

Exploroing China’s Commercial Bank Value Creation

【作者】 杨文冬

【导师】 冯建;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 财务管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 过去20多年来,我国金融体制改革的实践探索及理论创新使我国商业银行发生了巨大的变化,也为国民经济发展做出了重要的贡献。然而不可否认的是,我国的银行业在经营和管理方面还存在着很多问题,与新兴的外资银行相比还是显得竞争力不足。随着我国金融体制改革的不断深入,特别是WTO给予的银行业开放过渡期的结束,我国银行业迎来了一个机遇与挑战并存的时期。2007年1月之后中国金融业基本完成了对外全面开放,外资银行在我国市场显示了其拓展市场、创新业务、优化服务等诸多方面的强劲竞争能力。我国商业银行不仅面临着来自国内同行日益激烈的竞争,同时也面临着来自外资银行的严峻挑战。去年,发端于美国的次贷危机在一年多时间里迅速发展成一场席卷全球的金融危机。面对全球金融危机的冲击以及金融危机对实体经济和社会生活深度影响的逐步显现,我国商业银行既承担着支持经济振兴、结构调整、扩大内需的任务,同时,也承担着对行业自身检讨、改革和发展的重任。因此,作为我国金融体系支柱的商业银行,如何在日益激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,如何发挥本土优势,增强竞争优势将是当前理论界和实务界急需解决的重要问题。我国商业银行必须建立和完善适应经济发展和市场要求的管理体制和经营机制,全面提高综合竞争能力。本文基于核心竞争力理论,借助价值链分析,将商业银行复杂的经营过程解构为一系列既相互独立又相互影响的价值创造环节,并构建了基于核心竞争力的我国商业银行价值创造研究的战略框架。在该框架下,商业银行通过分析自身的内部资源、能力以及外部环境,由此判断竞争优势所在,制定竞争战略;在该战略指导下确定价值链上能够形成核心竞争力的战略环节。本文还进一步针对各个价值创造的战略环节系统地讨论了各环节价值创造的现状、特征,并提出了切实可行的优化策略。结合核心竞争力理论和价值链理论来研究商业银行的价值创造,对于提高我国商业银行价值创造的能力、增强核心竞争力具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文共分九章,各章内容安排如下:第一章“绪论”。首先结合市场环境的变化阐述了本文研究课题提出的背景,并说明了本文研究我国商业银行价值创造的理论价值和实践意义;接着对当前国内外关于商业银行核心竞争力以及价值链的理论研究和应用研究现状进行了总结和分析,指出目前利用核心竞争力理论对我国商业银行价值链进行的研究整体水平较低,研究成果较少,尚未形成一个完整的研究体系,对商业银行的经营实践缺乏指导性建议;最后给出了本文研究思路和内容框架,并总结了本文的创新之处。第二章“基于核心竞争力的价值创造相关理论”。本章首先介绍了两个重要的基本理论:核心竞争力理论和价值链理论的相关内容,为后文的分析奠定了理论基础,并说明了价值链与价值创造的关系。借鉴波特的价值链理论,本章将商业银行价值链定义为:商业银行为实现金融服务、赚取利润而从事的在经济效果上和技术上相对独立但又相互关联的一系列价值创造活动所组成的价值链系统。第三章“基于核心竞争力的我国商业银行价值创造研究”。首先在借鉴国外商业银行价值链管理的成功经验基础上,对我国商业银行价值链进行了分析,厘清商业银行价值创造活动和价值链构成,为本章基于价值链的深入讨论奠定了分析的基础,并将我国商业银行的价值链系统划分为内外两个部分,内部基础价值链包括实体链(资金筹集、资金运用)、内部优化、虚拟价值链(风险管理、服务创新)。外部衍生价值链主要指商业银行与其他战略伙伴组成的利益共同体。接下来制定了基于核心竞争力的我国商业银行价值创造的研究框架。该框架分为三个层次,分别是(1)根据资源、能力、环境确定竞争战略,(2)通过价值链分析确定“战略环节”,(3)在各战略环节上实施价值链管理。最后分析了目前我国商业银行面临的现实问题,即对商业银行的资源优势和缺陷以及面临的机会和挑战进行了SWOT分析,并提出商业银行优化价值创造活动时应该遵循的几个重要原则。以后的第四章至第九章就分别按照价值链分析确定的战略环节,按照“商业银行资金筹措的价值创造”、“商业银行资金运用的价值创造”、“商业银行内部优化的价值创造”、“商业银行风险管理的价值创造”、“商业银行服务创新的价值创造”、“商业银行衍生价值链的价值创造”五个部分,依次阐述商业银行在价值链的各个环节上价值创造的相关理论、特点评价、价值创造策略和案例分析。商业银行的资金筹措,是商业银行为投资或其他经营项目吸收资金或资本的活动,是商业银行价值链的起始环节。资金筹措是整个商业银行经营活动的基础。目前我国商业银行的利润创造较依赖于存贷利差产生的收入,在筹集资金环节上,成本将成为主要的驱动因素和关注点,因此本文提出在资金筹措环节采用作业成本法来提升价值创造能力。资金运用是商业银行利润的主要来源和基础,是最核心的价值创造环节,并且能够带来交叉业务的增长。然而资金运用活动不同于资金筹措活动,它是和风险紧密联系的。传统的以经营利润为核心的经营目标体系往往通过盲目的规模扩张忽视了资本约束与风险管控,使银行积累了大量未被覆盖的风险,形成隐患。通过经济资本管理使商业银行将有限的经济资本在各类风险、各个层面和各项业务之间进行分配,衡量各类组合资产的风险收益,对商业银行总体风险和各类风险进行总量控制,使商业银行价值得以提升。内部优化环节以平衡计分卡作为理论分析工具,构建了内部优化的实施框架,主要包括流程再造、组织重构、人力资源、企业文化、信息化以及内部控制等六种内部辅助价值创造活动。(1)流程再造贯穿于商业银行改革全过程,是重中之重。传统的商业银行流程因组织而定,形成职能型群体,将完整的业务流程分割开来。应通过流程再造,使商业银行逐步转变为“流程银行”。(2)科学的组织架构作为商业银行整体管理框架,有利于商业银行的管理、业务开展及稳定,我国商业银行应以循序渐进的方式在相对独立的业务板块率先推行“事业部制”,待条件成熟之后全面推行“矩阵式组织架构”。本文还针对人力资源、企业文化、信息化以及内部控制等内部活动提出了优化的具体措施。风险管理作为商业银行经营管理的重要组成部分,不单独创造价值,但却是重要的价值保障措施,正日益成为商业银行核心能力的重要来源之一。风险管理具有事前管理、主动动态管理、全面性、连续性、自律性、社会性等特征。文章第七章分析了我国风险管理的现状和问题,并按照巴塞尔协议的分类,分别对信用风险、市场风险和操作风险提出了相应的价值创造策略。在服务创新环节,本文提出应该将金融创新的过程与客户关系管理(CRM)战略的推行相结合,其核心是顾客价值的发掘、利用、整合和实现。服务创新按照最终产品的营销效果可分为产品创新与营销创新两个方面。产品创新应遵循针对性原则、简单易行原则、自主创新与借鉴相结合的原则和效益性原则,通过构建“金融超市”,创新个人零售业务的产品组合,和发展网上银行业务等手段增强产品创新的能力。在营销创新方面,应建立以市场为导向、以客户为中心、以效益为目标的营销观念,并致力于整体营销创新、产品营销创新、关系营销创新、内部营销创新、服务营销创新、品牌营销创新和网络营销创新。扩展商业银行外部衍生价值链是商业银行寻求资源共享、优势互补、增强综合服务能力和提高竞争能力的重要手段。在不具备优势的环节寻求战略伙伴、组建联盟、实现增值通常有四种方式:(1)优势互补的行业联盟——与国内其他银行联盟;(2)低附加值业务外包的交易联盟——与外部服务公司联盟;(3)充分利用资源展开业务能力的职能联盟——与其他金融机构联盟;(4)借助外部智力运用信息技术的动态联盟——与信息技术企业结盟。另外,通过与其他银行或非银行金融机构合作,商业银行还可以大力发展代理业务、业务外包、保理业务、基金托管业务等中间业务。本文的研究不仅是对价值创造理论在理论上进行的总结、补充和完善,而且研究思路从现有的研究角度来看有创新性和重要的理论价值。