

The Impact of Heterogeneous Landscape to Wetland Ecosystem in Coastal Area

【作者】 刘世栋

【导师】 高峻;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 人类活动与自然生态系统的相互作用一直是环境科学研究的热点,随着滨海地区经济的发展,滨海人类活动日益增多,滨海湿地生态系统的脆弱性与人类大量开发活动之间的矛盾就日益凸显,所以研究滨海地区人类活动对湿地生态系统的影响具有重要的意义。本论文以杭州湾北岸为研究区域,以上海崇明岛东滩湿地为参考区域,首先从区域角度对上海杭州湾北岸滨海地区六个镇(金山石化、漕泾镇、山阳镇、柘林镇、海湾镇、芦潮港)的土地利用进行研究,从宏观上把握区域异质性景观演变的规律,并加入经济数据的分析,研究杭州湾北岸异质性景观演变的驱动力以及异质性景观对滨海湿地生态系统的影响。其次在宏观把握杭州湾北岸景观格局演变的基础上,选择以旅游活动作为主要驱动力,研究微观滨海旅游区由于旅游开发活动所形成的异质性景观,其所带来的环境影响。研究区选择较有典型意义且临近海岸线的旅游景区(金山城市沙滩、奉贤海湾旅游区、奉贤碧海金沙、崇明岛东滩鸟类保护区湿地)。生态环境因子通过分析最终选择滨海水体以及滨海湿地植被作为主要研究因子,并将滨海旅游开发活动分为:滨海游泳、皮划艇水上自行车水上运动、水上舞台搭建、观海踏潮、旅游餐饮等五种类型,并将旅游景区旁边未开发的区域作为背景区进行对比分析,分析由于旅游开发活动所形成的异质性景观对当地的湿地生态系统到底产生何种影响。在研究旅游活动开发所形成的滨海异质性景观的基础上,本论文还从景观生态学的角度,对异质性景观对滨海湿地生态系统的生态风险进行评价,并初步探讨了有关滨海湿地生态安全的问题。本论文的相关结论如下:1.大尺度滨海地区土地利用/覆被变化规律从大尺度区域层面,1994-2003年这13年来,城镇用地、待开发用地、道路、工厂、林地和铁路景观面积有所增加,其中工厂景观面积增加幅度较大,增加了3751.54 hm2;而农村居住用地、农田、水体、滩涂和鱼塘景观面积均有所减少,其中农田景观面积下降幅度最大,减少了3899.17 hm2。这说明杭州湾北岸的城市化进程中,其发展规律为先将水体景观和农田转为待开发用地,其后待开发用地大部分转变为工厂,城市化发展中主要土地利用类型是从农田向着工厂逐步转化。2.杭州湾北岸滨海地区异质性景观演变规律及其驱动力研究区域的主导景观类型为农田景观,斑块类型面积变化也最为显著,变化幅度超过10%,这主要是由于城市化建设加快,土地斑块转出主要来源于农田景观。农村居住景观和农田景观的斑块密度下降的幅度最大,分别减少了3190块和2778块,这主要是由于城市化的扩张,使得其他用地代替了农村居住景观和农田景观;道路景观的LPI值增加的幅度比较大,为8.88,滩涂景观和水体景观LPI值减少的趋势较大,为4.12和4.24。说明农村居住景观和道路景观逐渐呈连片的趋势,而滩涂和水体景观受人为干扰程度大,逐渐趋于破碎化。水体景观的IJI值变化幅度最大,为24.62,这主要是由于从94年到07年间,政府加大了河道的规划和疏通,使得水体景观相邻的景观类型数量增加幅度较大;13年来,水体景观的聚集度变化幅度最大,从91.25降到70.32,由于水体景观的面积有所减少,逐渐趋于破碎化的结果。滨海异质性景观变化最大的农田景观,其景观演变的驱动力经过计算,在不考虑不合理土地使用的情况下,经济发展以及人口增加是研究区域内农田景观面积减少的最重要的两个驱动力因素。3.滨海地区异质性景观对湿地生态系统的影响滨海旅游开发活动影响了湿地景观环境,形成了独特的景观单元;滨海旅游区的景观结构随着旅游开发活动的不断开展日益复杂;滨海旅游区的景观功能比未开发的湿地生态系统更加多样化;滨海旅游区异质性景观的动态完全不同于未开发湿地生态系统;异质性景观对滨海湿地生态系统的影响主要体现在物质流、物种流和景观动态4.滨海旅游活动对滨海异质性景观湿地生态系统的影响(1)旅游开发活动对滨海异质性景观水体影响呈现明显季节性上海杭州湾北岸的滨海旅游区,水质均处于2级和3级,水质良好。奉贤碧海金沙冬季水质优于夏季水质,δGC小于0的占到65%;奉贤海湾旅游区冬季水质劣于夏季水质,δGC大于0的为100%;金山城市沙滩冬季水质劣于夏季水质,δGC大于0的超过55%。(2)滨海旅游活动不同类型对水体环境影响不同奉贤碧海金沙旅游区对水质化学性质影响最大的是滨海游泳,水质评价结果GC最高,为2.60;皮划艇运动对海水综合水质影响仅次于游泳,奉贤碧海金沙的皮划艇运动除了对水体的溶解氧、浊度等造成影响外,还会因为游客在水中踩踏等等,对水体造成一定的污染,所以从水质综合评价指标上来看,GC值仅次于滨海游泳活动,为2.53;金山城市沙滩和海湾旅游区旅游餐饮活动未对当地水环境造成污染,其餐饮区周围的水质综合评价结果最低,GC为2.51,说明水质最好。(3)滨海旅游开发活动提高了滨海湿地生物多样性滨海旅游区的植被生物多样性具有强烈的人为干扰效应。一类是人工异质性景观,其完全按照人类旅游景观美化的目的进行改造,如奉贤海湾旅游区外来物种数量多达39种、金山城市沙滩优于封闭区域建设,外来物种为6种,在人工异质性景观单元中,其植被对于干扰的响应能力非常弱,本地湿地物种在人工景观植被区很难传播繁殖,且呈现生物多样性的不均匀分布;还有一类是管理异质性景观单元,人类活动对于湿地地形的改造,使得植被生态系统自发响应这类改造,表现为生物多样性的增多,其代表为崇明岛东滩鸟类保护区护岸堤上下的植被物种数量,由于护岸堤海拔的升高,护岸堤上物种数量增加13种。(4)滨海地区典型人工植被的生长具有生态阈值本论文通过观测实验,发现滨海典型人工植被加拿利海枣除了会随着气温的降低,枯叶逐渐增多外,其生长高度也有一定阈值。在高于5m的加拿利海枣发现枯叶比例明显高于3-4m的植株。

【Abstract】 The Study on the interaction between human activities and natural ecosystems is right now the focus of environmental scientific research with the development of coastal economy and human activities, but the contradiction between the vulnerability of the coastal wetland ecosystem and human activities is becoming increasingly prominent. So it’s very important to study the impact of human activities to the coastal wetland ecosystems.In this thesis, as the study area north bank of Hangzhou Bay and Shanghai Chongming Dongtan wetland as the reference areas, first mainly focus on the landscape pattern in large scale, the study area is in the north bank of HangZhou Bay, then depend on the economy data this thesis discusses the driving forces of the landscape pattern change. After do the research on the landscape pattern in large scale, this