

Study on the Construction of Curriculum System for Master of Education

【作者】 李世讴

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 教育硕士课程是教育硕士培养的中心环节,构建系统科学的教育硕士课程体系不仅可以促进我国学位与研究生教育的多元发展、整体提升我国专业学位课程设置的科学性,还可以促进我国基础教育课程与教学观念、行为和评价的转变,不断促进教师角色、活动形式、教学风格以及评价理念和评价行为的真正转换,从而以提升教师专业发展为依托促进教师的有效教学,并最终以推动学校的发展从而达成人的全面与个性发展的目标。教育硕士课程体系构建需要首先明确其价值取向及其基本理念,由于教育硕士课程价值主体多元性而表现出了学术性取向、功利性取向、需求性取向、知识性取向和个性化取向等多种取向,这就按照教育硕士终极价值的指引,以教育硕士课程目标为现实指导,在课程内容选择与组织、课程计划的安排、课程实施制度的实施以及评价体系的建立等方面有侧重的体现不同取向,满足不同主体的价值需求。同时,教育硕士课程体系是在满足时代要求和现实教育教学需求下而建构的,体现了关注教育教学实践、注重教师专业发展的路向,并通过自主创新以满足当前的教育需求和促进自身的不断发展。教育硕士课程体系必须有明确的方向及其指标体系,然而由于我国的教育硕士课程主要借鉴了教育学硕士的培养目标,这导致了教育硕士课程目标的自主性不强,很多学校的目标厘定仅仅是教育学硕士的翻版,没有结合教育硕士培养目标和教育硕士生的实际而做出详细的划分和说明。本论文在借鉴美国、英国、日本、新加坡和香港等这些发达国家和地区的有益经验的基础上,提出了基于专业学位的我国教育硕士课程目标设计,认为教育硕士课程应体现师范性、务实性和专业性等特点,以培养专家型教师为出发点构建教育硕士课程目标体系。教育硕士课程结构是教育硕士课程理念和目标的具体体现,然而,当前我国教育硕士课程体系构建存在公共课程与专业课程、必修课与选修课、理论类课程与实践技能类课程等比例失调、课程的综合性与融合性较差以及课程规范性欠缺等一系列问题,本论文在借鉴美国、英国、新加坡、香港和台湾等发达国家和地区的教育硕士课程的有益经验的基础上,认为我国当前教育硕士课程体系应减少英语、政治等公共课程比重以突出专业性课程、加强研究方法课程以提高教育硕士生的研究能力以及开设大量的选修课程以突出课程的灵活性,并切实照顾教育硕士的个性特质和满足多元化教育的需求。课程实施是教育硕士课程体系的重要组成部分,其质量的高低是决定教育硕士专业学位教育成败的关键。然而,我国教育硕士专业学位课程实施过程中存在教育硕士专业学位招生数量扩大与院校办学能力之间的非协调性、教育硕士专业学位课程学习之要求与实践需求的矛盾、职教育硕士课程学习与本职工作之间的冲突、教育硕士专业学位课程建设中“一套人马,两个班子”、教育硕士专业学位课程性质的认识偏差等问题,需要建立“质量第一,规模适度”的教育硕士专业学位课程发展之路、大力加强教育硕士专业学位课程理论研究、积极探索教育硕士专业学位多样化课程学习方式、健全教育硕士专业学位课程学习保障制度、大力建设教育硕士专业学位课程发展人力资源体系、建立系统化、层级化的教育硕士专业学位课程目标体系等措施。课程评价是教育硕士专业学位课程建设(或课程开发)的基本问题与关键环节。本论文通过审视当前我国教育硕士专业学位课程评价的在学位教学合格评价、优秀教育硕士论文评选、常规性课程实施评价等方面的实然图像后发现:我国当前教育硕士课程评价中存在元评价缺失、课程评价体系有架构少血肉、课程目标欠规范性和可操作性、课程评价重制度建设轻实践督导以及评价实践中证据收集欠充足等问题。针对这些问题,本论文提出了提高教育硕士课程评价科学性的解决措施,认为应加强教育硕士专业学位课程元评价制度的建设与落实、完善教育硕士专业学位课程评价标准体系、扩展教育硕士专业学位课程评价证据收集渠道、落实教育硕士专业学位课程评价服务功能以及打造教育硕士专业学位课程评价队伍等。

