

【作者】 许传静

【导师】 崔延强;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 欧洲中世纪大学是现代大学的直接起源,其诞生之初就有着浓厚的国际性色彩,进入近代社会,民族国家纷纷建立,大学的民族性特征日益突出,但大学的国际性格并没有消失。20世纪80年代以来,经济全球化和世界一体化进程加快,全球高等教育呈现出开放性、同一性和互动性的特征。全球化时代的到来,给高等教育带来了新的挑战和任务,其中一个非常重要的趋势就是大学国际化的速度加快。各国大学除了加强留学生教育、国际间人员的流动之外,培养国际型人才、实现课程国际化也成了大学国际化的主要内容,并且在形式上也更加多样化。我国现代大学发展只有百余年的时间,大学国际化的程度还远远不够,这对我国高等教育的改革和发展造成了较大的影响。大学国际化是把跨国界和跨文化的观点和氛围与大学的教学、科研和社会服务等主要功能相结合的过程,是世界物质生产与精神生产发展的必然结果,对大学发展的作用举足轻重。我国现代大学经过百余年的发展,在国际化方面取得了一定的成绩,但仍然受到办学理念、教育管理体制、教育经费投入、师资队伍等方面的制约,不利于大学的快速发展。如何认识大学国际化的重要性,借鉴国外发达国家大学国际化的先进经验,从而建立一条具有中国特色的国际化路径,是论文关注的重点。论文采用文献法、比较法、个案法等研究方法,对大学国际化的历程进行了梳理,探讨了社会主义意识形态和民族主义这两个与我国大学国际化密切相关的理论问题,分析我国大学国际化的现状和问题,并总结了美国、英国、日本等国大学国际化的经验,为我国大学国际化提供更好的借鉴。首先,论文分析了欧洲中世纪大学的国际性格,主要体现在通用的教学语言——拉丁语;教师来源的国际性;学生及社团来源的国际性等方面。对大学国际化的历程分为中世纪、近代社会和现代社会三个阶段进行梳理并归纳出各阶段的时代特征。认为国际性是以创造知识、追求真理为目的的大学本质的内在反映。据此提出大学国际化是一种过程,同时也是我国现代大学改革应达到的目标。其次,就社会主义意识形态和民族主义与我国大学国际化的关系进行了分析。意识形态与中国高等教育学发展的关系问题,是中国高等教育学20世纪发展中所遇到的第一大问题。大学作为意识形态再生产的重要载体,弄清两者的内在联系,对大学国际化有较强的理论意义和现实意义。就我国现代大学发展而言,社会主义意识形态有利于我国大学的国际化,主要体现在政府主动推进我国大学国际化;我国经济建设和文化建设都要求大学走国际化道路。民族主义是近代民族产生后,为维护本民族和民族国家的利益而形成的一套思想观念和国家政治理论体系。我国20世纪90年代以来的民族主义思潮对我国大学国际化产生了深刻的影响。论文从两个层面分析了我国民族主义思潮与我国现代大学国际化的关系,认为我们应该提倡有利于大学国际化发展的文化民族主义和自由民族主义;反对和抑制极端民族主义的出现,为我国大学的和谐健康发展创造条件。再次,论文分析了我国大学国际化发展的现状以及在办学体制、教育经费投入、课程设置、师资队伍等方面存在的问题,通过对美国、英国、日本等国部分大学国际化的相关研究,总结出这些国家的主要经验:政府积极推动大学国际化;提高大学的办学自主权有利于大学的国际化;提升办学质量,凸显办学特色是大学国际化的重要途径。最后,通过比较研究和个案研究,论文提出了我国大学在国际化进程中的对策:树立国际化的大学办学理念;加快构建国际化的课程体系;强化适应国际化发展的师资队伍建设;在国际化的进程中注重本土化,重视我国优秀的民族文化的发掘;深化改革,建立有中国特色的现代大学制度。通过提高我国大学国际化水平,进而提升我国高等教育人才培养质量和整体办学水平。

【Abstract】 European medieval universities are the direct origin of the modern universities and the beginning of its birth has strong international characteristics. In the modern society, national states have established and national features of the university become increasingly prominent, but the university’s international characteristics have not disappeared. Since 1980, since economic globalization and world integration have a quicker process, the global higher education shows the features of openness, identity and interactivity. The era of globalization has brought new challenges and tasks to higher education, among which a very important trend is the accelerated university internationalization. The universities try to strengthen the international education, to promote the international exchanges of personnel. Besides, they still try to train international talents, and make curricular internationalization with diversity in form which has become the main contents of university internationalization. The development of modern universities in China only lasts for a hundred years, so the university internationalization is not enough. This causes a greater impact to the reform and development of higher education.University internationalization is a cross-border and cross-cultural process in which point of views and atmosphere and university teaching, research and social services are combined. It is the inevitable results of development of material production and spiritual production and it plays the pivotal role in university development. After over a hundred years of university development, achievements has been made in internationalization, but the educational philosophy, the education management system, expenditure on education inputs still restrict the development of universities. How to understand the importance of university internationalization, to establish a road with Chinese characteristics with the experience of developed country for university internationalization is the focus of this paper. This thesis, with literature, comparative laws, case laws, gives a clear outline of the course of university internationalization and it discusses the related theories of socialist ideology and nationalism. It analyses the present situation and problems of university internationalization and summarizes the experience of university internationalization in the United States, Britain and Japan, which is helpful to the university internationalization in China.Firstly, this paper analyzes the international character of medieval universities in Europe, mainly in common teaching language—Latin; teachers from the international; source of international students and community aspects. The process of university internationalization is divided in three stages, ie, the Middle Ages, modern times and modern society. This paper holds that to create knowledge and to pursue the truth is the purpose of university internationalization. And also it brings forward that university internationalization is a process, and the goal as well that our modern university reform should achieve. Secondly, it gives an analysis on the relations between the socialist ideology and nationalism and Chinese university internationalization. The relationship between ideology and the development of Chinese higher education is the first major problem that higher education in the 20th century must encounter. Universities, as an important carrier of ideology reproduction have strong international theoretical and practical significances. The socialist ideology promotes the internationalization of universities in China and it is mainly reflected in the Government’s initiative to promote university internationalization. China’s economic construction and cultural construction require the path of internationalization of universities in China. Nationalism is the ideas and political theories which are formed after modern national production in order to safeguard the interests of nations. Since 1990 the nationalism in China gives a profound impact to university internationalization. This paper analyzes the relations between nationalism in China and the modern university internationalization from two levels, and it holds we should help universities to promote international development of cultural nationalism and liberal nationalism and to prevent the emergence of extreme nationalism in hopes of creating good conditions for harmonious and sound development for universities in China.Thirdly, this paper analyzes the present situations of international development of universities in China and the problems on school systems, education investment funds, curriculum, faculty and so on. With the studies of university internationalization in the United States, Britain and Japan, it summarizes the main experiences of university internationalization in these countries:governments actively promote the university internationalization; to enhance the autonomy of university is conducive to university internationalization; to improve school quality and highlight the school characteristics is an important way to university internationalization.Finally, by a comparative research and case studies, this thesis proposes some measures of university internationalization in China in the process of internationalization:to establish international ideas; to speed up the internationalization of curriculum construction; to meet the needs of international development of the Teaching Staff; to place significance on localization in the process of university internationalization, to pay attention to our excellent national culture and so on. Deepen the reform, the establishment of a modern university system with Chinese characteristics By increasing the level of university internationalization in China, we should enhance the quality of the training of higher education and the overall level of universities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】3329

