

A Study on Mechanism of Restructuring in Aeronautical Industries

【作者】 罗群辉

【导师】 宁宣熙;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以航空工业的结构调整为研究对象,应用企业并购的相关理论,结合航空工业结构调整的特殊环境,分析了航空工业结构调整的经济利益与协同效应的内在机理,在此基础上提出了航空工业结构调整整合的基本框架,系统研究了结构调整的全过程。研究是在静态的经济学分析上展开的,经分析认为,横向结构调整所带来的规模经济效应、纵向调整所带来的交易费用节约以及协同效应是结构调整最主要的经济动因。更为重要的是结构调整所带来的企业竞争实力的增强和社会福利的增加形成了结构调整的内在动力。论文对传统市场结构中的垄断与竞争的效率进行了深入的分析,经济研究认为,在当今的超竞争环境下,垄断的市场结构较分散竞争的市场结构更有效率。从世界市场的范围来看,将企业做大、做强,提高其在国际市场上的竞争优势也是提升国家竞争优势的需要,这形成结构调整的另一动因。分析认为,结构调整的经济利益必须通过协同效应来实现。论文系统研究了管理协同的概念、协同形成的机理以及可能的协同效应来源,应用价值链分析模型从资源共享的角度对结构调整中关联共享进行了识别分析,为结构调整的整合提供了理论指导。论文在前述研究的基础上对结构调整的整合过程进行了系统研究,由于航空工业的结构调整是战略导向的,整合是实现预期目标的必经之路,本文提出应用项目管理的模式来管理整合过程,研究了整合过渡组织的构建,并重点探讨了战略整合、人力资源整合、其它资源整合以及企业文化整合等整合的关键领域,提出了可供借鉴的操作模式。论文最后分析研究了HY公司的结构调整实践,从航空救生领域结构调整的目标出发,HY公司重点进行了军品科研生产平台建设、人力资源与薪酬体系的整合、组织结构及其它有形资源的整合,以供应系统为例重点研究了整合与协同效应的实现,HY公司的整合成功正是本文研究应用的结果。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the research on restructuring of aeronautical industry in China. It uses theories of merger and acquisition, considering the special environment of Chinese aeronautical industry, to analyze the economical reasons and mechanism of M&A synergies in the restructuring of aeronautical industry. Based on the analysis, it provides a consolidation framework for the industry restructuring, and studies the restructuring process.First, the paper, on the basis of static economics, analyzes the drives to the restructuring of aeronautical industry. The study shows that the major drives for the restructuring are economies of scale resulting from horizontal consolidation, the save of transaction cost due to vertical integration, and synergy of M&A. The internal drive of restructuring, more importantly, is to strengthen the competitiveness of the whole industry and increase the social welfare.Second, the paper deeply analyzes the efficiency of monopoly and competition in the traditional market framework. It shows that in the hyper-competition environment, monopoly is more efficient than disperse competition. From the global market point of view, rising business competitiveness in the global market through increasing size and capacity, which in turn leads to the rising of national competitiveness, is another important reason for the restructuring of aeronautical industry.Third, economic benefit of restructuring has to realize through synergy activities. The paper systematically analyzes the managerial synergy concept, mechanism, and resources. It, in the resource sharing point of view, uses value chain methodology to identify the synergies from coefficient sharing. It provides a methodology for the direction of consolidation in the industry restructuring.Fourth, the paper makes a systematic study on the consolidation process of aeronautical industry. Consolidation is the only way of aeronautical industry restructuring, due to its strategic importance. The paper suggests that project management be an effective mode to manage the process, including the establishment of hyper-organization, strategic consolidation, human resource consolidation and other resources consolidations. Corporation. For restructuring aeronautical life saving section, the corporation consolidated five companies, forming an integrated research and production platform for both defense equipments, producing great synergies, including R&D, HR, organization, supply chains and other resources. Its success is due to the application of this paper’s research.


