

A Study on Consumption Mode of Residents under the Constraint of Resources and Environment

【作者】 许进杰

【导师】 尹世杰; 王裕国;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 消费经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 人与自然之间的关系,在某种程度上就是人的消费行为、消费方式与对资源的开发、利用,或对环境的污染、破坏的关系。面对当前全球日益严重的资源枯竭和环境危机等现状,毋庸置疑,自近现代社会以来,现实生活中一部分人存在的高消费、过度消费、炫耀性消费等不合理的消费行为扮演了一个重要的角色。这种在西方不少国家和地区存在的、受人们消费过度驱使下的不可持续的消费行为和模式,在较大程度上造成了自然资源的日益耗竭和生态环境的不断破坏。虽然西方许多发达国家已经在重视本国的资源节约和环境保护,但是,这种超前于当前世界各国经济实际发展水平,损害子孙后代利益的不可持续的消费模式,不仅造成了严重的资源耗损和环境破坏,导致人与自然关系的紧张,而且也严重毒化了社会风气,造成了居民消费道德和环境伦理的沦丧,明显不利于社会的全面进步和人的全面发展。本文正是基于资源环境继续恶化的现实情况,在对消费的涵义、跨学科性质和属性、人与自然间关系的理论回顾和评价等问题分析的基础上,探讨了居民日常生活领域存在的一些不可持续的消费行为和模式,已经或正在对资源环境产生越来越严重的影响和压力。通过对资源环境约束下的消费增长与可持续发展的理论纵深分析,笔者认为改善居民的消费模式是实现经济社会可持续发展的一个重要条件。因此,在当前资源环境日益趋紧的约束条件下,为贯彻落实科学发展观,促进人的全面发展和社会文明与进步,实现人口消费与社会、经济、资源、环境可持续的科学发展,必须构建生态化的居民消费模式——生态文明型消费模式。全文共17余万字,分六章展开。第1章,导论。主要对论文的研究背景、研究意义、文献综述、逻辑线索、研究方法和结构等方面进行了说明。第2章,认识居民消费和消费模式。本章从消费的涵义入手,通过跨学科分析方法,探讨了消费的多学科性质和属性,认为居民消费最终表现为人类与大自然之间的物质和能量交换关系。近现代社会以来,西方社会存在的受人们消费需要过度驱使下的不合理消费行为,在较大程度上造成了消费与生态环境之间的尖锐矛盾。因此,实现人与自然的和谐发展理应成为实现消费和谐的应有之义。基于这种思考,笔者简要地回顾和评介了古今中外有关人与自然关系的理论,确认人与自然的和谐关系应当是合理开发和利用自然资源,使人类生存与发展的需求同自然生态之间的矛盾不断得到有效解决,实现人口消费与社会、经济、资源、环境诸方面平衡和协调发展。最后,通过对消费模式的内涵、界定的认识,以及人类消费的发展历程的分析和阐述,笔者初步提出了生态文明型消费是21世纪生态文明社会符合可持续发展要求的居民消费模式。这为本文第6章的分析提供了铺垫。第3章,居民消费模式变化与资源环境约束。人与自然的关系在一定程度上表现为居民消费与自然生态环境的关系。事实上,除人为的社会环境外,自然资源和生态环境是否良好无不对居民的消费需要满足和消费方式选择产生重要的影响,它直接关系到人的生存、享受和发展需要的满足和实现程度;而在全球资源环境问题日趋严重的近现代社会,因追求不可持续的消费满足而引起的居民消费模式变化,使得这一问题更加严重和深刻。尤其是居民生活中存在的大量使用一次性消费品和过度包装产品、生活垃圾随意丢放等不可持续的生活和消费行为,已经或正在对自然资源和生态环境造成越来越大的影响和破坏,人们赖以生存的资源环境为此付出了巨大的代价。显然,寻求科学合理、资源节约、环境友好型的现代消费模式已刻不容缓。第4章,中国居民消费模式变化与资源环境约束:以食品消费为例。本章为案例分析。随着经济社会的持续高速增长和居民收入的迅速提高,我国城乡居民整体已由改革开放前的尚未解决温饱,进步到改革开放后的解决温饱,步入小康。目前,食品消费已进入结构不断调整,水平逐步提高的新的发展阶段。居民食品消费方式发生了重大变化,即食品消费逐渐由生存型向“享受型”方向发展。与此同时,却出现了一些浪费资源、破坏环境的消费行为,如大量使用过度包装食品、外出就餐大搞奢侈消费等,造成了巨大浪费。这必然加剧了森林、土地和淡水等资源的供给压力;而农业生产大量使用农药、化肥等,以及大规模畜禽养殖业所产生的环境污染,不仅使居民食品消费所面临的资源环境压力更加沉重,而且在一定程度上制约了我国农业的可持续发展。第5章,资源环境约束下的居民消费增长与可持续发展。本章为理论纵深分析章节。全球资源性供给日益趋紧必然使居民生活中存在的一些不合理消费行为难以继续维持下去,消费增长的不可持续性问题变得更加严峻和突出;消费增长,尤其是粗放式消费增长,在强劲推动经济粗放式增长的同时,不可避免地给资源环境造成了严重的消极影响,进而深刻地制约着国民经济的可持续发展。在本章,笔者从居民消费增长入手,依据“消费增长→经济增长→经济发展→可持续发展”这条传导主线和发展规律,分析和探讨了居民消费增长的可持续性对实现经济社会可持续发展的极端重要性,最后得出“改善居民的消费模式是实现经济社会可持续发展的一个重要条件”的结论。在依据这条传导主线的纵深探讨过程中,笔者对资源环境约束下的消费、增长与可持续发展之间的相互影响机制和内在联系机理进行了比较和分析,并辅之以我国近60年消费体制变迁历程,美国能源消费模式转型等事例分析,认为转换不可持续的消费模式是实现我国经济社会可持续发展的重要保证。第6章,资源环境约束下的居民消费模式的构建。党的十七大报告首次提出将生态文明确定为我国全面建设小康社会的重要战略目标。基于生态伦理、环境道德和消费文明等道德价值评判标准不断向经济领域延伸的发展趋势,为贯彻落实科学发展观,促进经济社会的全面协调可持续发展,最终达到实现社会的全面进步和人的全面发展,笔者提出了资源环境约束下的居民消费模式——生态文明型消费模式。在对生态文明型消费模式的内在规定性和重要作用的分析基础上,笔者认为这种消费模式把消费置放于“人—社会—经济—自然”宏大坐标体系中予以整体考虑,将伦理道德和价值标准扩展到非人的自然生态系统,认为人类永远是整个生态系统的一个组成部分。因此,生态文明型消费模式重新定位了人类的生活方式和消费方式,是人类社会21世纪资源环境趋紧约束条件下居民消费发展模式的新形态。最后,笔者从政府、企业和消费者等三个方面来构建居民生态文明型消费模式。本文以资源环境约束下的居民消费模式为研究对象,力图在以下几方面得到理论上的突破和创新。1.关于人类经济行为与资源环境之间的关系,消费经济学、资源与环境经济学、生态经济学、可持续发展经济学等学科均进行了许多较深入的研究,但从居民消费的角度来探讨经济行为与资源环境间关系的研究并不多;即使已有的这方面的研究大多是从经济层面的视角对消费模式进行探讨,其最终目的主要侧重于追求人类经济利益或消费效用的最大化。本文把居民消费活动置放于“人—社会—经济—自然”这一宏大的坐标体系之中,将伦理道德和价值标准扩展到非人的自然生态系统,认为居民消费活动不仅是一种经济现象,同时还是一种社会和文化现象,具有多学科的内涵、性质和属性。本文主要从经济学、社会学、伦理学、生态学和法学等多学科领域对居民消费模式进行了较系统地分析和探讨,结合消费的跨学科性质,尝试构建资源环境约束条件下科学合理的居民消费模式。2.在当前资源环境日益趋紧约束条件下,转换居民生活领域中存在的不合理的消费模式,是为了实现人口、社会、经济、资源和环境的可持续发展。从促进居民消费增长到实现经济社会的可持续发展,其传导实现机制并非“一蹴而就”的。本文依据“消费增长→经济增长→经济发展→可持续发展”这条传导主线和发展规律,较深入地分析和探讨了从“消费增长”到“可持续发展”的路径依赖和逻辑联系,经济增长所面临的发展困境的发生机制,以及资源环境约束下的消费、增长与可持续发展之间的相互影响机制和内在联系机理,最后得出“改善居民的消费模式是贯彻落实科学发展观,实现经济社会可持续发展的一个重要条件”的结论。3.纵观现代消费模式的发展历程,绿色消费和可持续消费的提出,是人类消费文明和道德价值观的巨大进步。基于生态伦理、环境道德和消费文明等道德价值评判标准不断向经济领域延伸的发展趋势,为贯彻落实科学发展观,建设人与自然和谐发展的生态文明,促进经济社会的全面协调可持续发展,最终达到实现社会的全面进步和人的全面发展,笔者提出了资源环境约束下的居民消费模式——生态文明型消费模式。与绿色消费相比,笔者认为绿色消费应寓入生态文明型消费之中,是生态文明型消费模式外延的重要组成部分。作为一种可持续消费模式,生态文明型消费模式对人类消费进行了综合性、多层面、多线性的交叉思考,重新定位了人类的消费行为和方式,为人类认识自己提供了一种更加科学合理的消费观念视角和价值尺度。因而,构建生态文明型消费模式体现了更广义上的科学发展观要求。