thesis selects the tourism activities as the main driving force to study the impact of the heterogeneous landscape to wetland ecosystem in coastal area. Study area is more typical tourist attractions and close to the coastline (Jinshan City beach, Fengxian Bay Tourism Area, Fengxian Bihaijinsha and Chngming dongtan Conservation area). Environmental factors by analyzing the final choice, the coastal waters and wetland vegetation as major coastal research factors, and coastal tourism development activities are divided into five types:coastal swimming, canoeing, water cycling water sports, water stage set up and taking a walk by the sea. Taking the undeveloped area as the background study area, this thesis analyzes the impact of heterogeneous landscape to wetland ecosystem in coastal area. Depends on the impact of the heterogeneous landscape to the wetland ecosystem, this thesis also do some research on the ecological risk assessment from the landscape ecology sight, and explore the ecological security of the coastal wetlands issues. Relevant conclusions of this thesis are as follows:1. The coastal area discipline of the LUCC change in large scaleFrom large-scale regional level,1994-2003, urban land, land to be developed, roads, factories, forest and railway landscape area increased, which increased more than the factory area of the landscape, an increase of 3751.54 hm; and rural residential land, farmland, water, beaches and ponds to reduce both the landscape area, of which the largest decline in agricultural landscape area, reducing 3899.17 hm2. This shows that the north shore of Hangzhou Bay, the process of urbanization, the development of rules for the first water into the landscape and farm land to be developed, then the majority of land to be developed into plants, urban development in the main land use types from the field towards the gradual transformation of the factory.2. Heterogeneous landscape evolution and its driving forces in north shore of Hangzhou BayStudy area’s leading landscape as farmland landscape, patch type area change are the most significant change by more than 10%, mainly due to accelerated urbanization, land transfer to the main patch of farmland from the landscape. Rural residential and agricultural landscape patch density decrease in the maximum, a decrease of 3190 and 2778, mainly due to the expansion of urbanization, making other land instead of living in rural landscape and agricultural landscapes; road landscape of LPI values relatively large rate of increase,8.88, beach water landscape and the decline in the value of a larger LPI,4.12 and 4.24. Landscape of rural housing and roads, the landscape gradually trend was contiguous, and beach and water, a large landscape by human disturbance, becoming more and more fragmentation. Water Landscape IJI value changed much the largest 24.62, largely as a result from 94 years to 2007, the government increased the river planning and clear, make water landscape adjacent landscape increase in the number increases; 13 years, aggregation of water changes the landscape of the biggest, fell to 70.32 from 91.25, as the landscape of the area of water decreased, becoming more and more the result of fragmentation.Coastal Landscape heterogeneity of the greatest changes in the farm landscape, the landscape evolution of the driving force has been calculated, without