

A Study on Classifiers in Early Ancient Chinese

【作者】 李建平

【导师】 张显成;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 漢語中量詞的存在,形成漢語(及漢藏語系其他語言)跟其他語言相比而顯示出的一大特點,同時也是一大優點。先秦時代是漢語量詞的萌芽時代,两漢時代則是漢語量詞從产生到成熟的最重要發展時期,因此系统地研究先秦两漢文献中的量詞,不僅对先秦两漢量詞斷代史的研究具有决定性的重要作用,而且对於探討漢語量詞系统的产生及其語法化的動因具有决定作用。先秦两漢時代文献浩繁,流传至今的传世文献語料较爲可靠的近一百種,這是我们研究先秦两漢量詞的重要材料;而20世紀以來大量出土文献的問世爲漢語史研究,尤其是上古漢語的研究提供了崭新的、極富真實性的語言材料。本論文綜合利用传世文献和出土文献,对先秦两漢时代的量詞进行断代研究,并在此基礎上努力發掘先秦兩漢量祠發展的内在规律;借鑒前人及时賢民族語言學的研究成果,探討漢藏語系量詞起源的動因。論文共八章。第一章绪論。对百年來古漢語量詞研究的歷史做文献綜述;根據先秦两漢語言的實際使用情况对量詞造行界定;介绍本論文的研究方法。对本論文所用的文献材料按传世文献、出土文献和漢譯佛經文献三大類,簡介其成書時代及所據版本情況。第二至五章为先秦两漢量詞研究。对先秦两漢文献中的量詞造行全面整理研究。先秦两漢文献所见量詞總計358個:其中物量詞338個,物量詞中語法化程度最高的自然單位量詞181個,借用單位量詞69個,度量衡單位量詞88個;動量詞系统刚刚確立,也已有20個,其中专用的動量詞15個,借用自動詞或名詞的5個。我们对每一個量詞在先秦两漢文献中的使用情況,逐一整理研究,并贯徹“二重證據法”,儘量对每一個量詞的来源、發展作共時和歷時的综合分析,努力抽绎出先秦两漢量詞發展的特點。从量詞的語法功能看,先秦两漢量詞组合能力较強,在句子中可以充當多种句子成分。從詞法特徵來看,偏正式複合詞“量+名”、并列式複合詞“量+量”構詞方式均已經产生;量詞的詞缀化構詞方式、重叠構詞方式也已萌芽,但用例尚少。從数量結構的語法功能看,組合能力也很强;數詞同物量詞的組合可以充當定語、述語、主語、賓語、同位語、補語、状語等多種句子成分,同動量詞的組合既可以作補語,也可以作状語。量詞分工也逐渐細密,但同後世相比仍未臻完善。從山土簡帛文献看,早期量詞的發展具有明顯地域特徵,這是以前量詞研究所未见的。第六章先秦两漢數詞和稱数法研究。对與量詞關係密切的數詞在先秦兩漢文献中的使用情況進行整理研究,并对數詞同量詞、名詞在句子中配合的各种構式進行考察。其一,數詞中整數带零數的情況下,連接成分“又(有)”在楚簡中仍多有保留,戰國中期以後纔逐渐少用,但秦簡則未见,而我们以前從传世文献数詞研究得出的連接成分在春秋戰國之際便少用的观點,当予修正;其二,漢語“數+量+名”結構早在秦以前已經产生,而且其中量詞多爲自然單位量詞,漢代佛經文献中使用频率也較高;其三,兩漢時代量詞的使用频率明顯增高。在出士两漢簡帛文献中量詞的用與不刚平分秋色,而在帐簿、遣策類文献中量詞的使用在稱数法中无疑已經估據绝对優势,但多數传世文献中频率并不很高。此外,早期漢語稱数法的發展也具有明顯的地域特徵。第七章漢語量詞系统的建立的时代及其動因。漢語及漢藏語系量詞起源的问题已有不少學者做过研究,但一直未取得公認的结論,我们通过对先秦两漢量詞的研究,結合其它民族語言的量詞材料,对漢語量詞起源及其動因進行了考察,得出了漢語雙音化的發展是漢語量詞起源的原因這一结論。先秦兩漢量詞研究对於漢語詞彙史的研究具有重要意義,尤其是出土文献的量詞研究爲詞彙史提供了崭新的材料。近百個量詞修正了我們以前量詞研究的結論:27個量詞是以前量詞研究未见的新成員;12個可以订補量詞释義;5個可補缺量詞用例;52個可以提前量詞始见書。這也啟示我們,充分重视先秦兩漢的詞彙研究,方利於漢語史的完善。