【Abstract】 The essential part of Master of Education(M.Ed) is its curriculum system. Therefor, it is crucial to construct a scientific and reasonable curriculum system of M.Ed, which not only have positive effect on multipolarity of our country’s degree and graduate education, but also can improve the scientificity of professional degree’s curriculum design. Furthermore, it could help change the curriculum and instruction idea, action and evaluation of our country’s elementary education, help change teachers’role, forms of activity, teaching style as well as idea and action of evaluation, then improve teachers’efficient teaching over improving teachers’professional development, and as the result, promote people’s comprehensive development and identity development.The first step to construct curriculum system for M.Ed is to explicit its value orientation and principle. Because of plurality of the subject of value, there are various of value orientations, such as academic-oriented, utilitarian-oriented,demand-oriented, knowledge- oriented as well as individuality-oriented value and so on. Such various value orientations require us to make choice depending on the ultimate value, curriculum objective of M.Ed and different demands of different subjects when we choose and organize curriculum contents, arrange curriculum schedule, implement curriculum and evaluate curriculum. At the same time, the curriculum system must reflect the demand of the times and the reality of teaching. It should consider teaching practice, teacher professional development and satisfy the current demand of education as well as self-improvement over autonomous innovation.Second, the curriculum system of M.Ed should has clear direction and index system. Unfortunately, the current curriculum system of M.Ed has little autonomy and hardly reflect the reality and demand of students of M.Ed. The main reason is that it just follow the cultivation goal of Master of Education and has no its own education object. Therefore, this article point out curriculum object design for our country’s M.Ed under refering to experiences of America, British, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and so on. The author believes that the curriculum system of M.Ed should take teacher training, practical mindedness and expertise into account so that to cultivate expert teacher.Third, the structure of M.Ed curriculum system is important. However, there are some problems of the current M.Ed curriculum system, such as the imbalance between the proportion of common curriculum and professional course, compulsory course and optional course, theory course and practice course, the lack of comprehensiveness and normativity of curriculum. Then, this article point out that the current M.Ed curriculum system should drop off the proportion of common curriculum, such as English and Politics lessons and raise the proportion of professional courses, such as research methods courses to improve students’research capability and the proportion of optional course to make the curriculum flexible. As the result, the curriculum system can satisfy both demands of personality traits and diversity education.Fourth, curriculum implementation is an important part of M.Ed curriculum system. However, there are some problems during the process of curriculum implementation, such as conflicts between the increasing number of enrollments and the capability of university or college, the curriculum requirement and demand of practice, the in-service training and job, the same group of people but with different idea, and the misunderstanding on the nature of curriculum of M.Ed. To solve those problems, educators should build a developing way, which put quality at the first place and has an appropriate scale, should strengthen theory study on M.Ed curriculum, should quest for various way of learning, should promote guarantee system for curriculum learning, should build human resource system for curriculum development and should build curriculum goals with systematicness and clear arrangement.At last, curriculum evaluation is the basic and essential problem of developing M.Ed curriculum. After reviewing several aspects of current M.Ed curriculum evaluation, this article find that there is little meta-evaluation, evaluation system has little substantiality, curriculum goals fall short of the specification and are hard to be practiced, curriculum evaluation focus too much on building system, rather than on supervising, and evidence collection during evaluation process is not enough. To solve those problems, this article points out strategies to promote scientificalness of curriculum evaluation. These strategies are to improve construction and implementation of meta-evaluation system, to promote curriculum evaluation standard system, to expand ways of evidence collection, to carry out the serve function of curriculum evaluation and to build group members for curriculum evaluation.

【关键词】 教育硕士课程体系构建
【Key words】 Master of EducationCurriculum SystemConstruction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】G643
  • 【被引频次】40
  • 【下载频次】3538

