

Studies on China’s Natural Disaster Manamgent System and Disaster Information Sharing Model

【作者】 王倩

【导师】 雷涯邻;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 灾害管理是现代政府的重要职能之一。经过多年的探索、发展,我国已逐步形成了一整套灾害管理的体制和机制,在防灾减灾各方面取得了显著的成效。但同时,我国灾害管理的体制机制和技术支撑条件仍有诸多待完善之处。以往的研究工作中,大部分研究者主要关注灾害管理部门职能分散、法律管理体系不完善等软问题,对信息难于共享的情况亦有提及,且主要寄希望于通过改革体制机制来解决。实际上,灾害管理体制的完善既涉及管理体制机制等软环境的改革,也涉及到通信、预警、应急指挥等硬环境的改善,且二者相辅相成、互为作用。本文的主要研究内容包括以下几方面:(1)提出了自然灾害管理体制改革的措施和建议。分析了我国自然灾害的现状,在研究国外发达国家灾害管理模式的基础上,指出我国灾害管理体制存在职能分散、法律体系不健全、信息共享困难等问题。针对这些问题,从灾害管理部门调整、健全灾害管理法制体系和加强灾害全过程管理等三个方面对灾害管理体制机制方面的问题提出了改革建议;从通信基础设施、灾害预警系统、应急指挥系统三个方面对灾害管理的技术支撑系统建设提出了建议。(2)引入面向服务架构(SOA)概念,提出了基于网络服务的灾害信息共享模型(WSDISM)。分析指出致灾因子数据、孕灾环境数据、承灾体数据和灾情数据等灾害数据的空间特征,提出了以地理框架数据为载体、基于统一地理编码整合各类灾害数据的方法。在此基础上,引入SAO概念,利用地理信息网络服务技术实现不同部门异构灾害数据的共享,提出了基于网络服务的灾害信息共享模型,并进一步讨论了该模型在国家、省、市(县)的分级实现方法。(3)分析讨论了WSDISM的实现。阐述了汶川地震抗震救灾地理信息集成服务的方法与内容,总结了抗震救灾期间各类灾害数据依托地理信息数据集为相关单位提供集成服务的情况,指出受当时管理体制和技术条件的限制,所有数据通过集中管理实现共享,带来了数据处理工作量大、数据更新困难等问题。以汶川地震抗震救灾的系列灾害数据为基础,模拟不同灾害数据提供部门利用WSDISM模型开发原型系统,采用OGC地理信息Web服务标准,实现了不同部门的灾害数据共享,验证了WSDIM运行的可靠性。本文所做工作的创新点为:1)针对我国自然灾害行政管理体系存在的问题,提出建立“综合主管部门统一协调、具体管理部门分头处理、国家省市分级实现”的自然灾害管理体制机制;2)针对我国自然灾害管理法律体系不完善问题,提出制订国家自然灾害管理基本法,同时对现有自然灾害管理的各专门法进行梳理、修订和完善;3)将面向服务架构(SOA)概念引入自然灾害信息数据共享管理,针对自然灾害信息共享问题提出了基于地理信息网络服务的自然灾害信息共享模型(WSDISM)。4)将WSDISM引入汶川地震灾害管理辅助决策系统,模拟验证了该模型运行的科学性和可靠性。

【Abstract】 Disaster management is one of the most important functions of modern governments. After several years’development, China has gradually formed the fundamental ideas and mechanism of disaster management and witnessed obvious achievements in disaster prevention and mitigation. However, certain problems still exist. In the former studies, most researchers focused on so-called soft problems such as decentralization of disaster management departments, faultiness of law administration system. Although they dealt with difficulties in information sharing, they mainly anchored their hopes in solving the problems by institutional reform. In fact, the construction of disaster management not only includes the reform in soft environment such as administrative mechanism, but also includes improvement of hard environment such as communications, disaster pre-warning and emergency response system; Moreover, these two aspects are complementary and interdependent. The main contents of this paper are:I. Introduction of the measures and suggestions for natural disaster management system reform. This paper analyses the serious situation of natural disasters in China, and on the basis of the studies on the management mode of some developed countries, indicates the existing problems in domestic disaster management system, such as decentralization of functions, insufficiency of law system and difficulties in information sharing. To cope with these problems, this paper proposes reform in disaster management system in three aspects, adjustment of disaster management departments, building of disaster management law system and strengthening of management of the disaster relief process. Besides, this paper also puts forward suggestions in the construction of technology support system for disaster management in three aspects which are communications infrastructure, disaster pre-warning system and emergency response system.II. Introduction of Web-based Service of Disaster Information Sharing Model (WSDISM). The paper points out the spatial features of the data of disaster-inducing factors, disaster-forming environment, disaster-affected body and the disastrous situation. It provides a method which integrates all kinds of disaster data with the geographic framework data as the carrier and unified geographic code as the base. On this condition, the sharing of disaster data collected by deferent departments can be realized based on the geographic information web service. The paper also presents the web-based disaster information sharing model and discusses the realization of this model at national, provincial and county levels.III. Realization of the WSDISM model. The paper analyses the methods and contents of integrated geo-information service for Wenchuan earthquake relief and rescuing, and acknowledges that satisfactory integrated services were provided for earthquake relief by geo-information data-based disaster data. However, limited by management mechanism and technological conditions at that time, all the data were shared by integrated management, which resulted in a number of problems such as redundant work in data processing and difficulties in data updating. This paper, bases on the series data of Wenchuan earthquake relief and rescuing, simulates different disaster data providing departments, develops an original system using WSDISM, adopts OGC geo-information web service standard and finally realizes disaster data sharing of different departments.The contributions and innovation points of this paper are as follows: First, in view of the existing problems of China’s natural disaster management system, from the prospective of institutional mechanism and system, the paper proposes disaster management idea of“unified coordination by competent comprehensive departments, separate handling by the specific departments, realization at national, provincial and municipal levels”. Secondly, inview of existing problems of China’s law system in natural disaster management, the paper propose to enact a basic law on natural disaster management, while amending and perfecting the existing laws and regulations. Thirdly, by introducing the theory of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) into information and data management of natural disaster, the paper constructs a Web Service-based Disaster Information Sharing Model (WSDISM). Fourth, Applying WSDISM in decision-making on disaster management on Wenchuan earthquake, the paper proves China’s natural disaster management system scientific and reliable, by model examination.