具体说来,本文的创新之处在于:(1)从价值创造的角度来理解商业银行的战略管理和经营活动是一个全新的视角;(2)基于以普拉哈拉德和哈默尔等为代表的核心竞争力理论以及波特的价值链理论,构建了一个全新的商业银行价值链理论系统,并以此为基础搭建了一个较为完整的战略分析框架;(3)按照商业银行价值链上的战略环节,依次详细分析了各个战略环节价值创造的原理,以及如何通过价值链的优化来整合商业银行内外资源以提升核心竞争力,提出了可操作的指导性建议。本文的研究为我国商业银行优化价值链管理模式,全面提升核心竞争力提供了可供参考的切实可行的实施路径,对于我国商业银行积极应对危机和市场挑战,促进我国商业银行和金融业的发展都具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 During the past 20 years, practical exploration and theoretical innovation in China’s financial system reform have not only made the commercial banks change dramatically but also made important contributions to the development of domestic economy. However, undeniably, there are still many problems in China’s banking management whose competitive power is not strong enough comparing with the foreign banks. With the constant development and reformation of monetary system, China’s commercial bank meets a period of coexistence of opportunity and challenge especially after the end of transition period given by WTO. Foreign banks show their strong competitive power in market prolongation, originality innovation, service optimization after January 2007 when China’s financial industry has basically opened up. China’s commercial banks are faced with increasing competitions not only from domestic counterparts but also from foreign banks. Subordinate mortgage crisis starting from America last year has swiftly expanded into a global financial crisis in just one year. Faced with the impact of global financial crisis and the gradually increasing effect on the real economy,commercial banks of China undertake the task of supporting the economic revitalization, restructuring, and stimulating domestic demand as well as innovating and developing. China’s commercial banks are required to establish and improve management system and operational mechanism in order to adapt to the economic development and market requirement.Based on the core competence theory, with the aid of the value chain analysis, this paper deconstructs commercial banks’complex business processes into a series of aspects of value creation links which are both independent and interactive. Meanwhile, it constructs a strategic framework about optimizing value creation in China’s commercial banks. In the framework, through the analysis of their own internal resources, capabilities and external environment, commercial banks could determine their competitive advantage and competitive strategy. With combination of core competence theory and value chain theory, Researches on the value creation of commercial banks have an important theoretical value and practical significance on how to prove the ability of creating value and enhancing the core competence.This article is divided into 9 chapters, each chapter is as follows:Chapter 1: Introduction. It has elaborated the backgroud of this research subject combined with the changes of market environments and given the framework of ideas and content, as well as a summary of the innovations.Chapter 2: theory of value creation based on the core competence. In this chapter, the value chain of commercial banks is defined as: the value chain system consisted of series of activities relatively independent but interrelated in the economic and technical effects.Chapter 3: China’s commercial banks’value creation research based on the core competence. After the SWOT analysis of commercial banks, several important principles and strategic framework are proposed which could optimize the value creation activities. The framework is divided into three levels: (1) determine competitive strategy according to the resource, capacity and