【Abstract】 The relationship between mankind and nature, to some extent, is the relationship between the human behavior and mode of consumption and the exploiting and development on resources and the pollution and damage on environment. Though we can not definitely say that changes of resources and environment were responsible for human consumptive behavior, however, in the face of growing global resource depletion and environmental crisis, it is no doubt that human consume play a very important role, especially such the unsustainable consumption patterns as high-consumption, over-consumption, and conspicuous consumption. It is precisely because of the existence of waste of resources, environmental damage-based consumption patterns in many countries and regions of modern Western society, especially the consumption needs of people affected by excessive“desire”to meet the unreasonable driven consumption patterns, damaged our ecological environment a greater extent. Although the Western developed countries had paid attention to the country’s resource-saving and environmental protection, however, the irrational consumption patterns of Western society that is ahead of the current actual level of economic development in the world in, not taking into account the interests of future generations, not only caused the severe resource depletion and environmental damage, led to tensions between mankind and nature, even confrontation, but also severely poisoned the social atmosphere, causing the lost of consumer morality and environmental ethics, which is obviously not conducive to the all-round development and social civilization and progress.In this paper, based on the actual situation and background conditions of the increasingly serious problem of resources and the environment, on the base of such issues as the meaning of consumption, interdisciplinary nature and attributes of the relationship between man and nature, a review and assessment of the theoretical analysis, discussing unsustainable pattern of consumption behavior and mode which is being more and more serious environmental impact and pressure in the daily life. Through the deep analysis of consumption growth and the theory of sustainable development, I think that we should improve people’s consumption patterns in order to achieve the goal which is an important condition for socio-economic sustainable development. Therefore, under the conditions of the increasingly tight binding of resources and environment in the current, to implement the scientific concept of development, to promote the overall development and social civilization and progress, and to the achievement sustainable development of population consumption and the social, economic, resources, environment, we must construction of eco-consumption patterns of residents, which is“Consumption Mode of Ecological Civilization”. The full text is about 17 million words, sub-launched seven chapters.Chapter 1 is an Introduction. The chapter described the background of research, significance, document overview and review, the logic of clues, research methods and structure.For the beginning from the meaning of consumption, Chapter 2 analysis the multidisciplinary nature and attributes of consumption by the way of interdisciplinary, and think that consumption is the ultimate performance of human and nature relationship between material and energy exchange. In modern society, unsustainable consumption patterns on the need of over-consumption by some“desire”, is reflecting the sharp contradictions between the consumption and the ecological environment in a larger extent. In fact, residents’consumption finally performed the relationship of material and energy exchange between human and nature. Based this, the title recalled and reviewed the theory about the relationship between man and nature, and thought that the harmony between man and nature should reasonably exploit and utilized and consume natural resources, effectly solve contradictions between the needs of human survival and development and the natural ecological, and maintain and enhance the capacity for sustainable development of economic social and natural, finally achieve a balanced and coordinated development of consumption, society, economy, resources and environment. On the basis the analysis and elaboration of the connotation, definition and development process of consumption pattern, the author preliminary made consumption mode of ecological civilization, which is in line with the requirements of construction of ecological civilization and sustainable development, which provides the groundwork for the analysis of Chapter 6.Relationship between man and nature to some extent reflected relationship between the consumer and the natural ecological environment. In fact, whether about natural resources and ecological environment is good or not have an important impact on the demand of the