of the university, but also the modern expression of ancient idea. The ancient Greek philosophy, Christian ideas and the European political freedom all provide theory basis for academic freedom provides. Academic freedom is rooted in the source of thought freedom, which can be traced back to rational free of the Greek and Roman times. Academic freedom is rooted in history of Christian liberty, Christian persecution theory forced rational fighting for freedom. Academic freedom is rooted in modern European political freedom, which oppose autocracy and centralization. Academic is an activity which on the basis of intellectual exchange, freedom of thought and expression are the outstanding characteristics of academic activities. The thoughts of academic freedom is the heritage in medieval university, as the autonomy of teachers and students, in medieval university developed hard in power struggle and won great privileges, becoming the autonomy of university, In the nineteenth century, German put forward the concept of academic freedom, changing the tradition of western academic freedom from simple thought to idea. The content including research freedom, teaching freedom and learning freedom. The modern university of Germany, especially the thoughts of academic freedom in German universities become a bright star in modern history. The 20th century, the establishment of American University Professors Association issued a statement about principles of academic freedom which marked its new campaign to the institutionalization. During the process of the formation of concept, the concept of university, the institutionalization processes, academic freedom is the ideal to university scholars, in a sense, history of university college is the of academic freedom.The third chapter concerns about academic freedom and ideology. Based on the world is the ideology of world, taking the ideology of the sociology is not a new topic. Since academic freedom come into be, it has always been interferenced by external factors, such as the religious, political factors. In pre-capitalism time, mythology as the core of the religious consciousness is dominate, science and theology are main contents struggle to pursue, In capitalism, political consciousness of nation is dominate, political struggle and academic freedom are the main content. Mainstream ideology represented governing class sustaining the "social order" set boundary for academic freedom. Academic freedom cannot beyond the ideology that presents the able space for its survive.The fourth chapter is about academic freedom and modern university system. The construction of modern university system, its essence is clarifying internal and external relations of students. from the macroscopic perspective, the external environment interfered independent university, the new relationship of university and government required explicit boundaries and transformation of government management concept. The new relationship of university and society required increase the participation of social forces in university. From microcosmic view, internal governance structure needs dealing with the problem academic and administrative relationship, making clear internal power distribution and balance, highly respecting philosophy of professor.The fifth chapter talks academic freedom and academic specification. Academic specification and academic freedom are interdependent to each other. On one hand, academic freedom makes the existence of academic specification possible, on the other hand, the specification internalized in academic freedom, setting up reasonable limitation, becoming the realization of academic freedom. Academic specification refers to the academic researchers in scientific research or academic activities shall abide by the traditional academic specification. Academic specification ensure academic research, and undertake this responsibility profession to society.The sixth chapter is about the realization of academic freedom. It depends on the interference of external ideology and modern university system to the academic freedom degree, as well as the representation of support from ideology, modern university system and academic community. The guarantee of it is determined by setting boundary for ideology and academic freedom, improving modern university system and establishing a justice system of university academic norm.

【关键词】 大学学术自由限度
【Key words】 UniversityAcademic freedomLimitation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G644
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】2969