environment; (2) determine "strategic links" through the value chain analysis; (3) implement the value chain management on each strategic link.Chapter 4 to chapter 9: In accordance with the definite strategic links, we elaborate the value creation theories, the characteristic appraisals, the value creation strategies and the cases on value chain’s links. They are: Chapter 4: China’s commercial banks’value creation based on the fund-raising; Chapter 5: China’s commercial banks’value creation based on the use of funds; Chapter 6: China’s commercial banks’value creation based on internal optimization; Chapter 7: China’s commercial banks’value creation based on risk management; Chapter 8: China’s commercial banks’value creation based on service innovation; Chapter 9: China’s commercial banks’value creation based on derivative value chain.The value creation ability in fund-rising link is limited so that in this paper, activity-based cost analysis is proposed to improve it. The use of funds is the main source of bank profits and the core value creation link which can bring with cross-business growth. Through economic capital management, limited capital is allocated between all types of risks, all levels and various businesses so that the value of commercial banks is maximized.Balanced scorecard is used as theoretical analysis tool in the internal optimization link whose implementation frameworks include process reengineering, organizational restructuring, human resources, corporate culture, information technology and internal control.China’s commercial banks should firstly carry out multidivisional structure in relatively independent business section and then comprehensively implement "matrix organizational structure" when the conditions are ripe.Risk management is an important safeguard measure. The corresponding value creation strategy is proposed on the credit risk, market risk and operational risk.In the service innovation link, the process of financial innovation should be combined with the implementation of CRM strategy and its core is exploring ,using integration and achievement of customers’value.Improving derivative value chain is an important means on searching for resources sharing, complementary, enhancing integrated service capacity and improving competitiveness. Commercial banks can also develop agency business, business outsourcing, factoring, fund custody business and other intermediary business.This study not only summarize, complement and complete the theory of value creation, its research ideas are innovative as well which have an extremely important theoretical value.Specifically, the innovations lie in: (1) to understand the strategic management and business activities from the perspective of value creation is totally new; (2) have built a new theory of value chain systems in commercial banks on the basis of Prahalad and Hamel’s core competence theory and Porter’s value chain theory. Meanwhile, we structured a more complete strategic analysis framework. (3)after detailed analysis of the principle of value creation, have proposed operational guidance suggestions on how to enhance the core competitiveness through optimization of value chain and integrating internal and external resources.This study has provided a practical path of enhancing the core competitiveness and optimizing the value chain management model in China’s commercial banks which are of great significance on actively responding to market challenges and promoting China’s commercial banking and financial industry.


