

Study on the Technology of High Concentration Domestic Sewage Treatmeng by Ecology Constructed Rapid Infiltration System (ECRI)

【作者】 赵福祥

【导师】 陈鸿汉;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 CRI系统工艺过程简单、工程投资抵、运行成本少,在处理城市生活污水和受污染的地表水时具有明显效果,得到很好的工程应用。但CRI系统对总氮、总磷去除效果不佳、滤料易堵塞、生态景观性差、在低温条件下运行效果差等问题,在对水质要求日益提高的今天限制了其应用推广。针对以上问题,本论文研究拟在原CRI系统快渗池中添加植物,形成生态人工快渗系统(Ecology Constructed Rapid Infiltration,简称ECRI系统)。本论文在研究ECRI系统对高浓度生活污水去除效果基础上,在后置反硝化段添加缓释碳源,增加对总氮的去除,并对ECRI系统进行越冬试验,最后选择安徽省某高速公路服务区生活污水进行试验性工程实践。在种有紫背天葵的ECRI系统中前段设置微曝气预处理,后置反硝化段,设定运行参数:固定湿干比1:5,水力负荷0.8 m/d,采用一天4个HLC,一次进水为0.5 h,落干时间为5.5 h,稳定运行3个月。试验结果表明,出水CODCr﹑NH4-N和SS平均去除率分别达到94.4%、97.0%、96.9%,均能达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB19818-2002)一级A排放标准;出水TP能达到一级B排放标准,但TN去除效果较差,去除率仅为68.9%。在ECRI系统中后置反硝化段中添加缓释碳源,出水总氮去除率达到80.0%以上,与未添加缓释碳源相比有明显提高;添加了40cm厚的缓释碳源的2#系统比添加了20cm厚的1#系统出水中TN去除率由88.0%提高至89. 6 %,但是COD,NH4-N,TP等去除率提高不明显;电子显微镜观察分析表明缓释碳源碎树枝表面以丝状菌和球菌为主,为优势菌群。对ECRI系统进行越冬试验,通过在进水管加保温层,快渗池表面增加覆膜温室等合理防冻措施,可保证该系统在北方零下10度左右的温度下正常运行,但处理效果低于夏季;出水各污染物指标中,NH4-N和T-N受气温变化影响最大,COD次之,T-P几乎不受影响。最后选择安徽省某高速公路服务区生活污水进行工程实例,水力负荷达到2.0 m/d,整个系统运行稳定出水水质良好,CODCr、氨氮、总氮等指标达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB/T18918-2002)一级A排放标准。作为一种新型生态处理技术,ECRI系统良好的技术经济性能,比较适合高速公路服务区生活污水的处理,具有良好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 CRI, as a simple, low investment, and operation cost-effective process, has a significant effect in the treatment of municipal sewage and polluted surface water and has a good full-scale application. But the total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) removal efficiency of CRI system and the treatment effect under the low temperature are poor. Besides, the filter is easy to be blocked and ecological landscape is poor. Therefore, the enhancing requirements on water quality limit its application and promotion.To solve the above problems, this thesis intended to add plants on the surface of the CRI pool to create eco-CRI (Ecology Constructed Rapid Infiltration, called ECRI system). This thesis investigated the ECRI system treatment efficiency of high concentration domestic sewage. On the basis, the effect of denitrification by adding sustained release carbon sources to increase the TN removal was further studied. Moreover, the ECRI system adding sustained release carbon source operating in winter was conducted.Gynura was planted on the surface of pool of ECRI system with anterior micro-aeration pretreatment and post-denitrification section. The operating parameters was set as: a fixed 1:5 ratio of wet to dry rate (WDR), hydraulic loading 0.8 m/d, 4 HLC per day, an inlet last for 0.5 h, the drying time is 5.5 h, and stable operation for 3 months. The results showed that the removal efficiencies of CODCr, NH4-N and SS were 94.4%, 97.0%, and 96.9%, respectively, which can meet the requirements of ClassⅠA of the National Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 18918-2002). The effluent of TP meet the requirements of ClassⅠB of the National Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 18918-2002), and the TN removal was less effective, only 68.9% was removed.After adding the sustained release carbon source in the denitrification sector, the removal efficiency of TN significantly increased to 80.0%. The 40cm-thick slow-release carbon source didn’t show obviously advantage than 20cm-thick, just with TN increasing from 88.0% to 89. 6 %. The increase of COD, NH4-N, and TP are not obvious. The scan electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that the surface of rotten branches dominated by filamentous bacteria and coccobacteria.The ECRI system can be operated under low temperature in winter using insulation layer outside the inlet pipe and film covering the ECRI pool to ensure that the system can be operated normally at about -10 oC in the north part of China. Nevertheless, the treatment effect was not as good as operating in summer. The removal of NH4-N, and TN most affected by the temperature, followed with COD, and TP was almost unaffected.The full-scale application of carbon source adding ECRI system was located in a highway service area in Anhui Province for treating domestic sewage. The entire system was operated stable with hydraulic loading rate 2.0 m/d. The effluent CODCr, NH4-N, and TN achieved the requirements of ClassⅠA of the National Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 18918-2002). As a new eco-processing technology, ECRI system has good technical and economic performance, which has a good application prospect for highway service area sewage treatment.