considering the case of irrational land use, economic development and population growth are the two main driving force of agricultural landscape of evolution.3. The impact of heterogeneous landscape change to the coastal area of wetland ecosystemsCoastal tourism development activities on the wetland environment, to form a unique landscape element; coastal tourist areas of landscape structure with the ongoing tourism development activities in increasingly complex; coastal tourism and landscape features than undeveloped wetland ecosystems more diversified; coastal tourist area of dynamic heterogeneity of the landscape is completely different from undeveloped wetland ecosystems; heterogeneous landscape of the coastal wetlands ecosystem are mainly embodied in the material flow, species and landscape dynamic flow4. The impact of the coastal tourism activities on the wetlands ecosystem(1) Overall good water quality, water quality changes significantly in summer and winterThe water qualities of coastal wetlands are both in two and three levels. The water qualities in winter of Fengxian Bihaijinsha are better than in summer; the water qualities in summer of Fengxian Bay Tourism Area are better than in winter; the water qualities in summer of Jinshan City Beach are better than in winter. The reasons is in Fengxian Bihaijinshan, the scenic spot is closed to protect the coastal shore in winter, but Jinshan city beach open to the public and due to lack of effective maintenance of water quality the water quality is decreased. Winter water quality in the background are worse in the summer, mainly due to increased solid waste water. This shows that the development of coastal tourism activities in the tourist season will affect the water quality of the environment, but as the waters closed in low season, it will protect the regional marine water quality.(2) The impact of coastal tourism activities are different due to the type.Fengxian Bihaijinsha tourist area on the chemical properties of the water quality of coastal swimming is the most affected. Canoeing comprehensive water quality impacts on the water is after swimming. The Jinshan City Beach and Fengxian Bay Tourism Area catering activities are not on the local water environment pollution.(3) Coastal tourism development activities enhances the biodiversity of coastal wetland Vegetation in coastal tourist areas of biological diversity has a strong effect of human disturbance. One is in full accordance with the purpose of human travel to transform the landscape, increase the number of alien species, and the other is due to human transformation of wetland type, and the spontaneous response of vegetation ecosystems, such alteration, manifested as increased biodiversity, Such as Dongtan of Chongming Island bird sanctuary and down embankments number of species of vegetation change.(4) Coastal areas of artificial vegetation in the growth has typical ecological thresholdExperimental observation of this thesis found that coastal vegetation typical artificial Phoenix canariensis in addition to the temperature of the lower leaves gradually increased, the height of its growth there is a certain threshold. Phoenix canariensis in more than 5m of the ratio found in leaves was higher than 3~4m plants.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
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