

Treatment of High Ammonia Nitrogen Domestic Sewage by Three Step Series of Constructed Rapid Infiltration System

【作者】 康爱彬

【导师】 陈鸿汉;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 目前人工快渗系统主要应用于处理常规生活污水和微污染河水等方面,但利用人工快渗系统技术处理高氨氮生活污水的研究较少。本文通过室内试验,对采用三级串联人工快渗系统处理学校学生生活区高氨氮生活污水的污染物去除效果、复氧效率、堵塞问题以及外加碳源脱氮效果进行了研究,取得如下成果:三级串联人工快渗系统正常运行时COD、氨氮的出水浓度均能满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物综合排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A标准。COD、氨氮和总氮的平均去除率分别是79.65%、94.47%和47.38%,较常规人工快渗系统分别提高了6%、3%和21%,对总氮去除效果明显提升。COD、氨氮主要在一级子系统阶段得到去除,总氮主要在三级子系统阶段去除。三级串联人工快渗系统内好氧细菌、硝酸细菌、亚硝酸细菌和反硝化细菌总数明显高于常规人工快渗系统,COD的去除率与好氧细菌、活性生物膜的重量相关性系数较高。氨氮的去除率与氨化细菌,硝酸细菌,亚硝酸细菌之间的相关性极显著。总氮的去除率与反硝化细菌、真菌的相关性较高,与放线菌关系也较密切。三级子系统内反硝化细菌数量增多是总氮去除率增加的主要原因,C/N较低是影响总氮去除率提高的限制因素。三级串联人工快渗系统沿程溶解氧在一、二级子系统阶段逐渐升高,在二级子系统末端达到最大,然后三级子系统阶段逐渐减小,整体复氧效果明显。三级串联人工快渗系统出水时间间隔较常规快渗系统明显缩短。正常运行时三级串联人工快渗系统的渗流速度是常规人工快渗系统的2~5倍,最大相差近10倍,渗流速度的提高是延缓人工快渗系统堵塞的重要原因。通过几何模型计算本系统中生物膜最大厚度在60μm-150μm之间。外加碳源实验结果显示,添加玉米芯后人工快渗系统TN去除效果明显增加。温度在25-33℃,pH在7.5左右时脱氮效果最佳,TN平均去除率为76.3%,较没有添加碳源前提高近30%。玉米芯实验前后扫描电镜结果显示,表面被微生物所降解,同时发现了杆菌和球菌等反硝化菌群,玉米芯主体结构没有松散,起到了很好的载体作用。本实验条件下三级串联人工快渗系统最佳的运行参数为:水力负荷1.0m/d,湿干比为1:5,水力负荷周期为4h。

【Abstract】 Constructed Rapid Infiltration (CRI) system is applied to treating the conventional domestic sewage and micro-polluted river water etc. nowadays. However, there are few studies on high ammonia wastewater. This study researched the removal of pollutant,efficient of oxygen recovery,the problem of clog and effect of removing nitrogen by adding carbon resource by using CRI on high ammonia wastewater of students’ living area in a university, the main achievements were as follows:The concentration COD and ammonia nitrogen could meet the standardⅠ—A of“Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant(GB 18918-2002)”, during the operation of three step series of constructed rapid infiltration system. The removal rates of COD, ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen were 79.65%, 94.47% and 47.38% respectively. These rates were increased by 6%, 3% and 21%, compared with conventional CRI system respectively. The effect of removing total nitrogen results was improved significantly. COD and ammonia nitrogen were removed mainly in the first step, and total nitrogen was removed mainly in the third step. The total numbers of aerobic bacteria, nitrate oxidizing bacteria, nitrite oxidizing bacteria and denitrifying bacteria in three step series of constructed rapid infiltration system were higher than in conventional constructed rapid infiltration system significantly. The coefficient of the removal rate of COD and aerobic bacteria and the active biomass was high. The removal rate of ammonia nitrogen and ammonium oxidizing bacteria, nitrate oxidizing bacteria and nitrite oxidizing bacteria correlated significantly. The removal rate of total nitrogen and denitrifying bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes correlated significantly. The main reason for increase of removal rate of total nitrogen in this three step series of system was the increase of number of denitrifying bacteria. The constraint on the increase of the removal rate of total nitrogen was the low ratio of C / N. Concentration of DO increased gradually from first step to second step and then decreased in this three step series of system. It reached maximum at the end of the second step. The effect of oxygen recovery is remarkable. The interval of effluent in this three step series of system was reduced compared with conventional system. Infiltration speed of this three step series of system was 2 to 5 times than the conventional system. Moreover, the infiltration speed of this three step series was almost 10 times than the conventional system when the conventional CRI was clogged. The main reason for deferring of being clogged was the increase of speed of infiltration. The biofilm thickness is between 60 and 150μm calculated by geometric model.The results of additional carbon sources experiment showed that the effect was better when corncob was used. The effect of removal of nitrate nitrogen was the best when the temperature was around 25-33℃and pH was 7.5. The average removal rate of TN was 76.3% after adding corncob. The rate was increased by 30% compared with the system to which no carbon source was added. The effect of removal of TN was much better. The result of experiment on corncob with SEM showed that the surface was degraded by microorganism, some denitrifying bacterium, such as bacillus and coccus were found, and the main structure of corncob was not loose, which played a important role of a carrier.The best operating parameters under the experimental conditions in this three step series of system showed that hydraulic loading was 1.0m / d, ratio of flooding and drying was 1:5, and hydraulic loading cycle was 4h.


