

Research on Information Integration for Substation Equipment Based on Multi-Agent Technology

【作者】 张金江

【导师】 曹一家; 郭创新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电气工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着变电站自动化技术的发展,变电站中各种设备大量增多,来自不同应用系统的信息也日益丰富。目前变电站设备的状态监测系统往往是由各个厂家针对特定的设备应用,按照自己的理解实现的。由于缺乏统一的标准,目前变电站设备的状态监测系统存在信息难共享、难利用,不同厂家的装置不能互操作、互替换,装置本身可靠性不高、状态不可观测等突出问题,变电站设备的检修与维护成为电力企业面临的一个最大的挑战之一。本文结合IEC61850/IEC 61970系列标准,研究了多智能体平台结构、协作模式、通信模型等理论技术问题,并将其用于分析变电站一次设备状态监测、二次设备的远程维护、设备信息的一体化集成及模型协调等问题,在此基础上构建并实现了统一设备信息模型、统一通信接口体系的变电站设备状态监测信息集成平台。通过这一平台,可以及时、全面地了解变电站设备的运行状态,同时也可以方便地获取并综合利用来自其它应用系统的信息,对于提高变电站设备的健康状况评估的效率和准确性有重要意义。本文的主要研究工作如下:一、首先提出了本文研究的主要问题,并介绍了相关背景;接着概要分析了IEC61850、IEC 61970等国际标准及研究应用现状,然后分析了多源信息融合、SOA、多智能体理论及其在电力系统中的应用现状,分析了目前研究需要解决的一些问题。二、针对变电站信息集成中目前存在的严重的“信息孤岛”问题,提出了一种适合当前变电站发展特点的、兼容变电站遗留设备系统及IEC 61850标准设备的变电站信息集成方案,设计了基于多智能体技术的嵌入式变电站信息一体化平台,研究了基于多智能体技术与IEC 61850标准的系统平台的体系结构、通信机制、智能维护与配置等一系列关键技术等问题。三、在总结变电站设备状态监测技术发展及研究现状的基础上,提出了一种中心级分层分布式变电站状态监测系统,并提出了基于多智能体联邦的设备状态监测系统架构,研究并设计了中心级设备状态监测系统架构的多智能体构成、协同工作模式等关键技术,这一系统架构具有高度的灵活性和适应性。四、基于多智能体理论,提出了适用于分布式异构系统的基于XMLHTTP的智能体通信模型,并结合Web Services技术实现多智能体通信与协调设计了一种变电站智能设备远程诊断与维护系统,分析了设备状态远程监测及远程维护的关键技术,为变电站数字化、电网智能化形势下二次设备的维护提供了一条新的可行的解决思路。五、提出了IEC 61850与IEC 61970系列标准协调的变电站设备状态监测的信息系统架构,分析了变电站设备信息模型的构建、扩展及模型适配问题,设计并实现了支持统一信息模型、统一通信接口的设备状态监测集成平台。通过这个平台,可以全面地收集变电站设备的各种状态信息,同时可以方便地与其它应用系统共享并综合利用。六、介绍了上述研究成果在华东某500kV变电站的综合应用情况:进行了基于IEC 61850/IEC 61970标准的变电站信息一体化平台试点应用,其中包括了信息一体化平台方案部署、基于IEC 61850标准的设备信息模型的构建与扩展、系统关键接口的实现以及主要应用软件界面设计等。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of substation automation technology, large quantity of equipment and information from different application system in substations have increasingly become people’s focus point. Currently, due to the lack of feasible standard, substation equipment condition monitoring systems are implemented by different providers according to their own comprehension to some particular equipment functions. It leads to great difficulty for substation equipment condition monitoring systems in sharing valuable information with other application systems, these problems also include difficulties in information sharing among intelligent electronic devices(IEDs) or application software by different vendors, without interoperability and interchangeability each other, and poor reliability and observability of condition monitoring IEDs themselves. It has become a big challenge to maintenance of substation equipment for power enterprise.In this dissertation, agent theory and methodology including agent platform structure, coordination mode and communication model of multi-agent technology are studied sequently as well as IEC 61850 and IEC 61970 series international standard. And then they are respectively applied in substation information integration platform, condition monitoring system for primary equipment and remote maintenance system for secondary equipment and united model based on efforts to harmonize IEC 61850 and IEC 61970 for both primary and secondary equipment. A substation equipment condition monitoring information platform (CMIP), which characterized equipment unified extended common information model (ECIM) and unified communication interfaces including component interface specification(CIS) and IEC 61850 abstract communication service interface (ACSI), is designed and implemented. By this platform, comprehensive condition information of both primary equipment and secondary equipment can be monitored timely, and also dispersive condition monitoring information can be integrated and exchanged with the other application systems conveniently. It will be significant to improve the efficiency and certainty of substation equipment condition assessment, and to ensure healthy and steady operation of power grid. The research work in this dissertation is organized as the following 6 parts.Ⅰ. The issues to be studied are presented firstly, and the background is introduced as well. The state of arts of IEC 61850 and IEC 61970 are analysed. And then, multi-source information fusion, multi-agent and application on power system and problems should be solved are analysed in succession.Ⅱ. An Embedded Platform for Substation Data Integration (EPSDI) and a compatible interface scheme for both legacy IEDs and standard IEDs based on IEC 61850 is proposed. The software architecture based on multi-agent systems is designed elaborately. And the balance between the stability and the performance can be achieved through the agile distribution configuration and publish/subscribe mechanism among agents. The method can bring a new feasible approach to propelling substation smooth digitalization based on IEC 61850, due to its good application and expandability.Ⅲ. After analysis and conclusion of condition monitoring technology development, an architecture of layered condition monitoring information platform for high voltage equipment in substation based on agent federation coordination mechanism is proposed. Some issues including agent federation structure, coordination mode, and implementation method are studied in particular. With this solution, all the dispersive condition monitoring information can be integrated, shared and exchanged conveniently.Ⅳ. A communication model for distributed and isomerous agent platform is presented based on multi-agent systems and XML interaction. A remote maintenance system for substation secondary equipment based on XMLHTTP and coordination multi-agent and web services technology is designed and implemented. It presents a new method to maintenance system for substation intelligent equipment with the background of digitalized substation and smart grid.Ⅴ. An information architecture of condition monitoring substation equipment system is proposed based on IEC 61850 and IEC 61970 coordination firstly. And then problems of model construction, extension and mapping of substation equipment information are researched by efforts to harmonize IEC 61850 and IEC 61970. Condition monitoring information platform for substation equipment, which is characterized by its unified information model and standard communication interfaces, is designed and implemented as well. By this platform, comprehensive condition information of both primary equipment and secondary equipment can be monitored timely, and also dispersive condition monitoring information can be integrated and shared with the other application systems conveniently.Ⅵ. An application project in one 500kV substation of East China is introduced as the comprehensive verification of the main of research achievements mentioned above. One information integration platform for substation equipment based on coordination of IEC 61850 and IEC 61970 was implemented in the project. Some implement details are introduced sequently, which includes deployment of information integration platform, method of IEC 61850 modelling and extension for equipment condition, implement of communication interfaces architecture, and design of application UI.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期

