

【作者】 赵欣

【导师】 杨剑龙;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自1843年以来,上海逐渐在其发展过程中形成了独特的都市文化语境。20世纪二十年代末开始,上海女作家不断以文本形式呈现着都市文化下的上海镜像,这种书写时至今日依然未曾停止。探究上海都市文化与上海女作家写作之间的关系,简言之,便是上海的都市化发展为上海女作家创作提供了独特的都市文化视阈。上海迥异于中国大陆其他地区的独特文化环境“改写”了上海女作家的人生轨迹,也深深地影响了她们的文学创作;同时,上海女作家也在“自我”与“他者”、上海与异域的书写中丰富着不断嬗变的上海都市文化。鉴于本文所研究的上海女作家跨越了20世纪二十年代迄今近八十年的历史,挂一漏万,本文将主要论述以下六个上海女作家群体:以沉樱、施济美为代表的表现初次接触都市生活、关注都市新女性情感世界的女作家,以苏青为代表的融入都市生活、以著文办刊方式展现女性独立精神的女作家,以张爱玲为代表的倾听市声、倾心都市日常生活,从细微之处体现都市精神的女作家,以王安忆为代表的关注底层市民生活、通过描摹日常生活重拾都市传统的女作家,以陈丹燕为代表的借“怀旧”写作追缅旧上海都市精致品格的女作家,以卫慧、安妮宝贝为代表的从小城进入都市寻求另类生活方式的女作家。本文从阅读作家文本出发,提炼一位或多位作家的创作主题,并深究这些主题在何种程度上反映了上海都市文化的发展。此外,本论文在写作过程中也借鉴了女性主义、符号学、文化学、文艺学等研究方法,意在厘清上海都市文化与上海女作家人生与创作之间的关联。都市是高度发达的城市,是城市发展的高级形态。它以现代文明成果取代了传统农业文明,以丰富的物质成果提供给都市人多重文化选择。19、20世纪之交,都市文化为上海带来了一条全新的发展之路;在当下全球化语境中,都市再次与上海结缘,并在新的历史条件下寻求着新的嬗变。上海文化是一个多面体,都市品格只是其中的一部分。但这有限的一部分,深深影响了上海女作家的写作,使其在创作中呈现出独特的都市视阈。本文提及的上海女作家,无论是热爱这座都市,还是厌恶这座都市,在以写作形式与上海都市结缘的过程中,她们都将自己的名字镌刻进了上海都市文化历史之中。

【Abstract】 From 1843, Shanghai began to form its special metropolis culture language situation. About at 1920s, the female writers are Shanghai continuously creating novels of Shanghai society. This process never stops.When we research the relationship between Shanghai female writers and the Shanghai metropolis, we found that Shanghai provides a very special metropolis culture circumstances to the writers. They are greatly changed by the culture circumstances on the fields of both life and writing. Meanwhile, the writers also effect and reform the Shanghai culture circumstances by their writing of self and the other, Shanghai and other cities in China.As these writers cover the history from 1920s till now, it’s hard to pay attention to every female wrier in Shanghai. I choose six groups of female writers in Shanghai. Chenying and Shi Jimei wrote in 1920s‐1930s. They paid attention to“the new female”who were faced with the huge metropolis and showed great courage; Suqing’s work is just like a copy of her own life. In her writing, she showed us a kind of women who undertake the publish career as men, at the same time, these women also enjoy their urban life bravely. Zhang Ailing is maybe the most famous female writer. She showed her interest of listening to the sound of the city and the common life. She seized the details of urban life and tell the readers what is real the sprite of the city. Almost after a half century, Wang Anyi connected the history of female writers’Shanghai writing. She pays attention to the ordinary people in Shanghai and she tries to find the details of daily life again just like what Zhang Ailing did. In her works, we found that the tradition of urban life is connected by her works. In Chen Danyan’s wokrs, we found a new key word, reminiscence. She enjoys this kind of writing and she tries to recall the delicacy of urban life by her writing. The last group of female writers were born in 1970s. They are called“after 1970s”. Their hometown is not Shanghai, but they enjoy the life in Shanghai. So they entered the huge city and seek their dreams here. They also show their life in the novels and want to make it as a part of their life.My dissertation researches the works of these female writers. I hope that during the process of research I can find the overall character of these writers. And I also hope I can find the locus of the development of Shanghai city sprite. There is a relationship between the Shanghai sprite and female writers’work. That the point of my dissertation.Now, the globalization becomes the theme of the times. In the circumstances, it’s the time to think the relationship between city and the writing. I think literature is the important part of city life and city sprite. The research of Shanghai female writing can help us to understand the city better and the history more deeply. Only by this way ,we can totally understand Shanghai culture.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1700

