

Research on Key Techniques in Digital Power Grid

【作者】 唐跃中

【导师】 韩桢祥; 曹一家;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电气工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近几年来,由于全球气候变暖问题和国际上连续出现的大停电事故,引起了人们对电网安全和新能源开发应用的高度关注。针对目前电网在抵御风险方面的脆弱性,新能源接入和应用方面的局限性,世界电力科研机构和较大的公司都开展了对新一代电网的研究,相继提出了“先进电网”、“智能电网”的蓝图。中国的电力专家们提出了建设数字化电网,最近提出了统一坚强智能电网的概念。本文介绍了数字化电网国内外研究现状和基本概念,认为构建数字化电网的关键技术是体系结构设计、信息建模、信息集成和安全防护等方面;提出了数字化电网分层体系结构和建立数字化电网统一信息模型的方法;设计了数字化电网的数据集成平台、应用集成平台和纵向数据互联通信结构和信息安全防护方案。介绍了上海市电力公司实际应用情况。全文的内容主要包括以下几个章节:第一章分析了电力系统当前面临的挑战,介绍了智能电网的基本定义及其目标和功能。分析了数字化电网与智能电网的关系,指出了智能电网是一系列有关技术的总称,而不是一种广泛接受的规范的特定名词。认为数字化电网既是智能电网技术体系的一个重要组成部分,也是电网发展的一个阶段。在介绍当前国内外研究现状的基础上,剖析了建设数字化电网的若干关键技术。第二章详细阐述了数字化电网的概念和内涵,以信息流为导向,提出了数字化电网的分层体系结构。根据数字化电网的整个信息流向,自下而上将数字化电网按照逻辑分为设备层、传输层、数据层、应用层和展现层。设备层以开发智能化设备为主要特点,数据层以数据中心和数据集成技术为基础,分析应用层以应用集成技术为基础,以支持智能调度和辅助决策为主要优势。本章提出的数字化电网体系结构基于公共标准进行设计,具有系统性和开放性。第三章把信息建模理论引入数字化电网,设计了数字化电网的全景模型。以IEC61970/968 CIM为基础,提出了对电网相关的信息进行统一建模的方法。以最有代表性的变压器资产模型构建过程与资产管理业务流程构建过程为例,分析了数字化电网的数据建模和业务流程建模方法。提出了对CIM模型进行扩展的原则和技术,建立了数字化电网统一信息模型,为信息集成奠定了基础。第四章从信息集成层次论的角度分析了数字化电网信息集成的内在规律,提出了数字化电网数据集成和应用集成方案。数据集成方案基于统一信息模型,采用信息总线技术,主要支持数据信息的横向集成,可有效解决数字化电网信息孤岛问题。应用集成方案采用基于面向服务构架(SOA)和企业服务总线技术,解决数字化电网的实时监控系统与生产、营销等经营管理系统间的集成问题。该方案具有开放和灵活的特点,能够全方位地解决数字化电网的信息集成问题。第五章研究了基于移动智能体(Mobile Agent,MA)技术的数字化电网纵向信息互联的功能需求和技术策略。比较了纵向互联通信网关的三种通信模式,提出了一个基于MA的数字化电网纵向信息互联平台(DPG-VIP)模型,并对其体系结构进行了研究。设计了互联系统与需接入系统的接口方式及API接口。DPG-VIP平台是实现数字化电网全景可观可控的重要基础。第六章结合数字化电网体系机构,分析了信息安全防护的问题和隐患,归纳了数字化电网在控制安全、信息安全和应用安全方面的三大需求。提出了以安全分区隔离和基于角色的访问控制为基础的信息安全防护体系。基于业务连续性设计原理,分析了数字化电网业务连续性需求,设计了容灾系统的总体方案。展望了数字化电网安全防护体系整体架构、关键技术的发展趋势。第七章介绍了在数字化电网在上海市电力公司的工程实践。设计开发了上海市电力数字化电网综合数据平台(SP-IDP)。该平台采用统一信息模型,整合了调度、生产、营销等基础业务数据,支持符合CIM/CIS标准的各类数据服务和决策支持。分析了上海公司的典型应用集成需求,建成了基于SOA构架的应用集成平台,实现了生产管理、用电营销和客户服务等核心应用间的集成,建立了灵活敏捷的跨系统业务流程。设计部署实现了上海市电力公司信息安全防御系统。

