

Fabrication and Simulation Research on Resonant Tunneling Devices

【作者】 宋瑞良

【导师】 毛陆虹; 郭维廉;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 共振隧穿器件是新一代的化合物半导体器件。本论文开展了对共振隧穿二极管(RTD)和共振隧穿三极管(RTT)器件的研制和模拟的研究工作,成功研制出四种类型的共振隧穿器件,同时对器件模拟和器件模型、器件测试与可靠性分析、逻辑电路实现等几个方面进行了深入的研究。创新性工作主要包括以下几个方面:1.器件设计和研制方面,成功研制出GaAs基台面型RTD器件,其电流峰谷比(PVCR)室温下达到4.2;提出两种平面型RTD的器件结构——注硼型平面RTD和深刻槽型平面RTD,并在国内首次研制成功GaAs基注硼型平面型RTD器件,其PVCR室温下达到3.5;设计并研制成功GaAs基肖特基栅型RTT器件(SGRTT)和RTD/HEMT串联型RTT器件,测量肖特基栅型RTT的栅极电压对峰值电流调控能力达到7mS,RTD/HEMT串联型RTT的栅极电压对峰值电压调控能力在1.5-7.7范围之间;2.在器件模拟方面,利用ATLAS软件实现了台面RTD和单向载流子传输光电二极管(UTC-PD)单片集成的模拟研究;完成对台面型RTD、注硼型平面RTD、深刻槽型平面RTD、肖特基栅型RTT等器件的器件模拟,研究了每种器件的结构和工艺参数对器件电学特性的影响,包括发射极面积、发射极浓度、势垒厚度等;通过器件模拟研究了肖特基栅型RTT器件在不同偏压情况下I-V特性的差异;3.在电路应用方面,成功实现了基于RTD器件的单稳-双稳逻辑转换单元电路(MOBILE)和柔性逻辑门电路,通过对电路逻辑功能的测试证实以上电路可以用少量器件实现多种逻辑功能,包括与、与非、或、或非等逻辑;首次提出肖特基栅型RTT器件的电路模型以及RTT类器件的反相器统一模型;4.在器件的测试与可靠性方面,用变温法、外加电阻法、电桥法等多种方法测量RTD器件的串联电阻,对比并分析了几种测量方法的特点以及对串联电阻测量结果存在的影响;对台面型RTD进行了失效分析实验,初步完成了包括γ射线辐照、高强度电脉冲等应力作用下RTD器件的可靠性分析,结果表明化合物器件抗辐射能力要优于MOS类器件。本文完成了RTD以及RTT器件从材料设计、版图设计、器件模拟、工艺流片、测试及可靠性分析、电路应用等完整的研发工作,为共振隧穿器件的广泛应用奠定了重要的理论和实验基础。

【Abstract】 Resonant tunneling device is a new compound semiconductor device. The research of fabrication and simulation on Resonant Tunneling Diode (RTD) and Resonant Tunneling Transistor (RTT) is mainly discussed in this dissertation. Four types of resonant tunneling device have been fabricated. The research on device simulation and modeling, measurement and reliability analysis, logic circuit realization are explained in detail. The innovation points in this dissertation can be concluded as follows:1. in the aspect of design and fabrication: GaAs RTD in mesa structure has been fabricated successfully, the Peak to Valley Current Ratio (PVCR) reaches 4.2 at room temperature; GaAs planner RTD based on boron-implantation and deep groove structures have been proposed and the boron-implantation planner RTD has been first fabricated domestically whose PVCR is 3.5 at room temperature; Schottky gate RTT (SGRTT) and RTD/HEMT combination RTT are designed and developed, the Gm of SGRTT reaches 3.5mS and the gate voltage controlling ability on peak voltage of RTD/HEMT combination RTT is in a range of 1.5-7.7 ;2. in the aspect of device simulation, the uni-travelling-carrier photodiode (UTC-PD) and RTD monolithic integration, mesa RTD, planner RTD and SGRTT are all simulated by Atlas software. The relationship between the structure parameters and the I-V characteristics of each device has been researched, such as emitter area, doping concentration and barrier thickness. The different I-V characteristics of SGRTT in forward and backward biases also have been researched.3. in the aspect of circuit application, the Monostable-Bistable Transition Logic Element (MOBILE) and flexible logic gate circuit based on RTD device have been realized and measured, the realized logic contains AND/OR/NAND/NOR. The circuit model of SGRTT and the unification model of RTT devices are also proposed.4. in the aspect of measurement and reliability, the series resistance of RTD has been measured by different methods that is varying temperature method, addition resistance method and bridge method, the feature of different methods and the influence on the series resistance measurement are analyzed. The invalidation experiments on mesa RTD device have been carried on in the situation ofγ-radiation and electronic pulse, the results show that the radiation protective effect of compound device is better than MOS device.The research on development of RTD and RTT is illustrated in this dissertation, that contains material design, layout design, device simulation, fabrication, measurement, reliability analysis and circuit application. All these work can establish the foundation of RTD theory and experiment in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

