

【作者】 李学斌

【导师】 梅子涵;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “游戏精神”为童年研究的核心话题,其审美发生与现实效应之于儿童文学具有本体价值,对推进儿童文学基础理论建设也意义重大。论文将分上、下篇探讨“游戏精神”与“儿童文学”之关系。其中,上篇主要为本体论。除追溯“游戏精神”之历史渊源、研究成果外,论述重点落在其儿童文学中的审美发生和现实价值上;下篇为作品论。通过具体的文本分析,印证儿童文学审美实践中,游戏精神之核心价值。行文中,论文渐次行诸以下新创点:一、首次引用哲学阐释学解析儿童文学“游戏精神”,提出“自我表现”乃“游戏精神”之深层心理动因;二、通过“游戏精神”与“儿童文学”之关系考察,倡示“游戏精神”乃儿童文学之“核心价值”。三、首次将“儿童文学之游戏性”分为“表层”和“深层”,以此区分“游戏精神”的不同境界;四、经由与“儿童观”“童年幻想”“儿童幽默”之关系剖析,揭示“游戏精神”之审美发生机制;五、探讨当下儿童文学中“游戏精神”粗鄙化、表象化之审美错讹,为现实提供警示。基于此,本论文实为国内研究“儿童文学与游戏精神”内在关系之重要论述,其不仅对关涉儿童文学基础理论建设的诸多话题做了积极而有益的探讨,而且还将弘扬“游戏精神”之现实价值,并对推进其文学勃兴产生相应作用。

【Abstract】 The "spirit of the game" is a focus topic of the study of childhood. Its aesthetics and functions are the main values of Children’s literature. The "spirit of the game" is also very important to the improvement of basic children’s literature theory.This dissertation has two parts. It discusses the relationship between the "spirit of the game" and children’s literature. Part I is the ontology of the dissertation. Besides for the exploration of history and research of the "spirit of the game", PartⅠplaces emphasis on discussing the aesthetics and functions of the "spirit of the game" in children’s literature. PartⅡis the analysis of works. It verified the aesthetic values of the "spirit of the game" in children’s literature by analyzing some works.In this dissertation, it has several innovative features:(1) It first uses the theory of philosophical hermeneutics to explain the "spirit of the game" in children’s literature and put forward that self-expression is the deep motivation of the "spirit of the game". (2) It explains the "spirit of the game" is the "core value" of children’s literature through the study of the relationship between the "spirit of the game" and children’s literature. (3) It first identifies that the "spirit of the game" has two levels, "surface level" and "deep level". This identification separates the "spirit of the game" into different ambits. (4) The aesthetic system of the "spirit of the game" was discussed by analyzing "children’s ideas", "children’s imaginations", and "children’s humor". (5) It discusses inurbanity and superficiality of applying the "spirit of the game" in current children’s literature, which gives alertness to the reality.This dissertation is an important paper of studying the relationship between "children’s literature" and the "spirit of the game". It does not only positively discuss the impact of the "spirit of the game" on the development of the basic theory of children’s literature, but also shows its values in the reality, in turn, it could benefit for the prosperity of children’s literature.