residents’consumer choices and consumption patterns and so on, which directly reflect related the degree of satisfaction and realization of human survival, enjoyment and development needs. Not only that, with the increasingly serious global resources and environmental problems in modern society, the problem became more serious and deepening due to the arising changes of residents’consumption patterns because of the pursuit of unsustainable patterns of consumption meet. In particular, such unsustainable consumption mode as disposable consumer goods and excessive packaging products with a large number, and the freely thrown waste in the life, which has being increased the impact and damage on natural resources and ecological environment, and has paid a heavy price of resources and the environment which people survive in the life. Clearly, it is no time to lose that we try to find the modern consumption mode which is scientific and rational, resource-conserving, environment-friendly.Chapter 4 is an example for food consumption. With the continuous and rapid increase of socio-economy and the rapid residents’income growth, the Chinese is entering a new stage of development, which from the issue of food and clothing not being resolved before China’s reform and opening-up, to be resolved gradually after that time, until now, to be new stage of development which the consumption structure is continuously adjusted, consumption level tends to raise, and consumption mode is growing diversification. At the same time, food consumption mode of the residents have been some significant changes with that from survival-type to the direction for“enjoyment”, but there have been some consumer behavior, i.e. resources waste, environmental damage, such as large-scale use of excessive packaged food, luxury consumption eating outside by carrying out with enormous waste, which is bound to the supply of pressure from resources such as the forest, land and freshwater. Not only this, large-scale use of pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural means of production in the process of agricultural production, as well as large-scale livestock poultry breeding industry arising from pollution of all kinds, not only resources and environmental pressures become more serious which faced by residents’food consumption, to some extent, restricted the sustainable development of agriculture.Chapter 5 tends to a depth theoretical analysis. Consumption growth, especially the extensive consumption, although promotes strongly economic growth, but inevitably result in a very serious negative impact on resources and the environment, and the sustainable development of the national economy more profoundly. According to the main line and the development of the law of conduction from“consumption growth”to“economic growth”, to“economic development”, to“sustainable development”, Title analysis the extreme importance of socio-economic of the development about the sustainability of consumption growth. Finally, the title came to the conclusion that“improving people’s consumption mode is an important guarantee for achieving socio-economic objectives of sustainable development”. In this process, the chapter compares and analysis deeply the mechanism and the mechanism of internal relations among consumption, growth and sustainable development under the constraints of resources and the environment, supported by the change of consumption structure nearly 60 years in China, and energy consumption patterns of the United States and other examples of transition, and come a conclusion which constraints of unsustainable population changes in consumption patterns is an important guarantee to achieve the objectives of sustainable development in our country.Chapter 6 is the path and the implementation of countermeasures about consumption mode of residents. Ecological civilization is identified as an important strategic objective of well-off society for the first time in the 17th National People’s Congress of CPC. Based on the development trend which ecological ethics, environmental ethics and moral values of consumers continue to extend to economic field, we analysis and explore the internal properties and the important role of ecological consumption, and concluded that consumption mode of ecological civilization is a new location of consumer development