

Research on Intelligent Design Key Technologies and Packages Development for Aircraft Assembly Tooling

【作者】 潘志毅

【导师】 黄翔;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 飞机装配工装设计受到上游飞机产品设计,下游工装工艺、制造和使用的制约,是飞机快速生产准备的瓶颈环节。提高装配工装设计效率和对飞机结构更改的响应性,减少设计与制造的迭代已成为亟待解决的问题。首先,装配工装设计要求与飞机设计并行,频繁的飞机设计更改活动造成装配工装设计反复修改,工作量巨大;其次,装配工装设计要求与制造并行,部分元件的提前设计制造导致其余元件结构复杂,甚至工装返修;再次,装配工装设计缺乏任务规划和知识驱动设计方法与工具的支持,设计过程中反复大范围迭代,试凑环节多,设计质量和效率过度依赖设计者的经验。本文就上述复杂难点问题进行了研究,采用智能化手段突破相关关键技术,覆盖任务规划、概念设计、详细设计和更改设计等装配工装设计主要环节。本文创新点和成果如下:1)利用设计结构矩阵与多色集合的优势互补特性,提出了一种基于加权有向图向设计结构矩阵与多色集合同步映射的设计过程模型,将装配工装设计规划过程所需信息集成在一个模型中进行综合运算,实现设计过程分析、重组与设计任务分配、调度并行作业,克服了模型不一致造成的反复迭代、规划效率低等问题。2)建立了装配工装概念设计模型,提出了一种基于逻辑构件的分级演进求解布局设计算法,即依次通过定位点级、元件级和工装级骨架轴位域的演进求解获取骨架元件轴线的合理位置。算法充分考虑到可定位性、刚度要求、开敞性和人机工程等因素,避免了装配工装设计与制造的大范围迭代。3)针对装配工装设计知识约束多样性与复杂性特点导致的约束求解困难等问题,建立了一种新的知识约束分类策略,提出了一种支持混合约束类型的知识约束方程组求解算法,通过方程组简化与标准化处理,将非线性问题转化为线性规划问题求解,大大减少人机交互和对设计经验的依赖。4)提出了一种基于控制几何的装配工装变型设计模型,通过主几何层、源控制几何层、衍生控制几何层、部件层和基础库层之间自顶向下和自底而上相结合的综合运算实现装配工装变型设计,从而建立局部飞机结构更改对工装设计模型高效传递的机制,提高了装配工装设计的快速响应和应变能力。5)在上述研究成果基础上开发了飞机装配工装智能设计系统,系统覆盖到装配工装设计主体环节,在三类主要飞机装配工装设计中应用验证,很大程度上满足装配工装快速和智能设计的需求,取得了显著的技术经济效益。

【Abstract】 Aircraft assembly tooling design is restricted by product design, tooling process, manufacture and usage, and has been the bottleneck of rapid aircraft production preparation. It is urgent issue to improve efficiency, collaboration and responsiveness to product change of assembly tooling design and reduce the iteration between tooling design and manufacture. First, assembly tooling design is required to be concurrent with product design, and frequent change activities of aircraft design lead to variance in assembly tooling design. Second, assembly tooling design needs be parallel with manufacture, and some tooling components have been made with the same time of tooling design. As the result, some rest parts and structures of assembly tooling become more complicated. Third, assembly tooling design is short of support from methods and software concerned with design tasks planning and knowledge driven design, and quality and efficiency of assembly tooling design depend on desigers’experience. The dissertation focuses on the key problems of assembly tooling process, including tasks planning phase, conceptual design phase, detailed design phase and design change phase. The research achievements include:1) By complementing one another with the advantages of design structure matrix and polychromatic sets, a new design process model based on synchronous mapping from weighted directed graph to design structure matrix and polychromatic sets is presented. The model integrates the related information including design process analysis and reconfiguration, task distribution and schedule, so it improves the efficiency and accuracy of process planning.2) A conceptual design model for aircraft assembly tooling is proposed. A layout design algorithm based on logical component is brought forward in the model, that is, rational situation of fame element is worked out by evolution computation of anchor-point level, frame-element level and tooling-level in turn. The locatable, rigidity, maneuverability and ergonomics are fully considered, thus design iteration is decreased greatly. 3) In order to reduce complexity and multiplicity in product design knowledge constraints, a new constraint classification strategy is adopted. Furthermore, a solving algorithm for knowledge constraint equation group is presented to deal with complex constraint types. By simplifying and standardizing equation group and converting nonlinear problem into linear one, the algorithm provides a simple and feasible approach to solve complicated knowledge constraints, thus human-computer interaction and dependence on experience are reduced greatly.4) A variant design model is presented to associate assembly tooling design with aircraft structure change. In this model, variant design is realized by top-down and bottom-up operations among the five layers which are master geometry layer, original control geometry layer, derivative control geometry layer, part layer and design base library layer. Due to the response mechanism, the modification design of assembly tooling with the aircraft design change is realized and it improves the efficency of assembly tooling design.5) An intelligent design software package for aircraft assembly tooling is developed based on the above research work. The package supports the main design process of assembly tooling design effectively and has been used in the design of three-type assembly tooling. The application has proved the package can meet the needs of rapid and intelligent design of aircraft assembly tooling.