【Abstract】 The existence of classifiers is a noticeable characteristic in Chinese and it is an advantage as well, compared with other languages, which helps people make the expression of semantic meaning more precise, bright and vivid. These classifiers bud in the Qin Dynasty. And they came into being and matured in the Dong and Xi Dynasty. Studying the classifiers in the Dong and Xi Dynasty systematically has crucial significance to its times’ distinguish and its appearance and the dynamic cause of gramaticalization.The language materials, came down from the early ancient Chinese, are the essential ones in studying the language of Dong and Xi Dynasty. The discovery of unearthed documents in 20th century (the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells, ancient bronzes, bamboo slips or wooden slips or silks and stones) offers newly authentic materials for the period of early ancient Chinese study. Utilizing the extent and unearthed documents, this article represents the developing rules of classifiers in inner on the basis of classifier divisions researching and discusses the dynamic cause of classifiers origin in Chinese and Zang-language system. The article includes the following seven chapters:Prolegomenon is presented in chapter one which includes the overview of the history in classifier studying, the definition of classifier according to the actual use of language in early ancient times and the introduction of studying methods. It briefly introduces the utilization of editions and the period of materials formation in three parts of the extent documents, unearthed materials and Buddhist sutras translated by Chinese.The study on classifiers in early ancient Chinese is presented in the chapters of 2-5 which includes the across-the-aboard reorganization and the statistic to the 358 classifiers seen in document of early ancient Chinese. There are 338 classifiers for objects and 20 classifiers for actions. The article draws on the dubious evidential method to arrange and research the use of classifiers in documents. And it analyzes the source, development of each classifier from contemporaneous and diachronic views and deduces its characteristics on developing. From the view of its grammar functions, classifiers have mighty arrangement and can be used as different components. From the point of its word formation, the ways of measure word+noun and measure word+measure word have come into being and the ways of suffix and serried word formation have risen with few examples. Its assorted component is good in its structures. The frame of numeral with the classifiers for objects can be used as attribute, predicate,subject, object, peer entity, complement and adverbial, but the frame of numeral with measure word for actions can be used as adverbial as well as complement. Although classifiers gradually devise their functions exactly, it is less perfect than later. And in the unearthed document, the early classifiers’development has its regional character which is not seen in former studies in the field.The studies on the numeral and metage method of early ancient Chinese are presented in chapter 6 which includes the study of numeral usages and the observation of styles with classifier or noun. Firstly, In the case of integer with oddment, the connective "(?)" remained in the bamboo of Chu Dynasty, few used in the middle of the Warring States Period, unseen in Qin Dynasty. Secondly, the structure of numeral+classifier+noun was early seen in Qin Dynasty, in which the classifiers are mainly piece classifier seen in Buddhist sutras. Thirdly, it increased classifier use in early ancient Chinese. Classifier has equal share of using or un-using in unearthed document, but classifier use in metage method undoubtedly plays a dominated role in account books and mortuary-objects records which is few in extent documents. In addition, the early metage method developed its regional traits.The studies on the time and dynamic cause of Chinese classifier system are presented in chapter seven. Despite a great deal of researches on classifier origin in Chinese and Zang-language systems, there’s no unanimous recognized conclusion. The article infers that the orientation of disyllable brings about the classifier origin in the base of the study on classifiers in early ancient Chinese.With the new materials discovered,the studies on the classifiers in early ancient Chinese has great significance to the study of Chinese vocabulary’s history. The new conclusions corrected our prejudices to the study on the classifiers in early ancient Chinese:27 classifieres never been disvered;12 classifieres could expansion the significance of the study on classifier;5 classifieres could be new examples.52 classifieres shifted their own first appearance to an earlier date. All these Conclusiones told us a truth:if we want have an entired study on the history of Chinese language,we should make more on the study on classifiers in early ancient Chinese.

【关键词】 量詞先秦兩漢語法化
【Key words】 classifierthe Qin Dynastythe Han Dynastygramaticalization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】H13
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】1266

