

【作者】 刘徐方

【导师】 蒋三庚;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国现代经济和社会活动的发展,根据当前我国产业结构和服务业发展水平相对滞后的状况,提出“现代服务业”这一概念,代表了在我国经济转型过程中对于服务业发展的一种新思考和新认识,具有十分明显的时代特征。现代服务业相对于传统服务业具有三个基本特征,即高人力资本含量、高技术含量和高附加价值,并在“三高”的基础上衍生出新技术、新业态和新方式等“三新”发展态势,现代服务业还具有“两低”的特点:资源依赖度低、污染排放低。大力发展现代服务业是落实科学发展观和转变经济增长方式的必然选择,也是我国产业结构升级的必然要求。在产业演进和产业发展过程中,产业融合现象随处可见。不管是在传统的数字产业融合领域,如金融、电信、广播电视和出版等产业中,还是在现代产业融合领域,如信息、能源和制造业等各个领域中,产业融合都在展开。随着新理念的产生和新技术的发展,以信息技术为支撑、高新技术为载体的现代服务业的发展领域不断拓展,发展模式不断创新,业务动态不断增多,伴随着新科技革命的快速发展和企业跨行业、跨地区的兼并重组活动,现代服务业的产业边界逐步趋于模糊化,现代服务业融合成为新形势下的发展趋势。本文主要对现代服务业融合这一经济现象进行探索性研究,主要包括现代服务业融合的基本范畴和现代服务业融合的拓展研究,围绕这一研究目标,论文的内容安排和主要观点如下:1.国内外研究文献综述对国内外学者关于现代服务业、产业融合和服务业融合方面的研究进行梳理,简要评价文献的研究现状,提出论文的研究方向和重点。2.现代服务业融合研究的基础理论本部分主要介绍与现代服务业融合研究相关的基础理论,分别是创新理论、产业集群理论和竞争优势理论,为现代服务业融合研究提供理论基础。3.现代服务业融合的基本范畴本部分首先介绍现代服务业融合的定义;其次分析现代服务业融合的动因,即科技创新与扩散、放松规制和企业间的竞争与协作,指出科技创新与扩散是现代服务业融合的物质技术条件,放松规制是现代服务业融合的制度保障,企业间的竞争与协作是现代服务业融合的基础动力;再次介绍现代服务业融合类型,主要是现代服务业内部融合和跨产业融合两大类,重点介绍现代服务业的跨产业融合,并且将现代服务业与传统服务业的融合也作为现代服务业的跨产业融合,凸显现代服务业对传统服务业的提升作用;最后从产业、企业和产品三个层面分析现代服务业融合的效应。4.现代服务业融合的拓展研究现代服务业融合的拓展研究主要包括两个方面:第一,现代服务业集群与现代服务业融合。阐述现代服务业集群与现代服务业融合之间的互动关系:现代服务业集群促进现代服务业的融合发展,现代服务业融合推动现代服务业集群的高层次发展,两者相互促进,共同发展;第二,分析现代服务业融合发展过程中的区域拓展。现代服务业融合的区域拓展体现了产业之间以及地区之间更深层次的专业化分工,充分利用各种社会资源,实现产业之间和区域之间的相互支撑和协调发展,现代服务业融合有助于推动区域经济合作。5.现代服务业融合发展的实证分析对现代服务业融合的实证分析包括两个部分,一是以芬兰和新加坡为例,分析知识密集型服务业的融合发展状况,作为我国现代服务业融合的国际经验借鉴;二是构建计量经济模型,根据中国统计年鉴中的相关数据资料,运用回归分析方法,对我国现代服务业提升制造业创新能力进行实证分析。在研究过程中,采用规范分析和实证分析相结合的研究方法。现代服务业融合是一个比较新的研究范畴,概念框架还不完善,因此,本文以较大篇幅对现代服务业融合进行基本范畴的分析,重点介绍现代服务业融合的定义、动因、类型和融合效应,为现代服务业融合的深入研究提供理论支撑;同时,在对现代服务业和产业融合相关资料整理的基础上,结合区域经济学、产业组织理论、统计学等对其进行了研究。同时,现代服务业融合的研究既涉及产业层面又离不开具体企业,在研究过程中既要着眼于微观具体企业的发展,又要考虑整个产业乃至宏观经济的战略部署,从微观分析与宏观分析相结合的角度才能准确把握现代服务业融合的发展思路。

