

The Post-evaluation Study on Land Utilization in the Changzhou Economic Development Zone

【作者】 韩九云

【导师】 陈方正;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 土地是社会经济发展不可或缺的基础性要素,科学制定并严格实施土地利用总体规划,优化土地资源配置,关系国家和人民的长远利益,必须坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,坚持保护耕地和节约用地用地的根本方针,统筹土地利用与经济社会发展,不断提高土地资源对经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展的保障能力。随着我国社会主义市场经济的建立和不断完善,进一步加强土地利用规划管理,建立科学的土地利用规划后评估制度,对于保障土地资源的有效配置,促进经济社会持续健康发展,具有十分重要的意义。本文基于系统工程的思想,采用理论分析和专家咨询相结合的方法,建立了土地利用规划后评估指标体系,并在此基础上建立了一种更为科学、系统的土地利用规划后评估方法。在本论文中,针对常州市经济开发区土地利用规划实施过程,提出了土地利用规划后评估的内容框架和评估内容,构建了土地利用规划后评估的指标体系,按照层次分析法和模糊综合评判的方法,对常州市经济开发区土地利用规划后评估方法进行实证研究。通过实证分析,论证了该方法的适用性和评估结果的可信性。本文具体成果体现在以下几个方面:(1)论证了不完全竞争下最优的土地配置方式是规划配置而不是市场配置。由于土地利用具有明显的外部性,因此土地资源的最优化配置方式,就存在着两种不同的选择。无论是正的外部效应还是负的外部效应,市场配置资源的效率均达不到帕累托最优,市场配置下的土地总收益低于规划配置下的土地总收益,最优的土地配置方式不再是市场的自由配置,而变成了土地的规划配置。当然,土地资源的市场配置与规划调控之间并不是矛盾对立的关系。根据当前我国的实际情况,在土地资源配置中,应将市场配置与规划调控相结合,才能充分提高土地资源的配置效率,实现土地资源的优化配置。(2)确定了土地利用规划后评估的多目标取向。建立土地利用规划后评估,就是对土地利用规划执行后的效果进行分析判断,以确定土地利用规划的价值。传统经济学意义上的资源配置目标,就是以“经济增长”为核心,使资源配置实现最优化。这种资源配置的目标,必然是只注重经济效益,而忽略社会及环境影响等其他方面,最终将危及经济社会的可持续发展和人类生存环境。土地利用规划发展到今天,可持续、多元化、异质性已成为土地利用规划多元目标的重要内涵。土地资源优化配置要体现多元的价值,其基本目标应包括区域的经济发展规划、社会发展规划、物质建设规划以及城市政策的和制度设计等。(3)建立了土地利用规划后评估指标体系。本文根据土地利用规划后评估的内容,按照理论分析和专家咨询相结合的方法,建立了包括效果指标(社会影响度、经济效益、社会效益、生态效益)和执行指标(完成性指标、限制性指标、违反事件指标)在内的土地利用规划后评估指标体系,采用层次分析法和模糊综合评估法进行土地利用规划后评估。根据评估综合得分情况,科学评价土地利用规划实施情况。

【Abstract】 Optimizing land resources allocation, making the general land-use planning scientifically and enforcing it strictly are of vital importance to the long-term interest of the people and the nation, because of the fundamental effects of land on socioeconomic development. We must adhere to the basic state policies of environmental and resources protection and the basic strategy of protecting and conserving arable land, coordinating the use of land resources and the development of economy and society, and constantly promote the supportive influence the land resource has on an overall coordinated and sustainable socioeconomic development. Along with the establishment and constant improvement of the socialist market economic system in our country, further strengthening the land-use plan and establishing a scientific post planning review mechanism for land utilization are of big importance to the optimal allocation of land resources and the continuous and healthy development of the economy and society.Based on the idea of System Engineering, this article established a system of post planning review of land utilization through both theoretical analysis and consulting experts. Furthermore, this article established a more scientific and systematic evaluation method. By studying the enforcement of the planning of land utilization in the Economic Development Zone of Changzhou, this article also put forward a Content Frame including post planning review evaluation and evaluation items, constructed the indicators of the evaluation, and, by stratum analysis and fuzzy comprehensive method, analyzed some concrete examples in the Economic Development Zone of Changzhou. The applicability and the credibility of the method are demonstrated by analysis of the cases.Specific conclusions are reflected in the following aspects: (1)Demonstrated that under imperfect competition, the optimal allocation of land is the planning allocation rather than the market allocation. Because land utilization has obvious externalities, we have two options to optimize land resources allocation. Whether the externality is positive or negative, the efficiency of market allocation of resources will fail to reach Pareto Optimality, and the total land revenue under planning control is larger than it is under market allocation. Therefore, the optimal allocation of land is not a free market allocation but becomes planning allocation. Of course, market allocation and planning control are not contradictory. Based on the current situation in our country, we should have the market allocation and the planning control combined in the allocation of urban land, so as to improve the allocation efficiency, and achieve the optimal allocation.(2)Identified the multi-objective approach in post planning evaluation. The post planning evaluation is to analyze the effects of the planning in order to be sure of the value of the plan. In traditional economics, the aim of resource allocation is optimization, which focuses on economic growth. Inevitably, the social and environmental effects are overlooked in this way of allocation, and the environment for human livelihood and the sustainable socioeconomic development will be jeopardized. Today, sustainability, diversification and heterogeneity are important to the multi-objective land planning. The value of diversity should be reflected in optimal allocation of land resources, and the allocation should be targeted at the plan for regional economic development, social development, substantial construction as well as urban policies and systems. (3) Established a system of post planning review of land utilization. Based on the contents of post planning review of land utilization and through both theoretical analysis and consulting experts, this article established a system that covers effect indicators (the influence on society, economic results, social effects and ecological effects) and implemental indicators ( accomplishment indicator, restrictive indicator and violation incidents indicator). Through the general evaluation by a systemic fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the implementation and effect of land utilization can be scientifically evaluated.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1148

