

The Study on the Development of Resources-oriented Industrial Cluster in XiangXi Autonomous Prefecture

【作者】 李佧琦

【导师】 崔彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪90年代以来,随着经济的全球化和一体化发展,基于地理接近和产业关联的产业集群作为有效的替代方式,跃上了历史的舞台。产业集群是一种新型的产业组织形式,被越来越多的专家和学者视为一种重要的拉动区域经济增长的引擎,而资源型产业集群的可持续发展更是近年来的热点。我国长期以来的粗放型经济增长模式建立在资源的高消耗基础之上,对我国的生态环境造成了一定程度的破坏,给资源型城市和地区经济的可持续发展造成了阻碍,因此,如何引导资源型城市和地区产业集群科学和快速的发展成为学术界研究的重心。湘西自治州地处湖南西北部,自然资源十分丰富,属于典型的资源型地区。本文以湘西自治州为研究对象,系统深入地分析了湘西自治州产业集群发展现状和存在的问题,最后提出了发展湘西自治州资源型产业集群的思路和建议。1.我国产业集群的发展。主要介绍我国改革开放以来,产业集群发展的历程,和在我国国民经济中所处的地位和作用,同时也研究了我国目前产业集群的规模和现有的几种发展模式。2.湘西自治州资源和产业概况。归纳和总结湘西自治州实地考察所获得的原始资料,介绍了湘西自治州目前的资源状况,着重分析了湘西自治州的工业发展历程和目前的发展现状。3.湘西自治州产业集群的发展。湘西自治州依托自身丰富的资源优势,初步形成了三大集群:矿产资源产业集群、生物医药产业集群、农产品加工产业集群,介绍了这三大产业集群的发展情况,并对其集群竞争力进行评价和比较。4.着重分析了湘西自治州矿产资源产业集群优先发展的条件,指出了目前矿产资源产业集群发展过程中存在的问题,最后提出了湘西自治州发展矿产资源产业集群的发展思路和策略。通过这些内容的研究分析,本文得出结论,湘西自治州发展产业集群能够有效拉动区域经济的发展,而矿产资源产业集群是目前湘西自治州竞争力系数最高的产业集群,集中有限的各项资源让矿产资源使其优先发展,能够创造更多的配套的需求,从而带动其他产业的发展。

【Abstract】 As the globalization and integration of economy, industrial cluster became very popular in the whole world since 1990s. It is considered as an effective productive organization mode, and it has promoted the regional economic development. Among all the aspects of industrial cluster research, resource-oriented is of great importance. Long-term extensive economic development in China was based on the high consumption of resources. It has been done great damage to our ecological environment, and prohibited the development of the resource-based area. Therefore, leading the right development direction is the hot topic in the research area.XiangXi Autonomous Prefecture is in the northwest of Hunan Province. Being a typical resources-based area, it has great amount of natural resources. Bases on the review of related theory in industrial cluster, this paper pointed out developing the industrial cluster of own feature is the essential way to boom the regional economy.The main contents of this paper includes as follows:1. The industrial cluster development in our country. This part introduces the developmental stages of the industrial cluster, the status and function in national economy. It also surveys the cluster scale and present developmental mode.2. The natural resources and industrial situations in XiangXi Autonomous -Prefecture. This part summarizes the profiles of the on-the-spot investigation, introduces the present resource status, analyses the industrial developmental process and the present situation.3. The development of industrial cluster in XiangXi Autonomous Prefecture. Based on the advantage of rich resources, XiangXi Autonomous Prefecture has formed their own industrial cluster: mineral resources industrial cluster, biological medicine industrial cluster, primary products machining industrial cluster. This part introduces the present situation of three industrial clusters.4. The survey of cluster competitive power. This part tries to calculate the competitive power index of three industrial clusters in XiangXi Autonomous Prefecture based on the data of the on-the-spot investigation, and then find out the industrial cluster of the max index.According to the investigation and analysis of above-mentioned contents, this paper has come to a conclusion: developing the industrial cluster in XiangXi Autonomous Prefecture could pull the regional economy effectively. Mineral resources industrial cluster is of the great importance among the three. Therefore, the government of XiangXi Autonomous Prefecture should mainly concentrate the the development of mineral resources industrial cluster. By doing this, it can create more products needs of related industries; finally lead the development of other industries.