【Abstract】 As China’s modern economic and social development, according to the current level of development of China’s industrial structure and services, lagging behind the situation, that"modern service industry"concept,representing the new thinking and new understanding of service industry during the process of economic transformation in China’s development, with very clear characteristics of the times. The modern service industry relative to the traditional service industries has three basic characteristics, namely high human capital content, high-tech and high added value, on the basis of the"three high"it derives new technology, new format and new method of the"three new"development trend, Modern service industry also has"two low"characteristics:low resource dependence.low emissions. Striving to develop the modern service is a natural choice of implementing the scientific concept of development and transformation of economic growth, but also an inevitable requirement to upgrade China’s industrial structure.In the process of industrial evolution and industrial development, the phenomenon of industry convergence can be seen everywhere. Regardless of the traditional digital industry areas,such as finance,telecommunications,broadcast television and publishing industries, or in the field of modern industry, such as information, energy and manufacturing industries and other fields, industry convergence is being implemented.With the generation of new concept and development of new technologies, information technology as support, high-tech as carrier, the field of development of modern service industry continues to expand, innovating the development model and increasing the business dynamics.Accompanied by the rapid development of new scientific and technological revolution and corporate cross-sectoral, cross-regional mergers and restructuring activities, modern service industry gradually tends to blur the boundary, modern service industry convergence trends under the new situation.In this paper, gives exploratory study of modern service industry convergence, mainly including the basic scope of modern service industry convergence and further study of it. Around the goal of this study, the arrangement of contents and main viewpoints are as follows:1. International research literature review This section cards the research of domestic and foreign scholars on modern service industry, industry convergence and service industry convergence, gives a brief evaluation of research literature and the highlights of research.2. The basic theory of research on modern service industry convergenceThis section focuses on the study of basic theories relevant to modern service industry convergence, namely the innovation theory, industrial cluster theory and theory of competitive advantage.3. The basic scope of modern service industry convergenceThis section first introduces the definition of modem service industry convergence; followed by analysis of the motivation for modern service industry convergence, namely, technological innovation and diffusion, deregulation, competition and cooperation between enterprises, pointing out that technological innovation and diffusion is the material and technical conditions of modern service industry convergence, deregulation of the modern service industry provides the system protection, inter-firm competition and cooperation is the basis motivation for modern service industry convergence;re-introduced the type of modern service industry convergence, mainly within the modern service industry convergence and cross-industry convergence of two categories, highlights the cross-industry convergence of modern service industry; and finally analysis of the effects of the modern service industry convergence from industry, business and product level.4. Further study of modern service industry convergenceFurther study of modern service industry convergence includes two aspects: first, the modern service industry clusters and modern service industry convergence. Modern service industry clusters to promote modern service industry convergence, modern service industry convergence to promote modern service industry clusters to higher level; second, analyze the regional development of modern service industry convergence. Between industries and regions to achieve mutual support and coordinated development, modern service industry convergence will help promote regional economic cooperation.5. Empirical analysis of modern service industry convergenceThe empirical analysis of modern service industry convergence consists of two parts, one in Finland and Singapore, for example, analyzing the development of knowledge-intensive service industries, as the reference of China’s modern service industry; second is to build an econometric model, according to the relevant data of China statistical yearbook, using regression analysis to give empirical analysis on China’s modern service industry upgrading the innovation capacity of manufacture.Modern service industry convergence is a relatively new research areas, the conceptual framework is not perfect, therefore, this paper dwelt at the basic scope of modern service industry convergence, focusing on the definition, causes, types and effect of it, provide a theoretical support for the in-depth study of modern service industry convergence; At the same time, the study of modern service industry convergence is to the industry level are inseparable from the specific enterprise, in the course of the study should not only focus on a specific micro-enterprise development, but also consider the whole industry, as well as macro-economic strategic plan, from the micro-analysis and macro-analysis phase in order to accurately grasp the development methods of modern service industry convergence.

  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2580

