

Study on Integration Mode and Methods of Warranty Cost Management

【作者】 门峰

【导师】 刘子先;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文从集成化管理的角度研究保证成本管理,针对保证成本管理研究现状和企业保证管理存在的实际问题,根据保证成本管理的发生机理和特点,应用集成化/系统化的思想,研究了集成化保证成本管理的基本理论和管理模式,并针对集成化保证成本管理模式下保证成本预测和优化控制的特点及存在的问题进行了深入研究,主要研究成果如下:第一、对当前国内外关于保证成本管理的研究文献进行了分类分析和评述,在此基础上,总结了需要进一步研究的方向。第二、分析了保证成本管理的特点、形成机理及其影响因素,研究了集成化保证成本管理的体系结构、管理特征,构建了实施集成化保证成本管理的理论框架,在此基础上,提出了集成化保证成本管理模式并构建了集成化管理模式的框架结构图,对系统框架的组成结构和特征进行了详细的分析说明。第三、分析了集成化保证成本管理模式下保证成本预测的特点,提出了基于知识推理的设计阶段保证成本预测方法,应用FMEA知识模型存储的历史信息和数据,结合CBR的技术方法,解决了产品设计初期数据少、信息不确定环境下的保证成本预测问题。然后,提出了基于特征映射技术的保证成本预测方法,实现了保证成本与设计信息和制造装配信息的转换,解决了产品制造阶段保证成本的预测问题。第四、针对集成化保证成本管理模式下的保证成本优化控制方法展开研究,从保证成本的两大主要影响因素:保证政策制定和产品可靠性管理的角度,首先,研究了市场竞争环境下产品价格、质量和保证管理的动态最优控制模型,分析了产品保证与产品质量和价格的动态变化规律。然后,针对资源约束条件下可靠性管理的特点,研究了基于失效分析的可靠性优化控制方法,通过改善和提高可靠性管理水平,最终实现降低保证成本的目的。第五、将本文提出集成化保证成本管理模式与方法应用于一汽解放青岛汽车厂保证管理工作,针对该企业保证管理现状,提出了适用于该企业的集成化保证管理体系,取得了较好的效果,验证并支持了本文的研究。

【Abstract】 The dissertation studies the warranty cost management from the point of the integration management. Based on the review of the theories on warranty cost management and the analysis of the current problems of warranty management in enterprises, it presents the basic theory and management mode of integrated warranty cost management and studies the characteristics and problems of the warranty cost estimation and warranty cost optimization control on integrated warranty cost management environment in depth, combined with the integration methods. The major results include the followings:First, the dissertation reviews and analyses the research on warranty cost management, and then puts forward the further study area.Second, the dissertation analyses the characteristic, formation mechanism and influence factors of warranty cost management, studies the system structure and management characteristics, formulates the theoretical framework of applying the integrated warranty cost management. And then it presents the management mode and framework of the integrated warranty cost management, and introduces the components of the structure.Third, based on the analysis of the characteristics of the warranty cost estimation on integrated warranty cost management, the dissertation presents the warranty cost estimation method based on CBR on design stage. This method solves warranty cost estimation problems on design stage with few data and incomplete information, using FMEA knowledge model and CBR technologies. And then, it presents the warranty estimation method based on feature mapping technology, which realizes the transformation from the warranty cost to design information, and manufacturing process information and solves the problems of warranty cost estimation on product manufacturing stage.Fourth, the dissertation studies the warranty cost optimization control method of the integrated warranty cost management from the points of warranty policy management and product quality control. Based on the consideration of the competitive factors in the market, it develops the product sales rate function by using the market variables, and presents the dynamic optimal control theory to obtain optimal strategies of the product quality, price and the warranty policies over time. Considering the analysis of the reliability management with limited resources, it studies the reliability management method based on the failure analysis, which can control the warranty cost through controlling and improving the product reliability.At last, the dissertation studies and analyses the problems of the warranty management in FAW JIE FANG QING DAO AUTO FACTORY. And then it presents the integrated warranty management system that is suitable for the company. Good results are achieved through the implementation of integrated warranty cost management within the company, which supports results of the study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】F224;F275.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】483
  • 攻读期成果

