

Water Quality Improvement and Ecological Reconstruction Technology for Scenic Watercourse Using Reclaimed Wastewater in Saline-alkali Area

【作者】 唐运平

【导师】 季民;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 天津市坐落于污染严重的海河尾闾,作为北方缺水城市,水资源极其短缺,在天津经济技术开发区泰达尤其明显。因此,积极开展污水资源化工程,采用再生水作为区内河道补水的唯一水源,将城市水生态环境改善和城市再生水利用、景观环境建设有效结合,不但可以修复区域生态环境,改善区域水环境质量,而且还可以缓解淡水资源短缺的局面,对于推动本区域乃至天津市的可持续发展具有重大意义。本文主要研究了景观河道水生生态系统重建和水质改善技术,全面系统的开展了滨海盐碱地区再生水回用于景观环境用水的河道生态重建、生态净化技术的开发与优化,形成了适合北方严重缺水和滨海高盐碱地区以再生水为主要水源的湿地生态系统重建技术与系统方案,研究结果可应用于类似地区的再生水水质净化和景观回用工程。取得的主要研究结果如下:在我国滨海盐碱地区首次将城市再生水回用于城市景观,经过四年的工程研究,建成了占地面积22万平方米(包括景观河道和人工湖)的工程;筛选出一系列的关键种,包括盐地碱蓬、西伯利亚白刺和凤尾兰等耐盐陆生植物,香蒲、水葱、扁杆镳草等挺水植物,川蔓藻、篦齿眼子菜等沉水植物;与常规绿地建设比较,一次性投资和运行维护费用分别降低了80.4%和92%;与常规污水深度净化技术比较,一次性投资和技术费用分别降低了79%和94.6%。研发了以高含盐再生水洗盐技术、盐碱土壤基底防盐与控盐技术、耐盐先锋植物选择与优化配置技术以及河滨缓冲带生态重建技术为核心技术体系的适合滨海盐碱地区高含盐再生水景观河道的多元化生态重建与生态净化工程构建系统技术。并首次在天津经济技术开发区再生水景观河道生态重建与生态净化工程中得到成功应用,经过3年的构建与恢复,适合当地环境的再生水河道生态系统已经基本构建完成,河道植被覆盖率已达15%左右,生态功能基本形成,自我调节能力逐渐增强。研发了以多介质混合流湿地岛净化技术、卵石床生物膜岛生物净化技术、复合生态护岸技术、水生植物过滤带净化技术以及生物栅控藻技术为核心强化技术,并将这些核心技术优化组合设计,形成了同时兼具有景观功能和水质净化功能的与城市污水处理厂相优化协同的复合生物-生态强化水面流湿地净化系统技术,并在天津开发区再生水景观河道生态净化工程应用中取得理想的效果。研发了与滨海盐碱地区城市污水处理厂相优化协同的同时兼具有生态功能、景观功能以及水质净化功能的高含盐再生水景观水体生态重建与强化生态净化成套技术,将再生水梯级净化并回用于景观,开创了我国城市再生水利用的新模式。对泰达景观河道和人工湖研究表明其营养盐净化效果明显,河道出水水质指标基本达到了观赏性景观环境用水水质标准。人工湖各项水质指标基本达到了地表水Ⅴ类水质标准。

【Abstract】 As one of the water-shortage-city in north, Tianjin which is locate in the downstream of Haihe River, has been serious polluted, especially in the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA). Therefore, it is important to carry out water resources projects, using the reclaimed water in the region as the only river water sources. These will not only improve the water environment and urban water reuse, but also benefit to the construction of environmental landscape. It not only helps to the restoration of ecological environment and improve water quality in this region, but also greatly alleviates the situation of fresh water shortage, which will greatly promote the sustainable development in TEDA and even in Tianjin.In this dissertation, a comprehensive and systematic research on the reclaimed water from coastal saline areas reuse to the landscape of the river water environment and ecological reconstruction, eco-purification technology integration was carried out, based on the key point of the river landscape reconstruction of aquatic ecosystems and water quality improvement technology. It developed technology and system solutions to the wetland ecosystem reconstruction by using renewable water as the main source, which fit for the serious water shortage in the north and coastal areas of high saline-alkali soil. Research achievements can be applied to renewable water purification and landscape reuse project in similar areas. The major achievements obtained in this dissertation were as follows:For the first time on reclaimed water reuse for urban landscape water in China. Through four years of research, it built a 220,000 square meters (including river and lake scenery) projects. It screened some keystone species, including terrestrial salt plants such as Suaeda salsa, Siberian Pall and Pteris orchids, and emergent aquatic such as Typha angustifolia, Scirpus validus, Scripus planiculmis, and submerged aquatic such as Ruppia maritima and Potamogetonaceae pectinatus. Compared with conventional green building, one-time investment and operation and maintenance costs were reduced 80.4% and 92%, respectively. While compared with conventional wastewater purification technology, they were reduced 79% and 94.6%, respectively.It developed and researched the multi-level ecological reconstruction & purifying technology system for the salt landscape river in saline coastal areas, which included the following core technologies: the recycling technology for salt water, salt-control technology for saline-alkali soil, pioneer salt-tolerant plant selection & optimal distribution, and the ecological reconstruction technology for riverside buffer zone. These technologies succeed in its first application in TEDA. After 3 years of construction and rehabilitation, a river water ecosystem adapted to local environmental characteristics has been formed, with vegetation coverage rate of 15%. The basic ecological function formed, and self-adjusting ability increased gradually.The multi-media mixed-flow wetland purification technology, pebble-bed bio-film biological purification technology, complex ecological revetment technology, plant belt filtration technology, and biological algae-control grid technology were optimal designed and distributed to develop the intensified bio-ecological surface flow wetland purifying technology system. Its project achieved desired results in application to TEDA.It developed and researched the ecological reconstruction & intensified ecological purifying technology system for the landscape waters of reclaimed water high in salt. Its development creates a new use model for reclaimed water in China. Its application in TEDA artificial rivers and lakes showed an obvious nutrients-purifying effect, with the effluent water quality meeting the demanded standards (Landscape water quality and surface water quality V).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期

