

Study on the Scientific and Technological Inheritance Model of Sericulture and Its Evolution in China

【作者】 李富强

【导师】 廖伯琴;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在数千年的传统农业社会中,农桑立国一以贯之。近世社会转型之际,蚕桑业依然有重要的作用和地位。其间,蚕桑科技是如何传承的?其传承模式如何?这些模式是如何演变的?它们之间又有什么联系?本论文主要采用文献研究、田野考察等方法对此展开研究。由于研究对象在时间、空间以及其跨学科的特点,本研究综合运用了历史研究、考古研究等方法及相关成果。在调查过程中,根据论文选题、我国蚕桑生产历史及现状,选择了浙江杭州,江苏苏州、南通,山西省晋城、运城地区,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州等地进行实地调查访谈。本论文主要分“中国蚕桑科技传承模式研究”及“中国蚕桑科技传承模式演变研究”两部分对“中国蚕桑科技传承模式及其演变研究”进行展开。在研究一“中国蚕桑科技传承模式研究”中,首先在理论上梳理出科技传承模式的内涵,指出科技传承模式应由施教者、受教者、传承内容、传承方式、传承目的等五个维度构成。进而以此为依据并结合相关材料归纳出家庭传承、劝课农桑传承、作坊及工厂传承、学校教育传承、农业推广传承以及民俗器物传承等六种不同的模式。接下来根据大量文献研究及调查访谈的材料对各传承模式从五个维度分别进行论证并指出各模式的特点。最后,根据论证结果对理论推导的传承模式进行修正,得出相应结论。研究二“中国蚕桑科技传承模式演变研究”首先分析了六种传承模式间的相互关系,发现19世纪中叶到20世纪是传承模式演变的转折期,而这一时期也正是我国社会开始由传统农业社会向近代工业社会转变的时期,据此,本文将传承模式分为传统传承模式及现代传承模式两大类。接下来分别研究了不同时期蚕桑业在社会中的地位和作用,蚕桑科技传承在其中的作用以及各类蚕桑科技传承模式的特点。最后,通过对比,得出相应结论。本论文研究总结论如下:1)中国蚕桑科技传承模式主要有“家庭传承模式”、“劝课农桑传承模式”、“作坊及工厂传承模式”、“学校教育传承模式”、“农业推广传承模式”、“器物民俗传承模式”等;2)19世纪中叶到20世纪前半叶,开始出现专业蚕桑科技传承机构——蚕桑学校,蚕桑科技农业推广模式逐渐代替了劝课农桑传承模式,家庭传承模式开始式微,手工作坊技术传承逐渐过渡成工厂中的车间传承;3)传承内容逐渐由传统的经验农学范畴过渡到实验农学范畴,蚕桑科技传承趋于专业化、标准化、系统化;4)经济效益逐渐演变成蚕桑业生产的主要目的,继而也成为蚕桑科技传承的主要目的之一;5)传承科技内容的变化反映出人与自然关系从“天人合一”到“戡天役物”的转变;蚕桑科技传承模式的演变反映了人类在思考蚕桑问题时从整体到分析的转变。本论文研究价值主要体现在以下诸方面:首先,本论文首次从科学教育的视角入手,对我国蚕桑科技的传承及其演变进行研究,并得出相应的启示,弥补了蚕桑研究中的相关空缺;其次,本论文首次对我国蚕桑科技传承进行归类研究。通过研究认为:我国蚕桑科技传承模式的演变同我国社会演变同步,中国蚕桑科技发展趋势同世界科技发展趋势同步;

【Abstract】 In traditional agricultural society the development of sericultural industry is the principle pervading all things throughtout thousands of years. In the occasion of social transformation, sericultural industry has still occupied an important position and is of great significance. Then, during this time, how is sericulture technology inherited from generation to generation? What are the specific inheritance models? How do these models develop? Are there any connections?This thesis mainly adopts the methods of historical research and survey research. It comprehensively applies historical research, archaeological research and relevant study results according to the study’s characteristics in temporal, space and interdiscipline.According to thesis topic, the history and current status of sericultural production in China, field survey visits are conducted in Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nantong, Jincheng in Shanxi Province, Yuncheng Prefecture, Guizhou Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture and other places in investigation.This thesis is divided into two parts:study on the inheritance model of science and technology of sericulture in China and study on the evolution of the inheritance model of sericultural technology in China.In the study of the first part "inheritance model of science and technology of sericulture in China", the connotation of it is firstly teased out theoretically. And the five-dimensional such as:the instructor, the one who receives instruction, the inheritance contents, as well as models and purpose constituted it are also pointed out. It is based on this while combining the related materials that the six different models are inducted, including family heritage, urging sericulture as tradition, workshops and factories heritage, schools and education heritage, agriculture heritage and folk objects heritage. Next, according to the large amount of literature studies and materials collected on the inheritance models, demonstrations are carried out respectively and the characteristics of each model are stated from the view of five-dimension. At last, amendments are made on the inheritance models which are theoretical derivate from the demonstrated results and appropriate conclusions are drawn.In the second part of "the evolution of the inheritance model of sericultural technology in China", the inter-relationship between the six inheritance models are analyzed firstly and the period between mid-19th century to the 20th century is identified as the turning point of the evolution of inheritance models, which is precisely the period when our society started to transform from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society. Accordingly, this part will be divided into two categories:traditional inheritance model and modern inheritance model. Secondly, the status and roles of sericulture industry in different stages of the society are studied respectively, as well as the roles sericulture technology played and the characteristics of sericulture technology in inheritance models. Finally, appropriate conclusions are drawn by comparisonTo sum up, the conclusions of this thesis are as follows:1) Heritance models of sericultural technology in China mainly involves "family heritance model", "urged sericulture as inheritance model", "workshops and factories heritance model", "school education heritance model", "agricultural extension heritance model" and "folk objects heritance model" and so on;2) During the period of mid-19th century to the first half of the 20th century, professional sericulture technology heritance institution—sericulture school began to appear, agricultural extension model of sericulture science and technology gradually replaced urged sericulture as inheritance model, family heritance model began to decline, and handicraft workshop technology inheritance began to transit into the workshop inheritance in the factory;3) The inheritance contents are gradually experiencing evolution from traditional experienced agriculture areas to the experimental areas. Meanwhile, sericulture technology heritage tends to be more professional, standardized and systematic;4) Economic performance gradually becomes the main purpose of sericulture industry, and then becomes one of the main purposes of sericulture science and technology inheritance;5) Changes in the science and technology inheritance content reflect the transformation of the relation between man and nature from the "man and nature are the one" to "suppress the days of labor material"; and evolution in sericulture technology mode reflects the changes in human thinking about sericulture problems from the general to specific;Focused on China sericulture science and technology heritance, science and technology inheritance mode, science education, and even traditional development of science and technology as well as introduction of modern technology will provide some value of reference for further researches.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】F326.3
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】543

