

The Study of Silk Things and Its Images in Tang Dynasty Poetry

【作者】 曾艳红

【导师】 朱易安;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 古典文献, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国自古被称之为“丝国”,丝绸是我国古代最为重要的物质产品之一。古人在使用这些丝绸产品的同时,也以其聪明才智,创造了绚丽如霞的丝绸文化。中国自古又称之为“诗国”,人们创作了浩瀚若烟海的诗词歌赋,并以它们反映着社会生活的方方面面。桑蚕丝绸作为重要的生活内容,一直是历代诗词歌赋中的重要题材。在中国丝绸史上,唐代被称为“中国近世的黎明”,强盛的国力把唐代丝绸生产推到历史的一个高峰,兴盛的丝绸生产为唐人生活提供了丰富的物质基础,也为唐代的文学创作提供了丰富的素材。一方面,唐代的诗文直接取材于丝绸物事,如白居易的《缭绫》和《红线毯》、郑谷的《锦诗》、王建的《织锦曲》、张籍的《凉州词》、温庭筠的《捣衣曲》等,整首诗都咏唱着蚕桑丝绸的主题;另一方面,诗意的表达形求于“趣”。唐诗中如李商隐绮丽的诗风、温庭筠缕金错采的词风,韩偓“香奁体”的格调都表现了晚唐文学审美趣味中的雅兴与奢华,而以丝绸为代表的奢侈和繁华用品正是这种繁缛诗风出现的物质基础。笔者选取了唐诗中一些具有意象特点的丝绸物事,借鉴名物研究的方法,通过细部的解读,勾勒出唐人的生活情景,探讨其在文学世界与现实世界的相似性与差异性,从而揭示其在唐诗中在塑造人物形象、反映社会生活方面的一些特征,以期对唐诗获得一个新的解读方式。本文由绪论、正文、结语三部分组成。绪论部分阐论了本选题的缘起、本论题的研究现状、本文的研究方法、论述范围。正文部分共五章。第一章,唐诗中的丝织物。对唐诗中所提到的丝织物进行释义,并对唐诗中丝织物描写的三个层面:作为物质的丝织物、作为审美参照的丝织物及作为诗歌意象的丝织物描写进行了分析。第二章,唐诗中的丝绸物品。对唐人生活中由丝绸所制成的帷、幕、衾、帐、屏、扇的几种物品进行探讨,以它们在生活中存在过的痕迹来印证唐诗中的描写,以诗歌中的描写来寻找它们在唐人生活中存在过的痕迹。第三章,唐诗中的丝绸服饰。丝绸是唐代女性美的重要载体,是唐代官员服饰等级制度的重要形式,是唐代发达的舞蹈艺术的物质基础。第四章,唐诗中的丝绸工艺。捣衣、纺织、刺绣是形成丝绸美的几道重要工序,也是诗人笔下经常被题咏的对象。在诗人笔下,它们早已超出了物质层面的含义而被赋与了丰富的情感和精神意蕴。第五章,作家作品中的丝绸物事。以白居易、温庭筠、李商隐作品中的丝绸物事为例,分析了唐诗中丝绸物事的存在对作品风格的影响。结语,总结全文,并指出本论题研究可以拓展的领域。

【Abstract】 China has been called "silk empire " since ancient times and silk is one of the most important products at that time.Ancient Chinese took use of these silk products for their life and at the same time,they created bright silk culture.China also be called“poetry empire”, people created Voluminous poemes and these poemes reflects all aspects of social life . As an important part of life contents, Silkworm and silk is an important theme in china ancient poetry. Since Five thousand years ago, as china unique cultural heritage, poetry and silk are like sister twins, they take the rise and fall hand in hand and complement each other. Those descripting and praising silk’s poemes can be seen everywhere.In the history of Chinese silk,Tang Dynasty is known as the "Dawn of Modern China". Powerful national strength push the Tang dynasty silk production to a peak of history. Flourishing silk production not only provides a rich material basis for the Tang Dynasty people,but also provides rich material for their literature. As a visual reflection of social life, Tang poetry is filled with a variety of silk things’description,on the one hand. these poems directly drawn from the silk things.Such as Baijuyi’s《LiaoLing》and《Red Carpet》、Zhenggu’s《Jin》、Wangjian’s《Zhijinqu》、Zhangji’s《Liangzhouqu》、Wentingyun’s《Daoyiqu》,the whole poem sings the subject of silkworm .On the other hand, The expression of poetry of form is to rely on the "Fun ". In the Tang poetry , such as Li shangyin’s lai style, Wentingyun’s magnificent word style, Hanwo’s "Xiang Lian "style shows aesthetic and luxury of the late Tang Dynasty literature. Silk is the material basis for such beautiful poetry style . Bearing in mind the above features, the author picked up and carefully decoded some silk-related materials and events and by which sketched the life pictures of people in Tang dynasty by drawing lessons from the study of things and glossary. By exploring their similarity and disparity between literature world and real world and therefore revealing their characteristics in portraying figures and reflecting social life in the Tang Poems. Also, a new kind of explanation of Tang Poems is expected in this regard.the paper is compose of three parts: Introduction, core text and conclusion. The introduction section elucidated the rationale of taking this project and the state of the art of such kind research. The investigation method and discussion scope are also briefed.The core text is divided into five chapters. Chapter One, the silk texture in Tang poems. In this chapter, what mentioned in Tang poems are explained and the three levels of silk texture in Tang poem, namely, silk texture as materials, as aesthetic standard and as poetic symbols, are analyzed.Chapter Two, silk articles in Tang poems. Those articles made of silk such as curtain, screen, quilt, tent and fan are discussed. The description of which in Tang poems are manifested by the vestige of their occurrence in life. And the occurrence imprints are traced by their description in Tang poems.Chapter Three, the silk costume in Tang poems. The silk is the important carrier of the female beauty of women in Tang Dynasty. It also is the key formalism of hierarchy of official clothes. Moreover, it is further the material basis of the developed dancing arts of Tang Dynasty.Chapter Four, the silk techniques in Tang poems. Punching, weaving and embroidering are the key steps for producing the beauty of silk and also is what all two often poem-chanted by poets in Tang Dynasty. They had been far too beyond what they had at the material’s lever and had been bestowed rich feelings and spiritual significance when depicted by poets.Chapter Five, the things and glossary of silk in the poets’works. Taking the silk things and glossary in the works of Baijuyi、Wentingyun and Li shangyin for examples, the influence of the silk things and glossary in the Tang poems on the literature style are analyzed.Conclusion. Summarize of the full text and indicate the possible extended filed of this topic.