【Abstract】 Both the more frequently happened large scope blackouts around the world and the much louder appealing on renewable energy have driven the reputable research institutes and companies to study the new generation power grid. Some new concepts of "Advanced Power System", "Smart Grid" are proposed. Chinese scholars and electrical experts put forward a new idea of ’digital power grid’. The realization of digital power grid relies on upgrading the existing grid like introducing intelligent appliances, data modeling and interfacing, information modeling and integration, offering decision-making function, enhancing cyber security level etc.In this thesis, the international researches on ’’Digital Power Grid (DPG)" and "Smart Grid (SG)" are reviewed and the relations between DPG and SG are compared; A multi-level DPG architecture is designed; A new methodology to build a unified DPG data models is formulated and on which a DPG data model center is developed; The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) frameworks of data integration platform and application integration platform are put forward; Mobile Agent technology is adopted to construct the vertical data communication & interfacing structure; The requirements of cyber security in DPG are analyzed and a new cyber security solution is proposed; And at last, the further studies on DPG are prospected.Chapter 1 makes detail analysis of the challenges facing on China power grid. The objectives and functions of DPG are well introduced. The relation between DPG and SG is contrasted. It points out that Smart Grid is not a precisely defined concept but a technology framework to comprehensively construct the next generation power grid. Digital Grid is not only the important foot stone but also the foundation of Smart Grid. By reviewing the international researches, the key technologies of digital grid are deeply analyzed. The main technical innovation and contents arrangement are outlined at the end of chapter.In Chapter 2 The concept and contents of Digital Grid is summarized systematically. Based on the physical structure of power grid and the information flow going through, A multi-layered architecture of digital power grid is proposed. Following the information flow, the digital power grid is organized into 5 layers as device-layer, transmission-layer, data-layer, application-layer and visualization-layer. With advanced communication and control technologies, digital grid support layered system integration and control. In the device-layer, intelligent electronic devices play main roles, and in transmission and data layers, technology of information integration and data center is critical. Application integration technology is the basis of application-layer while the intelligent dispatching and decision-making are the milestones. The layered Digital Grid architecture proposed in this chapter is a standardized and systematic framework for developing the future power grid.Chapter3 adopts data modeling technology to design an overall system model for Digital Grid. Based on the IEC61970/61968 CIM, a unified modeling methodology is proposed for Digital Grid. Taking the transformer and assets management process as examples, the procedures of assets data modeling and business process modeling are fully developed. Furthermore, the principle and technique to extend the Common Information Model (CIM) is also summarized, and which will be the foundation for building the unified model of Digital Grid and information integration.Chapter 4 analyzes the principles of information integration in Digital Grid, designs a comprehensive information integration platform which can satisfy the requirements of data integration and application integration. The data integration platform is constructed with the unified data models and information bus technology, and will be used to integrate transverse data. The application integration platform is developed with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) technology, which can integrate the business processes between online systems and offline applications. The comprehensive information integration platform is open and flexible, can successfully solve the problem of information integration in Digital Grid.Chapter 5 studies the technique approaches and functional requirements in adopting the Mobile Agent (MA) into vertical intercommunication solution in Digital Grid. Three intercommunication gateways are designed and compared. A model of MA-based DPG-V1P is proposed and constructed. Data interface service that conforms to component interface specification (CIS) as well as the data interface based on API is implemented and tested. The DPG-VIP is the important foundation to realize the overall observation and control of the Digital Grid .Chapter 6 analyses the cyber security challenges and hidden problems in Digital Grid, concludes the Digital Grid cyber security into three fields as control security, information security and application security. By zoomed defense principle and role-based access control technology, a systematic cyber security and defense architecture is induced and designed. The application continuity analysis methodology and blueprint are generalized through introducing business continuity technology into the Digital Grid framework. This chapter also prospects a general structure for the more developed Digital Grid.Chapter 7 implements all the main design and key technologies into the pilot project of digital grid carried out in Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Based on IEC 61970/61968 CIM /CIS and their extensions, A Digital Power Grid Integrated Data Platform (DGP-IDP) is developed, which adopts Utility Information Bus (UIB) to support CIS-compatible information services. And typical enterprise applications based on the IDP are built to empower decision-making ability. By adopting the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) technology and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) , Call Center System, PMS and CMS are integrated together to support new and advanced business processes in SMEPC. This chapter also introduces the structure and solution of the cyber security and defense system implemented in Shanghai power grid and company.A comprehensive pilot project is complemented in Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company and the results are satisfied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