under the constraints of resources and environment in the 21st century. Based on the inherent and role of consumption mode of ecological civilization, I think that the kind of mode put consumption on the place of“people - the social - economic– natural”, and expanded ethics and values to inhuman standards of natural ecosystems. Consumption mode of ecological civilization is a new reorientation of human lifestyles and consumption mode of human society. Finally, the author built consumption mode of ecological civilization from three areas, which is the government, enterprises and consumers.The study about consumption mode of residents under the constraints of resources and environment is in order to achieve theoretical breakthroughs and innovation in the following.1. On human economic behavior and the relationship between resources and environmental issues, there are many more in-depth studies as following subjects: consumer economics, environmental economics, ecological economics, resource and environmental economics and others. However, there are not many studies about the issue of resources and environment from the perspective of the consumer. Even if the existing research about the consumer model are broad, and mostly focus on the ultimate goal of the pursuit of economic interests or consumption of human effect maximization from the perspective of the economic. In this paper, consumer activities are placed on the grand system of coordinates of“people - the social - economic– natural”, and expanded ethics and values to inhuman standards of natural ecosystems. The consumer activities are not only an economic phenomenon, but a social and cultural phenomenon, which contains multidisciplinary nature and attributes. This paper analysis and discuses consumption mode mainly from economics, sociology, ethics, ecology and law fields, combining with the interdisciplinary nature of the consumer, to try to build a scientific and reasonable consumption mode of residents under the constrains of resources and environment.2. Under the increasingly tight constraints of resources and environment in the current conditions, the goal for change of unreasonable consumption mode of residents is to achieve the sustainable development of demographic, social, economic, resource and environmental. From the promotion of people’s consumption growth to the achievement for sustainable socio-economic development, it is not a“quick”for intrinsically linked to its mechanism and transmission mechanism. Based on the main line and the development of the law of conduction, which is from“consumption growth”to“economic growth”, to “economic development”, and to“sustainable development”, this paper analysis and discuss the logic of path dependence from the“consumption growth”to“sustainable development”, and the mechanism of development about economic growth, as well as the mechanism of internal relations among consumption, growth and sustainable development under the constraints of resources and environment, and finally came to the conclusion, which is“improving the consumption mode of residents is an important guarantee for implementing the scientific development concept, and retaliating sustainable socio-economic development.3. Throughout the modern history of the development of consumption mode, green consumption and the sustainable consumption is a great progress of human consumption civilization and moral values. To implement the scientific development concept, building an ecological civilization of harmonious development of man and nature, and promoting sustainable development of comprehensive and coordinated in economic society, achieving the ultimate all-round social progress and human development, the author puts forward consumption mode of ecological civilization under the constraint of resources and environment. Compared with the green consumption, I believe that green consumption should be put into the consumption mode of ecological civilization, which is an important part of the extension.As a model of sustainable consumption, the consumption mode of ecological civilization had a comprehensive, multi-faceted, multi-linear cross-thinking, re-posited of human behavior and ways of consumption, and providing a scientific reasonable consumption value of the concept of perspective and scale in order to understand their own humanity..


