

The Research of Sustainable Development of the High-tech Industry Developing Zone Based on Industrial Clusters

【作者】 焦爱英

【导师】 马军海;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国高新技术产业开发区(简称高新区)是一种以智力密集产业为依托,以开发高新技术和高新技术产品为目标,促进科研、教育和生产相结合,推动科学技术与社会、经济协调发展的综合性区域,自1988年建立以来,已成为我国科技成果转化和产业化的基地,培育高新技术企业的摇篮,保持了持续快速的发展态势。但现阶段高新区并未形成相互支持、关系协作的产业群,协同效应没有显现,空间上的简单集聚表现出较大的脆弱性,因此探讨高新区可持续发展具有强烈的现实意义。产业集群是同一产业领域内相互联系的众多企业因空间位置集中而形成的一种产业组织形式,它能整合发挥区域内各种资源能力,促进技术进步与技术创新,同时促进企业繁衍、互动和创新,因此努力挖掘产业集群理论在高新区可持续发展中的实际应用价值,具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。本文采用理论与实践相结合、定性分析的基础上进行定量分析、静态与动态相结合的系统研究方法,综合运用产业集群、经济学、博弈论、非线性科学等理论,以高新区产业集群生命周期为线索,在分析国内外理论研究现状的前提下,对高新区产业集群展开了系统研究。本文可能的创新点体现在以下四个方面:1.在对高新区系统研究的基础上,建立全国高新区的动态效率评价模型和53个高新区的效率评价模型,探寻高新区效率的差异性;以北京中关村和上海张江高新区为实际的研究案例,揭示典型高新区的发展规律;结合生命周期理论,论述了高新区产业集群不同阶段的特点。2.分析了高新区产业集群复杂的竞争关系,在所建立高新区博弈模型的基础上,对其进行了复杂动态演化分析,提出相应的对策建议。3.建立高新区产业集群的动力学模型,分析系统的内在复杂性,按不同的发展阶段选择适当的参数进行数值模拟,为产业调整方案的设计提供依据。4.利用可持续发展理论,设计出高新区产业集群的可持续发展评价指标体系,并以高新区产业集群形成期为例确定了指标权重,提出较完整的高新区产业集群促进政策、发展策略和调整方案。本研究对我国高新区的可持续发展具有重要的理论和实践应用的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Chinese High-tech Developing Zones (HTDZ) is a comprehensive region that strengthens the integration among scientific research, education and production, and promotes development among the scientific technique, society and economy. The HTDZ, based on the intellectual-intensive industry, is established for exploiting high technology and high-tech products. Since the first HTDZ was built in 1988, HTDZ became the base of transformation for Chinese scientific achievement and industrialization, meanwhile, the HTDZ cultivated many high-tech companies with keeping fast sustainable development. However, in the HTDZ, there is few industry clusters which support and cooperate mutually, as a result, the effects of cooperation is not significant, and assembling on the space leads to their fragility. Therefore, it is very necessary for carrying out the research on the sustainable development (SD) of HTDZ.Industrial cluster is a kind of organizational form which is assembled by a series of related companies in the same industrial circle. The industrial clusters can display the integrated ability of all resources in the region, promoting development and innovation of technology, ensuring the prosperity, interaction and innovation of companies. Therefore, it has a theory and practical value to explore the application value of industrial clusters in the HTDZ sustainable development.This study applied systematical research methodologies integrating theory and practice, quality and quantity research, static and dynamic state. Taking the lifecycle of industrial clusters as a clue, the author carried out a series of research on the industrial clusters of HTDZ by utilizing the following theories: industrial clusters, economics, game theory, and non-linear theory. Finally, the author, based on the analysis of the theoretical research, provided a systematical research on industrial clusters of the HTDZ.This study has the following innovation points:1. Based on the research of the HTDZ, the author set up a dynamics performance evaluation model for Chinese HTDZ and a performance evaluation model for 53 HTDZs for exploring the difference of the efficiency among the HTDZs; taking Beijing Zhongguancun and Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Developing Zone as case studies, this research indicated the law of HTDZ development, and discussed characters of industrial clusters in HTDZ according to the theory of lifecycle.2. The author described the complicated relationship of competition among the industrial clusters, carrying out complex dynamic evolutionary analysis and giving related suggestions based on game models of industrial clusters.3. This study established a dynamic model of industrial cluster in the HTDZ, and explored the inherent complexity of the system. The author utilized appropriate parameters to carry out data simulation, providing theory support for adjusting and controlling plan of industrial clusters.4. The author, based on the theory of SD, designed a system of SD evaluating indexes for industrial clusters of the HTDZ. This study also provided the weights of indexes by studying the early period of industrial clusters, as a result, presented a series of suggestions for furthering policy ,development strategy and adjusting plan of industrial clusters in the HTDZ.This study provided a theory and practical support for the SD of Chinese HTDZ.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期

